Hi guys.

So, for someone being in Portugal, what is the cheapest way to buy a legal Minecraft key?

12 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

12 years ago

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so you're telling him to pirate it?

12 years ago

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Why so cynical?

12 years ago

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this comment made me giggle.

Good day sir.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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$27. Hell no.

12 years ago

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I bought one for 15$ for my brother. They do really cost 27$ now?

12 years ago

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There's a reason why Notch has been in the top contributor list on HIB several times - too much money ;)

12 years ago

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You bought it back in beta days, it was always planned to cost that much when it's released, but it was 50% off during beta, and 75% off during Alpha, most people bought it back then.

12 years ago

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I seee, anyways 15$ is a reasonable price. 27$ is a bit too much IMO

12 years ago

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I agree, i wouldn't have bought it for 27$ either.

12 years ago

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You guys are plain cheap skates. You will pay double the price for a crappy repackaged game named call of duty which will make you rage, but not on a game that you will enjoy day in day out? I can see we have a lot of spoiled brats over here.

12 years ago

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Not sure if trolling or...

12 years ago

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Don't worry, I wouldn't buy CoD either.

12 years ago

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I don't even know how to respond..

I do own Minecraft, i bought it during Beta, would have bought it earlier, but i lacked the extra money. Over the years i probably put around 30-50 hours into it, it was well spend money, but i wouldn't have spend more than i did.

Call of Duty is a series of games that i enjoy playing a lot. I spent around 70€ for the three CoD's that i own.
MW2 was gifted to me, MW3 i bought 50% off one week after launch, and BOII i bought for full price.
I put around 500 hours of playtime in these games, i think that was worth it.

Why do you go around making assumptions about people you don't know, you have no idea what i enjoy, and what i consider a good purchase, what if i hated Minecraft?
You can't say that everyone would enjoy playing Minecraft day in and out, or that everyone rages playing CoD, that's just not how the world works.

12 years ago

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Aaaargh that grammer irrittates me.
I think what people are trying to say is that Call of Duty good game in terms of it's mechanics and it's gameplay, sure it's not bad or anything, if it were less people would buy it, but the point that people are trying to get across is that Minecraft is more enjoyable in terms of how it plays, you can create pretty much whatever you want if you know how.

12 years ago

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Never played CoD that much... Never will play it again

11 years ago

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Yeah, only the other way around. I enjoy Call of duty immensely, yet after playing a lite version of minecraft found myself not able to stand that game.

11 years ago

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I insist on buying it in official stores (not only minecraft.net, but i won't tell u about em and bcz in case of failure i will be responsible for it :D). There are a lot of "normal" keys which were banned a lot of time ago. And they still are selling this crap to ppl.

12 years ago

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open google,search,cracked minecraft ;D

12 years ago

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I remember seeing pics of their "office" and their building barely has a computer section it seemed...

12 years ago

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Well, it's not a big team, they don't need that much computers.

12 years ago

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It was the best $20 I ever spent on a game, played MC nearly every day for the past few years and have put more time into it than any of my 600 other games combined.

12 years ago

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I do believe you, but that's still expensive for me...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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was gonna post that...

12 years ago

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That's really helpful.

12 years ago

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You should leave +rep on his Steam profile.

12 years ago

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I will, thanks.

12 years ago

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Notch did say that if you can't afford the game to just pirate it.

12 years ago

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^ This :P

Used to do it myself, but bought a legit copy eventually.

12 years ago

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Gotta give him props on that.

Cool dev.

12 years ago

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Not really. In the past he was freaking out about pirates and said if people kept pirating he was gonna stop making updates.

So just covering his tracks really.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I slightly remember this actually....

12 years ago

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Although that is a noble thing to say, comming from a dev, I would really like to have the legal version of it.

12 years ago

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become a subscriber whore and go to youtube giveaways, that is another legit way to doit

12 years ago

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I bought the first one for 5€ somewhere, and got a second copy over a youtube giveaway.
I'm a lucky bastard.

12 years ago

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I wouldn't spend that much on game until they update the graphics, it looks like un finished square blocks.

12 years ago

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blasphemous! or just a troll

12 years ago

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Because graphics determine how great a game is or isn't, right?

12 years ago

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Graphics aren't everything, but they're something. Just like looks in a girl aren't everything, but they're something. If a guy finds a girl repulsive "graphically", there isn't much she could offer to entice him, be it "gameplay" or "active community" or "DLC".

12 years ago

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We're talking video games, not girls. When it comes down to girls, looks are everything. ;)

12 years ago

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How much does it cost for the "Be my girlfriend" DLC on the average girl?

12 years ago

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Shaders help.

12 years ago

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But that's the point.

12 years ago

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I don't see what minecraft has to offer me. Is there something special that I'm missing? I could build higher resolution virtual worlds long before the game came out, so it seems like a downgrade from my current standards. Edit: Still waiting for some info, rather not spend money on yet another game I wouldn't play.

