but there will also(probably) be a lot more gifts at once so hopefully they'll balance out
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anyone who has $50 of game on their account, so that cuts a lot of fat out.
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LOl can I get the points back from my unsent invitations?
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That is an AMAZING idea! It means you are all ready for a crapload of fake giveaways right?
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I guess it's okay, considering everyone can get invites everywhere now, but I'd kinda like some certification for being a veteran member =P
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You deserve a certification for being the first member to be reviled and hated on in such a passionate matter!
Those were the good days, fewer members that were all jealous of BlueLegion's winning streak :)
I always stood up for you, though, so maybe I should get a Marshall badge.
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Would that mean I get a special hat for doing the first giveaway?
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Can't wait to see giveaways with 10000+ entries! And 2000 fake contests because people think that they'll get for free the games they are meant to give away! (Not really, everyone is welcome unless this means a new wave of scammers on the site)
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That won't happen, I assure you. Hundreds of people aren't going to join with fake accounts after dumping $50 worth of games on them just to create fake giveaways to become banned. I also fail to see how this involves a new wave of scammers.
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So does this mean everybody can join now, or nobody can join anymore ???!!?
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So this means registration is closed? Or anybody can join now?
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Could you please clarify a bit better the OP please lokonopa. Does this mean that the site will be public and its registrations open to everyone or that the registrations are now closed and invites are over? From the feedback it seems that what people understood from this varies a bit. Thanks in advance
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I don't know about this. Yes, the site is big, but this is gonna skyrocket out of control. I've got a feeling we're gonna be seeing 10,000 entry giveaways soon.
And little aside from that point, once this goes "public," whatever community we had here is going to be gone. People will disregard the rules and not hold to the ideals of SteamGifts that people around here generally follow now.
Dayum shame, Jimmy.
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I never said that it won't, but do we really want 10k giveaways? Or, more importantly, do we want them so quickly? It's one thing to move to 1000s like we have, slowly over time. But a big spike to 10k I think would be pretty bad.
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This would also mean more giveaways, which will hopefully cause some kind of equalization. I would like to see some kind of encouragment for listing a giveaway (given after the game is recieved) to make sure their is a less chance of this. Also entry limits might not be a bad idea. It would be unfair to close off registration, as then it would just be the same group of people winning over and over.
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I don't say they have to display their profiles or inventories publicly, but just like profiles have, in fact, to be public at least for a few seconds every week to sync to the site, the same can be done with inventories to confirm the possession of a giftable copy while creating a first public giveaway. Make it automatic like the sync process and no one has to see it.
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Well maybe you shoul. Like over at TF2R.com, you have to have something in your inventory to choose it to give away. Should do that here as well.
I don't want people nosing through my inventory, but that doesn't mean I couldn't switch it to public for a second whenever I create a giveaway on the site.
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This seems rather premature.
I do believe it would have been the better plan to first put a better system to prevent fake giveaways (i.e. check if the user owns a gift copy of the game) in place before opening the site like this.
Whether it generally is/was a good idea, only time will tell.
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not a good restriction idea
I don't think having open registration will affect that much, honestly. There will be more entries, more contests, more group giveaways, etc. Also, the people who REALLY want to use Steamgifts are already using it. There will be a small spike in users, but the user count will still only increase gradually. Not everyone and their grandma are gonna sign up. This drop in "quality" and "community" is more in our heads, imo.
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I don't think having open registration will affect that much, honestly.
Exactly. Even if we done away with invites weeks ago, we'd have a small percentage of registers members more than we do now, factoring in the amount of times people that have registered or attempted to register without an invite and failing to meet the $50 minimum requirement, which is still in place.
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You don't think so, but you can't be certain.
That's what I meant with "time will tell".
As for the other thing...well, it doesn't matter much, since fake giveaway creators will be banned anyway, but not actively trying to prevent it seems weird. I don't know.
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I'm pretty certain, actually. The $50 minimum requirement is what actively prevents fake giveaway creators. I highly doubt enough people will dump $50 worth of games on a dummy account just to make a fake giveaways only to be banned and have the giveaway removed anyway.
Please note games in the bundles are valued altogether around $5. It's a bit more difficult to register a newly created fake account than just activating a few Humbles.
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Greetings community,
You're reading this correctly. After many weeks of discussion, we believe that it's a good time to move away from invites. The system served a good purpose while the site was rapidly growing. The SteamGifts community is now nearing 50,000 members and that system no longer seems appropriate.
Please note we still require all registered members have at least $50.00 worth of games associated with their Steam account.
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to express them here.
SteamGifts Team
Unused invites
If you had unused invites, please be aware that we will be refunding 50P per unused invite on your accounts over the next several days.
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