Lol, caveat emptor.
Also, the guy trading to save money on HUMBLE BUNDLES is going to pony up for a legitimate lawsuit. For realz man, toss me a dime of what you're smoking
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Did you buy the bundles yourself, or did you buy them from someone else?
There are different ways to get back your money (paypal dispute, etc), it's not necessarily a CC fraud, just a scam with a different method.
Contact your seller and ask for the transaction ID, then contact HB support and ask them why the bundles have been removed.
Cheers =)
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Has anyone had a key revoked that was received as a gift from here?
Has anyone won a giveaway from here only to have it later revoked due to the criminal activity involved with some of this?
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Read the entire thread (and check out the Steamtrades threads linked to in some posts) - there's a HIGH chance the OP is himself a guy selling BTA HB's for below the BTA price, using stolen CC details.
And yes, this happens all the time nowadays - people try to launder cash from stolen CC's by buying, then selling HB BTA's at a loss. The CC's get spotted as stolen, the payment is revoked, and so are your games, while the trader guy has his TF2 keys, which he probably trades to an alt. then sells for paypal. There's even a stickie'd thread up about it on ST.
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Yeah, I understand all of that. Thanks for politely informing me, but I knew this info. I just haven't been aware if anyone won a giveaway from here only to have it later revoked for one of the violations you specified above.
EDIT: I didn't ask my original question clearly enough. I see the confusion now.
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Yep, confusion arose around the word "gift" - I thought you meant HB gift URLs, and "here" might have refered to the wider SG ring of sites, including ST :P. Shoulda stuck to just saying "received as a win from here" instead :P.
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HaHa, very true. So, has there been? I looked as well as I can at the moment and can't find anything. That's a good sign. I know other issues pop up from time to time with guest passes, used keys, etc. I've never noticed a thread stating this has happened, though.
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It cant be a cc fraud, simply cos "buy with cc" option wasnt even dere around the time of origin and HIB9, so WHY ?!!
Really? Then how did I buy Humble Indie Bundle 2 all the way back in 2010 with a credit card? Hmmmmmmm?? Oh that's right, Paypal has always been a payment method and they take credit cards.
So did you trade for these bundles? If so, you probably traded with someone who is a criminal and used stolen credit card information, and that's why the bundles ended up getting removed. As they say, if something is too good to be true then it probably is. And if you bought them yourself then you probably are a criminal, got caught, and now are just raging.
Humble Bundles and Credit Card Fraud
^^ Take note of the first comment there.
P.S. - I love on your profile how it says "Also selling BTA bundles @ 2 keys each"
2 keys is currently about $4 or a little less, which is lower than the cost of any BTA bundle. And since I'm going to assume that you aren't a philanthropist and selling at loss, something doesn't look quite right here.
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How funny, that text you mention in the end of your post has now been removed from his profile. Now isn't that odd? :P
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Right. Shad0WeN points at something extremely suspicious, and magically it disappears from your profile. And that's entirely coincidental, surely...
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He is the guy who opened a thread here asking how ppl were profiting selling BTA bundles at 2 keys and after he discovered he began doing the same thing.
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Oh right, this is the steamtrades thread.
"Well, i got no reason to blame and not trust my guy for now, so yes, I am ok with him for now. If anything wrong happens, we'll see then."
Got reason to blame your guy now?
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And what payment method did you use to buy them? Let me guess.
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Let's see a screenshot of this proof of purchase then, you can remove stuff like credit card number, your name etc, just leave in what the payment type was, and the actual transaction (so the numbers, and the product).
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lol, you've been schooled. Face it, wrong crowd here to be messing with and acting all innocent.
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You seriously think that having a proof of purchase will somehow magically make the logical discrepancy of you selling things cheaper than you buy them disappear? In fact, you've still not shown a screenshot of your proof of purchase.
Let's see it then. It will probably only damn you more as then we can all see how much you bought it for.
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They of course remove legimate bundles just because it's fun! I'm quite sure they'll laugh at you and call you a numbnut if you simply contact them with your transaction ID. By all means don't contact them directly and keep whining on random spots on the interwebs! Good luck and all the best!
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You do realize that it could still be credit card fraud via paypal or what ever methods they have for paying.
So if you traded for the keys and you got a real good deal with TF2 items or what ever, chances are you got scammed and humble is not to blame. Blame the guy you got the "gift" from.
If you were the one that bought them on humble with paypal or what ever, then I would suggest sending a nice message to support at humble asking what happened.
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Paypal's always been around. And guess what Paypal accepts as payment also? Credit cards. So, credit cards have always been available.
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I have noticed you on SteamTrades and you look for me very unreliable as trader. I'm not surprised to see this.
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Sadly not, at least a lot of users that got scammed and had their bundle access removed, reported that the games they had redeemed on Steam are still in their library.
That's the info I got by following most of these threads here on SG and over at steamtrades.
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I wish you all the bad luck in the world with that.
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you are well known for selling these stolen ultra-cheap bundles on steamtrades, and now you open a thread here and tell us you are angry about humble bundle?! you can't be serious...
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The best part of this: "Also selling BTA bundles @ 2 keys each"
Oh right, steamtrades thread.
"Well, i got no reason to blame and not trust my guy for now, so yes, I am ok with him for now. If anything wrong happens, we'll see then."
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the most funny thing in this thread was, what he said to me in the end:
"Good news that I just got - I know now how to do it (not everybody can) and its 100% legal, so u can shut up now"
i lol'd so hard xD
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Oh boy. CC fraud is most definitely not 100% legal.
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You're giving a +1 to someone telling you that you deserved that your keys got revoked? Wow, you're really the smartest guy around.
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I'm surprised you still haven't gotten any neg rep on strades yet.
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On a related note, I always wonder how long people can do chargebacks for on their CC (although this thread reeks more of CC fraud with stolen details). Like, there must be a max amount of time allowed between purchase, and your chargeback request. I also wonder if that time differs per CC provider.
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Good to see you're actually reading the thread fully (and thus being informed of this jackass OP) unlike some people posting here :)
And thanks for the info. :)
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3 of my bundles got removed now after months of purchase - Origin, HIB9, HB with android 7
It cant be a cc fraud, simply cos "buy with cc" option wasnt even dere around the time of origin and HIB9, so WHY ?!!
F**k them >.< I still had unused keys!
Edit: I bought Origin and HIB9 myself (I have PROOF of PURCHASE)
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