I know they pulled it awhile back from the giveaway promo, but that's been like 3 months or so. Is it gone forever?

1 decade ago*

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probably so because there's no telling how many keys people saved up.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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how do i url?

1 decade ago

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more infos here

1 decade ago

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Thank you, but I was making a joke. look at the url...

1 decade ago

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no, this.

1 decade ago

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Aww, stole my line :(

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I still have one key to give away. And I will save it for until the Metro comes back on the list :D

1 decade ago

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That won't happen, so just give it to someone on your friends list that doesn't have it. You wouldn't gain anything on this site from giving it away here anyway, as it is a bundle game.

1 decade ago

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I know. Still :D I'm just crazy.

1 decade ago

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ur profile pic says the same :P

1 decade ago

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+1 lol

1 decade ago

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Doubtful its coming back, unless they totally get rid of the contributer system or heavily modify it, then again they could just put them on the bundle list I suppose....? Its not AS common as DOTA2.

1 decade ago

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If it was allowed at all, it would certainly be on the bundle list; it was part of the Humble THQ Bundle.

1 decade ago

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even though none of the other games are marked as bundle (eg Darksiders, Saints Row 3)

1 decade ago

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It's only the "Below Average" games that are not on the bundle list. All of those games were grouped up under one steam key.

1 decade ago

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correct me if i'm wrong but Saints Row 3 is not marked as bundle either, it was BTA ryt?

1 decade ago

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It was BTA.

1 decade ago

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You are wrong, it is marked as bundle.

1 decade ago

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i stand corrected.

1 decade ago

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Forgot it came with that. My mistake....but yeah I don't see to much harm and putting it on that to be honest.

1 decade ago

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You have at least 3 friends without the game. I'm sure one of them would appreciate it.

That's what I did with my extra key, gave it to my friend I thought would appreciate it the most.

1 decade ago

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Same here, had a key from Amazon, went to the Store page and checked to see if anyone on my friend list had it in Wish list. Got rid of it right quick.

1 decade ago

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Gave mine up one of the last times someone else was dropping them on the forum. No sense in keeping them when someone else could be enjoying it and you won't get any contributor value for it anyway.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, if it ever does come back, it'll still be on the bundle list.

1 decade ago

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its not as common as dota keys i dont got 1 :C

1 decade ago

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From Amazon bundles I bought

1 decade ago

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I still have a few for the people who can't get the game.

1 decade ago

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Could I have one?

1 decade ago

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No begging.

1 decade ago

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^ lol

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This ain't begging this time mate. No calling out.

1 decade ago

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Nah, don't think so.

1 decade ago

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Hope it's gone forever.

Exploiters gonna exploit.

If you really want to give it away, set up an itstoohard puzzle, give it to a Steam friend, or drop it on the forums and feed the silent, socially inept lurkers who seem to benefit from keydrops. Do something nice and make somebody's day.

1 decade ago

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those silent, socially inept lurkers are called ninjas down here.

1 decade ago

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You're too nice :)

1 decade ago

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So are you. I'd use much harsher language, with maybe several *s.

1 decade ago

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Amen to that.

1 decade ago

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They could add it and make it so it didn't add anything to the contribution.

Unfortunately, support can't do that and we'd have to wait on CG..so I wouldn't hold your breath.

1 decade ago

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Yeah that would be a great idea....site getting slowed down again with spams of metro flooding again, traffic limit will be reached and after that we get a flood of "WHY NO CONTRIBUTOR" threads here :P

1 decade ago

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I gave away like 12 keys a long time ago. You should consider doing the same :)

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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quite sad for those who bought metro2033 in steam store as tradable to support thq...

1 decade ago

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if you bought it to support THQ then you fullfilled your goal. If you are not satisfied with simply gifting it then try trading for it...good luck...you might get 1 or 2 dotas for it...

1 decade ago

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already gave it away, i dont give a fuck about contributor value :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It should be added back , because there are a lot of people that don't have it .

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It's still not back. The FAQ/Rules and Guidelines also don't list it as an exploited key.
Bit of a shame, was looking to bump up my contribution value a bit by putting on a game I know and support.

1 decade ago

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Even if it would be back it'd be still probably marked as a bundle game.

1 decade ago

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That would be fair enough. And it shouldn't affect me personally anyway as a) my contrib is still below the $30 mark due to lack of money to invest and b) I plan to give away mostly non-bundle games that I find interesting and worth sharing.

1 decade ago

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I suspect it'll get handed out as a pre-order bonus with Last Light, so there will be even more floating around. I wouldn't expect it to be added to the list until at least well after that. There were over a quarter of a million of them given out for free. More than ten times as many copies as even the largest dev giveaways we've ever hosted, and over five times as many copies as any other free key giveaway I've ever seen. Just let that sink in for a bit. Expect it to be at least several more months at a bare minimum.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by FanosSlapVt.