We've had an major update today to reduce the waiting time significantly: We've added a second Bot and split the games between both. We've also adjusted the trade-timer again, you have 80sec. per trade now and you'll get 20 seconds additionally per card you trade (up to five times). That should reduce the time people ID'le in trade.
We hope this helps to get trades done faster. If you have any suggestions to reduce it even more feel free to share them with us! :)
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We've already reported this to BitDefender and are waiting to get removed from their blacklist right now. Someone seems to enjoy reporting us ...
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Don't like it. The time limit was almost over and i accepted in a hurry. Didn't know only a few credits will be stored, which means i lost about 5 cards without getting anything in return >_>
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Sorry that this happened. Add me on steam (or join our groupchat) and we will work it out!
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It's just 5 cards, no big deal. Thanks for the offer, though. I guess i'll stick to the community market to stay safe
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It's no big deal, we do this all the time when people report these incidents to us. You'll get those credits credited :D
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The fact is that you make a profit on last sellers and overstock, though. I understand that there is overhead in running a bot and website, the integration must be a nightmare, but this is a lucrative market and there is no way you are not profiting. I've traded with your bot a few times and like the service you provide, I just think it would be nice if you came out and said that you were making a buck or two. I can't blame someone for getting theirs, honesty is the true currency.
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I can assure you: We don't do this for profit. We are gamers and collectors like most of our users and were sick of those other Trading Bot's only paying like 90% for any card at any point.
The reason for selling the last card for a higher value is simple. We try to offer all the cards at any given point. If you're in no hurry I can assure you we will get a second one of it at some point in the near future. If you want to do it right now and it just has to happen: alright, take our last card but pay a bit extra for the service.
We try to maintain a constant cardpool between 2 and 8 cards, so everyone can trade whenever he wants for whatever card he needs. The extra credits are actually needed to compensate for dropping card values. We have dynamic prices and if a games value heavily decreases there is nothing we can do about.
Also note: We don't take out any cards. Every credit you overpay stays inside the bot as extra cards and will only help in getting a larger variety of cards. It's not like we cash out every sunday, whatever gets in the Bot's inventory stays there.
Also we've have added the ability to store credits (up to 10) to make up for different values so our users don't loose credits.
Also: The website has no Advertisements at all. You can enjoy it without any AdBlocker :-)
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I'll take your word for it and both applaud your audacity to run a truly free service and silently boo you for not taking advantage of the very things I mentioned, then. Call me jaded ("Hi Jaded!"), it's just hard to swallow and there are definite gaps in which to make a buck or two... and like I said, I wouldn't blame you if that were the case, but apparently it is not. Great work SteamCardExchange crew :)
For simple curiosity... I've not been turned down for a trade, only offered the half value at worst. Do you have an upward limit on received cards? And what are your plans for cards that simply won't move? I've made some money on the market and interest in cubemen cards is next to nil (no one seems to be putting new in, no one is buying either... 72 hours to turn over a common at lowest, checked every few hours). Another respondent mentioned a bot for backgrounds or emoticons... those are highly subjective, but the idea isn't bad. Maybe a matchmaking service? 1:1, rarity disregarded?
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"Hi Jaded!" :D
Trust me, as an economist it's been quite hard for me as well to run this service without any personal profit but than I realized: I don't have to bother with those professional Traders in the official Spam-Chat anymore if there is a filled and fair trading Bot out there.
If there is an easy to use website with all the related content out there I don't have to bother reloading the d^*° community market for the 6th or so time just to get to the next page ...
We profit on other levels than money. Besides: We're grown ups, I'd don't really care about chasing every possible penny in my freetime. If I can trade in peace I'm fine!
We don't relly have an upward limit so far but than again after the Bot has a card for 8 times already we only pay 0.75x of the current value for the next ones. This will encourage people to trade in the cards the Bot needs. If there simply is no demand for Cubeman cards as of now I'm sure people will drop the prices on the community market on a significantly lower level after some time, which will attract new users to craft this badge and therefore increase demand again.
I'm sure the Summer Sale will be interesting as well. As soon as a Trading Card participating game will be 75% off there will be a sudden drop in value and a flood of new cards.
For the Backgrounds and Emotes, I've mention something in an other post, I'll quickly copy&paste it:
As for Backgrounds and Emotes: We are currently developing a community trade system on our site, which will let you post trade offers with your Cards, Backgrounds and Emotes. It won't be another Bot tho.
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Thanks for your feedback, glad you found the right Bot to trade with! :)
As for Backgrounds and Emotes: We are currently developing a community trade system on our site, which will let you post trade offers with your Cards, Backgrounds and Emotes. It won't be another Bot tho.
