Hey look, it's someone creating giveaway with tons of copies.

Is he trying to generate points or something?

Edit: Yeah, he's just a kid and I overreacted.

Edit2: "The giveaways will be deleted in a few minutes. If you entered, points will be restored."

Edit3: Many hours later, this guy does the same thing:

13 years ago*

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If you look at his profile, it is surely.

13 years ago

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Yeah, the kid's an idiot and doesn't know he actually has to pay for the giveaways he makes.

13 years ago

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That's very weird. Now there's Red Faction Guerrilla too. Strange.

13 years ago

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Just added: Red Faction Guerrilla (25) Copies

That guy must be banned.

13 years ago

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If one enters into a giveaway that ultimately gets deleted, will the points be restored to one's account?

13 years ago

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The giveaways will be deleted in a few minutes. If you entered, points will be restored.

13 years ago

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Thanks, that was quick.

13 years ago

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Much appreciated, kind sir.

13 years ago

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From his profile:

"Hello, I am a kid Named Dane which you might know me as TH3koolkidgamer or Rig, or just don't know me at all... Well, i'm a kid with alot of hopes, I'd REALLY LOVE SOMEONE TO GET ME A STEAM GAME.. Wow would I be so happy... I would squeal a happy sound... Basically, I don't have a credit card and I don't have enough money, I don't have a job either, I can't get 1 because i'm too young, Hopefully you could fine the kindness which you once used, and use it again. So please, be kind and gift :) Plus, this isn't just my account, I share it with my little brother, here is a list of games i'd would love to have

Half life 2
Counter strike source
My litte brothers wants

Peggle deluxe
Luxor:5th passage

So please, don't think of us as CHEAPS or say that I just want to take people's money, because it's not true. so please be kind and gift a game :)

Add me as a friend if you would like : Th3koolkidgamer

So I say good bye :)."

I don't think he knows he has to pay.

13 years ago

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Lots of ppl loosing great quantities of points in 5, 4, 3...

13 years ago

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Sek, it was MEANT to be real, until after I found out they are not generated, and I would have to pay for them -_-

Was his latest comment.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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I asked him how he had so many copies. This is the reply.

23:15 - ⎈RiGgEdPaNdAy⎈: I don't I though I could give it because It was generated, but I'm just another kid looking for people to be friends witth that just wants to be kind :(

13 years ago

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haha! Well. He will learn a life lesson soon!

13 years ago

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you need to be at least 13 to use steam

13 years ago

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yep, everyone follows the rules

13 years ago

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This guy was wondering if he actually had to pay for the games he was gifting away. He then wondered how he'd do it since he didn't use a credit card 'for some reason'. It's almost a laugh, but it's really a cry.

Don't enter, save your points. And then pray this idiot either comes to his senses, doesn't contaminate the gene pool, or wins a lottery allowing him to follow through on his stupidity.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Guys, I'm poor, I don't have enough money
And I'm 11 years old
Sorry for the "Let Down"

13 years ago

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is the half life 2 giveaway real?

13 years ago

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I don't think anything about this guy is real.

Poe's law at work. He could genuinely be an idiot (11 years old is not an excuse for lack of common sense) or he be trollin'.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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that's why you shouldn't be using steam. it's 13+ anyway

13 years ago

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Parents shouldn't let kids this young on the internet. Also you have to be at 13 to own a steam account.

13 years ago

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I agree

13 years ago

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Definitely suspicious, there should be system that requires showing Proof of Purchase when making giveaway that have 10+ copies or something like that.


13 years ago

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Walks and sees giveaways.

As what the pre-deterimined right that i have and have been bearing power within my might


Seriously, read the FAQ, gosh now we have little kids on this site? I AM AMAZED AT HOW SG HAS IMPROVED!

What a horrible community this has become

btw Th3koolkidgamer Sorry, but this is not a kids game nor is it a site for ridiculous fantasies (Please do not take my comment at heart, all in the sake of a "Fail")

P.S. Forgive my comment bro's(Friends who've known me from SGS) and who know me for so long; I just had to say Fail :P

13 years ago

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:) Thanks for laughing at me, it's much better than being hated right?

13 years ago

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Depends, lol.

13 years ago

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I think you should be asking yourself what the difference is between laughing with and laughing at someone.

13 years ago

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I'm 12 and I knew you had to pay for the games. It's people like you that give preteens such a bad rep on the internet.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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As a general rule of thumb, nobody 15... no, 16... 18... 21... to hell with it, only I should be allowed on the internet.

13 years ago

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Btw, Don't EVER TELL Your Personal Stuff age or anything about yourself, i mean come on dude This is Steam, and a lot of dudes here are ignorant, selfish, un-merciful, Rage Quiting, Heartless Gamers.

Then again there are kind people out there that i've met before...

But seriously dude, don't use that info. Steam is not for the young-and-kind individuals as you might think. Trust I've had my share of discipline. :P

13 years ago

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I disagree, this is a place for the kind and generous, young or old but we do require users to have some common sense and a grasp of what life actually is.

Yes this was funny that he thought these games were free and also annoying but he will still be accepted into the community for trying; although personally, we need less users like this but hey everyone makes mistakes.

