To be honest the game is kinda not user friendly, too much floating test and colored things. But seemed fun for the while I played.
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I understand it's only $5 on Desura (which also provides you with a Steam key).
If you want it that badly, all is not lost :)
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I'm still not really up to speed with the buying, selling, and weapon upgrade system.
Anyway, flying around shooting things and travelling through the spinny, swirly jumpgates is entertaining enough :)
Shame there doesn't seem to be a manual though.
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The game is nice but have a very bad gui... I think there isn't a way to know what you are doing on the lab, without testing it before... But for what I've saw, just focus on pick up weapons from enemies bases, because you're going to move fast to other systems (and find more strong weapons)
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from what I can tell, damage is unaffected by the weapon, only the fire pattern. upgrading ships, reactors, and modding the weapon damage are the only things the affect damage.however, some weapons have better patterns depending on your play style. I prefer the shotgun style ones as it can clear out enemy fire. currently lvl 140 or so
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It's different for each weapon you find, unless it's the next generation of your previous weapon, since some weapons have more/less connections. If you look on the left you can see numbered lines connecting two points, look at the name of the points to see what you're going to change. Having said that, i have no idea what most of these points change, beside colors. =P
I usually just keep weapons that I like and wee what points have what connection values, then make guesses from there.
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Haven't really tried to figure them out yet. I the weapon has a cool color and seems to be doing some good damage, it stays on my ship. :P
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I haven't. I intend to try deciphering completely different weapons I have to make sure I understand how the structure induces the fire pattern. The UI does leave MUCH to be desired, and there are no shortcuts to in-game menus. I still like it lots, but it needs some shine before it'll go anywhere big.
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I have no idea what I'm doing. I just fly around and shoot stuff. I wish that there was some kind of manual that explains it better. The first time I played I just sat in one spot and played it like the old Asteroids game. I got my best score that way so far. LOL
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Their blog page is an eye opener. It has helped a lot.
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I think you mean I found it less then helpful and more of an ad for their engine.
This seemed a little more helpful.
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Astral Projection was logged on to the GAR Official MP Server last night and explained in minor detail how the Weapons Lab works;
When you want to modify a Neuralium Isotopes algorithm you need to adjust the "Connection" values to a positive or negative value of your preference by using unwanted "Salvaged" Neuralium Isotopes. Each adjustment uses a salvaged isotope. Adjustments made to "Connections" bound to a color will change the color(s) and those not bound to colors change the distance, spread range and other variables to determine how the weapon behaves.
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I tested a bit with a weapon that had a curve spreadshot. one of the sliders first improved the range and increasing it further decreased the range to 0 while another isotope only increased the range. One was changing the curve of the shots and at least one changed the spread. Some of those changed the colors,one changed (probably) only changed the color. I dont think colour does have any effect. That said...I have no idea about that weapon tech lab.
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Would be helpful if the sliders explained what they did instead of pissing in the wind, think I dropped 200 salvaged iso into the lab and saw no results really.
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The dots and line diagram to the side vaguely tells you what each connection is connecting, not that it helps much.
You probably wasted iso because you were doing "small" (0.01) mutations.
The best way to see an effect is to toggle it all the way to "large" (1.0) mutations. Regardless of the size of the mutation, it costs you 1 iso. Even then, you might not see much of a change. Odds are that you'll make your weapon worse, anyway. But there is at least a chance that you'll find some variable you can change to get slightly more desirable behavior.
I had a weapon that worked reasonably well as a shield, once I spun it around 135 degrees. I wanted to get it to travel further before turning itself into a barrier. (What it did was travel about a ship length, and then the shots turned and locked themselves in a loop.) I wanted to get it to travel more than a ship length, so I could use it as a short range offensive weapon. I never did manage it. Increasing the (originally negative) distance connection only caused the shot to get closer to my ship. Around zero, it basically caused the shots to orbit my stationary ship in a diamond pattern. But when I made it more positive, they just sat directly in front of my ship, before zooming off the screen in an arc.
But theoretically, you could be able to tweak the right components to get more desirable behavior. And it doesn't look like you have anything else to spend the points on? It's not like its worth ferrying every weapon pick-up back to a station to sell it, so you'll be salvaging them anyway.
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Still no spoiler here to how it works? Will check back later, thanks!
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I'll just have to say that half the time i'm playing it I have no clue what I am doing lol.
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I am playing with it. I don't know how to use it but i click on everything lol.
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you guys realize that the connection follow patterns and have a formula behind it? also certain colors block out other shots better. I haven't been around too long in this game to actually figure the weapon system out but I'm sure this has to do with wavelengths.
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"R G B": red, green, blue, "Vx Vz": velocity to the side and velocity forward, "Px Pz" position in relation to where the weapon was fired, "Distance": distance from where the weapon was fired.
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Impressive looking to say the least but wow does it give me a headache. Are we even supposed to know what all of that does or should we just start playing with it? Makes me wish there was a test area before committing to the spending of our...whatever the currency is called >> I forget.
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