I warned Get Games Go of what was going to happen if they didn't give me satisfaction. Over the weekend I did a massive giveaway of over $500 USD worth of steam games. Things went well I bought from Steam, Green Man Gaming, THQ and Get Games Go to get the most value out of the games I could give so that I could give more. Things came to a halt when dealing with Get Games Go, when I bought a Steam Key and it turned out to be invalid, when I gifted the key. I was shocked and to fix things (thinking it was just a region) I bought a steam direct copy and then started a new giveaway. When that give away ended the same result was found - invalid key. I contacted Get Games Go customer support, they said my account had been blacklisted and that my card wasn’t charged even though my card clearly showed charges from Get Games Go. They said, also in that reply that the money was refunded and that my account was off the backlist. So I tried to do the purchase again: Same results. I then informed them that if I didn’t get any resolve that I would start a boycott of their company and I would post out chat log to show the community how mistreated I have been. I’ll post the logs in edits.

Get Games

Your order receipt and confirmation

Thank you for shopping with Get Games

This email is to confirm that your order has been placed.

Details of your order are listed below.
Order Information
Order number: GGG0987195922920FA8
Placed date: 13 January 2012 20:36

Order Details
Stock code Product name Price Quantity
GGF000710 Sonic Generations 14.99 1
Order Value: $ 14.99
Discount: $ 0.00
Delivery: $ 0.00
Order Total: $ 14.99

Payment Details

the first bill, key was sent later it was a dud.

here's the key they sent me that was invild. I started giveaway there after.

I then bought The full copy of Sonic Gen off steam to Gift first winner, thinking it was a country thing.

then 2nd winner came up and then I wort GG about the issue I got this responce:


It looks like the card was rejected after purchase and the orders were cancelled. Your account was then blacklisted as the system detected unusual buying patterns.
The card has not been charged.
What was it you needed the 2nd key for? I can then unlock your account.

My account was then Unlcoked ater a long crazy back and forth. then I bought the game again:

Order Information
Order number: GGG099155D8AC32DF78
Placed date: 17 January 2012 01:14

Order Details
Stock code Product name Price Quantity
GGF000710 Sonic Generations 14.99 1
Order Value: $ 14.99
Discount: $ 0.00
Delivery: $ 0.00
Order Total: $ 14.99

and got a new key.

Get Games

Thank you for purchasing from Get Games

This e-mail contains important information regarding your purchase of Sonic Generations

Please print it out and/or store it – you may need it to re-install your product in the future.

Your unique activation key for Sonic Generations is SORAJ-M3JUF-UTPK8

it turned out to be invaild.

I then sent them this ticket:

Well Ok I'm putting in a new ticket for I don't know whatg is the
issue with my requests. Ok so I ordered a sonic generations key via
you guys. You said that you locked up the key b/c of some anomoly- no
too sure what but hey. Then I was told my account was unblacklisted
because I informed you guys that I had bought the keys for a contest.
Then I bought another key, as informed I could do. The other key
turned up invaild again. Now I might not get my card refunded till
7-10 days and if I don't get a response to my liking then I'm going to
launch a full on boycott of your company b/c your taking my money
giving me a recipt and then giving me invaid keys. I don't know what
you guys are doing but blacklisting accounts because they paid is not
right. I buy and support from retailers all over and you guys are the
first one's I've come into an issue with. Last weekend I gave over
$500 worth of games out to the steam gifts community and trust me
there will be an uproar if this doesn't get settled. if you scroll
down on this link to top contributers you'll see my name at number 1:
http://www.steamgifts.com/. Now I don't want to be rash but I have a
person waiting on her game that I bought from you and if I have to say
that I can't give her game because you won't help me. I'll be upset. I
own a bakery and I don't like my big paying customers to be upset. Now
I've tried to give you guys 30 usd thus far and would like to continue
to support but thus far all I'm getting is, well someone who seems to
not really think it;s a big deal. it is. You've taken my money twice
and then given me two invaild keys. you've given me an invalid key
with Order number: GG099155D8AC32DF78
Placed date: 17 January 2012 01:14 and Order number: GGG0987195922920FA8
Placed date: 13 January 2012 20:36. Now you say you've refunded the
first one. But the money was still taken from my card and I still have
to pay the cards processing fee. Now I'msending this pst to you and
saving and will post on steam gifts if I don't get a proper response.
I think I've been vary clear and look forward to resolving this issue.
sorry to be rash but would you support a company that treats it's
customers like used meat?

and then I got this:

Hi there

Firstly, I’d suggest you don’t keep sending mail with different threads. It makes it very hard to keep track of.