13 years ago

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Life is not kind and generous as it should should be, however i disagree, to you it may seem that it is for "kind and generous" but the world we live in isn't that merciful. You can't expect a random individual to walk right up to a bum or Hobo and say "Here's some money" (Yes that does happens sometime).

Though, it does not exclude the fact that he is a kid and like we all were so long ago we used to be a kid from our past. However, we have grown up and matured over the years. I just hope these new Gens* will see that the world cannot and will not be a unified utopia singing KUMBAYA or PEACE BRO!

Nevertheless i do feel sorry he had to get harshly and pointed upon including me, but that's life.

And yes 30021190 i absolutely agree that everyone makes mistakes including I :D.

For without mistakes, how will we ever Instill a motivation inside humans to continue looking toward the bright future ahead of us today... :P


13 years ago

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Why are you here if it is not to be kind of generous or feed off the generosity of someone else?

13 years ago

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Because, i have been here since Cg made other sites, personally i rather like to chat with other individuals, argue, say your POV, etc etc. As well i have also taken a solid honor of only going into giveaways i really want Hence my giveaway entered :P I can even show you PROOF i only enter for what i believe, i have a decent chance for what i truly and dearly want.

Now to the answer to your question is already stated above what you are currently reading, also everyone else here is feeding off the generosity of someone else by already participating in these giveaways.

The question is not Why am i Here? it is Why You are questioning my methods or what my intentions are.


13 years ago

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No, you're saying that "Life is not kind and generous as it should should be" but yet you are a member of a site that is based on kindness and generosity.

I am not questioning your intentions just that it seems that your outlook on life is bleak in this gleaming site of goodness.

13 years ago

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Gleaming Site of goodness?

In giveaways yes, but to the true intentions of people? hell no!

A Site can NEVER BE TRULY BEAMING OF GOODNESS, it's still riddled with people using abusive language, trolls, inconsiderate people, and most of all no manners.

I must admit how generous this community has been, but your only barking up half it's trunk, when you inconsiderately over-look at how a community acts. "Added Now when a community acts right and proper that in your terms can mean GOODNESS :P"

Check on the bottom message already :P and you'll see what i mean :P.

Edit: "Added Now when a community acts right and proper that in your terms can mean GOODNESS :P"

13 years ago

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I hate you.

13 years ago

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Hate me? Fuck you. Don't hate me? Thnx

13 years ago

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watch your words kiddo...

13 years ago

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Deh dh deh duh deh duh deh duh deh duh deh duh

13 years ago

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Seriously, don't be a dick.

13 years ago

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I might troll people on things like facebook, but not in a serious matter! By the way i'm 11, you all know that right?

13 years ago

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And that's an excuse?...

Now I'm wondering, where did you think the giveaways came from, exactly?

13 years ago

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A generator

13 years ago

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a generator that just... makes games out of air?

13 years ago

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"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"

That quote means a lot to many people however you interpret it however I hope you'll take a turn into the right direction.

Just saying... :P

13 years ago

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The Fallout 3 Realisation that he has to pay!

Also, I thought you had to be 13 or older to use steam?

13 years ago

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300- whatever the fuck that thing is; I didn't notice, and it's removed so yeah... SHAME ON U!

13 years ago

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It's a number, you learn about them once you hit 13.
Also it's for the benefit of others

13 years ago

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This thread is not making sense anymore.

13 years ago

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He's a troll, not really eleven.

13 years ago

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Ban it

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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That guy is just trying to generate points for another one of his accounts.

I doubt that is his only account on here. Seriously, twice in one day?

Another one!

13 years ago

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for the love of god... people wonder why i dont like russians

13 years ago

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Same Steam account/steamid.

13 years ago

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This is becoming a SERIOUS problem. Lots of people are abusing the way the site works to sell invites, create fake giveaways to generate points, and other stuff. We need new rules immediately (proof of purchase and an approval process required for giveaways with expensive games, maybe), otherwise the mods will get insane trying to ban all these people.

13 years ago

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I think raising the steam account library value for creating an account on the site would lessen the scammers.

Otherwise they could just make fake giveaways to generate more invites, make other accounts while their main account will be getting plenty of points(Untouched, of course).

13 years ago

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That would also be a good idea. Free games seem to count for your library value though (such as Portal, it was free during a week), so it would be hard to decide the minimum value.

13 years ago

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We need the mods to have more power to enforce the existing rules.
And the ability for the community to flag a giveaway for moderation if it's suspicious. After a number of members flag it, it would go into stasis until a mod approved or deleted it.

13 years ago

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That would be absolutely fantastic. A 'report giveaway' system would also be great.

13 years ago

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we do need the banhammer here. Its pushing too far. This is a real threat to the community IMO.
he fucked my entries. I was wondering why so many points lol

13 years ago

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I was wondering how I got a mass injection of points and now I know it's because of this idiot. -_-

13 years ago

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And that makes the third person spamming fake giveaways.

13 years ago

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We are banning these guys, right?

13 years ago

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The person/people keep spamming fake giveaways for enough points to make a ton of invites so they can make more fake accounts, so when they get banned they continue to spam on another account...

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by t20k.