You know, recently I've got tired of my desktop's old case, it being too cumbersome and blocky, so I decided to swap it. But having grown quite nostalgic by today -- you know, these new cases are really too damn sleek and big -- I switched back grudgingly, settling for a familiar look and feel. So I can only recommend trying the same if you aren't at all satisfied with yours.

Ok, this had to be somewhat esoteric.

ooo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mmm MOo mmm mmm MOo mmm moo moO MoO mOo MOo MOO MoO mmm MOo mmm mmm MOo mmm moo moO MoO mOo MOo MOO MoO mmm MOo mmm mmm MOo mmm moo moO MoO mOo MOo MOO ooo MOo ooo MoO MoO MoO mmm MOo MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MoO MoO MoO mmm MOo MOo MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MOo mOo mOo mOO MoO ooo MOo ooo MoO MoO MoO mmm MOo MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MoO MoO MoO mmm MOo MOo MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOO MoO ooo MOo ooo MoO MoO mmm MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MoO MoO mmm MOo MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MOo mOo mOO MoO ooo MOo ooo MoO MoO MoO mmm MOo MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MoO MoO MoO mmm MOo MOo MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOo mOO MoO ooo MOo ooo MoO MoO mmm MOo mmm moo moO MOo mOo MoO MOO MOo mOo mOo mOO MoO

I hate to bring this up, but people giving hints will be blacklisted and could even get suspended. Please do not spoil the fun for everyone.

The giveaway is over. Cymbaline, you win Alpha Protocol! The other solvers were Sora711, BigBadGoat, Harvey, Itwasmer, weemadarthur, sartschent, Screamy, noichi, trunk89 and Nfreak. Also, this time Cymbaline and weemadarthur get the invitations to join the Cryptic Crowd. Congratulations people!

Now to the next one, eh?

1 decade ago*

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I.. I must solve this. O_O

1 decade ago

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^ lol...
(also, this puzzle is awesome even if I never actually attempt it)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yes. You must.

After all, you of all people should be fluent in them mysterious bovine tongues...

1 decade ago

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Hmm, must be a different dialect. I'm lost on this one.

1 decade ago

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Oh? Well, maybe it's just the spelling that got you confused here. I admit it can be misleading sometimes. Basically it's still the same old Cow, for all intents and purposes.

1 decade ago

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what the hell...

1 decade ago

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You don't say! Moo?..

1 decade ago

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Hell Bovine? Cow King?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Moo. Moo?

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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There is no cow level

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm afraid I cannot enter anymore, I have killed the king! :p

1 decade ago

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I think you've just wasted a perfectly good leg :\

1 decade ago

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i know and it was special, it was Wirt's leg 'JahBer'

1 decade ago

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Heavens, you are insane! To think with only a little Ith you could have Enigma instead!

1 decade ago

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I was bleeding HRs lol

1 decade ago

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It just looks like a load of bull to me. Good luck, puzzlers!


1 decade ago

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Think. The steaks are high. Well, not very high, but there are steaks for sure.

1 decade ago

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Haha! Well done :D

1 decade ago

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In a rare medium, too!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Watch out for them falling.

1 decade ago

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I don't get it :S

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You have three days!

1 decade ago

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I'd be interested to see if anyone actually gets this, or if this is another one of those cases of someone conflating Incredibly Specific with Intellectually Challenging.

1 decade ago

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Oh come on, it's not even all that challenging. I keep making them easier.

1 decade ago

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2 active private giveaways with 0 entries and 0 comments. I hate to look a gift cow in the mouth, but you may be misjudging things somewhat with the difficulty level. Of course the puzzle isn't hard for you, you made it. :p

1 decade ago

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Of course. Look for the previous parts ;)

I've never made a puzzle which couldn't have been solved by a newcomer. They all require above-the-average intelligence perhaps, but they do provide all the information needed and are perfectly logical. Prior knowledge of some things certainly helps in some cases, but it is never mandatory -- one can safely assume everyone here has the access to the global network.

Ah, and also I should say one of the active giveaways had been created by mistake, so it's not relevant to this puzzle.

