For me, as long as the person intends on playing what they've won, I'm okay with it. I have a backlog of won games because I live in Canada and I have a data cap, I can't download much and I can't get to everything as soon as I'd like to, but I will eventually get to them.
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And from my own experience there are some games that i just dont like to play. I bought some games on sale in the past and played them for less than an hour (Magicka or Dungeon Defenders for example). Those are still great games, i have a lot of friends that played them. But they are just not my kind of game (bought them only because of friends : /). So if you know you don't really want to play that game, don't enter the giveaway.
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What the hell dude? Did you even read the OP?
At what point did it mention entering giveaways for games I don't want or don't intend to play? That's an entirely different topic and one that I wholeheartedly agree with, hence only entering on things I intend to play.
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What a weird point of view... Who are you to decide what I should do? If I don't feel like playing something right now than IT IS MY DECISION, not Yours!
Moreover if I see game which I want to play in some point of time than I would simply join giveaway because I can and I want that game... maybe I will not play it immediately from bunch of reasons but I will play it in some point of time in the future and will cherish that moment. I think it is still better than win game, install, play for 5min and discard because "oh it was free, I don't really like it"....
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it would be a hostile if I write something like "I will burn you house and make zombies of your pets and than shoot them and than laugh continuously till you die from great suffering caused by my violent and hostile actions".. and I did not done it ;]
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I'm sorry to tell you that I have a life, so I might not able to play the game right away, but I'm sure I will later.
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Seems you're not to good at this seeing as the only 2 reponses you left pretty much boil down to "JEEZ U MAD BRO?". I imagine you have lots of time to play games but some people don't maybe you should stop being so self centered and realise that.
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"Then don't enter for a game you don't plan on playing for a long while"
Let those who "have time" enter rather than knowing there will be "lack of time" and hoarding from gamers who want to play now...
Bottom line is its for all who want to enter, well its also about ? Yes reputation and also being able to enter contributor entries etc. So if the "lack of time" is also holding that process up then yes, it kinda throws a monkey wrench into it for everyone besides the "very busy" gamer.
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I just wished this service would be more helpful toward the "needy" rather than "i want it all X2" greedy.
I just did my 1st giveaway w/ hopes that it lands in a scarce library, this would feel "good" knowing a new game may be welcomed w/ open keyboard and mouse rather than a library which has over 1300 games untouched due to "time" restraints..
To OP, i do understand what you are saying and respect your thoughts but its kinda like a double edge sword.. the only true winner is steam,lol.. but anyways it was a good point/topic
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I agree with your opinion , but the thing is that lots of contributors just want to have their game won by someone who really wants to play the game, and probably playing it within the first week after the win. Then you should ask the question, who is going to have the most fun playing the game: someone who really wants it, or someone who might play it in the future. :)
I, myself, don't really care when people play it, i just hope the winners are going to love it the day they play it, now or over 10 years, after all, they won it. But i do understand the issue other contributors might have with this:)
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The time a game is played has nothing at all to do with the fun that will be had playing it.
I don't understand the issues contributors have with "when" a game is played. It's like they are actively discriminating against people with less free time than them. That's just so very wrong in my book.
I don't understand the train of thought that leads a contributor to feel their gift was wasted just because it wasn't played straight away. Some of my giveaways which I paid actual cash for, I checked they got activated and left it at that. Why would I care beyond that point..?
One other thought is it's a little creepy that any contributor would keep "checking up on" a person after the gift is activated. It's a little weird.
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well :) what is the worst:
no1: a sg-contributing-stalker who wants people to have fun
no2: a careless contributor who doesn't give a * for the winner
some people hate the no1. others hate the no2., both may have their opinions, they just shoudn't get angry for it etc;)
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Funny. I agree that 3. is the best option, but I think that would be the "white" and nos 1. and 2. are both the "black". I have a friend that's been the driving force behind giving me all the games I currently have and I feel like i have to install everything right then, even if I don't have the immediate intention to play them because I'm focused on other games.
I agree wholeheartedly with the OP, but I can still see where the opposition is coming from. Why not enter to win the game when it's closer to when you'll actually play it instead of now?'s what the gifters who have a problem with that don't realize - obviously it can take a long time to win a game. There are some people who go after specific games - only games they'll play. Chances are, though...these people are ones that will play their games more thoroughly and enjoy them much more than the people who play a game for two hours, set it aside for a year, and then pick it up. Neither is more worthy to play a game, it's just one chooses to enjoy it in its entirety and one chooses to enjoy it in small doses. Additionally, you can't always tell whether you'll like a game by the trailer or pictures.
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i might have explained it wrong. I understand the fact people sometimes just don't have time to play a beloved game, i rather have them wait till they have the time, than giving up real lifestuff to play it, but i just meant, i do understand that some contributors just want to contribute to hardcare gamers without a life:p.
sorry if it's even more confusion right now;),
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Trust me if someone has an absolute must have OMG I NEED TO PLAY IT NAOOOOW game, then they'll buy it rather than trying to win it.
