Absolutely disgusting, we have to call the cyber police, consequences will never be the same :v
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that would explain a lot..
but fine print or not dont fuck with the people.
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I stopped using Hotspot shield as it was putting ads on my PC and the fact that it didn't want to uninstall and kept on leaving residual files and programs on my PC was even a bigger red flag.
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Holy s***, this really works!! Go to the following link: https://goldenjoysticks.greenmangaming.com/ in the TorBrowser and just follow the instructions. I just did it!
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Where are you from?
They didn't actually promise free copy for everyone. It was stated quite clearly that they had limited stock and that it would be first come first serve from the very start. It seems they have limited stock for different regions based on what people are reporting.
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Never vote for a game so you can have a said free copy in exchange. It goes in contradiction with the voting philosophy in the first place and most of the time it doesn't work so you end up being used. Yes, these companies are using people, and it's working so they keep doing it. It's just like all these threads by developers going Greenlight claiming: Vote for us and we'll send you a free copy once it's greenlit!" Most of the time it's a lie as well but they don't care as now their sub-par game got amazing visibility. Scam world..
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I did read your whole post and you're talking about companies using people thru a deceptive way promising a free game for your vote. This simply doesn't apply to a game award system where people vote for who they think should win, the free game is just a free thank you bonus not a way to attract simple-minded minions to gather more fake support. And I'm the one saying 'such stupidity'? Congrats you just earned the 'moron' tag..
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LOL, you have no idea what you're talking about bud, and not even in the same topic as this thread.
Funny post.
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Yes, the highly principled people here on the Internet are ready to take a stand for justice! Don't let those companies trick you into voting for games of the year! That prize is just a yoke you're allowing them to place on your back so that they can steer you down whatever road they so desire! Fight the power! Fight the power! We are legion, and we will win!
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Calling this a Scam and saying GMG blacklisted people is extreme.. there might be some technical issues with the way they distribute the keys and also they never promised keys for everyone. Normally it was a first come first serve thing and maybe they divided the number of available keys by regions or something like that. Breaking laws ? Dude get over yourself.. you're talking about a free game.
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lol... they blocked the IP addresses of known greedy people.
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thank you for this, tried using a proxy and got in immediately!
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Already i mentioned in another post, GMG/PLAYFIRE "ban" the IP after a X number of request for keys are made from the same IP, if your ISP provided u with dynamic IPs just restart your router/AP to get a new one and retry. Few min later i ask a frind if he can get his key and i say he can does few minutes ago. That's why i think is just an IP problem. Using TOR or other way to proxy may solve the issue too.
I understan your mad/angry but also think you are over reacting saying it is a scam from GMG.
Here is another FREE VPN : https://hola.org/
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for claim you key try use https://hola.org/ set fot usa vpn or spain vpn
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i got one just now with my normal ip :)
and iam not a german :p
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I can't get my key... that's ok. (Hell no!! GMG I WANT MY KEY!!!!)
Edit: got it with Tor. :3
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Just works on my first try usting Tor. Thanks! GMG is a big liar. I'm from Brazil.
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389 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by SerenaM
This deserves a new thread so all people can see this.
As you probably already know, GMG had a promotion where you got "XCOM: Enemy Unknown" for free. A lot of people weren't able to actually claim the free game. They received server error messages, and later a "sorry, you're too late, all keys gone" message.
This is a lie.
Many users reported that they are still getting keys, even though I and many, many others are being told "sorry, you missed this" by the GMG website.
GMG is simply lying to the people they promised a free copy of the game. I just followed the advice of another user to use a proxy or the Tor Browser in order to claim a copy of the game.
I did that just now. Over 5 hours after GMG started claiming that no more keys are available. With my normal IP address, I've been told "sorry" for hours now and that all keys are gone. But when I tried to claim my copy using Tor Browser, bam! I instantly got a key:
A Steam key was immediately emailed to me. I just activated the game in my account, you can find it in my library.
It might take several reconnects to the Tor network to make this work, since there's always a chance that you will end up with an IP that is also blacklisted by GMG. What IP you get when using Tor seems to be random and not predictable.
With my normal IP address, this is what GreenManGaming was/is telling me:
So plain and simple, GMG is lying to me when they say that "you missed this one." No. I didn't miss this one. And neither did all those other people. Keys are still being given. GMG is simply discriminating against people in specific countries.
You might ask what the big fuss is about. It's not like we paid them money. It was a free game to begin with. The issue here is that people are being used. They got baited to vote for their Game Of The Year awards by being promised a free copy of a game. The more people vote, the more the status of those awards is raised. They baited people, and then lie to them by telling them that they missed this offer, even though clearly they did not miss it. People are being baited and used.
I would be very surprised if GreenManGaming isn't breaking some law in at least one country with what they pulled here.
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