So the colors go.. grey > red > yellow > purple > green
next is blue?
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This waste of money D:
Many in his fl are lvl 30+ too O_o
€: SHe is pretty close
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Cannot blame rich people. Believe me, rich gamers are the best.
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You can buy the cards needed to level up, you can buy the games to level up and get the cards..
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If you have crazy amounts of money, you shouldn't go spending on anything and everything instead invest in those money and keep increasing your pile, with the current market condition (and how it's depleting annually) only those with enough money will survive in the near future.
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Spent better? If you already have everything you want, you start wasting it on things you do for fun.
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Im sure others can argue that the shit you buy is a waste of money too.
Oh, you gave away 318 games, giant waste of bloody money right there.
Oh, you own 1156 games and DLCs, giant waste of bloody money there.
How big is your house? Car? Bike? Have pets? Should I continue?
What the hell do you care what someone else spends their money on?
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If I wasted my money on my games then they wasted it 3x times more (they own waaay more games than I do). See my point? And if buying games is a waste of money then you waste your money too. The point is some people waste it more and some waste it to ridiculous extent and some waste it on lame things.
I don't really care. I notice the thread and spoke my mind. I couldn't care less what they buy. They can buy millions of rolls of toilet paper for all I care. For me, that's a waste of money. That's all.
Oh and it was a total miss with your assumptions. My house is very small, I live in a flat. I don't have a car, I don't have a bike and I don't have any pets. I'm far from rich. I like sharing with people and that's why I give away so many games. There are times when I don't have money to spend for some time because of that. Waste of money? Let the winners of my giveaways be the judges.
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Actually, it's pretty much the only way to get that high. Unless you have dozens of very generous friends gifting you the cards, buying them on the Marketplace is pretty much the only available option.
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C'mon, that guy has 3-4 Foil badges, which means 6-8 full foil sets, so about least 120$ for a set.
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Eh, maybe it's his passion? Maybe it's his new hobby, to collect them badges and increase profile level, then why not?
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Jellyness? Why exactly? Because some random dude decided to waste god knows how much money on virtual cards in order to have bigger level? Sure, I'm jelly. Of his stupidity and ignorance. I wish I was able to just shut down everything that is going on around me and behave like I'm 12 years old.
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You want to believe that they're "forever-alone neckbeards" because it makes you feel better to imagine that this is their one accomplishment or joy in life, and that it is not one of many trophies to show off how much more successful they are than you.
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Unless you know each and everyone of those people, you shouldnt judge them and label. Im sure you do plenty that others would label as a colossal waste of time, money, effort, w/e. Im also sure that you have done or said something, like that, that makes people judge you to be a colossal ignorant twat.
They have a hobby, and they may have farmed the ever loving crap out of the cards and maybe didnt spend a single cent. Or maybe they spent hundreds of dollars on cards, at least they dont go around on internet forums labeling people, or maybe they do, how the bloody hell should I know? I at least Im aware that I dont know them.
Also, as a former "neckbeard" and on behalf of other "neckbeards", fuck you with a 12 inch dildo. I have a family that I take care of, and am engaged to a wonderful women. What do you have that you can say makes you better then anyone else?
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he and his friends have my respect that guys are collectors and i laught about poeple who think they can say what they have todo with that money. i know alot of poeples the drive a car in the range of 60000 Dollars so whats the difference? they like games and badges and other cars
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And raise the max friends cap by 5 for each level gained.
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The same way some people are spending money on useless hockey cards
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Did he start arguing that you must donating all your money to poor? It was you, he was just criticizing you. And I wonder what you classify as "need". Games and Internet isn't such a critical "need", you can live without it.
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Bullshit. If you've rich, blow it on whatever stupid shit you want.
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Didn't feel like reporting your reply to my comment as I was partially at fault as well, but here you are being racist with absolutely no justification whatsoever, Reported.
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Done the same.
I swear people join this site for the sole purpose of stirring up controversy.
Anyway, don't feed the troll.
EDIT: As expected, edited his comment. Just letting you know, mods can see all edits.
I really do hope they don't go lightly on your ass, we need less of these kind of people on this site.
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People like myself?
I'm not even going to reply for that, for fear that I'll say something unnecessary and get myself a suspension.
Also, you might want to try creating a giveaway before saying something like that.
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Fuck it, I'm not even going to argue. All I can suggest is that if you can't keep your racist opinions to yourself, get off this site.
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Not gonna say I'm not at fault here, but being such radical racist has no justification.
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I don't know how to even comment to your reply, you really don't make sense.
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Heh, he forgot to edit that one. Not that it would of mattered even if he did.
Cheers, bobo.
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There's hobbyist, and then there's obsession. That one guy is kind of gross to me. Like a glutton polishing off his fifth Big Mac in one sitting
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well, if you think about it, the cards aren't really THAT expensive, and most of these guys probably do a lot of money for their living. I wouldn't call them lifeless scum or neckbeard nerds or anything, considering that they do so much money they can waste it like this (And to be honest, after checking some of their profiles, they don't look like bad people so I can't even judge them as arrogant or anything).
I don't blame them, I too would like to have a shiny profile with many showcases available and shiny badges :P . If only our peso was as strong as the dollar... D:
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Who is the person with the highest steam level you
have ever seen? Check this dude out O.o
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