We replied to you on Tuesday explaining that your account was blacklisted.

The only money we have taken from your credit card (on the account attached to this e-mail address) is $14.99 on 29/12 via PayPal for a copy of Sonic Generations. Everything else has been blocked and you have not been charged.

We have no idea why your card was rejected - card companies don't pass on that information - but it is most likely due to 'suspicious activity' - purchase from somewhere 'outside customer's pattern', multiple purchase of the same order in quick succession etc etc.

The account and cards remain blacklisted. We took you off the blacklist because you said you wanted a key for a competition but this now seems not to be the case. You appear to be trading them. If you want to buy Steam games and give them away, why not buy them direct from Steam?

Kind regds


So yes I will buy from Steam directly in the future.

oh and her's my response to GGG for replying to me on here.

Sorry have having to be so harsh but your calling me a liar set me off
edge.(We took you off the blacklist because you said you wanted a key
for a competition but this now seems not to be the case. You appear to
be trading them. ) The boycott isn't for the internet but forthe
steam community. The issues isn't about the funds or money- I don't
care about that the issues is we are a community that gives out games
and by giving me a key, you set me up and anyone else up for a bad
rep. The fact you wouldn't act to resolve the issue or even read my
full post shows how much you don't or didn't give a damn about my
busniess. It's a pity you don't have yor stuff together. My card is
vaild btw. So's my paypal and greenman and steam and everyone else out
there accepts my card. If there's not enought funds on my card or my
card is on lockdown they don't send me a bad key wich is the issue.
The site you posted on has users that canoot afford to have thier reps
tarnished with bad keys. We are doing what we do to fiht piracy and
share with what we have to give. You never adressed that issue and if
you do decide to deal with this issue then post it on steam gifts.
Untill then, fo the steam gifts website you do more potentail harm
with the way that you do your busniess then not dealing with you. Now
you can call me names all yuwant rage but I'm not saying you stole
from me - don't care if I lose $120 or so. I'm saying you mislead me
and when I brought that up with you you told me that I didn't get
chaged, and yes the money was put on pending. But when you issued me
the key and just left it without any notification of bad paymnt or
what not that is the issue, if you wanna ignore it nor not- tht is why
you are being boycvotted. the people on the site- not the leechers but
the ones who spend thier money know this is the case. That's why I
posted all of why I said and you said to show what the real deal is.
toobad you didn't take the time to read it before shooting your leagal
mombo jumbo about a payment that may or may have not occured. That was
never in dispute. Anyway good luck. I do repect peopel who help out
the industry, that you do, but a bad model is a bad model. I'm a nice
guy yo could still even try and give me some customer service and help
me troubleshoot the issue- though I did buy sonic from steam to gift
to the winner. Oh and I gift I don't trade thankyou.

13 years ago*

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13 years ago

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That happens when you buy a lot of stuff in a small amount of time, try contacting your bank, chances are, it's their fault.

13 years ago

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yeah that would be the case if my card was in bad standing but all of my games, other then sonic were granted from Greeman gaming and steam- al abought after this transaction. AKA this was my first purchase.

13 years ago

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This guy might be right. I bought a game from GGG and literally 5 minutes later my bank calls asking if my card was stolen. I think it's just an automated alert when you make a purchase from a different country.

13 years ago

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yeah but if I was able to buy from 3 other online retailers - right after and up till like 2 hours ago then that kinda is wrong no?

13 years ago

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I don't know if it matters, but you may want to edit out your Sonic key from that post there... :-|

13 years ago

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it's invaild. If it was vaild this post wouldn't be up.

