There's been way too many threads calling someone out lately, so I'm going to make a thread for those of you who need to reread the FAQ. You do not call out people on the forums or the chat. Ever. Even if you have seemingly undeniable proof they're a scammer or they're trading wins or whatever, never post about them in the forum or chat. You report them here, in Support.

The reason for this is not so that scammers can continue running around doing harm because we're secretly in league with them. It's because what if you get it wrong? What if an innocent user gets a stain on their reputation, gets abuse and death threats for something they didn't do? Being called a scammer is a punch in the testicles, and that hurts the person you're punching long after you've said "Sorry, looks like you were the wrong person."

Go to Support.

Update: Recently, there's been some people banding together to make a list of people commiting feedback fraud (fake, high value private giveaways to increase contribution value), regifting wins and other things. This is fine and is actually very much appreciated by Support. Once we can deal with it, this will probably be invaluable. What is not fine is posting this link on the forums or publically advertising its existence (have it listed on the group page by all means, but do not mention it as existing in your topics).

I have spent months waiting for the ability to shut down and deal with calling out threads, along with many other necessary abilitis. All of us, mod or regular member, have. I am not going to spend my time now that I have the ability to enforce the rules by screwing around and playing favourites. With anyone, for anything. No calling out threads of any sort. End of debate. Please see my other thread for what Support can and can not do right now and please understand that these situations will take time, even if we were at full strength (we are not). Thank you for your time and please understand that letting this site rot is not what we intend, and that we are doing what we can. Currently, any tickets in Support are being answered swiftly and promptly in the sections we can see. There is no backlog in the sections we can currently handle. That should tell you how well we are doing right now.

12 years ago*

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Closed 12 years ago by thejadefalcon.