The Notable Odds present:

The third inter-group poker tournament

Recorded Video

When: Sunday, February 24th, at 17:00 - 18:00 UTC/GMT (Time approximate)

1st Place Prize: TheShobo Bioshock: Infinite provided by Reyolcan

2nd Place Prize: Jonex Aliens: Colonial Marines provided by Corinne

3rd Place Prize: GoJay Spec Ops: The Line provided by wbarton

Participants should download and familiarize themselves with the free game client found here for non U.S. residents or here for U.S. residents(due to legal restrictions).

Anyone wishing to participate should get permission from their group owner to represent the group and apply in this thread.

There will be a maximum of 18 players for the tournament.

In the very unlikely event of a tie for second or third place (i.e. multiple people going out at once), they will each choose a number between 1 and 100, inclusive, and will be used as the tiebreaker, iteratively if necessary, until a clear winner or winners (in the case of second place) has/have been determined.


1) Wesley - Notable Odds

2) RagersReplacement - GameGift Awesome

3) Rysix - SG Unlucky Gifters of the Dice

4) twinchenzo - Private Contributors

5) RoH - The Reset

6) Jonex - TOO MANY MAN

7) Slappybag - Reddit's Giveaways

8) Crazee - The Bearded Pigs

9) Dazeofwar - We Care A Lot

10) TheShobo - Toasty's Giveaways

11) infectedvein - Why So Generous?

12) MattyMatt - Cherry Poppers

13) adamofgreyskull - Adam's Super Friends

14) cyocyu - Random Giveaways

15) GoJays2025 - Disciples of noble wine

16) Jozzz - SentoX's Never Ending Story

17) smog - CHT's Elite GiveAway Group

18) Crossbourne - S.Gifts


Our group's blacklist + Kuroi, AdmiralAndrew, xusnorris

Inter-group Poker Tournament #1

Inter-group Poker Tournament #2

12 years ago*

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Closed 11 years ago by NotableSilva.