RealVision ENB with all extra addons.
Link to the webpage for realvision ENDB:
Also get nexus client and register on the site so you can download/install mods with one click. All the mods on the list can be found there with dozzens and dozzens of other mods.
Mod list:
Realvision ENB
Optimized Vanilla Textures
Ruins Clutter Improved
Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD
Enhanced Distant Terrain
The Skyrim Distance Overhaul LOD Improvement
SkyFalls and SkyMills - Animated Distant Waterfalls and WindMills
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD FULL - Landscape, Dungeons, Towns, Misc, Rifton
Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins by Aron
Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area by Aron
aMidianBorn Caves and Mines
aMidianBorn farmhouse and roads stonewall
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Realistic Aspen Trees
Unique Grasses and Groundcovers - Nature and Landscape Enhancement
Natural Grass Texture Floor
High Definition Ivy - 2K
JK's Whiterun
City Forests and Landscape V2 trees
Detailed Rugs
Realistic Water Two
Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two
optional landscape textures from Pure Waters
AOF Detailed Mountains
Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs and Creeks
Moss Rocks
Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised
Dust Effects
Realistic Smoke and Embers
Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel
Supreme Storms for Climates of Tamriel
Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch
Realistic Lighting Overhaul
---------------------other mods i've used and are good-----------------------
Better Females by Bella
Quality world map
Detailed cities
Enchanced blood textures
Better torrches
Sit anywhere
Perfect whiterun
Run for your lives
Improved npc clothing - High Res
Skyrim shadow striping fix
Bellyaches Animal and Creature pack
83Willows 101BugsHD
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Thanks a bunch for this list, this looks like the kind of stuff I'm wanting at the moment. I don't personally know anyone who plays Skyrim on PC, let alone modded, so thanks for giving me a starting point and suggestions.
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Just a side note... all above mods dont change the gameplay (they are purely atmospheric enchancement - see the videos on that link and you will see what i mean :) ) or add something else (except "run for your lives" - when there is a dragon attack people start running inside houses or they hide so they wont die. Sometimes can be frustrating when npcs die that way and you still have to return back to them because of some quest.... >.<).
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I watched all the vids on that page, I also watched some guy on youtube comparing another called Project ENB and Realvision. I'm a little concerned about the system requirements as I have a Nvidia GT 430 (2GB) card which is still serving me well but is it good enough for this? Also my CPU is one of the older i7s which is 2.93 GHz which also falls short. I'm probably going to try them anyway, but how is the performance with Realvision installed?
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You can either put 2 spaces at the end of each line or as Pasadiz said, just press enter after each line.
A lot of the mods you mention seem to be game changing, of course I'd enjoy the sexy mods, but at the moment I'm looking for mods that mostly just enhance what's in the game already, when I get further into it I will probably start adding these kinds of mods. Which would you say are the mods you could not play without? If you wanted to play the game as authentically as possible, which mods would you still keep in?
Also, where do you get your mods? Are they all obtained from the same place?
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It maybe a bit cheesy, but get a lockpick mod, will save you ton of trouble :D
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Care to elaborate on that? So far I don't find lockpicking troublesome, but then again I'm not very far in the game.
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I hate this crap. TES isn't about skill at particulars, like shooters or other fast-paced games, its about character development and role-playing. Skyrim's lock-picking system is the worst in the series, and that's saying something.
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I still find Skyrim's lockpicking preferable to Oblivion's.
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Although I am not that bad at lockpicking this makes it extremely easy
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If I had to guess, it has to do with the tedium of doing it over and over, and it being so vague about placement, especially at lower skill levels. Lockpick Graduation by Lilyu is a simple texture mod that makes for better reference points when picking locks. This is pretty much one the first mods I ever chose, and I can't believe I forgot to recommend that one. If you find picking gets super tedious or you want to streamline it, I recommend the Option C file.
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Check out GopherVids on youtube. Pretty good mods on his last Skyrim Let's Play. They're usually in the video description. He also has a bunch of tutorials on modding.
Link to his channel:
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Thanks for this, will definitely watch his videos when I have some time.
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Nexus is your best option to get the most creazy mods for Skyrim D:
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Thanks for these links, the first one though I'm not sure if I'll take now because this is my first run of Skyrim (before I played maybe 3 hrs max which was nothing in the context of this game it seems), and I don't want too much different from the original. But it definitely looks like something I'll put in later.
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Thanks very much for this, been reading this guide and it's very informative. I was leaning towards using Mod Organiser but other places said it was difficult for newcomers, this guide helps a lot in that respect.
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the ones I recommended here
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The mod that changes the fight music to Danger Zone, and the mod that turns all the dragons into Macho Man Randy Savage.
(Also, mods I'm currently using, or was when I played last...
A Quality World Map
Achieve That
Acquisitive Soul Gems
A Matter of Time
Better Dialogue Controls
Better Red Eagles Bane
Book Covers of Skyrim
Bookshelves Script
Civil War Overhaul
Convenient Horses
Dual Sheath Redux
Even Better Quest Objectives
Expanded Towns and Cities
Female Facial Animation
Follower Wander
Glowing Ore Veins
Guard Dialogue Overhaul
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions
Hearthfire Kids Moving Fix
ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Cities
Kajiit Child Maisha
Lanterns of Skyrim
Move It
No More Blocky Faces
Realistic Force
Realistic Water Two
Run For Your Lives
Setana Patch
Skyrim Project Optimization
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
Unique Uniques
Unofficial patches
When Vampires Attack)
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Lol, I wouldn't be surprised if those exist.
