You can get the play & charge kits on the and other similar sites for really low price .. 5 bucks max. I just ordered USB charging station for the 360 controller battery. it comes with another Play & Charge cable and another battery :) it costs me 5 dollars.. That way I will be able to play the games without need of that cable anymore :) easy. The other thing is if you will find it helpful to have no cables at all. I like it because I don't need to worry about the cable length if I want to go play from my bed :)
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Forget about play and charge, just get a 4pack of eneloop rechargables. Those things are rated for 1800 charging cycles, pair them with a simple charger and they'll last longer than your controller. It'll cost about the same (eneloop brand charger + 4 AA batteries for around €15) but it'll last longer and you can use them for other stuff as well.
That is, IF you choose to go for wireless, it's a large relative price difference for something you might not use very often.
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I don't really see the necessity in having wireless, especially given the ridiculous difference in price for 360 controllers. If anything, I'd imagine it would get annoying having to change the batteries all the time. More than happy with my wired one.
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Prefer a wired controller over a wireless becoz the vibration is much better, the battery is no issue.
But as far as the range goes the wireless controller is a good option, i personally use wireless becoz of the size of my room
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Personally I think a wired XBox 360 one is better for PC Gaming. I use a wired 360 & it works like a charm. Usually just plug & play. No problems at all. In some games you might have to turn controller on but that's it. Normally prefer PS3 controllers over XBox but having one is easier than trying to configure MotioninJoy to work with the PS3 controller. :)
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Yeah. At first I went with a PS3 controller because that's what we had & don't own an XBox but tbh it was just so annoying that we went out & bought a XBox controller pretty damn quick XD! The problem I found is that in a lot of games the buttons just didn't exist even with using things like MotioninJoy so basically made it completely pointless.
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I've got a wireless controller because I often swap displays to a second monitor that's in another room, where a wired one wouldn't reach. I'm happy with it, and combined with something like xPadder it's really handy for controlling the comp from the other room, but if a wired controller did everything I needed it to I'd opt for that instead. There are times where the wireless receiver gets a little screwy and requires a reboot or driver reinstall (and others have had issues with them burning out), batteries aren't a huge issue with a cheap pair of rechargeables but still a minor inconvenience, and I've run into a couple times where games have had minor compatibility issues with it that apparently aren't present with the wired version.
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I love my wired controller. I have 2 wireless and 1 wired and even while playing the xbox my first choice is always the wired one. The wire doesn't get in the way in my living room and I'm guaranteed that I'll be able to play without silly batteries interrupting me.
I also use it on my pc and it works great.
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Unless you're planning to sit very far from your computer, I'd say go with a wired controller. Cheaper, and no need to screw with batteries/adapters.
I opted for a Logitech F510 myself (wired, has both XInput and DirectInput) and am very happy with it.
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I have wired one, and I think it works nice. The wire is ridiculously long, so I have no problem with playing after I connect my PC to TV.
If you want to buy wireless one, try PS3. It's based on bluetooth, so it will work with pretty much everything (even mobile devices), and BT receivers for USB are cheap as hell if your PC doesn't have built-in receiver. Wireless Xbox controller uses some M$ magic, and it requires it's special adapter, which can be problematic.
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I have a wireless one, and it works great. The battery life is exceptionally long, and it's nice to move the controller around freely.
Also, if you have friends who own an Xbox 360, they can come over and use their controllers on your PC, I think.
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I used a wired one. Don't have to worry about batteries, didn't need the adaptor, and it only cost $30 (and came with a copy of Bayonetta for xbox which was a nice bonus for my boyfriend who actually owns one of those things). The cord being ridiculously long is a pro and con. It's a cord so that sucks and is annoying when I just have my comp in front of me, but at least it does reach when using big picture mode.
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I would like an opinion with arguments why you think so.
I'm a pc gamer who thinks that a controller would come in handy while playing some games.
A friend told me that a wireless controller would be better, but that would cost me €50-60 instead of €35 for a wired controller.
What do you think? is the high price really worth not having a cable attached?
EDIT: wired it is, tnx for your opinions:)
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