Persona 3 Portable! Also, getting a Nintendo DSI is also a very good choice, it has actually some of the best games in the past years(imo)
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what games would be great on nintendo? will shift to that only if theres a whole bunch of good games. No super mario, played that and finished it way too many times.
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999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, Ghost Trick, all ace attorneys, pokemons, Radiant Historia. All Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Super Scribblenauts, Dementium 2, Hotel Dusk, Bleach:Dark Souls, Blue Dragon, The World Ends With You, Inazuma Eleven, all Castlevanias, Harvest Moon series, Last Window, Kingdom Hearst(both of them), Zelda games, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story(not a regular Mario game, its a action rpg, very different from normal mario), Megaman Zero Collection, Phantasy Star Zero, all Professor Layton games.
I love Nintendo DS :3
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Any of the God of War games are very good for the PSP. If you like them then you could try Dante's Inferno too.
If you are more into RPGs, then I recommend you Hexyz Force, Ys series, Lord of Arcana, Dungeon Siege: Broken Destiny and Silverfall.
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God of War!!! played it and it's awesome. Will try Dante's Inferno! So far, the RPG's i've tried is not very interesting.
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tried patapon, I'll pass. SMT persona looks..why do they shoot themselves in the head?
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lol how to use it on psp? I've downloaded it. then what?
and also, I'm bored of super mario, finished it so many times on my friend's ds.
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Thanks for the link, did not know about this till now.
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I've seen some top 10 lists before, and already played most of those games listed, need new ones that was never listed.
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PSP has several good games and the homebrew scene was excellent. DS games are mostly for kids or casual gamers and the homebrew scene isn't that great either.
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I care only for true games, not homebrew ones, and even if PSP had many (it hasn't, but there's a few really worth playing) DS has TONS of them, and no, they aren't for kid/casual, there's something for everyone, and that's why the DS is one of the best consoles ever made, even for me that I hate portables.
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So you're saying games targeted for kids and/or casual gamers are bad?
DS games can be just as enjoyable as PSP no matter what age group. The game I mostly want to play on PSP is Patapon even though I like playing games meant for teenagers and adults.
PSP games are great, but the ones I'm interested in are remakes/ports mostly, where as DS games are new games.
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PSP? Now we are talking, I have a good number of games for mine.
OMG-Z - Its a PSP Mini that I spent about 8 hours to beat, which was great for the price.
Corpse Party - PSN exclusive horror game, basic graphics, great gameplay and audio. There is also a remake of the original from the 90s here
Unchained Blades - Another PSN exclusive game, this one is a damn awesome dungeon crawler.
Now for the games that are on UMDs as well
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles - Great Castlevania game with another great Castlevania game as an unlockable
Coded Arms - A rogue like FPS, I recommend you give this a try if you can find it cheap
Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle - Not the best Nippon Ichi game, but the best on the PSP IMO.
Also, maybe you can look up some of the higher rated titles on this list, its from a series of Rate a Game topics I do on the GameFAQs PSP system board.
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I was never much of a fan of the Disgaea games. Sure, they are decent, but I feel like they get too much of the love that other Nippon Ichi games deserve. Like Soul Nomad. Now that is ****ing awesome, yet I know Disgaea fan boys that don't even realize that games like it and Makai Kingdom even exist. :(
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PSP titles: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Phantasy Star Portable 1/2, Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition, Sega Genesis Collection, Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Tokobot, Super Monkey Ball Adventure, Ape Escape: On the Loose, Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip, Locoroco series, Daxter, Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony
Minis: Zenonia, Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter/Ice Age, Freekscape: Escape From Hell, Mighty Flip Champs DX, Revoltin' Youth, Tehra: Dark Warrior
PS1 Classics: Tomb Raider series, Bloody Roar series, Spyro series, Crash Bandicoot series, Resident Evil series, Silent Hill series
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Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time, Yggdra Union, Gungnir, Ys Oath in Felgana and Ys 7, Gurumin (somewhat overlooked by Ys fans), Phantasy Star Portable 2, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (though it's not for everyone, but if you can get into it it can eat your life), Mega Man Powered Up and Maverick Hunter X, Valkyria Chronicles 2. The Badman games are kind of fun in short bursts, uh I guess there's also Loco Roco and Patapon (could never get into Patapon though).
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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Sid Meier's Pirates and/or Jeanne D'Arc. (Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure Only played a demo, but loved it still.)
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I use my Vita more than my PSP now, but I still have some of the games transferred to my Vita:
Some of these are Japanese Imports :|, but they're still good!
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God Hand was fun, but you have the wrong system. It was on PS2 (and is now part of the PS2 Classics selection on PSN for PS3).
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+9999999999999999999 for FFT: War of the Lions.
The slowdown is only during actions, and it took a bit of getting used to. Still an absolutely stellar game nonetheless.
Also I actually didn't know Tactics Ogre was for the PSP. Thankings for this wisdom!
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If you have a PSP running Custom firmware, there is a fan patch that fixes the slowdown in Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions.
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The investigation begins! This has been the best thread for me in quite some time. Great thankings, brotherkin!
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Happy I could help. I only wish I could enjoy the game. I have two copies but it doesn't appeal to me. I'm more of a Nippon Ichi kind of guy.
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lol why not ds :P by the way, how do you use the emulator on psp? I've downloaded it. then what? lol
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To use a PSP emulator, you need to make sure you have the correct files (it doesn't use the same as a PC), and possibly custom firmware will need to be installed. If both of those are sorted, you need to make a folder for the emulator in X:\PSP\GAME and place the files there.
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imo: psp is better console: faster with better graphics and internet access, music pictures and video library. also psp = free games
the only reason to buy a ds is pokemon but there are gba emulators for psp and ds for pc (there are some ds emulators for psp too but they arent good)
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if its hacked i recommend u play quake 1, the made a the most up to date version is called "proquake 4.71" awesome game and beter than any psp game and runs at 60fps most of the time. msg me for any details
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Haven't touched my psp 3000 in awhile.
Got bored with my games, I have very few games on it. So recommend me games you think is awesome!
Tempted to trade and get a nintendo dsi xl, just for pokemon. -___- Still mentally debating.
Edit: Also, what do you think on Final Fantasy? which one is the one that's nice? I have Dissedia(or something) on my psp, and it's just plain boring. every 'fight' is just me choosing steps (think chess) and fight. made no sense. and I stopped after 10 rounds or more of that thing. Maybe I played it wrongly.
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