13 years ago

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Honestly they deserve a boycott. They have no business in what you do with a key. Their job is to be selling it, not moderating what you do with it.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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You should post your CC details. It'll make you seem more believable.

13 years ago

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Yes, as well as his name, address, date of birth, SS#, and a list of his greatest fears.

13 years ago

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His mother's maiden name, and first pet just to be safe.

13 years ago

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Never even thought about buying from GGG, but now I'm definitely not going to.

13 years ago

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I've already had this problem with them. I will boycott along side you.

13 years ago

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So where did this happen? Green Man Gaming as said in the post @ the PayPal part or at Get Games Go as said in the topic name? :S

13 years ago

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You beat me to it by 10 seconds. :)

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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no no get games go. Post says get games go, just the lastt recipt is messed up.

13 years ago

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oh and way to show you don't read. rthe accidental copy paste of my gmg recipt instead of my GGGG makes you think that the whole article is about GMG instead of GGG? Even though all the way through I say GEt Games around 25-30 times?

13 years ago

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Dude I asked about the stupid transaction and PayPal doesn't mess up seller info. And if you say about GGG 20 times and PayPal says GMG once it's already a confusion you know... -.-

13 years ago

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no it was my copy paste mess up, -as I said- is all, it's a creditcard. I'm oddly locked out of my card right now. I mean good eye but no. The best response would have been you posted the wrong payment transaction. I think that: Thank you for shopping with Get Games

This email is to confirm that your order has been placed kinda proves what I'm talking about.

13 years ago

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The credit card reference you posted at the end says "PAYPAL *GREEN MAN G". I find this confusing since the thread is about Get Games and not Green Man Gaming.

13 years ago

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yeah copy paste oopsie. now I'm locked out of my card again, will post the trasnaction before that one once I get sorted out.

13 years ago

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you only get invalid keys if your bank refused to pay. try another way to pay and then change back.

i have see this twice and then it's ok.

13 years ago

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not a bank it's a creditcard, only way to buy steam games from them.

13 years ago

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banks issue credit cards.

13 years ago

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If the money was charged via paypal, and GGC said they refunded it, then it could very well be PayPal's fault.

I had tried adding a Visa Gift Card to my PayPal account (Dec 26th) to use it that way and they put two $1 'verification' holds on the card that was only lifted on Jan 11th. Also had a similar issue with a refund that took more than a week to return the money to me.

13 years ago

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no it's a credidcard, you cannotbuy steam games from them via paypal.

13 years ago

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@schalart I had same problem with me in December

Your order receipt and confirmation

Thank you for shopping with Get Games

This email is to confirm that your order has been placed.

Details of your order are listed below.
Order Information
Order number: GGG886850C045168ECB
Placed date: 16 December 2011 22:23
Get Games

Thank you for purchasing from Get Games

This e-mail contains important information regarding your purchase of Serious Sam HD The Second Encounter
Please print it out and/or store it – you may need it to re-install your product in the future.
Your unique activation key for Serious Sam HD The Second Encounter is Z46W-B9G3-XXXX-XXXX-LLBQ

in site tells me

Serious Sam HD - The Second Encounter Keycode GGG886850C045168ECB 16/12/2011 22:23:13 Completed



and support told me same sheat credit card declined etc... I havent buy anything since december btw.

13 years ago

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yeah theyrefunded the money but they revoke the key if issue. My issue is they gave me the key meaning that my cards gave them th money for a bit. It's BS. Don't give out bad keys. That why the boycott is that we get eys to gift and if they gonna send us bad keys then we get screwed. Once a key is sent it means we paid- or at least should. They have a bd busniess model.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Aaaand that's why I don't buy from Cd-key websites. The couple bucks I save are not worth the risk.

13 years ago

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only prob is that they are an authorised retailer for steam.

13 years ago

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Hi there

We're the GetGames support team. As Oscar Wilde should have said: "there's no such thing as bad publicity". However, it would be nice if the facts were correct and we had a chance to put our side of the story.

