I bought Crysis 1 few hours ago from origin. and then again while ago i tried to buy for a friend. he log in to his account and use my card, but we got this error after checkout "Payment Authorization Failed".

tried another card. same error. both card has enough money. then again i log to my account and try to buy another game and now same error for me. i never had this issue before. i have bought games from these card via origin before, tried both site and the software, and tried visa and mastercard. same error.

EA online support wasnt much help as all he said was contact the bank but it seems to work fine before and still works fine on steam,amazon and other online stores. anyone had this issue and got it fixed?

**contacted the bank and they said there's nothing wrong in with the card or any issue with my account :S

***i bought this magicka Nippon DLC from GMG to check the card and it worked there. so here made a giveaway as i dont have the game Magicka: Nippon giveaway

12 years ago*

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This may or may not be related to potential fraud-prevention. Or it may be a temporary bug in their system. Either way, contact your card issuer to hear if there's anything from their end; and ask the EA support again (since it works with the other stores, it may be that they also have a fraud-prevention system in place)
Edit: By fraud, I mean stolen credit cards and such. It would seem that it'd be on EA's side; the same card used to pay games on several accounts. It may also have to do with account sharing, but I don't know.
I'm just guessing! :3

12 years ago

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ok will do . and nop only this time it used in other origin accounts. before i use it only for mine

12 years ago

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You should buy it from Steam and redeem it free on Origin also.

12 years ago

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but origin has Crysis 1 for 1usd :D

12 years ago

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Better wait for a discount on steam and that way you get two copies of the same game, one on steam and one free on origin.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Well sometimes credit cards will block duplicate transactions (same amount) when they are made too close together, even if it really isn't a duplicate. That wouldn't explain the 2nd card not working though, other than maybe using it on his account when the card is under your name? Just taking some guesses...

12 years ago

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That kicked me hard in the teeth once, where I was buying train tickets. The machine couldn't handle multiple tickets at once, so I had to purchase 'em one at a time. So I bought one for my travel-mate, and then couldn't buy one for myself. D:
The conductor didn't care, of course.
Fakeedit: To end the story, a random passerby was nice enough to give me the money to purchase a ticket.

12 years ago

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If you cant find out how to fix it goto ea's customer support

link: https://help.ea.com/?sso_redirect=1

12 years ago

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thanks.i contacted them.il contact the bank and see

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by GIH4N.