if you would have waited the 7 days (mandatory to make sure that the contributor is able to deliver) and then reported him, things could have been alot different. If they really did laugh at you and say no, you should have screenshotted it and sent it to staff. The person could have had a child that was using the account that decided to taunt you before they could deliver the goods, who knows yknow?
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I will send a screenshot to staff, and decided to suspend the second day, he still was 5, I could not be so wrong ... According to you the admin disobey the rules, they should wait 7 days to suspend. The person could have had a child that was using the account that decided to taunt you before they could deliver the goods, who knows yknow?
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the admin did not have to wait 7 days if you made a post complaining about a person IE calling out. YOU have to wait 7 days to make sure that the person you won the giveaway from could deliver, whether they delivered or not, then after 7 days you can report it using the "Support" button.
i think the calling out rule is to avoid animosity among users, and to help sort stuff out. If they did not do this i am sure the entire forum would evolve into anarchy
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I just put troll steam public profile to read the comments, everyone can access your profile of steam from here, you consider that they are violating your privacy?
Sorry if I sound nasty, I do not express myself well in English, I appreciate your opinion
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If you link to a particular user's profile to complain about their activity, that qualifies as calling out, and will probably end up in a suspension.
It doesn't matter that a profile is public. The problem is that you called him out in a forum thread, and that (as was explained to you on your original thread) is what got you into trouble.
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If you haven't marked a giveaway as received or not received, people on the site cannot see who made it. So, your earlier thread - which you got suspended for - enabled people to see something they were not meant to see. This can lead to people spamming the guys' profile with hate comments, or otherwise cause people to harass him. Look how many members are on the site. 300,000+. You think it's a good idea to let all of them see what one guy did wrong? You don't see how that would be a problem?
Things like this are issues for support to deal with by suspending for not giving a game after the required 7 days waiting time. You didn't wait 7 days, you didn't respect the "no calling out" rule, you got suspended. Simple as that. If you would have waited 7 days and submitted a support ticket with a screenshot of the guy being an asshole to you, as the site and its' rules instruct you to do (for good reason, as I already explained), the giveaway maker would have been suspended, maybe even permanently because he was being a dick (depending on his previous suspensions).
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Attempt at translation:
Even if I send a screenshot to support, and they decide to suspend him the next day, he still has 5 days, because according to you, when someone breaks the rules, it takes 7 days before they suspend the person.
If this is the case: No, support can suspend anyone at any time they wish. The 7 days is the number of days allowed to the creator of the giveaway to deliver the game to you. Even if you are sure they are not going to deliver the game, you still have to wait the 7 days before you submit your report. Include any screenshots or evidence you have with that report.
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Don't take this the wrong way, but if you have a problem with how Support have handled your case, or need an explanation of why the action was taken, you're better off taking it up with them via a support ticket rather than complaining in the forums.
If I understand your post correctly, you got a short ban for calling out, and that punishment is the same for anyone who calls out another user, whether or not said user has done anything wrong.
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Although, in this instance, I think the OP deserved the ban he got and Support handled things as they should, I don't think that hiding Support's dirty laundry does the community any favors. Besides which, some Support members are egotistical enough that they take umbrage at attempts to make contact whether through tickets or otherwise. While there are some that may be reasonable, far too many seem unwilling or unable to debate with the plebeians.
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We do give fair gos to tickets criticising our actions, truly. The problem is, and one of the many reasons why we do not handle tickets over chat for the majority of people, is that most of the people criticising us were very, very clearly in the wrong and are just bitter at being suspended for their behaviour. If someone comes up with something that isn't mindbogglingly stupid, we give it a fair go and often share it between other support members to examine.
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Yeah but I highly doubt the weed was what hurt him, it was him not doing all the other right things...basically. Don't get me wrong, some natural alternative processes work wonders though, he really just was dumb about it, didn't do the right ones.
Western medicine is sometimes much worse though...you have to use common sense and research on your own, find a nice medium between traditional and alternative if anything.
Also he should have not been smoking it, worst way to use weed, much much better healthier ways.
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Vaporiser with high CBD, low THC strains heating it to the right temp. / high CBD hash oil ftw.
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Yes, he did, about two years ago. He had pancreatic cancer that may have been treatable, but he tried to cure himself through dieting rather than by getting surgery. Dieting did not work and he eventually did get surgery, but it was unfortunately too late to save him.
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not to mention the fact that I don't smoke weed at all and my avatar is parody of this, but even if I did - what does it have to do with anything? ;p
my post was just sarcastic trolling. ;p
even few y/o kid knows that (-1)*(-1)=1, so I guess even the biggest dumbest pothead would know this as well. :>
I actually studied math for 2 years at uni and believe me - never found a place with more smokers, alcoholics etc than Math Department ;p
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There is also the fact that there has to be some compromise, otherwise we go in infeasible territory.
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The title of this thread sounds like a country song.
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I re-read it in the voice of Garth Brooks, and can't get those accursed twangy guitars out of my head now...
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He created a topic about how he wasn't getting his win from another user, and included both the giveaway link and the user profile.