1 decade ago

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Considering you've got a total of ten entries spread over seven private giveaways... I'm starting to wonder if maybe you underestimate just how much simpler it is to create a puzzle than to solve one.

1 decade ago

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Oh, my eyes are open now! Why in the world should a handful of really smart people get all the prizes?..

Truth is, this way I can have great respect for all the solvers, that being very much my desire. I prefer to give to people who deserve the gift in my eyes -- the people who are sharp enough, in these cases. And you should know that creating a problem that is challenging but solvable, creative but short, transparent but interesting, self-contained but leading to new discoveries requires at least as much intelligence and diligence as needed to break it open, and I believe most of the puzzle-makers here, as well as most of the solvers, know it to be true.

People who follow the Quick Fixes line, by the way, know perfectly well what all those zero-entry giveaways are about.

1 decade ago

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If you want to make tricky puzzles, all power to you. There's no harm in making people think!

Anyway, gifter's game, gifter's rules.

Once it's over, would appreciate you posting the solution on here though :D

1 decade ago

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I'd very much like that, too, but I think I have to finish this line first. The solution to Quick Fix I, for example, could've spoiled the second one pretty easily.

1 decade ago

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Well, are you satisfied? :)

1 decade ago

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Until you gloated.

Now I'm starting to wonder if the URL was leaked...

1 decade ago

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Ha, some people... :) I hope you can do it. Good luck!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Moo. Moo moo, mmm?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well...I know what it is you're on about and sort of what to do. But actually doing it at the moment is proving to be an absolute bitch :|

1 decade ago

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Okay. Moo!

1 decade ago

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OMG! This is doing my nut in! This is a total brain f*~! :| I know what it is but for the life of me, I can't get it to work :|

1 decade ago

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Looks like you could be overthinking it :)

1 decade ago

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I have broken my brain. :| Nothing I have tried has worked which is quite soul destroying as I know what it is. So, I will have to give up before I start eating my desk. blargh. Though I have three days...So may come back to it after I've cooked the kids their dinner. lol

1 decade ago

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Please do. I've already cooked mine's, so I can relax and read some Abrash in the meantime. Moo!

1 decade ago

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Just one thing...Am I supposed to know a number for this or what? Either I have messed up or I am missing something :|

1 decade ago

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I don't really know what you are talking about. :)

1 decade ago

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I've either gone WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over the top for this or, I have got the wrong end of the stick. Regardless, it has been a rather enjoyable trek through things that I have had an interest in but never really got into.

1 decade ago

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It's likely the former. Don't worry, I think you'll figure it out. By my policy, all the Quick Fixes are actually quite simple by nature and can be solved in minutes if you know what to do.

1 decade ago

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OK. I am stumped cries

  • I am totally stuck on this. Which is a bummer as I felt I was stupidly close. Just can't keep going as I am currently going around in circles :|
1 decade ago

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Aaand we have one solver by now, moo.

1 decade ago

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No clue as usual. I guess I'm kind of borderline when it comes to this things at least.

1 decade ago

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Do not despair, you still have more than enough time on this.

1 decade ago

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Solved, and it was a pleasure. Moo

1 decade ago

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Congratulations, and thank you! Moo.

1 decade ago

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Very clever and I look forward to solving this.

1 decade ago

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Completed. Thanks again! Moo

1 decade ago

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You are welcome :)

1 decade ago

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Solved, and thank you for the fantastic puzzle!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I don't think I have a tool to understand what this cow is saying. I think I know what tool it ought to be, but I haven't a clue how to use them.

1 decade ago

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Never mind. I forgot a step.

1 decade ago

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Good job :)

1 decade ago

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Dear solvers, if you've got some time I ask you to visit the giveaway page again please. Moo.

1 decade ago

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I'm still trying to solve the previous one. I must have missed something.

1 decade ago

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You can solve them independently.

1 decade ago

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Solved. This totally cracked me up! Moo indeed!

1 decade ago

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Moo :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Eight solvers, seven entries, about a day left.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Moo! Thanks for introducing me to this, that was fun :)))

1 decade ago

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Moo, you are welcome!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by alamarjan.