Greetings community,

Due to the enormous amount of bundles lately, I want to revisit this very old policy. A lot of people try to gift bundle keys, and it's not as if they have bad intentions, they simply have no use for leftover Steam keys. Considering the amount of bundle related giveaways I remove a week, and how many people are truly upset when they're removed, I want to open the floor for suggestions on how to better handle these giveaways.

We have some ideas ourselves, as we've mentioned a couple of times, but what do you think would be fair? For each previous suggestion, we have follow up questions. If games that go Bundle no longer count towards feedback (which would be an incredible amount), what if the game goes on sale and people have giftable copies? How about a "separate section" for giveaways that is bundle key only that doesn't affect points or feedback, just as a way for people to generously gift their leftover keys.

Many people try the forum route, but that only lasts for a couple of seconds and too many can clog up the pipes. Even if we had a subforum for "gifting bundle keys", it could be messy. We're open to any suggestions and feedback.

-best regards

12 years ago*

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Closed 12 years ago by lokonopa.