I understand some people can't afford games like the above, but sorry to say I don't sympathise or think it gives them more of a right to win said game.
I enter on games I have a genuine interest in, and/or have come close to buying in a sale. If it ends up surpassing my expectations, then I'll have lots of fun with it. If it ends up being mediocre, not so much. The fact I haven't bought it means I don't know which category it will fall into.
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im fine as long as the winner actually unpacks/redeems the gift, and doesn't let it set in inventory or something.. long as it's in the library, don't really care when they play it or if they will like it..
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I for example i don't give a flying fck about people playing my gifts or not, but i do give a fck if said person that won the game actually contributed to the community or reads the damn description (sometimes contains rules which people completly ignore even when it's private). :sadface:
Once you make a giveaway for something you can't force the winner to play it right after winning... whoever expects that to happen is damn stupid. I still have games i won ages ago and still haven't played them, should i care to play them as soon as possible? No.
Should i care about people reading my description when it contains important stuff? Yes.
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my problem is called Defense Grid, I'm not letting it go until I have all gold medals, then, yes, I'll play others :D
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I don't quite get what you being a contributor has to do with this (unless of course you mean that it irritates you that people might enter your giveaways if they don't plan on playing the game or something) but I agree. People often have many games on their to-do list so it can take a while to get around to playing the ones they win. Now hopefully people only enter for games they actually want and intend to play (as opposed to just entering random crap because they can, regardless of whether they want it or not) but either way, people have their reasons for not getting to play them for a while after winning sometimes.
I don't quite see how it's anyone else's business anyhow. People going as far as to check to see if people are playing the games seems a bit excessive and weird too but that's just me.
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Well I guess in my opinion people don't have the right to say that stuff to anyone regardless of whether they contributed or not, so I guess it doesn't seem quite relevant to me. That's just my opinion though, and I fully understand where you're coming from either way.
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I have felt a little guilty about not playing games I have won yet, but I have also bought a ton of games I haven't played either.
Shit, I haven't even been able to play GTA IV or Saints Row The Third despite buying them.
Also, though not a complete requirement, I tend to try to finish games. I dropped a whole f-load of hours into Mount & Blade: Warband and I don't even think there is an "end"; just reaching whatever maximum goal you set for yourself.
Anyways, I work 56 hours a week (7 days), so screw all the haters. At the same time, I wonder if it would have come to better use with someone else with more time, but I see no rules about this so I will continue to put in my points until I have an impossible amount of games to play and not enough time.
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I would like to add that I have made up for my guilt by making several giveaways. Two straight out of my pocket specifically to give away (friends, or here, but ended up being here for 2/3 extras in the 4-pack).
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"I hope the winner plays it" is a totally legitimate comment. The attention span of todays generation is quite short, so text and story heavy games are often just end up uninstalled after 5 minutes because the winner doesn't get the action he wants. We all know how many people are entering for games they aren't really interested in just to make a giveaway from it, or just for the sake of winning. So yes, I personally do hope that the won games end up being played, because games like Dreamfall are precious little gems to me, and I don't want them going to waste.
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If I don't get around to playing the games I buy I'm not in any rush to play the ones I got for free.. a give away is what it is. A giveaway. If you want to put restrictions on winners conditions. Give it to your friend old a gun to there head and make sure they play it.
Those who comment about the use of a giveaway game are just bitter because they didn't win. Close this thread and grow up.
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I'm yet to win anything. But, then again. I've only entered a handful of giveaways.
I also have most of the games that are entered for giveaways which might be my problem with getting change to enter!
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I agree with this....but the thing is people just feel that their game goes to waste is they don't play it D:
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That gift would also go to waste sitting in their inventory. I think the only ones bitching are the ones that bought the gift(s) specifically to give away and they don't get that immediate satisfaction that the person played it.
I won't EVER put into HL1 games. Now that I have L4D/L4D2, I won't bother with the Valve Pack either. I have played all of HL2, but I wanted the Orange Box just for the convenience of being able to replay them (which I do on occasion). I don't put into either one now. I only put into things I do actually want to play in the near future. i.e. less than a year (but not a guarantee).
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"If a person activates the game, then they are going to play it" - False.
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Kind of makes you miss the old days where releases were few and far, and you had to save your pennies to get a game. So you'd damn well play that game to death. :)
I still remember saving up pocket money for 24 weeks to buy the original phantasy star (sega master system). By the time I could afford it, it was on sale.. so I had 10 quid left to spend. Good times. :D
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I agree with vidmavidma. If a person activates the game then they have some interest in playing it, but in practice if you wait too long to play a game it might become so outdated you won't want to play it or be so hard to get running you won't want to make the effort to get it to run.
Realistically I can't see myself getting to play even half the games I own. And I'd say even that is very optimistic. Maybe I should just go cold turkey and stop buying games. I know it's a good idea, but can I do it?
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I am replaying through Doom right now and often play Unreal 99.