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We add every content manually. I don't know any way to get them automatically.
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It's the card name exactly as displayed on the bot inventory or your badges page. Copy/paste from the bot inventory would work just fine.
EDIT: Example - If you wanted III The Empress from the Binding of Isaac set, you'd type "add card iii the empress" without quotes.
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Thanks for explaining that. Simply check the Bot's inventory on our site, copy your desired card name and paste it into the trade chat right after "add". That's how I do it :)
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We've adjusted the trading times as well. Personally I hope that after the initial wave of new users it's slowing down a bit. I know the terror of being lined up in queue and constantly checking the Bot's inventory to see if he still has the cards I need :D
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Huge and tremendous work you've done here. I can only say good things. The only flaw is the amount of people that makes the queue last forever, but I've already been told that you're working in that matter.
PD: Valve should take at look a this guys and implement something like, but officially. Of course, that way the wouldn't make so much profit from cards :(
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Thanks for your feedback! :)
People seem to like fair trading Bot's and are ready to queue up in order to use them. We have to keep the balance between long enough trading times and short queues.
I doubt they would add a similar trading Bot, would take away too much money from the community market. I don't get why they didn't release a showcase just like we did, but hey: We found our niche! :)
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Awesome, go ahead and let me know if there's anything you miss and would love to see added!
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Love this thing. Has helped me complete about 3 of my badges.
Yesterday was a mess. Queued 3 times, every time I got an error on the trade window. I don't blame the bot, Steam was so unstable all day. The worst was when i queued for 2 hrs and got the error >.<
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Thanks for your positive feedback. Glad we could help you crafting the badges :)
Regarding the Queue times yesterday: The Release of the Trading Cards put the steam servers under some heavy load. We couldn't do much, the Bot's inventory bugged a few times which caused a decent delay for the queue but besides restarting not much we could have done.
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Like, Comment, Share and Re-Tweet please :D
Glad you like it, good luck with your Trading Cards!
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I think each bot should be designated with half the games. And then every hour have the bots do a trade between each other to grab the cards that should be in there inventory. Currently it's setup so that if each bot has for example 1x Handsome Jack in their inventories then we end up having to spend 70c when in reality if one bot had both cards then it'd be 45c. Hopefully that makes since.
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Yeah, that makes total sense. We've just added the 2nd bot today due to the high demand and unfourtunately we can't provide both Bot's with enough cards. We've split them before but as you can notice people don't stick to this (neither would I :D).
I'll see what I can do!
Edit: We are currently working on a new way to distribute cards which will have all the cards in one place again. The 2nd Bot was more of a quick solution to reduce queue times and won't be permanent. Stay tuned!
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A credit is basically the currency for our bot. 1 credit equals 1 penny / cent on the community market. We track the last 25 sales of every game and dynamically calculate the average price for a card of this set. This value get rounded to the nearest 0.05 and then transfered into credits (=we exchange the $ symbol with credits, nothing else).
If you trade in a card with a 20credit value we basically pay you what others would have payed on the market on average. You can use these credits then to trade out cards by spending your credits. It's an automated system and we don't change prices manually. You can always take out as much as you've put in. You could even store up to 10 credits for your next trade (super useful if you trade in a 30 credits card and take out a 20 credits card).
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Awesome, I love it as well. So much easier to use than the market, you just have to love it :)
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It's 0.9:1 for them, but on the other hand you can also pay with backgrounds, emotes, and refined metal/keys from Team Fortress 2. Their last two cards cost you 1.15x vs 1.5x here for the last one, and they take up to 30 cards never lowering their payout to you to 0.75x (it stays at 0.9x all the time). Also allow you to bank way more credits.
I wouldn't necessarily call outright one better over the other, it depends on what you need. Don't think it's about profits for either site, just different ways to go about risks involved in changing card prices / desire to keep satisfying stock of cards on hand.
Site here is fair for same game trades when stock is at least 2 for something you want to take out, and at most 7 for something you want to put in. In these circumstances you're getting 1:1 trade, works out beautifully. For other situations you may actually want to consider the other bots. Or, well, just wait for stock to come within desireable limits.
Note I'm not affiliated with either xD Just mentioning the differences. Which are subject to change anytime I bet.
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Don't forget that people that pay a monthly subscription to backpack.tf get 95% value and cut in queue. And that Brad directly said it's to "cover costs" then deleted all forum posts offering more sensible methods. Yeah, it's not about profit at all...
