One copy, no CV required.
I don't have too much money, so I went ahead and just bought one for now. But I'll probably end up selling some stuff and doing some trading later, which means I might have more to contribute.
I'm happy to be taking part in this one, since I was too sick to do so last time. Group events are a lot of fun. <3
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I may be able to add more, not sure yet though. Don't wanna risk my card being blocked for fraud again, lol.
Edit: Also, it isn't much, but I created a giveaway for Mark of the Ninja for those who are giving Fortix.
Edit 2: Added Dead Space as well.
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Damn, you nice.
Also, rather than making multiple purchases with your card, add the money to your Steam wallet first, in a single transaction, and then get what you want.
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Taking part on this 1 aswell (also i still need to win my own copy :P)
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Sure, I've been meaning to do a Fortix giveaway for a while, particularly given that I still haven't paid back my own Fortix win.
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I'll try to buy more Fortixes throughout the event though :D
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4 Fortix Giveaways
CV 30.01
And whoops, my end timer is a little before every ones. Didn't notice the link to the timer till after it was created. Hope that's ok.
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Meh, who cares? The topic is about giving away Fortix, not the ending time :P
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10 copies, 30,01 CV
and one copy of Papo & Yo for one lucky Fortix donor
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how do we even get invited to the other giveaways? I'm guessing I missed my window here as I haven't heard anything about this. Oh well fortix ftw
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I'm thinking this since I added mine 2 days ago and haven't heard anything.
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maybe just comment on the swapper GA with the link :)
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I think we're getting left out cause we chained off delta's thing unlike those who just posted up top without reading. There have been 3 new entrants added to his private GA for what I assume is the swapper.
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I assume Timmaeh will be adding everyone, but since the contributor giveaways are set to run for a longer time period, you should still be fine if late.
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1 copy, no CV. Ends 1 week later than all the rest as explained in description.
Comment has been collapsed. don't know how to make clicky's sorry :( hope it counts no CV required and Private.
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[text][]()(link) next time you want to make a clicky. [text][]()( = text
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one fortix $50 CV
May add more at a later date :)
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Lemme try to make it easy to update (just add the brackets): 1 copy with $131.92 CV - Azralynn
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Very good idea. Edited that into the opening post.
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[10 copies with no CV][]()( - oxguy3
Also btw Delta, tristetea added a few extra giveaways here.
Also also, I added the brackets to my post by doing this: [label][][]()()(url)
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Yeah, I know that cheat, but I'm too lazy :P
And I saw the giveaways, but since they were all Publics and made a week ago, I decided to not list them. If we get matched, I might. :P
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Sorry, didn't see this chain at first due to SG+. Mine is already posted, but here (1 copy with $42 CV) is a link to my giveaway to make things easier.
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1 copy of [fortix] (
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Steam is now letting me buy stuff again after I locked myself out, so here's a few more copies for contributors:
[2 copies with $500 CV][]()( - oxguy3
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[1 copy of Fortix 2 with no CV][]()( - oxguy3
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2 Copies with $4 CV - Sinovera
In honor of SleepyCat who gave me my Fortix ^^
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[1 copy with no CV][]()( - BoboFatt
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[1 copy with $1 CV][]()( - CaspianRoach
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This is a repeat of my earlier post. These aren't new giveaways, I just realized I was supposed to chain them at the end of this post so that's what I'm doing.
[1 copy with no required CV][]()( - wwfarch
[2 copies of Fortix 2 with no required CV][]()( - wwfarch
1 copy with no required CV
2 copies of Fortix 2 with no required CV
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It's a bit overdue, but here's my Fortix giveaway to celebrate becoming an official member of Steam Gifts...2 months ago:
1 copy with $4.44 CV - SP202
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Needs more bump and needs more Fortix so;
2x $4.44 CV Fortix
Link repeated for ease of copyage
[2x $4.44 CV Fortix][]()( - mercer88
2x $44.44 CV Fortix
And again, copyable link for Delta.
[2x $44.44 CV Fortix][]()( - mercer88
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[1 copie with 30,01 CV][]()( - gabaeba
1 copie with 30,01 CV - gabaeba
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Well here is the new one:
1 copy with $1 CV - Ev11
[1 copy with $1 CV][]()( - Ev11
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I entered A LOT of these, thanks everyone who contributed, I hope I will win my own copy of fortix :)
Here is my giveaway:
[1 copy with $34.56 CV][]()( - RankoR
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[3 copies with $30.01 CV][]()( - V838CutCake
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[2 copies with CV][]()( - MrD
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[1 copy with no required CV][]()( - Gold344
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[1 copy with no required CV]( - crizyz
[1 copy with 100 CV]( - crizyz
[1 copy with 250 CV]( - crizyz
Luckily I had 3 euro left on my Steam wallet, otherwise I probably could not have helped with this massive GA. :)
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[1 copy with no CV][]()( - Dacoda
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[1 copy with $99 CV]( - bibboorton
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1 Public copy with no required CV
1 Public copy with no required CV]( - link3710
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EDIT: No thanks to the extra giveaways, by the way!