1) GetGames has only ever charged this customer for ONE game and the key for that order worked fine. He bought the game on 29/12 and paid us $14.99 via PayPal.
2) We have not charged his credit card for ANYTHING.
3) Why not? Unfortunately, the credit card he used to make a bunch of purchases was flagged as 'advised to reject' after the purchase went through. So, the card wasn't charged, the orders were cancelled and the keys he was issued were automatically cancelled.
4) Why didn't we tell him this right away? In most cases where we get a rejection like this (rather than a simple 'card declined') it is because there is a possibility of fraud. You can't really tell the person using the card that there is a problem in case they are not actually the owner of the card.
5) When he contacted he told us that the copy of the game was required for a friend. In another mail we were told it was for a 'competition' prize.
6) We're not a wholesale site that sells so-called 'CD-keys' and although it's your business what you do with anything you buy from us, we aren't that keen on manually unblocking credit cards if they are being used to buy multiple copies of games that are being passed on to other people. I have to admit that I'm not entirely clear if these being given away as some sort of philanthropic exercise or if there's anything to gain by doing. Anyway, none of our business, but if you are going to do it, we can't really help if your card is bounced.
7) Rest assured that we try our very best to provide good customer service. We have answered all the many diverse e-mails from this customer politely and accurately and we've done our best to help. We've repeatedly explained that we haven't charged him for something he hasn't received. And I doubt that our friendly rivals over at GreenMan Gaming have either :-)

The bottom line is that if a credit card gets declined, it gets declined. We can get round the system manually in some cases, but raising forum posts that say we've taken money when we haven't is probably not the way to win our trust.

All the best

Dermot, Jordan & Graeme

13 years ago

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payment was refunded, as I said. You sent the key as it was processed. I told you guys I'd do this. You called me a liar (e took you off the blacklist because you said you wanted a key for a competition but this now seems not to be the case. You appear to be trading them.) in your reply, even though I showed you evidence that it was a gift here. now you are accusing me of fraud? I gave you the link to this site. i told you i I didn't get anyhelp resolving this issue I'd do this. I have all of the info in this post. I have not altered any of the sent messages. Now you make this to be about my card? It's your busness model that is flawed not my buying habits.

but thanks for comming out and showing your true colors. oh and it's not about a creditcard being declined. MY credicard doesn't get declined, just they protect me from bad sellers, I guess. The issue is your bad busniess modle and giving out faulty keys. you send out a key with a recipt it means payments have been made. aka the key should be a vaild one. If the card is bad then it won't go throgh with the charges and I won't get a key.

13 years ago

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Much as I'd like to step up to defend a member of the community, I just don't see it. It's not GGG's fault your card was flagged by the issuer. As Dermot explained above, they only see that the card has been flagged as a fraud risk due to recent purchases. They don't know why, but why would they want to risk it when your card's own issuer recommends they decline the transaction?

You say the payment's been refunded--hard to tell given the back and forth nature of your posts--so why not just resolve the problem with the card issuer and move on? I'm not sure why you feel any of this is GGG's fault nor why it's being made out to be such a big deal.

Sorry. :\

13 years ago

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they sent out the key. Think of it there's a dual method this site is used for. Trading on the trader's sister site and gifting. The fact that thy sent me the key means payment should/could have been accepteed. There was no notification of the key being bad. I had to find out when I sent out the key and they said it was bad. think of that in a trade. It's diffeent if it was personal use, if key invaild then no harm no fowel. In our cased it's different you find out by surprize. Then your a bad gifter or a bad trader. Think of how bad it looks if you try and trade a key you think you've paid for and the other guys get's an invaild key. Ponder that then say I'm wrong.

13 years ago

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I admit that part's a bit weird. It seems as if the receipt goes out before the transaction's been completed, then they get the 'advised to reject' notification from the issuer and refund the transaction immediately after. You may not see the refund come through for a while, which could make it appear as though they had, in fact, charged you.

I can't speak to any of this since I don't know if that's actually what's happening, but you're right that something's wonky with the way it's being processed. Again, though, I don't see any real wrongdoing here.

