It should also be noted that drivers to optimize the game have not been launched yet.
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Yeah I should feel bad, it's not his fault of his toaster made out of potato's that can't run a games fault.
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It's will be really good if it's true, Ill try it.
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Honestly it might look like shit and run like shit fro people right now because of drivers, hell its happened before. Would wait on it, honestly I am unsure how it could be that hard to run being the Xbone and PS4 looked decent enough.
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Cant do same pics on ultra, think it's a little bit render. But i want to see a video to make sure.
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They really forgot to change something. Click here for details.
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Bummer, wonder whats up with this is all about, I mean that Nvidia tech then? I mean they obviously had it to the quality we expected.
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No, but you try your new jeans in the fitting room before buying it, isn't it?
Buying some jeans blindly without knowing how they look only because the seller tells you that are going to be amazing is a bit stupid, isn't it? And gets even worse when the seller has cheated other guys with other jeans before...
PS: Just in case you don't understand, preordering from Ubisoft is like prebuying jeans from a taylor with bad reputation, something stupid for sure xD
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About the Deferred Quality Thing...
"It's been debunked by a few on Reddit." - From the thread on the fourth page.
Also... that is a placebo effect
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I sometimes test games like that, its more of a moral thing at this point anyways, Maybe if they gave me idk a demo?
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I don't care. I download most games to try them before I buy them.
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The pirate version barely requires it. You dont even have to log in. It just has to be installed. You can leave it on the login screen and it will still run. I DLd it to test performance. Played for about an hour, but glad I didnt pre-order it.
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I know, but I'm worried that the pirated version would mess with my Uplay install folder.
Can you at least tell me what cpu/gpu and how much ram you have, and how it runs on your system? Everyone streaming it on twitch has a freakin 4.5ghz i7 4770k/gtx780 and 16gb of ram, and that tells me absolutely nothing.
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It doesnt mess with the Uplay folder at all. The game is in its own folder (no installation) and you dont have to mess with the uplay stuff. I just checked my own Uplay folder and nothing has been modified.
I'm on 8 GBs of RAM, a Q9650 3.0 ghz and an HD7770. The game runs very slick for me on high. Obviously, not high end but its very playable and runs very well. Have had no issues whatsoever.
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You mean there is going to be one less self-absorbed simple russian man-child that cannot read in-game? You think that's a fail? That sounds like great news to me!
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Well, that's what happens when you design a game purely for sales with decisions coming from suits rather than game developers. You end up with generic, cookie-cutter shit. :P
Throwing 100 million dollars at it doesn't help fix it. But I'll reserve final judgement until I played it.
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I'm not encourage pirating, like all steam gamers i buy games and doesnt play. It's all about gamers rights and justice.
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"gamer" rights? you have the right to not buy it. there are consumer rights if thats what you're looking for but still doesn't make sense.
People are dumb enough to buy into this shit so they continue to provide shit (like console online subscription fee's, fucking lol). It takes two to tango... Stupid/mislead/naive consumers and corporations.
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I reread your thread description, It certainly does appear you have encouraged pirating within SG.
"I'm not encourage pirating" however you first wrote: "You have few days to try this game and cancel pre-order." Pirating being the only method of play before release.
I don't have any problem with your Opinion of the game. You're free to think whatever you want, you just shouldn't have worded the thread the way you have. If I was a mod here I would have deleted this thread & either giving you a warning or suspension because of it. Its nothing personal against you or your opinion. It's about the safety & reputation of SG, when you threaten that it does become personal.
Perhaps if others & yourself understood how this threatens the site you would be more respectful of SG.
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You have a point but you should remember this : If you have a local friend that have Watchdog for any console (Or PC for that matter) ask him to let you try the game before buying .
What he said wasn't implying piracy if there was actually an option available such as that ya know
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how would you try the game at a friends place before the actual release in order to cancel your preorder, like the OP suggested?
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Who pay for this shit, this "next-gen" game? This game is Marketing+Hype+Ubi = woooooow best graphics and physics ever! + more marketing + Delay + Oh wait, Delay? Yeah - Downgrade + day one dlc = SHIT.
"Is much better the history, we are in the new generation, but ey, history, who need good graphics in AAA game? Who? Is 2014 no 2050" please, if you want say this, okey, but this generation can make good graphics and optimized, not is 1990, we have better technology and is more easy, i dont know how can pay for this.
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Nah man, look at this and tell me its not next generation graphics to the max!
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They really forgot to change something. Click here for details.
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that is a FX option not a texture option I'm afraid, they just f'd up or didn't give a monkeys.
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There's also the following option shown in the first comment on that thread:
So there may still be a difference? That's a really bad vending machine even for console quality though.
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I was watching a russian stream Watchdogs on PC, ultra settings and it didn't look as good like in Nvidia video, it didn't look anywhere near that.