EDIT2: Enddates are wrong, sorry!
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[3 copies with $1 CV][]()( - Deviljaime
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Here is my fortix giveaway, now I just need to win one.
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[2 copies with $187 CV][]()( - Myzery
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[3 copies with $10 CV][]()( - Kyou :3
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[3 copies with $30.01 CV][]()( - ozo2003
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Here's another!
[1 copy with no CV required][]()( - BubbyBobble
I also linked my Fortix giveaways together, to make it easier for folks to find and enter both. :p
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[1 copy with no CV][]()( - MMRhino
Great idea.
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[3 copies with $539.53 CV][]()( - CrippledLamp
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I'd like to take part too. This is one from me:
1 copy no CV, Public - daraya79
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Here's mine :D
1 copy with 133.70$ CV - Public - Erik108
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[5 copies with $π CV][]()( - Professor Bread
Wish I could have added more, but this is all I am allowed to have open right now.
Le the Fortix nonsense continue =).
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Well I make it a rule to enter every Fortix GA i can but no luck so far. Maybe giving it away first will be my ticket to finally try this gem!!
1 copies with $30.01 CV - JBro19
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5 copies with $50.00 CV - blahmoomoo
Did I hear FORTIX???
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[1 copy with 100$ required CV][]()( - Fkitty
Because I won one last time <3
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3 copies of Fortix 2 with no required CV
PS. Good luck! :)
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I'm pretty sure it doesn't end the same time, but it ends on the 5th.
1 copy with no required CV - NebulaProphet
[1 copy with no required CV]+( - NebulaProphet
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[1 copy with no CV](
- Nagihiko
It's a public no CV giveaway that ends on my birthday, but it's Fortix nonetheless!~
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[1 copy with no CV][]()( - Angel9RakouCobra
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[1 copy with $30.99 CV][]()( - secretcliff
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Here you go guys! Good luck everyone!
[1 copy with $32.10 CV][]()( - Aly
Little late, but should get those checking back in frequently a higher chance!
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Chained by request.
[5 copies with $66.66 CV][]()( - iffy
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3 copies Fortix 2 with no required CV - Eldering
[3 copies Fortix 2 with no required CV][]()( - Eldering
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That was our plan behind the Swapper giveaway :D And Fortix isn't that expensive, is it? :P
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Yeah, sorry about that, would have noticed sooner but had to do something :P
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I heard it is enjoyable if you like puzzles, but can be beaten in 3 - 5 hours.
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I've been looking for something I want to play myself and that hasn't been gifted on sg so often :P
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I know how that feels. I'm just lucky I had all the new card games today. :P
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You can still donate without winning it. I did a few copies before I got mine.
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Yeah, this. I'm actually surprised I didn't hear about a lot of them for the previous topic. :P
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Do not want -_-. I will keep my profile Fortix free forever!
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No, I mean I will never giveaway Fortix wahahahaha
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I won my Fortix in the first one, thanks and I might join with giving a Fortix as well.
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I want to participate too but can I do it like 1 week from now?
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Professor Bloodlust: While Fortixes is not wrong, the proper spelling is Fortices.
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Professor Bloodlust: Good Question, thanks for asking. Fortices is the Latin plural form. Fortixes is the form of the word naturalized as English. "Forti" isn't english it's only the try to solve the confusion by cutting off letters.
Conan O' Brien
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Thanks Professor Bloodlust. I guess it's similar to appendix, index and matrix.
Although, I'm not sure Fortix is an English word.
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353 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Mayanaise
100 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Channel28
33 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Tecfan
4 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by reigifts
328 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by medion
16,722 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by Vee79
391 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by SeefKroy
3,754 Comments - Last post 17 seconds ago by NekroNoob
10,126 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by LegolasGreenleaf01
180 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Ev4Gr33n
1,389 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Wolvesblade
113 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by meneldur
29,694 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by Ner72
1,203 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by canis39
Congrats to everyone who one a copy, and I hope anyone who got lucky enough to win more than one is getting those rerolled. Don't want people to miss out.