Honestly age has nothing to do with a game being bad or good.
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For one thing, I think that replaying is one thing, playing games you haven't played before is another. For another, to each his own. There are quite a few old games I tried to play and either getting them to run was too much hassle or the interface felt too clunky or the graphics were really bad.-
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I have played older games for the first time also and enjoyed them, never understood the whole games becoming outdated thing, if anything newer games can learn some lessons from older titles...I am looking at you regen health.
Maybe its because I am considered an older gamer? I mean I just cant understand how older games can be a put off unless you really cant take older graphics and not having arrow pointing you in the direction to go...
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I find it detracts from the game. I bought The Pandora Directive when the Tex Murphy Kickstarter was running. I like the gameplay and humour, but the 3D is crap and controls could be better. It doesn't make it a bad game, but it certainly detracts from the experience. It did convince me that a new Tex Murphy game will be great.
I also have a hard time these days looking at 320x200 pixel art, and the associated fonts. It's not game breaking, but it certainly affects my perception of the game. If the game has other things I don't like, then the bad graphics might be the tipping point in convincing me not to play (Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 is an example).
I'm an old player, but when I discover new things I like, I find it hard to go back. Like when Terminator: Future Shock came out with the mouse look interface. I knew at that moment that's the way 3D was supposed to be done, and since then I find it hard to play a game that doesn't have this (the aforementioned Pandora Directive being an example).
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I am not entering this game because I'm not interested in it so I'm not going to win it. Your hopes have been crushed.
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As if you chose when you win a game and which of your diverse entries!
If the giver expect that the winner prioritize the recent won game before other games won or purchased by the winner or gifted by a friend, has a very big brain problem and distortion of reality.
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It’s randomized. As if you chose when you win a game and which one it is!
If the giver expects that the winner is to suddenly prioritize the recently won game before their other games (won, purchased or even gifted by a friend) then they have mental issues and/or a distorted view of reality.
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A very good point as I recently did this myself or have dropped gaming all together for a few days/weeks (get caught up on TV shows or start a new series with more than once since, like Being Human, which is WAAY more awesome than playing some games).
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i hope the winner be the best on the game and beat everyone else.
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Only reason I do giveaways is because I expect the person entering wants to try it because of the usual low chances of winning. But instead, you guys like to spend all your time in one single game and say "I'll get to it eventually". Does playing one game for a whole month get boring at all?
And then after a year that someone doesn't play the game, what then? You just threw money away for someone to get a bigger e-peen because of their game library and not even bother starting the damn game.
Just my 2 cents.
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What? :p
I don't see why epeen even comes into buying/entering to win all the games I'm genuinely interseted in. I'm a gamer, so I want them. Nothing else really factors in.
Also surely spending a lot of time on a game is a good thing? How can you try turn that into a negative point.. me no understand.
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People seriously get games they aren't even remotely interested in just to largen their game library. No joke.
Also, I get what you mean. But once you get to a point of playing skyrim for more than 300 hours, you are just playing the game for a replay session or you seriously suck at beating all the missions in that time, yet they will claim they have a backlog and they are finishing the game (when they already did).
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I was tempted to replay skyrim as a new race with different spec, I would have probably breached 200 hours, but I got bored the second time through. Again I don't really see any negative aspect to enjoying a game enough to play it that long. I don't even want to talk about how many hours I put into BF2, TF2 or WoW.. Scary numbers. :)
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It's not that someone isn't even remotely interested, just that their interest is likely remote. After all, the games I absolutely must have, I buy at full price, the ones I'm interested in I pick up on sale. Thus anything I can enter a giveaway for has already failed these two tests so is likely one I'm less interested in (or just missed all the good sales on it).
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I've seen a growing trend of this now. Both in the forum and in giveaways.
I'm talking about smarmy comments like "I hope the winner plays it", or forum posts crying because a winner hasn't fired up the game yet and it's been a whole four weeks.
I don't really see the point of this kind of comment. If a person activates the game, then they are going to play it. Why is it anything at all to do with you when they play it, or how they prioritise their spare time? It isn't your business at all.
From my perspective, I'm at work half the week for starters. Then I have gym and dog walking. I get less gaming time than some, but more than others (e.g. parents). Point is, some of us have more time than others to actually play games, but we probably all share an equal amount of love for gaming.
Another thing to consider is that some of us are completionists. There's a reason why the games that I really enjoy have between 50-120 hours invested in them. It takes me weeks to get through a game a like. As a result of this dedication (and the dreaded steam sales), I naturally have a backlog of games that will take me a long, long time to get through. I don't believe in just firing up a game for 5 minutes and dismissing it, I give each one a fair trial; it's thanks to that mentality that games like "the binding of isaac" end up being in my favorites list, whereas they'd otherwise end up being uninstalled.
I really don't see why it matters when people play a game they have won. I find it especially rude if they (like me) are contributors! Come the day I win a game, I will play it, but please don't tell me when I should play it. And if you don't like that, then don't give game away.
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