yay, so i can do my birthday giveaways on SGv2. nice to hear
Edit: which site he wants to take offline? this one here or the SGv2? not so clear to me, now that i read it twice ^^
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Aw no, my $5000 giveaway. D:
Since I'm aware that the changes don't involve CV as it was, is it possible for my giveaway to have the end date ended early, before the switchover?
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Nooo! What will we do without our beloved Steamgifts???
Thanks for the heads up, cg.
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Haha this topic is gonna have so many comments so nobody is gonna notice when i write that i'm secretly a cat
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Not news. No man catches sight of my pendulous man boobs without changing team...
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It's ok, that is now ancient history. I got right on track after seeing that HuniePop is finally on Steam now
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BRB, going to tell people its my birthday in a few days and give them that link. :P
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There will be a key system, but you need to send it from your giveaways page, so you have a chance to check their profile for reroll reasons.
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You can blacklist members to prevent their entry, but you can never be sure that you blacklisted all rule breakers.
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You are failing to understand what I'm talking about.
You can't set up rules that magically block entries. You can only blacklist, a manual action. That measn rule breakers can still enter your giveaways if you haven't blacklisted them. If you get one, you have a chance to prevent them from gaining another game that they would regift or trade away.
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I understand, but I'm telling you there should be only rules defined in the system, prior to creating giveaway, and absolutely nothing else. Whoever entered the giveaway is legitimate contestant. The system should be based on thrust and reputation. Fool me once, my bad, you can't fool me twice - there will be no second time. And reputation of the rule breaker is now low in the system and others can see that reputation prior to creating their giveaways.
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You make me want to facepalm.
So, if someone who has won 5 giveaways and regifted them all enters your giveaway and wins your giveaway, you are fine with that?
I'm not. But you can't force them out once they have entered, but should they win, a reroll means we aren't going to donate their next giveaway.
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Facepalm away, just make sure you hit it hard. :D
See, there's the system part you don't get, if you win a game, you gotta have it on your Steam account the next time you sync your SG account (the system) with Steam.
Everything should be automated, and shouldn't be left to a personal decision and preference. How can giveaway creator know about regifted games if he don't spend time investigating the winners profile?? What percentage of gifters really does investigate every winner's profile, every giveaway they make?!
The site should be named "SG and Investigative Gamerism best practices".
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The system doesn't work like that, and never will. There are items that just don't show up like others. Learn how the site works before trying to 'correct' someone.
There are plenty of gifters that will check at least some of their winners to avoid such users. I've gotten a couple of dozen rerolls during my time here, for stuff like already owned the game, regifting, not activating past wins, etc.
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I know it doesn't work like that, that's why I say I hope it will be better in the new iteration. :) For those items that don't show up - call it collateral. It's not significant percentage anyway. Also, there are other methods available, like system warnings, smart system analysis, alerts for possible regifting scenarios, or do it manually or rely on other people's blacklists, etc.
"Plenty" is arbitrary presumption. Some gifters might get into investigative gamerism, but the most won't - they'll just send their game, wait for the confirmation "Marked as received" from the winner, and move on - with more points in their SG account so they can enter higher contribution giveaways... Majority of gifters don't check it, the "investigative gamerism" process is pain in the *ss and time hogger.
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So, you have more of a problem with people not wanting rule breakers getting their games. Right, you are an idiot. Fortunately, most people aren't so foolish.
Just accept that many people aren't so accepting of donating to rule breakers. Its one of those things you don't understand, like how this site works.
Personally, I'd like to look over your own profile, but its late, and I'm not willing to waste my evening checking all 90 of your wins. Pity you aren't so generous as the people you think shouldn't be allowed to reroll for rule breakers.
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Whoa! Ad hominem so soon... Congratz! :) You have disregarded my whole post and argumentation, but had no problem calling me idiot, foolish, not-generous enough (by your standards), throughout your whole post... and without any argument or constructive conversation. Weak, dude! :D
I don't have a problem with people not wanting rule breakers getting their games, never said that, I don't want 'em either - and if someone wants to investigate - no problem, investigate away, but there should be much stronger systematic rules and checks, making manual work miniscule. That's all.
Nobody is forbidding investigation, do it if you will and find rule breakers, good for you and the community, but that's the part with trust and reputation - and those should be connected with the system and automation as a whole.
As I said, most people won't get into investigation of winner's profile, for various reasons. That's just the way it is.
One reason I'm rarely making new giveaways is a lot of manual work, lack of automation, hence my efforts and hope for any kind of automation and systematic help. I have a lot of keys and games laying around because I don't have much time for all that manual sending, checking and marking, and especially investigative gamerism.
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Delta, I read the conversation and it appears to me that you're the one who doesn't understand.
If I get it correctly, COLDsteem wants people who break the rules to be flagged by the system and automatically kept out of giveaways.
That's why when he says : "See that is nice, but it would be even better if you could filter out all the people who shouldn't be entering in the first place... so, when the giveaway ends, that's it, no rerolls, and no reason for rerolls."
He obviously states his wish that the system was this way, allowing people to automatically filter out people who broke the rules, as in : "forbid users who regifted", "forbid users who created fake giveaways", etc.
He obviously knows that it's not how the site works.
Someone who - likes you - maintains a big blacklist because he doesn't want people who break the rules to still stick around and win games would actually be pleased with such a functionality, don't you agree ?
"So, you have more of a problem with people not wanting rule breakers getting their games. Right, you are an idiot."
Whoah, there, let's not be carried away. He obviously is the exact opposite of what you're accusing him. Read his posts again, he wants rule breakers to be automatically kept out of giveaways (whenever the creator of said giveaways ticks the box "forbid users who broke the rules").
You're the one who's not getting it, I think you owe the guy an apology.
Unless there is a personal feud between you two that I'm unaware of, in which case, please disregard my intervention.
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Steam API doesnt report nearly all of the items in your steam profile. This will cause false negatives all over the place. There's a reason that it's manual right now.
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183 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by lav29
Hey everyone, I'll be taking the site offline next week, most likely starting on Sunday, January 18th. We'll be looking at a week of downtime as we rollout various changes to the server configuration, and an updated version of the site. All giveaways will be extended for the length of the downtime, plus 24 hours. For example, if you have a giveaway ending in 2 hours when the site goes offline, the giveaway will have 26 hours remaining when it comes back online, allowing users enough time to recheck the site.
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