He had i7 3770k @4.3 GHz, GTX 780TI and he got like 30-50 fps depending on either he was driving or walking. Also driving is terrible and physics even worse lol. Like fucking seriously, I haven't seen worse driving and physics like that for a while.
If you have a physical copy of the game you can play it, just turn Uplay into offline mode.
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So.. um I'm not exactly sure what game they've been playing but from everything I've seen its probably one of the better Open World Sandbox games with a ton of detail and interesting gameplay letting you choose how you approach the missions.
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This person is full of shit either that or they have a shit pc.
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Did they have HB+ High and TXAA x4 on? Oh and Ultra textures because haven't seen the game the pics that you've posted aren't ultra textures and its questionable if they are TXAA x4.
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"Nvidia tech trailer was BS"
I am just trying to understand why....? I mean it was obviously complete in that graphic fidelity...
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the one i posted above is pc >
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This is why I never preorder. It lets me see how much of the pre-launch marketing is truthful. If it is truthful, waiting a few days costs me nothing. If it isn't, I get to see the truth before spending my money.
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Well, as the OP said the games is more about the hype than the gameplay. I knew that it wouldn't get much love at launch because of the repetition, and the press and hold key to "hack". Also the story isn't that well written as well. I don't know why they really went for a collectors edition since it's a new brand.
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Hurr durr grephux r evrthang.
Gems must hev grephux or not gud gem, lyk CoD only have grephux gud gem.
Play the game for the content, not the graphics, twat.
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We don't care you opinion, all games have bugs at first. Just in this world some thing called patch should fix all that.
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I'm waiting for a) Reviews, and if it passes the review test then I move on to b) if Grand Theft Auto 5 still isn't announced for the PC by the steam summer sale, I will probably get Watch Dogs then. I know that one website says my computer can't handle it, but I have faith in my computer. Probably misguided faith... the same faith that made me think my old i3 with intel graphics could run GTA 4.... but the faith is there. lawl.... or maybe somehow I'll have a new computer by then.
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the problem is, that the reviews are pretty good so far. the user scores are pretty bad. question is, do you trust reviews or the users? some reviews certainly can't be trusted, from websites which always give extremely high scores to every AAA title. on the other hand, most of the users who bash the title didn't even play it. i am sure 90% of the guys in this thread who say the game is bad, didn't play it at all.
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Sure, using averages is smart.. Because there are not always way less people who use a rating system properly, and critique a game they don't like for personal / subjective reasons by rating it, say, 4/10, or 5/10, than morons who don't understand how to use such a system and just vote 0/10 for anything they don't like.
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well, yes, it might be hard for some to use rating system properly, but i'm to talking about user reviews right now. What I wanted to say is that when it comes to professional reviews the best way to get the idea what a game is, would be to read a review with average score. If a score is too high - a game might be praised way too much, without telling about downsides/bugs etc.; but if a score is too low - a game might be depicted as shit, not worth any attention, by over-emphasizing all the bad stuff, and not telling about good & positive things.
And what about user reviews... yeah, it is a little harder to judge because of "radical" assessments. Usually I look at the correlation between number of positive and negative reviews: if too many negative - game is meh; if positive prevail - game is good; if more or less parity - a game is either average or pretty specific/not for everyone.
Applying to this game, the number of negative user reviews(votes) is rising quite fast. Most likely this game it either full of bugs/bad optimisation, or just mediocre i.e. all that hype and advertisment is fake and an actual game doesn't stand up to expectations.
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"Applying to this game, the number of negative user reviews(votes) is rising quite fast. Most likely this game it either full of bugs/bad optimisation, or just mediocre i.e. all that hype and advertisment is fake and an actual game doesn't stand up to expectations."
Or, people who were bitching and flipping out over the "graphical downgrade" gifs etc that have been around for a while before release can't let go of bitching about the game, even though the entire issue has been proven to be a big case of bullshit already. People like holding on to insanely unwarranted negative opinions of things, if only because of not wanting to lose face.
You cannot draw any meaningful conclusion from the amount of ultra positive or negative reviews on something. A large majority of gamers are fukkin cretins / morons. Read this thread for some nice examples.
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I personally don't trust sites like Metacritic. Some of the reviews on there are so terrible. Game goes over their head? 0 rating. They feel other people have rated the game too high? 0 rating. The game was amazing but was still over-hyped and didn't quite live up to it? 0 rating. And plenty of other stupid reasons for rating the game 0. Youtube is usually where I get my information on a game, specifically from Nerd Cubed.... but he is currently on a break, so I'm disappointed about that, but I probably wouldn't get this until the summer sale anyway. Either way, I think most youtubers are the best reviewers. They play games, they know what is good and they get popular from people saying their reviews are accurate, so blindly praising bad games only hurts them, as does blindly condemning good games.
