These are the best I've owned in a long time. I have two pairs, and they're both over two years old now. They're working flawlessly, although after about 18 months the earpads start to get a bit weird and peel, but they're easily replaced.
If you're needing 3.5mm jacks instead of USB, how about these?
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I've been using Sennheiser for the last 4 years with good results: cheap, durable, good sound*. Headset's HD201, earphones, can't remember the model, paid 25€ for the HD201 and 12€ for the earphones.
(*) might take some getting used to if coming from boomy "we've got more bass than you shake a stick at" crap.
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I used to have the same problem. Most cheap pairs die within a week with me. I won a pair of Skullcandy Smokin' Earbuds from GSN oodles, back when they actually gave out prizes. Sad times have come there. Anyway, back to the point, they finally started to wear out after about 3 years of use. I replaced them with a purchased pair of the same. The original pair had a wire like in cloth, it felt like a jacket string. The new pair has a flat non tangle wire. The new one has lasted me about 4 month so far with no issues, but the original string felt a lot sturdier. I would recommend either model though.
This seems to be the original type I had.
EDIT: As a bonus, they also have a lifetime warranty. However, you still have to pay a small amount if it breaks due to use. With buds this cheap, I find it too troublesome to mess with it, especially after 4 years of good use; however, if I had a pair break before 2 years I would be in contact with support in a heartbeat.
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Anything from Sennheiser, Koss, AKG, Sony(Higher priced models, 50 and up I would say), Grado, Audio Technica, and a ton of other brands should last years.
Stay away from Boss(Overpriced), Beats(lol), and Skullcandy, and pretty much most any 20 dollar pair you see in the local Bestbuy...Also stay away from "Gamer headsets".
Check out Head-fi for some decent recommendations, browse a bit, then ask some questions, most are pretty helpful and will work within your budget.
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Having heard them, honestly a nice pair of headphones and a clip on mic is tons better for the money.
Basically those are just a rip off for the sound quality they provide.
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My wife beat the hell out of her Etymotics she owned for almost a decade, and just recently went back for more.
She probably isn't as heavy a user as some of you whipper snappers, but she uses them daily.
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You are correct. Bass is not their forte.
But if you want something that'll take a beating, they're pretty damn good.
She's used them for television, gaming, exercise, and recording interviews for work.
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Even with that being said, the bass is somewhat lacking. My wife understands that slight shortcoming, though.
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I've used my Audiotechnica ATH M30s every day for hours for the last year and a half probably. I've heard the M50s are excellent as well, but I was looking for something cheap, and the M30s weren't very expensive at all. They've gotten worn down but the work just fine.
My earbuds are ME Electronics, don't know the model. Usually around 40 but I got for 10. Seem decent enough, though I haven't had them long.
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I highly recommend Yurbuds!
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Skullcandy earbuds work amazingly if you keep them in a safe place.
Those sony headphones that look like beats (forgot what they are called) are pretty nice too. (Btw, DONT GET BEATS)
EDIT: Also, Turtle Beach PX21's are great, but only get them if you have an xbox or ps3 as well as a pc since turtle beaches are usually more expensive because of that compatibility (and good quality, of course)
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don't beats have a lifetime warranty? A friend of mine found a damaged pair in a trashcan, sent them in to the manufacturer and was sent a new pair free.
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TF2 Buds. They never die, and people will sell you their first born child just to own them.
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I've been using a pair of Razer Morays since 2009 or so. Still good, still working (knock on wood), although they've seen very light use - They've been permanently plugged into my laptop, on the table, and the volume is always set to around 1 percent on my computer because I like it nice and quiet.
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Bought this headset in August of 2012. Still comfy as hell, and I wear them all day. The adjustable microphone is removable and can be replaced if lost.
Things sound great with these headphones, even compared with great speakers.
No internal sound card is required for this headset. As a USB sound device, think of it as a headset-only external sound device.
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I personally prefer IEMs over headsets as they're generally going to be the best sound at a given price point. I personally own a set of Shure SE535s which are outside the price range most people are looking at. Someone mentioned it earlier but check out and
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I am using the Apple Earpod that came with my iPhone,. the earpod dipped into water a few times, still working well till today
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Even the earpods are uncomfortable for me. Sound is decent but not great.
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Thanks everyone for opinions, you have given me some ideas. Will further research around based on this.
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I have been using the ones that come with the Galaxy S4 for years (they also come with the Omnia II, that's why I have them for that long) and they still work perfectly (not really comfortable though). At home, I use my Energy system DJ 410 headphones, I have been using them for atleast 3 years and I havent had any problem with them.
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I lately had two that die after a month or so. One was Logitech headset and the other was Phillips earbud. It always starts at the right ear side not producing sound, then they eventually die all together. I only place them on a surface, not throwing them. I don't tangle the cords up nor put the volume up so high (that would ruin my hearing as well). The only one that has lasted years was the one I got from my ipod, probably not surprisingly.
I use them all the time for various devices and PC. It's pretty annoying.
Any ideas on what's good and durable? I don't care if it's a headset with a movable mic or not or a earbud type one. I just want it too last.
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