If the site sort of hits a low point of activity like the last few weeks before they reopened registration the cost of invites will be low. If the activity is high, like right now, the cost of invites will be high. This means when the site slows down it will be easier to bring more people in to liven things up a bit and when it gets really active it will slow down the rate of newcomers to stabilize it a bit. This should help keep the activity of the site more steady.
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An increase in new users means an increase in giveaways. Just look what happened recently when they reopened registration. The site blew up.
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I understand why this has to be done but this really hurts.
When I first signed up I invited one friend. Shortly after that registration closed. Since registration opened again the other day, I bought 3 invites. I could not buy them all at once because I still wanted to enter giveaways. So I had to time my invite purchases between giveaways I wanted to enter. I have 8 active friends on my Steam friends list and I wanted to invite all of them because I think they will be good members.
At the current cost of 110p I will need to stop entering giveaways in order to invite the 5 remaining people. Sure, in 2-3 days of saving points I could have enough points, if the points keep flowing at recent speeds. Or I could generate 1 invite every 5 days, so I would still have points for myself to enter giveaways. My worry and the reason I quickly generated 3 invites yesterday, is that the site registration might close again for an unknown period of time. I know this move is to help avoid having to close registration, but I think even with the higher invite cost we will have issues and registration will close again.
The biggest part of why this hurts is that this makes it harder on legit users that play by the rules and want to invite more legit users. I'm sure there are shady people out there that signed up multiple accounts in the past and they will have no problem farming invites from the points generated on those accounts. Meanwhile they are free to enter giveaways with their main account.
I know there is a $50 value minimum for accounts now, but the signup was not that restrictive in the past and I bet there are alot of people that took advantage of that.
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One thing worth noting that with the way this is set up right now you get an average of 1.4 invites per day, regardless of how many points you get over the course of the week (unless the points earned over the pass seven days dips below 500, in which case you will start to get fewer than 1.4 invites per day)
Shouldn't be hard to tighten your proverbial belt a little for a day or two to get an invite.
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Yea I could do one invite a day for 5 days and still enter about 1-2 giveaways a day. That would kinda sucks though. I'll just stretch it out over a few weeks and hope the registration doesn't close again.
Although at the slow speed that the points are moving it would be tough, now it will just be worth waiting a week until the average comes done.
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Sorry in my last post I was refering to the rate at this very moment. Which has slowed considerably from the rate of the past two days.
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Well I'm not sure if this will work as expected. If people want to get invites, then they will stop gifting things so that the invite "price" drops. If many people create giveaways and the "price" of the invites is greatened then the entries will be less (since there won't be new people to sign up and enter), which is good for the already registered, better chance to win.
I'm not sure how this helps.
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Won't you have to adjust the percentage as the community grows? After all, with more members there will be more points per week. I like this idea but I think it needs some tweaks.
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You're right on that one, I'll have to work the member count in as well.
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Smart decision! Can't wait to see this site continue to grow (at a reasonable pace)
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1,321 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by Myklex
The cost of invites now fluctuates based on site activity in the past week. The number will automatically change in real-time, so if less points are being sent out, the cost of invites will drop accordingly. This way invites are always valued at a fair cost, and they're not too easy or too difficult to obtain based on the number of gifts being posted.
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