13 years ago

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lol'd at "there's no such thing as bad publicity".

"oh, that's the store that sells invalid keys! IT'S SO FAMOUS FOR IT. I'll buy some and post it on facebook"

this is not serious.

13 years ago

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It's good that you took the time to reply, but after hearing your side of the story it definitely sounds like you mishandled the situation. Mistakes happen, but it would be a good idea to take a break from defending yourselves and consider how you could improve in future.

Addressing the points that you numbered, one by one:

1) and 2) Why would you give him a refund if his card was not charged? It sounds as though you did charge him after all, gave a receipt, and then issued refunds. That is very different from not charging - especially since his bank seems to burden him with transaction fees.

3) "Advised to reject" but the card was already accepted? That's very different to being declined. "Advised to reject" is heuristic speculation - maybe you're based in a different country to the sites from which your customer usually buys. If you were about to ship an expensive package to him then this would be cause for caution, but here you're liable for no more than possible chargeback fees if he turned out to be a bad apple after all. If you wanted to be prudent you could have honoured the sale but put his card number on a probation of sorts, refusing additional sales using that card until the chargeback period is over. Then you'd know he's at least somewhat trustworthy.

4) You can have keys revoked, right? That's what you did, after all. What is the chance of a false positive? What do you stand to lose if you incorrectly trust him versus if you incorrectly distrust him? With the information at hand it looks like you chose the path of greatest risk.

5) The customer's explanations are consistent and verifiable. No cause for suspicion.

6) If you don't want to sell multiple copies to a single person then simply don't agree to sell any copies after the first. The alternative - giving out bad codes - can really kill your reputation. And don't go blacklisting people on the mere speculation that a good reason to blacklist them might come along - that can come back to haunt you. Finally, regarding the "philanthropic exercise": it appears to be the case after all.

I'd be grateful if you avoided misleading statements like "The bottom line is that if a credit card gets declined, it gets declined". This is a case where the credit card was accepted and you voluntarily reversed the transaction, wasn't it?

Now, you were probably within your rights to cancel the sale, and schalart is within his rights to be upset, and others here are within their rights to avoid doing business with you. I hope your store grows and becomes successful, but that won't happen if potential customers can't trust that you'll honour your agreements or have to worry about being blacklisted without provocation. Myself, I've had good experience with you after spending a few bucks on your Little Big Bunch (I would have paid more if I knew then how good Explodemon is!) so please understand that I'm not just ragging on you because it's the popular thing to do in this thread.

13 years ago

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it's your business what you do with anything you buy from us, we aren't that keen on manually unblocking credit cards if they are being used to buy multiple copies of games that are being passed on to other people

I have to admit that I'm not entirely clear if these being given away as some sort of philanthropic exercise or if there's anything to gain by doing. Anyway, none of our business, but if you are going to do it, we can't really help if your card is bounced.

I take issue with those two sentences. You're goddamn right it's none of your business, and then you go back and say "oh its not our business, but we're going to provide different service based on it". For the record, the games given away on this site are purely "philanthropic exercises". Nobody gets ANYTHING from giving away a gift. But apparently that means you're less likely to unblock their credit card.

13 years ago

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So let me get this straight - you've had an account here on this site for a whole month and you still have no idea what it is or how it works? Are you really that dense? And yet you find the nerve to question your customers motives. Seriously dude, you should be embarrassed.

Your responses indicate that you can hear, but don't listen. No one would want to win the trust of a company that treats its customers poorly. Instead of trying to resolve issues all you've done is point fingers and cry that it's not your fault. First rule of business - the customer is ALWAYS RIGHT. You don't win any points for attacking your customers, you win them by providing a better service. Had you responded "Here is the problem we're having...<yada yada yada> You will have to resolve it with your bank first. We're sorry for the inconvenience." then the situation wouldn't have escalated to this point and everyone would be happy. The wrongs are all on your end here, canceling the keys without explanation then blacklisting your customer and trying to play a white knight. Your entire post is full of fail, reflecting both your ignorance and your company's negative, inexperienced attitude. Your support team told your customer to shop elsewhere - very sound advice that we'll all be glad to take.

