My reddit profile is empty as well, but you get this nifty page that asks you a lot of things about yourself:
When you sign up you only get asked the first one, the others only pop up when you go to edit, so I only saw that first and just wrote a text about myself there...
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If we assume you participated in some secret santa exchange at work or in few Steam groups, you should know the basic premise of it by now. Except this is on a larger scale. Basically everyone sign up with their details and then after some while you will be assigned to send a themed gift (depending on the exchange) to someone will get your name as well.
I would say it is quite fun receiving a token of appreciation from some stranger across the world. It might suck if you get paired to send a gift to someone in Australia but it's not like it will cost you 1000$ for postage or anything (that's the only downside i could think of right now)
I participated so far in Book exchange, T-Shirt exchange, Coffee and Tea exchange, Holiday Greeting Card exchange, Halloween exchange, Secret Santa 2011/2012/2013 and it's always been a thrill
I might as well post some goodies i received so far to brag about (again, for every thing i received as a present i also sent something to someone as well so that is hardly a place to get something without giving nothing in return)
1 - this was from Arbitrary Day 2014 exchange
2 - Secret Santa 2013
3 - Arbitrary Day 2013
4 - don't have my own pic for this, but this is a kick-ass Pyramid Head shirt i got in T-Shirt exchange once
5 - Batman encyclopedia from Book exchange
6 - another T-Shirt
7 - bunch of Fantasy themed book and a Discworld map and lastly
8 - two coffee mugs and a George Orwell book from Coffee and Tea mugs exchange
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Thanks for this great answer. The only thing I have to add is a wikipedia link and the fact that it might be known under different names in other countries. For instance we call it "wichteln" over here...
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There is usually some sort of notification on reddit in sidebar whenever new exchange is about to take place, also it is a good idea to subscribe to reddit and/or redditgifts Facebook pages to keep track of them and i believe you get e-mail notifications later after you signed up or completed your first exchange so it would be quite difficult at that point to miss out on any. The most common ones would be Secret Santa and Arbitrary Day
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What's stopping people from acting like jerks and just sending photocopied posters or something? I seriously doubt people are actually so generous they're giving aways tablets, HD TVs and whole gaming computers.
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In part you are right,but at the same time no.
I think some people actually sent these gifts but of course is not like every single person is sending a Tv,a tablet,etc.BUT is a possibility that you maybe the lucky one to received these.So...depends on you and your luck.
It is just to believe,is not going to kill you,right? So,just do it if you want to :D
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Yeah, its my first time too for ss. I participated in halloween event but didnt get any gift so I hope I get rematched for that. Also on this year I tried to time my signup but just missed my goal coz I was playing dota2 and became the 100,101th person to sign up. If I would have been 100000 the free elf membership
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This actually does look intriguing. Will look into that, thank you!
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It's maybe a dumb question!
If i sign in do other people know where i live?
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No thanks. Gave a gift last year and didn't receive one back, didn't even get rematched and got ignored/downvoted when I asked about it. The whole gifts part of reddit has become too commercialized, like AMAs.
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signed up too :) *sings i'm so excited, i just can't hide it...
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Nah. I don't need ppl to gift me dildos, I can buy them myself.
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thats not an excuse i live in a poor country and i already sign. there's always a way and dont forget sometimes a man garbage can be others treasure.
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why should anybody need an excuse to not take part?
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I prefer the Christmas event I take part in on GameFAQs. Been in it for three years now, looking forward to the fourth year of giving games to people.
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I just got my secret santa gift all the way from Land of the Free, i love it
Also i found store link if anyone is interested
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Sadly it seems like there are still 20,000 gifts not marked shipped :-( Some people might just not have marked it probably, but this still seems like a terrible statistic...
I guess that stories about extra great gifts kinda drown out the news about the crappy/none-existig gifts :-/
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Ho, ho, ho...
The Christmas time is getting closer so it is time again to sign up for Reddit Secret Santa!
The idea is to create an international secret santa, with people exchanging gifts world wide... Last year I was to late and missed my chance to join, but I heard great things. Just have a look at the gallery of gifts that have been exchanged in the years before.
I thought I'd put it here 'cause making strangers happy by giving away stuff seems to fit in here pretty well :-D
For some reason they gave me a referral link, even though I'm not aware of anythings I would get from you using it. Kinda curious to find out, but fret not, I removed the personalized part from the posted links so they are acceptable on SG :)
EDIT: I see i should have put more information about this, like What does secret santa mean? and What if I think people could not figure out what I like from my online footprint... Well, those questions are answered in the first few comments not, just have a look.
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