You need to hit enter twice to leave lines, or use a double space at the end of each one. But nonetheless, thank you for sharing. Looks like I'll be spending more time researching than playing for now.
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My personal list of recommendations for someone who doesn't want the game to change too much:
The Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons mods by Hothtrooper44 adds a variety of lore friendly armor and weapons to the game, allowing the player more choices in what to wear and wield, without changing the way the game functions.
One that is pretty much a staple for any PC Skyrim player is SkyUI. Makes the user interface much more PC friendly. With Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE), SkyUI serves as a platform for most other script-based mods through use of the built-in Mod Configuration Manager.
Alternate Start - Live Another Life is pretty much necessary after you've played through the Helgen portion a couple of times. With this, you can start from other points on the map in a relatively unobtrusive fashion. Instead of starting out on the wagon, you begin in a small room, where character creation occurs. There are various options and kinds of starts, but you still have the choice of 'being caught at the border' for the canon opening sequence.
RaceMenu overhauls and rebuilds the character creation screen for more in depth character generation, allowing for more control [like hair color, or absurd skin color if you feel like having some laughs] in your character's appearance. Requires SKSE.
A Matter of Time adds a customizable clock to the heads-up-display, because it's just a pain to either guess the time or open the wait menu to see what time it is. Requires SKSE and SkyUI.
Long Lost Smelters of Skyrim is more for convenience than anything else; after all, there are certain places—like Riverwood, or the blacksmith areas in Riften, Solitude, Morthal, etc.—that benefit from having a smelter or other smithing tools, but otherwise don't.
Pure Waters and Pure Weather by Laast overhaul the appearance of water, and the weather and lighting systems respectively, improving appearances in both.
I know you said you didn't want anything that 'changes the game' very much, but I highly recommend SPERG - Skyrim Perk Enhancements and Rebalanced Gameplay, even if it is your 'first playthrough'. Truth be told, I've only just begun using this very mod today, but once you get started, you barely notice much of a difference. SPERG overhauls the skill perk trees, and although the relevant script provided for use with the Community Uncapper makes it so you only get a perk every other level, it's offset by the automatic gain of certain perks in each skill tree as you improve that skill, and really, they're skills that, more often than not, are picked anyway. For example, what you can craft with smithing gets tied into the automatic perks gained with your level: at 25 you can craft elven and dwarven, so on an so forth in logical progression. This makes way for choosing which of the perks related to improvement of said equipment. Only want to specialize in upgrading light armor? Take that perk. Better yet, the altered perk trees for each skill provide incentive for diversifying. Alchemy and Enchanting have perks that benefit the other, while a destruction mage, with their affinity for fire, might be better at tempering armor and weapons. The mod is a must if you want your magic to matter at higher levels, or if you want your perk choices to mean more than just "Kill the enemy faster."
And of course, as everybody has already mentioned, the Unofficial Patches are a must for stability.
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Thanks for these links, these are definitely the kind of things I'm looking for. The time thing has been bothering me, so that one I'll definitely have to pick up, and the RaceMenu is great, although I'd probably have to start over to make use of it, not a problem though since I'm not very far in. I may even take the Alternate Start because I've played the start a few times now.
As far as the perk mod, I haven't played any Bethesda games previously which use perks, and I haven't played enough of Skyrim to know anything about how they work, so for now I'm going to leave them alone. Thanks though for the suggestions.
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Glad to have been of help. If you have the Legendary Edition or the Dawnguard DLC, you have an alternative to starting a new game to play with it: There's Galathil down in the Ragged Flagon in Riften, who will allow you to alter your appearance [but not race or sex] for 1000 gold.
There are plenty of player home mods, such as Dragonstead that provide an interactive object opens the menu. Another option is ShowRaceMenu Alternative, which provides a spell that opens the RaceMenu, allowing you to alter your appearance at any time.
Another appearance mod that might interest you is ApachiiSkyHair. It meshes quite well with RaceMenu, and provides far more [attractive] options for hair for your player character.
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I just have the base game at the moment, but those mods certainly look interesting. I used to play a modded Sims 2 ages ago, and these remind me of that somewhat. I may try these out sometime.
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Heck... Before You Get Any Other Mods, Start By Going To NEXUS And Getting The Unofficial Skyrim Patch And The Hearthfire,Dragonborn And Dawnguard Patches If You Have The Corresponding DLC Installed. And Don't Forget To Set Them Up In The Proper Load Order If Or When You Do Have Those Patches.
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Also check out SkyrimGems it's currently down though.
I'm looking for a recommendation for Perk and Combat mod that's fun and highly compatible, currently vanilla combat (Legendary Difficulty) with SPERGs.
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I recently got Skyrim, and I was wondering how many people here play it with mods? Aside from some messing around previously to see what the game was like, this will be my first playthrough so I don't want anything that changes the game very much, so I'm mostly looking for graphical improvements and any unofficial fixes that may be needed. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
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