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I know, but to me it seems the disproportionate sanction, I being the affected.
To me the game is not important, I have hundreds, but I want to give my opinion, can be more or less agree, but I'm not insulting anybody.
Sorry if I sound nasty, I do not express myself well in English, I appreciate your opinion
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Remember, you're not obligated to win games here.
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he won a game. contacted the person making the giveaway.
was told they won't be giving him the game and demanded he hand over gary's mod.
then the admin / moderator banned him.
simply really what he was saying. no one else could comprehend that?
and the rules obviously broken , and not by him, the admin/ moderator and the person whom didn't provide the game.
you're obligated to fork over the game immediately upon contact. not 7 days. which is only created for "what if i only log in once a week" internet users.
anyway. good luck. prob best to find a new giveaway site. especially if this one is so full of douchemarks
given you're giving away games. nice ones at that. and get banned for a douche and a douche admin which violated constition and i see ad's on this website, making it a corperation in support of constitional violations(crimes) and able to be shut off for that. domain pulled
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i guess you're not familiar with the law. no business, profitting off the public, can be in support of consitional violations. terms of service. by a corperation and just suggestion, any actions of descrimination or punishment for freedom of expression(speech) is a criminal offence by a corperation. for they profitted off the public and then violated the constition and common law. by robbbing this user of a physical quality life. so even a criminal offense at the point the admin banned him. cause that was violating common law 2 also. which is force of will, rape. doing onto someone what you know they wouldn't want done or told they wouldn't want done. when combined with for reasoning of constitional rights, to freedom of speech. for "house rules" that is terrorism, treason , breaking the law. a criminal offense
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I'm probably not familiar with your country's law. I doubt you're familiar with mine either. What I'm fairly sure about is that arguments of "physical quality of life", treason, terrorism and prohibitation of rape have no bearing whatsoever on the case in point.
I think if anyone is being a "douche" here, it's someone who thinks temporarily banning a user from a chat forum for breaking the clearly publicised "house rules" is a criminal offence punishable under some imaginary worldwide legislation.
Just sayin'...
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http://www.prisonplanet.com/new-bill-gives-obama-kill-switch-to-shut-down-the-internet.html i dont remember if it ever got passed or not
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Like pulling the plug on the interweb wouldn't destroy the global economy quicker you could say "404?", and risk WW3 to boot :)
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its internation basic human rights, of the united nation. the common wealth, common law, is without borders.
the member nation of the website and owner. once proffitting of the public. its to abide by all member nations laws. freedom of expression and speech without decrimination is a right. of which all corperations. a corperation by defination a person or business profitting off the public. which this website is. as soon as ad's appeared.
then they persued with breaking the law upon the user whom was a victum. it was clearly an act of treason that occured and i cannot support this website any longer after this act by the athorities of this place. the moderators. impersonating peace officers. in actions, clearly breaking laws for constitional, basic human rights. for their own personal ACT's (tos) in violation of basic human rights(terrorist acts theirfor).
even feel they can rob a contributing user to the website. with verified giveaways, doing upon him akin to rape and pillaging. of basic human rights they robbed him of . to force these cult, collective , anti human rules upon him. to make him feel as done wrong. when doing a good deed for us all. letting us know about a scum bag. then continued beyond that to ban him. for 2 days. for being a victum of a crime and law broken. fraud. causing loss to his physical quality life , his enjoyment of this website.
and likely preventing him from doing more giveaways. after the whole ordeal.
i know this information has me walking from this community. especially with all the terrorist supporting going on here.
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"akin to rape and pillaging."
Don't be silly. He broke the house rule, which are clearly publicised, and was duly suspended.
No law has been broken.
It's not a human rights issue.
It's not rape.
It's not terrorism.
It's not an "act of treason".
It's none of the ridiculous notions you're trotting out. Please, put your Ladybird Law Book back on the shelf. It's a privately owned site, and nobody has a "human right" to be a member. It's not a fucking human right. I suggest the Ladybird Book of Human Rights as required reading here... There are a number of fundamentals which are deemed to be the basic "human rights" of any global citizen, and belonging to this (or any other) website is in no way covered by any of them.
The rules of the website are clear for all to see. Break them and you end up suspended or banned. That's the same if you make racist comments. It's the same if you try and use multiple accounts. It's the same if you conspire to defraud the system, and it's the same for calling out. This is done for the good of the wider community.
Oh, and "treason"? "Rape"? Do you even understand what those words mean?
A human right to be a member of this website, regardless of conduct and adherence to the rules? Please... This really has been week of the entitled morons on Steamgifts, and you appear to be at the very vanguard of the advancing hordes.
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He's also completely misapplying the First Amendment as the basis for his entire post, also not even taking into account that free speech itself has limitations anyway per quite a few SCOTUS rulings. The First Amendment only guarantees that Congress won't pass any law limiting free speech. On a private forum, run by a private individual, he/she can moderate that private forum however they want, to a certain limitation of course.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Everything else is just a mess of false analogies along with other logic errors and really isn't worth responding to in an intelligent manner, since it's either trolling or ignorance, I'm honestly torn as to which I'm leaning towards.