12 years ago

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constraints inspire creativity

12 years ago

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I set my own constraints.

12 years ago

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These comments make me laugh so hard.

12 years ago

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Thanks for adding nothing useful. You could have at the very least attempted to explain your sense of humor.

12 years ago

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You added "nothing useful" in the first place! Lets try something more constructive. Your comment tells me that you may have not tried to play the game. Yes, the graphics "suck", it was never meant to be "pretty". There are people who might dislike it, I'm sure, maybe you are one of them! For me (and many others), it's a game in which you can build almost everything (including games (yo dawg) and even computers), play PvE or go online to PvP or just chill with friends. Not to mention that there are lots and lots of cool mods and tools. Don't get me wrong, I just laughed a bit because your comment reminded me of those people (20+ years ago) who looked at Super Mario Bros for the NES and said "stupid game, it's just a dude jumping...". Don't be that guy.

12 years ago

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Not that guy, and no I haven't played it. I also asked a question, which is slightly different than trying to add something. I do appreciate your coming back to explain though. As far as the graphics issue is concerned, I don't care as long as there is gameplay. But when it comes to building, I would much prefer the tools that have spent over a decade refining my skills with. So with that in mind, does the game have anything to offer me that I don't already have access to with other games and tools?

12 years ago

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minecraft has some great gameplay, for the base game you're looking at;

  1. creative building of anything you can imagin, a lot like lego. two modes, here 'creative' where you have unlimited everything from the game, instant distruction and then there is survival mode. You'll spend hours mining away trying not to die to find the materials need to convert into other blocks to build bigger and better things. Take a lot longer and you'll die along the way but as the game mode suggets, you have to survive. Having to make food to eat and armour and weapons as well as the tools you need to fig and build.

  2. pvp, fighting others and not just limited to smacking them on the head. You can destroy their homes, their food supply.. you can even boobie trap their house, or even your own... the power of redstone :)

  3. community. While the graphics aren't as great as something like World of warcraft, there are endless amounts of servers you can join, and join communities. Lots of servers out there offer great people to play with. Some hardcore pvp, some are more friendly.. some are end game, while others are more about building great things to show off.

  4. if you don't like the graphics, you can change the look. it supports texture packs and you can have some really nice looking ones, using shaders and high res texture packs. You're always going to be limited to block placement in the game since thats what it is afterall.. but once you get past that, it's a really good game.

pirate it, play it single player for a while in survival and creative.... just remember if you're playing survival,, you best find a hole to live in before night fall :D

If you're wanting extra from the game, there is always advanced minecraft servers running things such as tekit.. it has lots of automated things, such as quarry machines, solar power.. well that's a lot of advanced stuff you really don't want to even think about yet, but lets just say you'll be hard pushed to find a game with as much creative fun as minecraft in a better looking game.

12 years ago

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Awesome. Literally the best description I've seen of the game. I have plenty of friends who played it and they made it sound really dumb. That, and a good deal of stuff I've seen on the internet boiled down to "It has modz!!!!!!!" It didn't help that before minecraft was around I was developing something as mostly a project to learn the API of a different graphics lib to see how I liked working with it. I had allowed more than cubes, but was still quite blocky by design, and wasn't so much focused on any sort of gameplay, as it wasn't meant to be a game per se. Anyway, thank you for the solid answer. I doubt I'll get it any time real soon due to how busy things are right now, but maybe eventually. At least I can look at it as something not moronic.

12 years ago

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I guess the real question here, is where are you building these other 'virtual worlds' that are far superior to a game you've yet to lay hands on yourself? It's hard to say what you are 'missing' if we don't know what your base for comparison is. Minecraft may not be the first of its kind but it has proven rather powerful for the genre that it represents, and millions continues to craft worlds with little more than a keyboard and their imagination.

12 years ago

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minecraft.net has an hour long demo, you should try that. and to (attempt) to answer your last question, for me it has been the sense of accomplishment to drive me through the game,you have to gather resources, craft everything, then build it. just the effort put into it is a big relief and sense of accomplishment at the end. not many other games give you that, just for your average gameplay. you may not understand this untill you play it go, so atleast try the demo

12 years ago

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Well, the multiplayer is a big deal. If you can gather at least 1 or 2 friends you will enjoy it much more. Singleplayer is fun when you have objectives. Also, Minecraft is very unique in terms of mods. There has to be at least one mod that you might find interesting. Even if not and you have an idea for a mod, head to the forums, talk to the mod developers and if you manage to convince them that it is a good idea (not that hard), they will develop the mod. I could be here talking about the game all day but the game sells itself. Get hold of a cracked version, minecraftwiki (essential for newbies!) and (preferably) some friends and try it yourself. As soon as you set your own objectives you will be glued to the game.

12 years ago

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It has replayability; if you choose, you can start over in a newly generated world, use mods, difficulty setting, sandbox, no story to follow and so on.

But like you wrote, you would probably have to play with friends. Just to have people to chat with while you do the same tasks over and over. Being dependent on others to enjoy gameplay (because it has no "goal"), makes it less appealing to me.