13 years ago

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Thanks for the explanation. This helps explain why my credit card stopped working at the end of the Steam end of year sale in 2010. I guess all these little purchases make the card suspect.

13 years ago

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  1. you should never list when, how much and what method a customer purchased an iteme form your sit on a public forum, you are endangering him by doing so.

  2. why would you use a public forum to argue about a private issue. in all honesty if you would have tired to explain things better to him in private, instead of harassing, and defaming his name publicly

  3. We dont need to gain your trust, you have to gain our trust. How can i buy from you if you are not going to give me the goods/service that i paid for

  4. by doing this, you are hurting your case more than helping it

  5. if i want to buy $100 worth of game at you site and then never install them or give them to my son, it none of your business.

13 years ago

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That's why I said this post isn't serious. I find it hard to believe such a terrible answer actually came from the store.. though it's even harder to believe that some random guy of the interwebs decided to troll like this.

I think the phrase is "Not sure if troll or just stupid".

13 years ago

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I'm not trolling. I'm making people aware of poor cutomer service that calls thier clients liars. I mean hey they could have seen I was serious when I told them what I would do if they kept putting my problem off. They could have sai Ok what can we do? Instead they called me a liar and said My card was fraudulent. My creditcard loves me. I'm still buying with it.

13 years ago

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I actually was talking about the "reply" that the so called support team gave you here, not about you. They aren't professional at all.

13 years ago

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Note to self: Don't buy from Get Games Go.

13 years ago

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Thx for this thread. I am not going to buy anything from GetGamesGo in the future.

13 years ago

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I won´t buy games there!

13 years ago

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tl;dr ->

  1. guy buys game
  2. guy receives keys
  3. game company noticed the guy's card got labeled as suspicious making it a fraud risk
  4. game company deactivated keys and did not charge card

aside from the company sending the keys out apparently before they charged you for them (which is just kinda weird), it all seems pretty legit on their end
edit unless im missing something...

13 years ago

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Apt summation. I don't see that there's any more to it, aside from a somewhat inappropriate response from support (who have no business asking what the customer intends to do with the product purchased).

I can't help but feel this is being blown way out of proportion by people far too eager to champion the little guy over some imagined evil establishment. It is not that big a deal. Maybe we should all just move on?

13 years ago

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I have some friends that have the same issue with Civilization V.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Bank frauds seem like some kind of outdated humor in these cases...

Nevertheless, if GGG refunded you, then I guess there's no real reason to whine and pout over this issue anymore. Just don't buy from there again if you feel so strongly about it. Or throw darts at your computer. Or yell at your dog. Whatever makes you feel better.

13 years ago

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it's not about the money it's about them sending out dead keys. We are a gifting group. Meaning if you get a key it should be valid. If you don't pay for it you don't get they key. With steam trades and steam gifts the other party, not you, will find out.

13 years ago

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its not entirely their fault for giving you dead keys. Sure, it is poor customer service, but they have a right to be suspicious of your buying activities, and if they wanted to deactivate the codes, then they can. (their proof would be somewhere in their Terms of Service). The fact that we are a non-profit gifting group means little to them.

Sorry if I'm seeming so negative, but GGG is not in the wrong. Trying to boycott them will be a waste of your time and effort.

13 years ago

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they have a right ot but to tell me everyhtin is allright then I have to find out third hand what is going on. Look, where you come from it might be fine to be abused as a consomer but I won't stand for it. I ask them fo help, they refused to assist. They told me the 2nd time that I could buy a key and they sold bme a bad key. Then they called me a liar. Now My card is good and active I just bought flaout bundle for steam fgifts like 2 hours ago. They are full of shit and won't admit fault. There has been a long line of them doing this and it has to stop, or they have to fix thier system. I don't see it as a waste of effort to be treated justly. even told them I do this and then they called me a liar so here we are. Liberty or death I believe is the mindset.

13 years ago

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meh, I'm done trying to convince you otherwise. do whatever you want.

Just make sure to remind yourself that it's your word against an entire organization.

