"and people might only enter for games they actually want this time."
this I want..
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You know, some people actually are honest and enter only giveaways that have games they're really interested in. I consider myself one of them. Too bad the majority of SG community consists of these greedy people who want to win something just for the sake of winning...
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Actually you're right. I hate to admit this, but I have one shameful winning myself... I joined this site during the infamous SummerSeal -thing and there were tons of Shadowgrounds giveaways. I entered many of them and eventually won Shadowgrounds Survivor. I was never really interested in that game, but I had so many points I figured I could spend them on whichever giveaway had the best odds of winning. I'm still a little bit ashamed of my past ignorance :(
I know it sounds really naive, but I'm doing this for myself. I want to win only games I know I'll truly appreciate. That way I won't disappoint the creator of the giveaway by never playing his gift, and I won't rob the chances of winning from someone who really wants that game :)
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Not necessarily because the limit might have an impact on what giveaway you enter. For instance you might want to enter 5 giveways right away or wait and keep 2 entries to try later to see if there are new ones with better odds, or better games, etc.
Currently, points are regenerating so fast that you can enter everything that is about to end and keep entering as the points refill. If there was a daily limit, I think people would pick more carefully.
Keep in mind this wouldn't be a limit on all public giveaways. Just on giveaways that have been "flagged" with this, instead of "Contributor 10.00" for instance. I think this could increase the odds to win smaller/less popular games since most people focus on AAA titles. Or make it more fun/strategic maybe.
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"Currently, points are regenerating so fast that you can enter everything that is about to end and keep entering as the points refill. If there was a daily limit, I think people would pick more carefully."
solution B - bundle games do not contribute to increase points.
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5 entries a day and you still think ppl will visit the site more than once a day? what for? sorry but a forum is not enough reason to visit steamgifts more than once if you can´t try your luck.
Also would make the point system pretty much useless. thoghts?
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Every day people post suggestions that are really thinly veiled attempts at changing the rules in a way that they think increases their own chance of winning.
The system is good how it is. Yeah, it's hard to win a public giveaway. You think free games should come easy?
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Ok. Small example. I really wanted to win Rome: Total War (and I did apparently) so for some time I entered only giveaways with Rome: Total War. Did I had spare points? No. Did I got enough points to enter all available Rome giveaways? No. Yep, I was lucky enough to win, but y'know it could have take monthes.
So, I think your suggestion is too raw not to say useless.
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I wish there was a forum rule that dis-allows "increasing the odds" topics.
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Site still needs the traffic, don't it?
The system is fine as it is, don't change it, add to it.
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The focus was more on the "dont change something that isn't wrong, add to it", but I assumed traffic was what keeps the site running, and reducing it at all is a crime against it :D
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That wouldn't break any existing feature. That would be an addition. Like, a "strategic giveaway" where you can only pick 5 every day. Are you gonna pick Rome which has only 80 entries right now or are you going to save your entry for later, hoping that Skyrim is going to come up?
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This goes to my TOP 3 list of bad suggestions, congratulations.
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It's another limitation system on top of a limitation system on top of a limitation system. It makes no sense. You want to reduce the number of people entering giveaways? Further reduce the point generation. There's no point in overcomplicating things.
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Imagine that the game you really want goes on sale and suddenly you notice you don't have money for it. Sale = lots of giveaways. So, since you really want the game you enter as many giveaways as your points let you. And now apply your rule to it and suddenly instead of entering let's say 20 giveaways you can only enter 5 of your choice.
Now please explain how can this give you better chances of getting the game you want?
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You should be aware of the fact that in public giveaways the rule "enter the one with least entries" doesn't work. I used to enter every single Fortix giveaway out there (even if there was like 30 or so but hell, it's 1 point and it's the "must win" here) and I wonder why would I get so many points if most of the games I enter are 15$ and less
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That would be worse. Contributor/private/group already serves to cut down entries, no point in cutting them down further. Might as well suggesting an entry limit for every giveaway while youre at it. Make every giveaway limited to 50 entries and people can only enter 1 giveaway a day.
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I feel confident that I can speak for everyone in this situation.
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I suggested this in a random topic and more and more people keep sending feedback so let's just discuss this in here where everyone can give some input.
What would you guys think about limiting the number of daily entries per user for public giveaways or for a specific category of giveaways? Or at least giving the option to the gifters.
In other words: each user can only enter 5 public (or new category) giveaways per day.
This way everyone would have a better chance to win and people might only enter for games they actually want this time.
We could start off with a 5 entry limit, see how much of an impact it makes and reduce it further if it's not enough.
I've seen the issue of the time zone brought up before but it wouldn't be a factor here since everyone would get the same number of entries per 24h (use server time maybe?).
This limit would only be applied to a specific type of giveaways. Public for instance, or a new category that doesn't currently exist. Group giveaways or other categories would NOT be affected.
It would not be unfair since everyone gets the same limit for this specific pool of giveaways, and everyone gets 24 hours to pick what they want.
Public giveaway: restricted only by points
Group giveaway: restricted to members of a group and by points
Limited entry giveaway: restricted by points, each user can only enter 5 of these per day
tl;dr You would still be able to enter all the giveaways you want + up to 5/3/1 of a new category daily
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