Well, since I am being deluged with messages and such, I think the first thing I should do is say "thank you." Thank you, everyone, for the good wishes and show of support. Thank you all for being an awesome community, and also thank you for having patience with me. I don't know what it was like for all of you, but I sometimes felt like the butt of a bad joke. Thank God, that is all behind me. It seems not even my luck lasts forever. )

And to mark the occasion of my first win, I must make a giveaway! (It's a reflex.) I think Bioshock Infinite is still pretty popular, so we'll go with that. I'm setting the CV requirement to $0.01, so if you have no CV, make a giveaway of something (anything) and show your SG spirit.

Edit: Hmm... Now that I think of it, if someone wants to piggy-back on this giveaway, that's fine with me. I'll adjust the details, later. For now, I need to rest. P

Piggyback Giveaways

Audiosurf from Tsukiruka
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol from DeltaBladeX
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies from DeltaBladeX
PAYDAY The Heist from BubbyBobble
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine from Cicyractu
Papo & Yo from Nudiustertian
Batman: Arkham Asylum GotY from g8k7
Trine 2: Complete Story from Ishmaeel
Killing Floor from SeanBahamut
Super Hexagon from Ryucchang
Fortix 3, AKA 'Skyrim' from CryonSeris
Surgeon Simulator 2013 from KNIkari
Dark Souls from Prus666
Sleeping Dogs from SamSword2020
Rise of the Triad from Ajimundi
Sanctum: Collection from Ajimundi

...and Fiftykyu's giveaways are a bit more involved, so just go to his post and start from there.

11 years ago*

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Closed 11 years ago by Khalaq.