For anyone wondering, of course we will have another event like this. But not for a while. Maybe in December?
Because the first time wasn't enough. We need to giveaway more Fortix. While my own wallet is rather depleted right now, I had a good number of cards and plenty of friends willing to take part.
Giveaway end timer - The event will end on Jul 5, 2013 12:00 am (UTC).
We have already surpassed the previous topic after only a day, well done guys.
Be sure to chain your own Fortix giveaways on my first comment. Makes it easier to find and add them.
Format your link like this, so I can just copy and paste
[5 copies with no CV][][]()()( - DeltaBladeX
5 copies with no CV - DeltaBladeX
1 copy with a CV of 99 cents - DeltaBladeX
20 copies with no CV - Timmaeh
1 copy with no CV - SleepyCat
10 copies with no CV - tristetea
1 copy with no CV - Vyn
1 copy with no CV - esq393
1 copy with $1 CV - esq393
1 copy with $100 CV - esq393
1 copy with no CV - 000Knight
1 copy with $30.01 CV - irwinner
1 copy with no CV, Public - KNightmare123
3 copies with $50 CV - AxeMurderer
1 copy with no CV - Danych
1 copy with $777.77 CV - ageofarmageddon
1 copy with no CV - BubbyBobble
1 copy with no CV - HenryLeonheart
1 copy with no CV - Herpulese
1 copy with $40 CV - BloodlustBeast
1 copy with 1 cent CV, Public - sadootomas
1 copy with $40 CV - quillsaga
1 copy with no CV - Zharwyn
5 copies with $50 CV - Jelly00
1 copy with $100 CV - Unholymoondog
2 copies with no CV - TheMiMicKitteH
2 copies with $30.01 CV - bretti81
1 copy with $33.33 CV - Rachadell93
1 copy with $30.01 CV, Public - Infernotoni
1 copy with $100 CV - Piku
2 copies with $9.99 CV - GLAD0S98
10 copies with no CV - thomas404
1 copy with $33.33 CV - kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS
1 copy with $13.37 CV - addicTT
1 copy with no CV - angelc581
1 copy with $30.01 CV - sttr7
1 copy with $666 CV - Nonos
1 copy with $42 CV - Nonos
3 copies with $4 CV - Aserith
5 copies with no CV - Zomby2D
1 copy with 99 cents CV - Sandy
1 copy with $2000 CV - 999flame
1 copy with no CV - TCold
2 copies with no CV, Public - slayer9075
1 copy with 69 cents CV - ki11fr3ak
1 copy with $90.01 CV - kataztrophik
1 copy with $123.45 CV - EvilMoo
1 copy with $13.37 CV - DeluxeGamer
1 copy with 1 cent CV - 6you7me
4 copies with $30.01 CV - Gwarsbane
1 copy with $123.45 CV - SuperFluffyKitty
1 copy with $9.99 CV - grundig
10 copies with $30.01 CV, Public - Olddan
1 copy with $1 CV - jinnhee
1 copy with $400.01 CV - wuut
1 copy with $1234.56 CV - jackanimebenson
1 copy with no CV - graywolf323
1 copy with no CV, Public - cdniz
1 copy with $75 CV - CookieCrumbles72
1 copy with no CV - Cha0sSt0rm
1 copy with $30.01 CV - Wargharbl
1 copy with no CV - geschenk83
2 copies with $50 CV - P4INKILL3R
1 copy with 99 cents CV - RaPtUrA
4 copies with $41.11 CV - omnitau
1 copy with no CV - dexxterger
1 copy with no CV - Orestisf
1 copy with $45.35 CV - whitdemon
1 copy with $42 CV - Azone
1 copy with no CV, Public - trunks10k
5 copies with $13.38 CV - flownzu
2 copies with $30.01 CV - varil
1 copy with $50 CV - smythe
1 copy with $131.92 CV - Azralynn
1 copy with no CV - Yahmig
10 copies with no CV - oxguy3
1 copy with no CV - PuerSushi
1 copy with no CV - GamerPlava
1 copy with $258.98 CV - MonoPixels
1 copy with no CV - Mondocoffee
1 copy with no CV - crippledwheat
1 copy with $199 CV - talon2claw
2 copies with $500 CV - oxguy3
1 copy with no CV - wwfarch
1 copy with no CV - zeromtz
1 copy with $1 CV, Public - DFogz
5 copies with no CV - Damien1P
2 copies with $4 CV - Sinovera
1 copy with no CV - BoboFatt
1 copy with no CV, Public - Toboty