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Dude I know right? I'm reading this guys' posts just flabbergasted at what my eyes are taking in. Even when I can wrangle some meaning from his mangled diatribe, it still makes me go "omfg. What -_-."
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...or even a highchair lawyer judging by a couple of the risible posts in this thread ;)
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HAHAHAHAHA OMG, I googled the word "risible" to see what definition it would come up with. Look at the usage example they chose:
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Such an air of lovemaking going on in tents here man.
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"Terrorist supporting"? Man, just log off this site already and never come back. Your level of crazy is just too damn much to handle. Good riddance.
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What in f*ck are you even blabbing about? There is no "constitutional violation". This sites' rules aren't part of any country's damn constitution. Ad revenue isn't the same as profiting off the public, either. As for the OP, he broke site rules stating no calling out, which is a good rule enforced for good reasons. Site rules can be anything this community wants, law doesn't factor in or count, unless the site rules specifically encourage a violation of law (such as a rule stating "you must stalk and harass another user for at least a week to become a member" or "you must sell drugs and prove it to become a member". Anyone can be banned from the site for any arbitrary reason, even something like "the site owner doesn't like this person". You won't see that happen here, but it would not violate any law whatsoever. You really need to work on your English and reasoning skills.
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You shouldn't thank him, he seems to know nothing about the rules he agreed to when joining the site and is spouting useless drivel.
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I guess that's what the OP wanted to hear though. He's the victim, and the site is an evil terrorist organisation, inflicting rape, robbery, and grievous human rights violations, with a little bit of treason thrown in to spice things up (his words, not mine).
Nearly everyone else in the thread gave sensible advice. OP listens to the one poster who jabbers like a paranoid lunatic.
I scoured the net, but could find no suitable facepalm .gif which came close to covering it...
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You have no right to this site. It is a private website and your use of it is a privilege, one I have revoked for a while to let you consider how incredibly stupid everything you just said is. We can suspend your use of the site at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. We don't care for entitled morons who come through with this attitude thinking they can rules-lawyer or try to concoct some idiotic legal threats based on things they don't even understand and which aren't even applicable. I suggest you save that for intimidating 14-year-olds in whatever other online communities and online multiplayer games you frequent, because all you do when you try to pull that shit with knowledgeable adults like the ones who run websites is piss them off and make yourself look stupid.
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Emphasis on "look stupid". That, or batshit insane :/
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For some reason I don't understand what is OP saying at all with that poor grammar. The second, I don't understand what other users are saying as well with all the short forms and punctuation that you are using. Never have I been so confused as to what am I reading here. Feels like a 6 years old flips through an English dictionary and throws random hoping to form a sentence. facepalm X9999
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Do you know what? We are not all of us Native English speakers. You also used a short form (OP), which I don't even know what it means... And lastly, you have made more mistakes than the writer of this post has!!!! :) Mistakes that you will never understand, though.
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OP = Original poster / open poster.
(The person who opened / made the thread.)
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I do not understand what you want to say, sry >.>
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I'm sorry darling, I'm ever so certain I don't speak that ghastly taco-language of yours...
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Dirtdiver, I am sorry for your frustrations. :(
I hope you will do your best to ignore the rude children who have wrongly insulted you for your poor skill with english.
I do not think it is a good idea to question or challenge the decisions of administrators. It undermines them and makes their job harder. I also do not think that there was any public disagreement between any of the moderators. Your ban was not reversed. The troll was simply punished in addition to your own punishment (if I understand what you're saying).
I hope you have learned from this and also that you will have good luck in winning giveaways in the future.
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In this forum, you have to have a bullet proof skin and take things a little easy.
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I am sorry about the unhelpful people on the forums that probably confused you, I hope this clears up some of your confusion.
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Not sure I understand what happened and why you don't agree with the consequences, but here's my bit. This website has rules. Every user should, first of all, READ AND UNDERSTAND them all. Then if you don't agree with them or don't feel like following them, you should just not use the website. And if you got posts from other forumites on your thread pointing out that calling out is against the rules, YOU should have removed the thread/name asap (and hope no admin had spotted it first). I think it's quite simple really, let's keep it that way. Good luck for the future and I hope you get your game!!
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I post a couple of days ago about how I felt to be deceived.
The contributor laughed at me, and I recognized that there was gonna give anything away and came to ask me to give me a copy of garrys mod.
Many you say me that I have to wait 7 days, that I deserved to be banned, and that was a poor ignorant troll who does not know their own language ....
I was banned for this page 2 days, by calling out ........ seriously you could not just remove the links or post? 's not enough punishment being trolled?
Best of all, the same message on the forum, I will send before the support. When I enter today to end the ban, I see that another (but good) admin decided to suspend the account of "troll", still missing four days of time to send the gift.
Some difference of opinion have the admins.
I have a 0.34 Estimated Wins, and still, earn a good game, but only have a ban and another disappointment, with the admin and the users who supported a tried and tested troll.
Sorry for my English.
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