I think that is what can make it a bit repetitive, mundane; a bit of crafting and just staring at blocks while hitting it until it breaks, then the block behind it..non-stop. And when you have created your home, have pets, a farm and so on...what then? The reason why mods were created, I think.

Minecraft is not story bound, which is a plus, but it also means it lacks purpose, which would make it dull at some point, if it wasn't for the creative community who created mods. Which basically means that in theory, Minecraft would only remain entertaining if you have and use two essential things; friends and mods.

12 years ago

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Lol if you bought it when it was in Beta phase it would be cheaper, right now I can't tell you cause I bought the original one like 2 years ago I think.

12 years ago

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I wouldn't buy anywhere else than the Mojang site, the cheapest way to get it was when they did the 'buy one, get one free', so you would payed it about 10$ (that's where my copy came from). Anyway, if I knew that it was a so awesome game, I would've payed the full price :)

12 years ago

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I bought it really cheap in the alpha, and i'm thinking of buying it again just to support Mojang. 27$ isn't even alot of money, cheap-ass.

12 years ago

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If you're thinking of buying it again, maybe offer the new copy to OP?

12 years ago

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I was going to reply to Zoipas with something completely different, but that's a novel idea. I think Zoipas should put his money where his mouth is and buy OP a copy, since it's so cheap.

12 years ago

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In my currency it's pretty cheap, yes. I'm going to school and here in Sweden we don't pay for school but get paid to go to school so I don't really have an "income".
Yeah, maybe I will buy it to him.
No. I want to support them, because I like the games they are making not because their economy sucks. (They are rich as fuck.)

12 years ago

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Thanks for your kindness, nevertheless.

12 years ago

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On that note, SGifts claims to allow minecraft giveaways but I checked for the hell of it and couldn't find it in the list of available games to give. Same goes for BF3.

11 years ago

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If your economies are better than mine, great. Mine are not good enough in order to pay that much for a game.

12 years ago

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"just to support Mojang" You act as if they are in trouble moneywise. lol

12 years ago

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Too much for broke college students :(

12 years ago

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True story :/

12 years ago

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start selling weed

12 years ago

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There is good advice, and then there is great advice.

12 years ago

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Already did. Not enough.

12 years ago

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Make meth, become Heisenberg

It worked for Mr. White.

12 years ago

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Customers die to early to make good profit :/ Maybe I'm not doing it right...

12 years ago

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Maybe you shouldn't kill your customers (trust me on this, works everytime)?

If you keep them alive..or just let them live, they will return for more.

12 years ago

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Get a job lol

12 years ago

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Get a job lol

12 years ago

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What makes you think I haven't tried? Most available jobs are too far away from my dorm, and the college isn't hiring... or at least, I'm not eligible for some jobs because I need to be in a specific major to do them.

12 years ago

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yeah, I wanted to buy it too but was hoping for some promo/discount sometime

12 years ago

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there was a discount a while back, too bad you missed it.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Hi! I bought if at full price and I can say that its Worth it, if you have someone to play with, you can finish the story in about 16 hours (With decent gear and materials including the time to locate the underground castle) add the fact that its still currently being updated and tons of available mods. There's An endless possibility to do in the game.

12 years ago

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... story?

12 years ago

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Yes Minecraft has a story, didn't you know? Well more like a quest to 'the End' which involves you gearing up, finding the entrance and so on.

12 years ago

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Sorry wrong wording, but I was talking about the end game in minecraft

12 years ago

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I bought it cheap (18$), then mojang banned my key, so I bought it from minecraft.net.

I should have bought it directly to mojang at first ;p

12 years ago

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The cheapest would be to have it gifted to you! That's how I got my copy, haha. Other than that, no idea.. Sorry.

12 years ago

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There is only one place to buy it, and anyone else that tells you they're selling keys is lying through their teeth. Notch addressed piracy several times, examples of which are here and here.

12 years ago

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Only on minecraft.net, it would take me too long to tell about all scams that took place with Minecraft giftcodes bought with stolen creadit cards... So, if you don't wanna get game revoked in random time from 1 day to 1 year, then buy from THE ONLY official seller - minecraft.net.

12 years ago

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glad i bought it cheap during alpha

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

12 years ago

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While Valve does not wish to disclose its own earnings, Gabe Newell has a net worth of over $1.5 Billion. By your logic we should be pirating Valve/Steam titles just because they already made money. Do you honestly think we should fuck people over solely on the grounds that they are successful?

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

12 years ago

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So it's okay to screw over the guy who only sells his own games, but not the guy who turns a profit on the games other people have made?

12 years ago

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Flawless logic jesus.

12 years ago

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I don't get it, we hate people for having success?

12 years ago

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It doesn't sound like the guy has done anything wrong. He just made some money. What's your problem?

11 years ago

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Bought it for 15$ before the nether update from minecraft.net I have to say greatest time every!

12 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ViTALiTY.