"Hello, /b/. I am having a difficult time figuring out what I should do with my extra copy of Cubemen 2. All of my friends want it solely for the trading cards. And I'd like to figure out a way to get them to actually play it. What should I do with this copy?"
"Sick it up your pooper and post pics"
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Oh, they do. If you've ever seen one go unpunished, it was probably overlooked/unreported.
Any instance of someone requesting something that was not previously offered, sincere or not, explicit or implied, even if it's a joke of some sort, warrants a suspension. We don't like ambiguity or trying to discern intent, so rather than grapple with where joking stops and begging begins, or risking others seeing a joke or 'joke' and getting the idea it's okay, all instances of begging of any sort are treated the same.
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I assume it's for non-English speaking users, who may not understand sarcasm/ambiguity/actual intent in the 'fake' begging replies. Therefore you guys want to make it clear that it's not allowed in any form. That's good.
At the same time, that's also why I hate those threads from these 'indecisive and weak-willed' (as you put it) people, because some non-English speaking users may even misunderstand and think the thread is actually offering some games and that they are supposed to explicitly request it.
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What about if someone suggests/asks someone to make a giveaway with whatever game the person is talking about? Is that bad? Seems like a grey area. So I'm quite curious if any action is taken. I mean it's kinda begging? But not fully really sense they are begging for the site? (Unless they ask for a private giveaway link or some shit where it is obvious begging.)
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I think IgotElbows tried to explain the situation when Person 1 says "I have this game and I don't know what to do with it" and Person 2 says "Maybe you could make a giveaway".
Would Person 2 be suspended?
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That too. I actually see this type of that semi-often.
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Both of these would generally not warrant a suspension, as the person in question isn't asking for something. If they added something along the lines of 'and only give me the link' or something similar, that would be a very different matter, however.
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What about if someone asks for someone else?
Like if someone said you should give that to my friend crossbourne/make a giveaway and only give it to crossbourne.(so I guess that'd be begging for someone else kinda? lol)
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I can't think of too many examples. But I've seen it kinda happen sometimes but not often.
Here's the only example that comes to mind at the moment.
Is that considered begging? I mean they are asking for something, but aren't asking that goes directly to them.
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A phrase is considered as begging if the users requests the object of value directly for himself. Creating a giveaway does not indicate a direct transfer, and thus is alright to use.
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We only sticky official announcements at the moment. Besides, if you've ever checked this thread, you'll know that anything that even appears to be begging is not allowed on the forums. This is not a policy change or update, just a reminder.
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What about people trying to trade here? Recently I barely see anyone suspended for that after the topic is closed.
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I suspend most users who do that. If you see someone not suspended for that, it's probably because we didn't get a report of it.
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Don't you think that's a bit harsh if that always applies? For example If the person is making an honest mistake by creating a thread on one site instead of another. Given how similar the layout of these two websites SteamGifts Forum and SteamTrades are. The only difference is between the words Gifts vs. Trades and their icons on the top logo, plus several other details.
In fact, the two Forums layouts look exactly identical, from the threads to the New Topic button. I've seen people just making mistakes creating wrong threads on both places, not just here. And I imagine a lot of users spend their time on both sites so it's possible they actually mix up between the browser tabs.
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Steamtrades is full of "H this; W that" titles. Pretty hard to confuse the two.
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What about those threads that go like "convince me why I should give you X game/give you a link to a private giveaway for X game/etc"?
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Generally, that's a case where someone is offering something. It's usually designed something like a contest of sorts. Begging is when someone goes and requests something that was never being offered in the first place. I'm not aware of people being suspended for begging because they complied with the poster's request in something like that. They may be spammy, but the OP is, quite literally, asking for it. Unless someone posting there was begging from another poster or otherwise violating the rules, I certainly wouldn't suspend them. That would be tantamount to suspending people for posting in a thread someone made to give away coupons or DotA 2 or whatever where they asked people to post to indicate their interest.
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I'm assuming "How should I give it away" is acceptable though? like if they are asking if it should be a puzzle or a private giveaway, etc.? Not that I intend to make such threads myself, just want to know so I can warn people to close threads etc.
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It would probably be best to frame such a question along the lines of 'What sort of giveaway(s) do you prefer?' or something similar that less naturally suggests the answer 'To me!' or the like. It has a lot to do with how it's worded. Basically, anything that tends to attract or encourage begging will be shut down to avoid trouble. I can't recall ever having seen a case where the poster did it deliberately or maliciously, so I wouldn't expect a lot of suspensions to come out of it. It's just a guideline to be aware of, but if someone does appear to make such threads in a malicious fashion, we won't hesitate to act, of course.
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Threads like this are practically designed to make people beg the poster for whatever item(s) they're 'asking advice' about. As most of you know, begging is strictly prohibited in the community, and anyone asking one of our users for anything that has not already been freely offered faces immediate suspension. From now on, any such threads will be immediately closed, and, if the poster is suspected of doing it deliberately to get other users in trouble, they may themselves face a suspension. If you're genuinely so indecisive and weak-willed you can't handle the administration of your own belongings without having someone else tell you what to do with them, go ask on reddit or 4chan or Yahoo answers if you must--anywhere but here.
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