13 years ago

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Ocean Marketing wants to have a word with you.

13 years ago

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Edit: They wouldn't care for it anyway.

13 years ago

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...not to mention you seek tarnish the name of a reputable store for doing nothing more than trying to safeguard themselves--and their customer, i.e., you--against fraud. Admittedly, their support approach has been a bit off, but a support faux pas does not justify the kind of smear campaign you're trying to orchestrate.

13 years ago

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I'm stating facts here. A repituable compnay doesn't faulsy accuse thier customers of lieing and give out fake keys. If I was 100% wrong they'd give me a cease and disist notice. Instead they reply here. This isn't a smear campain it's a boycott. I'm not preading lies. I'm informing the customer body that they give out keys prematurely and don't deal with thier messups. It's a duty as a consumer to infrom the public of massive wrong doings. Thier way of processing things is wrong. I have a vaild card they wouldn't adress that, they say my card is bad but my card still works fine. I have every right to inform the consumer base of a company that can potentially do them harm. If they adress the issue then I'll revoke my boycott, if they say sorry I'll revoke my boycott- only if they ensure that they stop handing out bad keys. YOU don't give out payment recipts when you don't accept a payment. and stores arn't allowed to sell empty boxes. They brought this on to themselves. I clearly stated in my E-mail that if they didn't fixc the issueI'd openly boycott them. They basically said fine do it, You lied to us and we don't need your service with thier Email. As anyone who won a free game of my $500 give away can testify I gifted the games and my intent wasn't to trade. They are smearing some they smeard and thus I boycott.

13 years ago

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Do you really not understand what's been said about your card, or are you just trying to be difficult? They've already said why the transaction was cancelled and the explanation wasn't "your card is bad." The card issuer recommended they decline the transaction. That's where the problem with the card lies, and that is where a solution would have been found had you shown the slightest interest in resolving it when this began. Instead, you continued to berate a business for making a business-minded decision regarding a potentially fraudulent purchase. You can take the high ground here if you want, but you certainly haven't earned it.

As regards the issuing of a product key that was, apparently, later revoked--and no, that does not translate simply to "they sent me a bad key"--that's the part they need to work on. Clearly, transaction denial should occur prior to a receipt and key being issued. Why it seems to be happening the other way around is beyond me, and something GGG needs to remedy promptly.

And finally, yes, their support approach has been... well... bad. Accusing--or even implying--that the customer is doing something illicit with their purchased goods isn't exactly smart. In fact, it's downright stupid and exactly none of their business (nor is trading in any way illicit to begin with). But if that's your main argument against GGG, you need to make that clear. So far it's seemed to be mostly about your "bad card" and "fake keys", which are not facts as you claim.

You might have, for comparison's sake, started this thread with a message like, "Be careful when purchasing from GGG for giveaways; if a problem is detected with your payment method the key on your receipt may be revoked without proper notice." I'd have been completely on board with that. Thanks for the warning. I'll keep it in mind.

See the difference? One is forthright and to the point. Facts, and nothing but. The other is a smear campaign, miniscule though it may be, riddled with inaccuracies and attitude. You could so easily have resolved this right up front, yet you purposely chose not to. I'm forced to wonder why.

