I have Contributed a total of $44.94 through Gifts which were Received by the Giveaway Winners, although my Contribution Counter while entering Contributor-Only Users just stays at $30.00 ?

Why does it not move to what I $44.94 and stays at $30.00 ?


1 decade ago*

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Bundle games alone will only get you to 30 contrib.

1 decade ago

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You've contributed bundled games which do not add to your contributor value after $30.

1 decade ago

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The * behind their names means these games have been in a bundle or were given away for free in large numbers and special rules apply to their contributor value.

The first $25 of bundle games are counted as non-bundle. Value above that is only added to a maximum of 20% of your non-bundle contribution.
That means you can only reach a contribution of $30 with bundle games alone ($25 + (20% * $25)).


adjustedbundlevalue = bundlevalue - Min( bundlevalue , $25 )
adjustednonbundlevalue = nonbundlevalue + Min( bundlevalue , $25 )

contribution = adjustednonbundlevalue + Min( adjustedbundlevalue , adjustednonbundlevalue * 20% )


1 decade ago

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Too much bundle games (and one not received).

1 decade ago

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Too many bundle games, if you give away some games without the * at the end then you'll start to earn more.

1 decade ago

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someone must make a thread called "contribtor bug?" and hide a giveaway in it xD

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Wrak.