1 copy with 99 cents CV, Public - tenosuke75
1 copy with 1 cent CV - le4slie
1 copy with $1 CV - CaspianRoach
1 copy with $4.44 CV - sp202
1 copy with $2000 CV - MacroPower
1 copy with $4000 CV - MacroPower
2 copies with $4.44 CV - mercer88
2 copies with $44.44 CV - mercer88
1 copy with $30.01 CV - gabaeba
1 copy with $30.01CV - JackRaider
1 copy with $1 CV - Ev11
1 copy with $34.56 CV - RankoR
1 copy of Fortix with $0.01 CV - fiftykyu
3 copies with $30.01 CV - V838CutCake
1 copy with no CV - dragon50469
1 copy with $31 CV - LAQ666
2 copies with 1 cent CV - MrD
1 copy with no CV - Gold344
1 copy with no CV - crizyz
1 copy with $100 CV - crizyz
1 copy with $250 CV - crizyz
1 copy with no CV, Public - xRasil
1 copy with no CV - EthylMethylEther
1 copy with no CV - Dacoda
1 copy with $99 CV - bibboorton
1 copy with $99.99 CV - Nuva
1 copy with $12.34 CV - DJ999
1 copy with no CV - biodelic
1 copy with no CV, Public - link3710
1 copy with $30.01 CV - anonymous29
1 copy with $4.13 CV - BronzePage
1 copy with no CV - BronzePage
3 copies with $1 CV - Deviljaime
1 copy with $2222.22 CV - zelghadis
1 copy with no CV - Kasdar
1 copy with 1 cent CV - fadillzzz
2 copies with $187 CV - Myzery
3 copies with $10 CV - KotCheetah
1 copy with 99 cents CV - trunganh953
1 copy with $29.99 CV - QuartzPort
1 copy with no CV, Public - Valthero
1 copy with $100.99 CV - SakataKun
3 copies with $30.01 CV - ozo2003
1 copy with no CV required - BubbyBobble
1 copy with no CV - MMRhino
1 copy with $40 CV - Xiangming
4 copies no CV required - Misskpavd
3 copies with $50 CV - Misskpavd
5 copies with no CV - Zharwyn
3 copies with $539.53 CV - CrippledLamp
1 copy no CV, Public - daraya79
2 copies with $22.70 CV - bart227
1 copy with $133.70 CV - Public - Erik108
5 copies with $π CV - Professor Bread
1 copies with $30.01 CV - JBro19
5 copies with $50.00 CV - blahmoomoo
1 copy with 100$ required CV - Fkitty
1 copy with no required CV - NebulaProphet
1 copy with no CV, Public - Nagihiko
1 copy with no CV - Angel9RakouCobra
1 copy with $3.14 CV - TekVila
1 copy with no CV - Yoru9102
1 copy with $30.99 CV - secretcliff
1 copy with $32.10 CV - Aly
1 Copy with $0.01 CV, Public - Nhoise
5 copies with $66.66 CV - iffy
1 copy with $30.00 CV, Public - Mardukas
1 copy with 1 cent CV - SWKineo
1 copy with 0.01 CV - Bytek
Fortix count = 280
2 copies of Fortix 2 with no required CV - wwfarch
1 copy of Fortix 2 with no CV - oxguy3
1 copy of Fortix 2 with $100 CV - Damien1P
1 copy of Fortix 2 with $33.33 CV - fiftykyu
3 copies of Fortix 2 with no CV - kolo83
1 copy of Fortix 2 with $0.02 CV - art87able
3 copies of Fortix 2 with no CV - Eldering
Fortix 2 count = 12
Anyone popping up Fortix will also be allowed to enter a private giveaway for The Swapper, thanks to Timmaeh. He will add the users taking part, though it seems he is late himself. Don't worry, all of them are running longer than the Fortix giveaways, so people can continue to join.
There will also be
Myzery's DARK
HenryLeonheart's Super Hexagon
thomas404's Mark of the Ninja & Dead Space
Jelly00's The Expendables 2 Videogame
Olddan's Papo & Yo
ki11fr3ak's Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II: Retribution
jackanimebenson's Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition
TGaPTrix's Cubemen 2
P4INKILL3R's Fortix 2
BloodlustBeast's The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut (2 Copies)
mercer88's Aquaria, Fractal, Organ Trail and Stealth Bastard Deluxe
And several others
And Tristea has another giveaway for the more generous members. However, he only wanted me to reveal it exists.
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