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After being unable to find offers elsewhere to 1:1 a duplicate for another from the same game, I just used this to do so and everything went smoothly. Thanks for this.
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Very cool idea. A potential bug warning: I just waited through the queue (Bot #1), got the "you are first in line, I'm about to invite you" alert, and then... nothing. I tried /status again and was told I was no longer in the queue.
I've rejoined and I'm waiting through it again. I'm not complaining or anything - I appreciate the service and it's not like it was a big inconvenience for me to wait while I was playing a game anyway, but I thought it might be useful information for debugging purposes. I can't think of anything that I'd have done to cause an issue (didn't lose connection or sign out or remove the bot from friends or anything).
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Have you been friends with the bot before? He has to be on your Friendslist to request a trade with you. We've removed all friends earlier today, so please recheck if that might be the cause of the problem.
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I added it and briefly joined the queue last night, but at the time it was massive and I was going to be offline before it ended, so I left and got auto-removed from friends. I re-added it to friends before trying again for the first time today.
Just went to check my status in the queue and discovered that it had auto-removed me from friends again while I was waiting in line. :( Let's try this again. ;)
[edit]: Same issue again. Added to friends, waited through the (much shorter) queue, got the invite incoming shortly message, and then nada.
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Finally got it to work after a few more tries. Restarted Steam, removed and re-added to friends, and stayed completely out of games this time and it worked exactly as described. I don't know which step fixed it or if it was just coincidence that I did all that right before the time it worked, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Thanks for the exchange! :)
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I have been using this site since the beta and it's awesome. Today I noticed there is one more bot, so I hope the queues will be shorter.
I was in the queue to trade a Psychonauts card, and when I reched the top of the line, the bot no longer had that card T_T
As I said in a thread on the official group, It would be awesome a system to login using SteamID to check which cards/emotes/BGs you own and which not.
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I haven't tried it (yet), but it looks like it's awesome. Cheers.
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You can always trade in more credits than you take out but besides that you have to stick to the credits. Even if we would offer such a 1:1 trade Bot, regardless of their market value, people would just show up and loot the heck out of us. It's not realistic to keep such a bot up and running :/
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Since Steam Trading Cards got released yesterday it's time to share our current project with you:
SteamCardExchange.net is a website designed to provide helpful information for users to collect Steam Trading Cards and its related content. We offer a few neat features, come and take a look for yourself!
SteamCardExchange.net - Showcase - Our showcase features all the different Badges, Emotes, Backgrounds, Cards and Artworks that get released. Instead of browsing through the buggy community Market and skipping all the pages to see which Emote you definitely need just take a look here.
Ever wondered if upgrading your Badge will make it look more or less cool? Make sure to not do any permanent mistakes ...
Ever noticed how every card has a unique, high resolution Artwork behind it? You can access it by clicking on the cards in your inventory. You don't have them all? No worries, we got you covered! Click on the cards (for HD-Resolution click the cards name) in our showcase and the Artwork will appear. Backgrounds have explicit SD and HD Links.
Pricelists! - Planning on increasing your level and unsure which badge to craft? Check our pricelists to reduce your spendings to a minimum! SteamCardExchange.net - Badge Pricelist | SteamCardExchange.net - Foil Badge Pricelist
We feature fair trading Bots. I've linked them here in the past and people keep referring to them as the last fair trading Bots to use!
You can do 1:1 trades for the same game and, depending on their credits value, even in between games. Every card has a credit value which is calculated using the current market prices and recent sales to display the true value they are beeing bought and offered for. They only vary from this if you want to buy the last card on stock, their value increases by 1.5x.
An "How to Use" Guide can be found here: SteamCardExchange.net - Guide
Check the Bot's current inventory and card prices here: SteamCardExchange.net - Inventory | SteamCardExchange.net - Pricelist
Our steam group CardTrades has over 30.000 members and quite an active chat with trades going on all the time and help in case you encounter any problem. Join us today to explore the new Trading Card content and trade for your missing cards :-)
If you have any suggestions for us feel free to leave them either here or in our group, I'll make sure to check this Thread regularly!
To clarify I'll answer a few commonly asked questions:
A credit is basically the currency for our bot. We track the last sales of every game and the current price they are offered for and dynamically calculate the average price for a card of this set.
If you trade in a card with a 20credit value we basically pay you what others would have payed on the market on average. You can use these credits to trade out cards by spending your credits. It's an automated system and we don't change prices manually. You can always take out as much as you've put in. You could even store up to 100 credits for your next trade (super useful if you trade in a 30 credits card and want to take out a 20 credits card).
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