You should enter random numbers between 1 and 100 000 in the textfields on the page. If at least one of the numbers you entered will equal to the random number generated by server, you'll get a link to the giveaway. You just keep trying until you win :)
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Try again I suppose.
Wouldn't be so bad if the number didn't change each time then someone could either bruteforce it, which would still take a longer I'd be willing to put into it or maybe try common numbers that the human mind might think of (assuming the number was originally chosen by Yusyuriv)- 12345, 99999, 98765,69696, 1, 100000 etc.
As it stands, well I ain't lucky and give up!
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I know, and that's what makes it impossible*! :p
*Well not impossible, but a genuine 1 in 100,00 chance with each number submitted. Fiendish, lol.
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The fact it's random actually makes it easier for people who don't want to write a simple program. The delay also makes it pretty fair, because it won't give someone a big advantage if they chose to write a program to brute force the answer.
In Chrome, just press F5 after entering 100 unique numbers, and voila. Now you just need to get lucky. ^_^;
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For previous "Test your luck" somebody even shared with me userscript that every five seconds enter random numbers itself and then submit an answers :) I do not mind for cheaters. If I was mind, I would do a better security on the server side :)
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I guess. I also guess I was using a different definition of "bruteforce". Mine involved no writing of programs as I wouldn't know where to begin if I wanted to, lol. Was talking more about somebody trying over and over again manually.
Ain't nobody got time for that!
Yeah, someone could write a program though, hadn't really thought of that angle. If it would indeed be a simple program and easy to do for people who know what they're doing then it's good it isn't set up like that. From my position as someone who's never written a program in their life it would seem like a lot of effort for a game that was £1 (I think) on the weekly sale. Still, people will go to great lengths (or not so great lenghts if it's easy) to get things for free.
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BTW, what do you think about my other puzzles? :)
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Meow ^^ why i can't be true
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By the way, who call this puzzle. This is't a puzzle, just a random roll luck.
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This is possibly the most infuriating thing I've done in a long time. Also, if this has taught me anything, it's that I should seriously stay away from casinos...
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Do you remember my mini-game named "Test your luck"? Let's try again?
Prize - nail'd. Why? Because it's last game in my inventory.
You also can read my story and play my awesome text adventure game (which contains 4 giveaways, of course).
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