Well in 2 days I'm going to be leaving for 2 months with very limited internet access so here is a little goodbye gift for everyone on S.G.

Ok to keep it short and simple this is a group puzzle so everyone is allowed to talk about it. You have 3 weeks to crack my clever code and get to the giveaway. You will be given no hints as of now except that it has to do with the alphabet backwards and ordered pairs. So all puzzlers put your heads together to solve this one. I will give a sample text.



Decoded: I HAVE 10 BANANAS

So to get to the giveaway decode:


http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/XxxXX/ and a capital X can be a number or letter.

Special thanks to Yatterman for helping me out with everything. Think off the grid and best of luck to all!

12 years ago*

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Reserved for hints.

Hint: Think of a grid you use for math class.

12 years ago

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Hints will be released when deemed necessary.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thank you for the puzzle. But can i ask what exactly do you mean with 'group' givaway? do you have to be a part of a group to be able to join the giveaway, even if you found the code?

12 years ago

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We can solve this puzzle together.

12 years ago

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It usually means, what he says! in description, everyone can join forces to solve it.

12 years ago

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It means you can post hints and what not.

12 years ago

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This seems to be....quite hard. But interesting, thanks! :)

12 years ago

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Seems to be like a seizure over the keyboard

12 years ago

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Seems like someone has a lot of time on there hands

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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Great suggestion. Let's meet in NWA chat when I'm awake again to watch his progress! ;p

12 years ago

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I think he'll solve it and won't even tell us if he solved it or not :P

12 years ago

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Already did.

12 years ago

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did = "not told us if you solved or not" OR did="solved it"? :D

12 years ago

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Neither, I'm just messing with you. Didn't have time to look into this, yet.

12 years ago

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We're watching you.

12 years ago

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Fuck these puzzles.

12 years ago

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I thought zombies loved brainzzzz!

12 years ago

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yes...but that doesn't mean we have brainzzzz.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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interesting, ordered pairs huh, think i have a clue on what it might be....

12 years ago

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so who wants to help me solve this hmmmm? :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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brain... hurting... RUN!!

12 years ago

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Ugh im working on this puzzle, it catch my eye and i think i'm on the right track... just need to figure out some stuff before decoding.

12 years ago

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HAHAHAHA, i'm solving it, and managed to decipher 1 word already. :)

12 years ago

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:O awesome! i tried for a while and im getting nowhere xD

12 years ago

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WTF :c

I've solved the code, got a phrase which includes the giveaway code, except that the code doesn't work, makes me think we have to brute force in order to get in... -.-

Tip: If i'm not mistaking the giveaway link contains 1 number, except that i haven't found the freaking order to put in the code...

12 years ago

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Post what you got here, i dont mind going at it with brute force xD

12 years ago

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I bet OP made a mistake when posting this, 2 letters are missing from the post (1 in the example and 1 in the phrase once u decipher the code) so might aswell go with that he messed up the code part too.

I don't want to give you guys a free ticket to a giveaway just like that, though i can tell you how this works sort of. Each pair of letters in the code equals to 1 letter in a word, 3 letters equals to a number, Z letter is a bracket, if paired it's yet another letter.

3rd word in the code is missing a letter, i doubt it was intentional, same with the examples, banana is missing a letter in the code form.

12 years ago

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The 7th word also has a typo according to how I translated it. =(

12 years ago

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No typos.

12 years ago

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ugh crap, guess i got something wrong in the decoding then, though i did get results out of it... weird. >_<

12 years ago

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If getting "errors" at some part in a puzzle especially when those occur more than once, then these are usually part of the puzzle or you did something wrong. ;)

12 years ago

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You shouldn't get any errors. You are the one who's doing something wrong, not us. :)

12 years ago

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the MC is reversed in the code for the 7th word. The 7th word itself does not have a typo...if that's done.

12 years ago

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If you are solving it correctly, letter order doesnt matter.

12 years ago

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Heck this seemed easier when i deciphered the example without looking at the solution. Now it just turned into a mess, i don't even know where i did wrong, le sigh.

I even added the puzzle maker, just to make sure i'm doing fine but still hasn't accepted my request on steam.

le sigh^2

/on verge of quitting this puzzle, waiting for more hints...

12 years ago

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you guys can all work together and maybe you need to describe to each other how you are doing it so you can progress.

12 years ago

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i assumed the puzzle was using an affine cipher, which is the only cipher i know that uses ordered pairs, as for the alphabet backwards, maybe he was using a substitution cipher of a sort, but i guess i could be wrong

12 years ago

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easy one almost done...and there is a mistake in 7th word

12 years ago

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should i enter into a group??? i only miss the last one...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Nevermind i'm an idiot. I forgot we are allowing solutions. Ignore my rage.