13 years ago

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Cause I laid out the events at they happened. I posted all the info and media as they occured. It's not my bad if people are too lazzy to read over the facts for themselves. I don't make way for the lamon. This is a boycott not a smear campain as you call it. They are fake keys sire they sent me recipts with they keys I posted the info up there. The whole thing is a timeline of facts. What you want me to do is present one side of the story. Mine I haven't done that. I've poste the E-mails from nboth side sup there to be fair. Why they said and what I said. B/c if they werre an american company, not the UK company that they are, they would sue me because most people in america think like you. They think the seller has more rights then the customer. I think my way is better then. " These assholes tricked me into thinking I abought thier product then called me a fucking liar. As it happened. If I pay for something I get the product and the recipt. If have have recipt then I've paid. I have dead keys and recipts. That's bad no matter how you look at it. And if the compoany would have delt with the issue, insrtead of accusing me of being a liar then it would be a different story. Qiuit twisting thins this isn't a smear campain, thuis is a I was trweated like shit and I'm not standing for it. I even said hey say sorry I'll take it down. Nothing. I'm not unreasonable here. If you believe a company had done injustice take a dammed stance. Don't be a bitch and say ok. They say I'm in the wrong I'm in the wrong when you know your right. They arn['t a bad company, they are just a bad company for people who are at this site. It's not Like I have a dammed webpage forit I posted a post to show how badly I've been treated by them with a community I like and trust. Because I had to go through all hel with a giveaway and in the end they told me to fuck off. Levaing one person without the game I prmised - I made up for it, and now that it' on sale I'll get it for them- with the supposed bad card. ANd hey you know what word of advice if a company treats you wrong stand up say something the fact that you have to ask why I';m doing this hints that you are a bit passive. I've been passive all my life, but nio one calles me a liar when I prove with facts and evidence. I'm a simple, brillant aspee who tries to keep the peace all the time. These guys pissed me off by going too far. I can't back that up.. I'm sorry if this offends you but untioll they change thier process - like you said "Be careful when purchasing from GGG for giveaways; if a problem is detected with your payment method the key on your receipt may be revoked without proper notice." But I need to say what happened because I've never been so pissed off to say anything. Trust me I grew up as the school geek, everyone beat me up and treated me like shit and didn't care but this was messed up. Your welcome for the warning and I'm sorry I'm so mad at these guys. I honestly would rather not be as offened and not taking action and playing games but they wen't too far.

13 years ago

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I give up.

13 years ago

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what did you want?

13 years ago

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More than you're willing to give, clearly. Good luck with your vendetta.

13 years ago

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it's not a vendetta. i'm giving allot of my time to exsplaine my view to you all you keeps adding points. Like your trolling or your offened or something but I'm doing my best here. If you think this is a vendetta then I'm sorry you miss the point. and Why are oyu put off. You not the one who got put off by a company. Or you are the person who was part of customer service who failsely called me a liar. Like I don't get what you want? You want me to say I love the company for all thier great hings they do in the community? Or that I'm wrong I'm a peice of shit and it's allright for a compnay to fake sell shit? You want me to lift my boycott? take down all I've posted? comeon man.

13 years ago

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and another thing they are full of shit about the card. The card is good. I have payment list from 10 days ago to this morning all on that card.

Or they wouldn't have sent me this:

Order Information
Order number: GGG099155D8AC32DF78
Placed date: 17 January 2012 01:14

Order Details
Stock code Product name Price Quantity
GGF000710 Sonic Generations 14.99 1
Order Value: $ 14.99
Discount: $ 0.00
Delivery: $ 0.00
Order Total: $ 14.99

Payment Details
Payment method: VISA ****
Transaction date/time: 17 January 2012 01:14
Amount charged: $ 14.99

and if my card was debunk then how could I do this with steam?

Sonic Generations - Casino Nights DLC
1.59 USD

1.59 USD
0.00 USD

1.59 USD

Payment Info

Visa ending with ----
1.59 USD
Confirmation Number
Date Confirmed
Thu Jan 19 12:52:56 2012

13 years ago

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lols, they deleted my account without any notification because I got the little big bunch like 40 times with the same account

13 years ago

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and i'm guessing you did it when you could exploit the 0.00 payment, serves you right if so

13 years ago

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i admit to using the 0.00 payment method, but I had no intention of getting more than 1 key, I just clicked it multiple times when the site was having issues and not sending keys.

13 years ago

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Same thing happened to me, apparently it was my credit card thinking that I was undergoing suspicious behavior. I sent in a support ticket/email and they responded fairly quickly and informed me of the situation. They then cleared things up and I successfully bought the game :D It's not good that they give out dead keys when something like this happens but I don't think they had the intention that people would buy them as gifts or something. Maybe they're working on a better system for it now.

13 years ago

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Who the hell buys from them anyway?

13 years ago

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thanks, i'll check the site once in a while :)

13 years ago

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you're a bad person

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by schalart.