He wanted a tl;dr, I gave a tl;dr. I don't quite understand the hostility here.
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So wait, how did he get a message back then? O__O
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Already a post about this site...
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Es no good. Its likes that odd, family run 'convenience store' where you might be able to get some candy from the front displays, but there is always more to the store.. some extra 'candy' downstairs.. its just best to not even enter the store to begin with.
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Yeah, because 2 people actually do the difference :p
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I hoped that link really worked and was a meme and \ or screamer. You disappoint me Stefko.
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Yeah, awesome dude. Also check this out, this web site is giving thousands of copies of the whole Steam library 4 free yyy.OMGWTFISTHISSHITZtrOl0l0l.idk
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Errr, you know you can't buy Battlefield 4 on Steam, right? Only 3.
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1) You get steam wallet from the site, and I don't think you can spend Steam Wallet anywhere else beside Steam.
2) You are aware that my statement was a joke, right? (because even 3 isn't on Steam)
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1> True, but I was under the assumption that the person was kidding, "monneh" could actually mean money.
2> Yes, I am aware.. I apologize if my comment seemed to be a serious reply. (Though I have no idea if any BF is on steam since I don't care much about FPS games)
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It's that hard to understand that I knew since the start it was fake, I just continued because I was curious...?
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If you want to try it i can send you the file, I'm not that brave.
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i would just like to know one thing, can the link itself do any harm? or do you actually have to go through the whole process to get anything harmful?
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If you are using Netscape 1 to browse the web, even links can be harmful.
If you've still got an old MS JPEG decoder, visiting links with prepared images can be harmful.
With a modern browser and a modern (or at least updated) OS there should currently be no major exploits that can harm your pc ;)
Also, these sites want a "low" profile, so they have no interest to trigger your virus scanner because of malicious Javascript or stuff. They want to appear legit, so the sheep, sorry - the users - continue to spam referral links and fill out surveys in the hope of actually getting something out of it.
TL;DR: do whatever you want at your own risk.
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No, this is not a rant topic about how i got scammed for being stupid.
Before you continue reading, you'd better check here: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/8jyGN/steam-gifts-org-possible-scam-site
Ok, let's start the story.
A couple hours ago one of my friends on steam says "Hey, look at this website". I click on it, and say: "Oh, Steamgifts is doing a giveaway! Probably they are only 1€ or 2€ steam wallet codes (if that even exist)."
Then, obviously, I checked the link and noticed it was steamgifts.ORG and not .COM. At that point, my there was no more riddle: before, my mind was fighting. "No, it's fake, no, it can't be fake, it's steamgifts". I was ready to call it FAKE! And go on with my life, but another of my friends of steam said.
"No, i did it. I didn't get a Steam Wallet code but an indie game steam key".
(no, his account wasn't hijacked. I'm sure; he also posted on a forum we usually post on. In italian)
Anyway, I said "Oh well, it works. Maybe". I posted a thread on that forum i mentioned before, talked with other people, and so on. Most of them thought it was (and it IS!) fake, but I wanted to go deeper. I did some research and found other sources on the internet that called it fake. Now, I think that my friend just got confused, and maybe he just did another offer, who knows. Anyway, I knew it was fake, but I was curious (and with a liiiittlleee bit of hope. Hope never dies.)
I decided to dig deeper, and I did.
So, i reached the 15referrals limit, and "generated my code" (mmh). Obviously before I could get the """complete totally working 20$ code XD LOL PL" i had to complete a survey.
I tried using different sms-receiver services, but I live in italy and they only provide englishdanishamericanwhatever numbers, so it didn't work. The last offer, though, was different: it only asked me to register to a website. I already knew that offer because I already had done it on Tremorgames, so I took my throwaway email that I usually use to do surveys, and registered (again). Incredibly, it did work, and Chrome downloaded a file.
I was pretty amazed the thing actually continued, because I thought it would just not work (you know, you already have spent money, at least in this guy's thoughts, whoever he is).
Anyway, I opened the file and this is the text I found:
"send on this email : steam@gmail.com
you account name - and you get this gift
If you want Get Faster Wallet Code
Check this site : http://unlck.com/2Ly
Broken english, suspicious looking email and link - yeah, totally legit. But I was still curious, so I decided to go on. I, first of all, opened the link (unlck whatever). It was a "earn point by completing offers" site, and all the offers needed a mobile phone. If there is anyone living in America, may I ask him to do one of these offers by using an online fake cellphone sms receiver? Yeah, i know I'm pointless, but I'm just way too curious.
Anyway, the offers didn't work, so I decided to go with the email. I sent an email to "steam@gmail.com", with the nickname of my second account, "pixelbite44" (my first account is Annoyed grunt, as you may have noticed). I shortly received another email, an automatically generated one (it clearly said it). Empty, but a file, an eml file. Because I'm not stupid and I know that eml files are full of viruses, I decided to give up there. I'm sorry :(
Anyway, it just wanted to share what i did. It felt like I was playing an ARG! XD.
Cheers! ~
EDIT: I forgot to say that yes, I have tried opening the eml file in a sandbox too, it didn't work :(
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