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i agree. first impressions videos on youtube are in many cases a more reliable way of finding out, if i would like the game or not. it takes a little more effort than looking at a number, but it is worth it. and often highly entertaining aswell. ;)
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I was gonna wait for reviews, but I still think the game looks awesome, graphics, gameplay, story, all of it just looks engaging to me and suits my preferences. However, now GMG came up with a 25% voucher plus their 11 or so off for preordering so I've bit the bullet and grabbed the Deluxe Edition for 33 GBP...that's a good deal if you ask me, even if the whole preordering thing is a bit dodgy, don't know if it's gonna be good but considering how well the game fits to stuff I love in games then it would take a whole lot for me not to get my money's worth and more out of 33 pounds.
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i ordered a physical copy (pc) and have been playing it since yesterday when it was delivered, im loving it. it looks great, the gameplay is imaginative and varied and im more than happy that i pre-ordered it, money well spent imo and as far as im concerned when i buy games my opinion is all that counts.
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.. And here you prove that you've not read the thread, at all. That "fix" was debunked as not doing anything, as well as the OP's pics being based off an alpha build of the game.
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Right, because a) you have proof of that fact, and b) intelligence has anything to do with knowing or discerning the source material of a video.
God, you're obtuse.
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A) It isn't that hard to find out where the fuck the material comes from. B) those footages where uploaded a few hours after the leaked torrent whent online. C) Intelligence has to do with joining a fucking discussion without knowing a single fact.
You must be the moron of this community, simply cuz you cant read for shit, you don't check your facts before you enter a discussion and to make ot even fucking worse you try to justify your "arguments" without a sibgle valid or fact checked argument.
I didn't even bother to read your other long post because if you manage to put so many worthless shit in a message of 3 fucking sentences long then reading your other message would be willingly implanting yourself with fucking brain cancer.
I seriously hope you're just a delusional meth addict who just had his dose, because there is no fuckin way someone can be so fucking stupid as you. And if you didn't then humanity has reached a new depth point.
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Let me fix that for you.
"I didn't even bother to read your other long post" - should be "I don't have anything snippy and asshole-y but seemingly clever to respond with to that other post, and have no way to offer any form of valid counter-argument to what you say in it, so I choose to not reply, although I absolutely did read it".
Also, to reply to your post (something you refuse to do with my other reply - I wonder why!), here:
"It isn't that hard to find out where the fuck the material comes from" - This tells me, and anyone else reading, nothing. OK, so how do you know what the source material for those videos is? And this isn't meant as a dickish question meant to point out you're wrong, but just a genuine, neutral question. How do you know what the source material is?
"..those footages where uploaded a few hours after the leaked torrent whent online" - First off, "that footage", "was", "went". There, fixed. Second, this proves nothing. Someone with ill intent, someone with a grudge (caused by those nonsense "downgraded graphics" gifs we've all seen float around that were already entirely debunked by the games' releaese, now), someone working for Rockstar - basically, someone with a reason to, could have waited to upload these short videos to discredit the game. Upload time proves nothing; it's pure speculation. What wonderful "fact checking" you've done, though! So smart!
"Intelligence has to do with joining a fucking discussion without knowing a single fact" - And yet again, you prove how you try to link things to each other that have nothing to do with each other, and rip things out of their context. I was replying to your earlier comment of "you .. must .. be a complete retard by not knowing the footage OP linked came from the leaked torrent" by stating that intelligence has nothing to do with knowing the source material a gameplay video was made with. Which still stands.
It seems the only way for you to argue anything is by trying to insult people, take things out of context, put words in peoples' mouths, and subvert the entire point people are trying to make. At least you're consistent.
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You have an interesting way of saying "you're right, I have nothing intelligent to say back to you".
Is this message too long for your tween ADHD Ritalin-addled little brain? Please, reply some more! Let's see how idiotic you can make yourself sound! :D
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So, if you try this game before release you will understand everything. This game is so overrated.
You have few days to try this game and cancel pre-order. So you can save your money.
1.So nextGen 2.So reflection 3.Such physics 4.What bugs? 5.Pathetic 6.Bump 7.Nextgen destruction 8.AAA project 9.Like a boss 10.Magic ball
Find some ultra video
There is no nextgen fix for PC, it's just Downsampled Screenshots From 4K.
ULTRA pc fix vs render "screenshots"
comparison of Ultra settings PC fix
Let's wait metacritic score and enjoy real nextgen (like Sleeping Dogs or Mafia 2) in few days.
Can you find nextgen game?
They're refusing to show the code to AMD for DX11 so it cannot be optimized on ati cards
As expected user metascore 4.7
Watch Dogs - E3 2012 vs PC Release (Ultra)
This game is a huge step back in industry, ubi does not understand what typical gamer wants from game experience. As long as huge promotions, marketing hype with fake tech demo and promises will do a trick nothing changes. What about fan boys, as usual they eat everything, writes 10/10 and even ask for dlc, so let them press "q" to hack more.
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