It's 0 games for those of us who had already bought Duke3D. But hey, 75% off the Bullfrog collection makes up for that :D
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A think the perma-free games get added automatically to your account when it was created. Have a look at your game list - maybe they're already there. If not you can add them manually.
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really ? I got these games too
Teenagent FREE
Tyrian 2000 FREE
Lure of the Temptress FREE
Beneath a Steel Sky FREE
Dragonsphere FREE
Ultima™ 4: Quest of the Avatar FREE
Warsow FREE
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire FREE
Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams FREE
Treasure Adventure Game FREE
they are a holiday gift I believe. look them up and see :P
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Looks like it's just the 10 games they've got that are free currently. Guess if you already have them / some of them it doesn't automatically give you the whole pack?
Either way if you go and filter games by Price: Free you can find all of them so...yeah, anyone who didn't get them, go do that.
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yeah I thought so too after reading the comments :P
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I got those games for registering on GOG some time ago. I don't know if it was some kind of promotion at the time but it's definitely not new free games.
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You're correct. The only game on "free" promotion right now is Duke Nukem 3D. Those other games are permanently free on GOG, so you can get them even if you miss this promo.
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It's absolutely correct that GOG doesn't give Steam keys, and that all GOG games are DRM-free, but I really wish people wouldn't imply a causative relation because I get the impression that some people who happen to like Steam see this get put off by "DRM-free" because "it means no Steam keys", which isn't even true. Humble Indie Bundles, for example, are strictly DRM-free (curse you, THQ Bundle, for breaking my analogy!) but come with Steam keys.
Basically it comes down to this. GOG, much like Steam, is a primary seller, not a reseller. If you buy a game from Steam you know that you will be able to download the game from Steam - you don't buy a game in Steam and get a GamersGate-redeemable gift code instead, for example. Buy a game from GOG and it is GOG who will provide you with the game.
Pardon the rant.
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Actually, yes, "DRM-free" DOES mean "No Steam Keys" because Steam is DRM. There's no getting around this. Humble Bundles generally (excepting THQ as you pointed out) include both a DRM-free download version AND a Steam key, but what you are implying in your message is something else entirely.
Let's have another example. I think we can agree that "peppermint gum" means it is not "cinnamon gum", but if I buy a two-pack that includes both varieties, they do not suddenly become synonymous. The same is the case with Humble Bundle. They package together different distribution options, but at the end of the day, if you want DRM-free you don't use Steam, and if you want a Steam key, don't expect to find it when you see "DRM-free".
This all said, I am increasingly being wooed by DRM-free initiatives as the DRM becomes more invasive and the companies (both developers, publishers, and distributors) become more generally obnoxious. The main reasons I still choose Steam over DRM-free in some instances are: availability, price, convenience (i.e. having everything sorted together), and achievements.
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"but what you are implying in your message is something else entirely."
No, I "implied" nothing else. If you honestly believe that I did then you are mistaken.
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@ toxix Why the heck do u want to DRMed urself when it is DRM free? Check my steam library I got witcher 2, I havent play the steam version at all. I downloaded the GOG version to play.
*oh yeah.....this game give me too much freedom, I need a DRM to lock myself up. /sarcasm
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Nope; no intrusive DRM here, and no need to let Big Brother Gabe know what you're playing when you're playing and who you're playing with.
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Thanks OP! Haven't been on GOG in a long time, forgot I registered my Witcher 2 here to get bonus material, might be worthwhile to check out since I 'finally' started playing it
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hahaha no i got cd key in GOG website and now what i do ?!
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GOG is better, if you like actually owning games.
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Actually owning games cost millions. GOG, as all other retailers, sells licenses to play, not games themselves.
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I know all that. But that still doesn't mean you own games you buy from them. Developers and/or publishers own games, everyone else buys the right to play it.
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Yes, it does mean that you own the games you buy from them, unless you're being deliberately obtuse and choosing interpretations of the words "own" and "game" that you know very well Desidiosus was not using. An instance of a game, such as a copy of which you rightfully came into possession and can play whenever you want without needing to ask for permission, is very different from (as an example) copyright over the game, which would make you the authority on whether newly-produced copies may be distributed.
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That just seems like nitpicking. Buying from GOG is closest you can get to owning games hence the use of that term. Even they use it in their advertising.
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I personally don't get the "Steam or no sale" kind of attitude myself.
Yes, I too don't like spreading my library around a dozen different launchers/stores/utilities etc. and Steam is currently the best digital distributor available. But GOG is also a fantastic service, and the two don't overlap. Surely it's not that hard to maintain two libraries from good vendors?
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well, I just got to know recently. New people should know too :D
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As the title says
Duke Nukem
EDIT: Actually they are adding 10 games to your cart on check out XD totally free
EDIT: I got these games. No idea why was I the only one :P strange. check them out they should be free too
Teenagent FREE
Tyrian 2000 FREE
Lure of the Temptress FREE
Beneath a Steel Sky FREE
Dragonsphere FREE
Ultima™ 4: Quest of the Avatar FREE
Warsow FREE
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire FREE
Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams FREE
Treasure Adventure Game FREE
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