12 years ago

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yeah i got this too, so i'm not the only one it seems... >_>

EDIT: Did anyone find the solution to this yet? I'm freaking stuck with this message too and the code isn't working in the link, even with all different digits typed in separate links.

12 years ago

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code doesn't work anyway, it appears to have changed, there is a h before z that could have changed something

12 years ago

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Encoded "I HAVE 10 BANANAS" has a mistake in it :P

12 years ago

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Can one of the decoders tell us how to decode the code so we who can't solve it have a try as well?

12 years ago

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I rechecked all codes and I did find one error but it was in the I HAVE 10 BANANAS thing so you should be able to get it. I am extremely impressed with you guys and I am pleased with how well you accomplished this task. I now know for the future that you guys don't need 3 weeks to solve a puzzle like this and when I get back from my summer trip there will be more of this to come. Have a great summer and I wish you all the best of luck in your future summer endeavors.

12 years ago

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I don't know how this deals with inversed alphabets and ordered pairs, but I can tell you how I decoded the letters. Whomever this helps, you are welcome, however this doesn't solve a few issues. If what nitsogop and Yatterman says is true, then this way of decoding was completely unintentional.

What one needs to do is, for each pair, calculate the signed distance from M of one letter, and then add it to the other. For the most part, every pair has one of 5 letters: K, L, M, N, and O. Since the distances for those are easy to calculate (respectively: -2,-1,0,+1,+2), it is easiest to calculate based on the other letter. You can try it out on the sample message, and it will decode everything except the numbers and Z. If you interpret Z as a single space, then it all works out.

However this leads to issues when applied against the actual message:

1) MCOMMKRMLMOCORNHNMLH translates to COKRMLETING (was MCOMMLMOCORNHNMLH = COMLETING before last update) KR translates to a P so it is suspicious.

2) LHNHLWOCKMCWKCOW translates to GIVEKMAY and contains the only pair that does not use KLMNO or Z (CW). More over if you exchange the M and C, it translates to GIVEAWAY

3) KRKWZZZZLMOC translates to what we presume is PUZZLE, but uses ZZ as opposed to something like NY or OX.

4) LCMRLCMCNNMH is what we think is supposed to translate into the giveaway code. At it's full length it translates to BRBCOH. Since the numbers in the sample also started with NN, one would presume NNMH is a number. However, NNKCLC translates as OAB and NNMH is OH and as many people probably tried already, BrbC# doesn't lead to any giveaways.

For numbers, there are two schools of thought: 1) a number is worth three letters 2) a number is signaled by NN and is translated as pairs afterwards. Before the last update (added the M before the last H), school 1 would've presumed exactly one number. Now it would presume exactly two. School 2 says that there is only one number and there is some other more complex piece to the letters at the beginning that is missing. It is simple (but not trivial) to exhaust all possibilities in school 1. School 2 requires further inquiry into the issues found.

12 years ago

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nice nice, glad to see more people solving this the way i was doing it, i just noticed the code got edited...

guess i'll have to redo it AGAIN. >_<

EDIT: Ok it adds up to "BRBCOH enjoy". Except that the code still doesn't work... :/

12 years ago

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I've already tested "Brb#H" in case school 1 is still being used, and no numbers that replace the # lead to a valid giveaway.

12 years ago

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If the numbers are worth 3 letters then there could be 2 numbers in the giveaway code.

I had a thought that numbers could be achieved from adding the values of the letters up. In the example (or school 1) the letters would be NNK and CLC and the values for them would be 0 and -1. That would mean the numbers might be absolute values and also reversed. Major problem with this is that C could have two values 0 or 1 or it might not mean anything at all.

12 years ago

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Well just to let you guys know, Its not BrbC# or Brb#H or Brb## i tried all 120 possibilities of those 3

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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Your mom is a hint

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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I posted something on your last.fm profile

12 years ago

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LH = G
NH = I
LW = V
OC = E
KM = K
CW = ?
KC = A
OW = Y

It looks like it should have said giveaway, but the code is GIVEK_AY. There is either an error or some clue I don't see.

12 years ago

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Thinking out loud:
10 in the original is NNKCLC
KC is A, or 1, so I thought maybe NNKC = 1, and LC = 0 (since there was an LC in the answer).

So if that's the case
LC = 0 (maybe)
MR = r
LC = b
MC = C
NNMH = 8 (8th letter)

But unfortunately it didn't work either

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I wonder if the actual giveaway was deleted...

12 years ago

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Perhaps the code isn't in the correct order? i.e. BRBC# could map into:
XxxX# or #xxXX or Xxx#X

12 years ago

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I've tried all those

12 years ago

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bumping this.

12 years ago

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i dont even know where to start

12 years ago

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2 days left. I feel no need to post hints since you guys are all figuring it out together for the most part.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by nitsogop.