I just started playing this earlier today. It's pretty darn awesome, but right now I'm sucking at it quite a bit, haha. I need to take a lot of time to figure out a class and loadout that works well for me, after I'm done playing around with the Trial mechs.
Name: lFraggerl
Class: Not sure yet.. Possibly Medium
Timezone: EST
I could go for joining a group/clan/whatever for this, but I'm not sure yet how much I'll be playing. I could end up playing often, though.
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Good idea waiting on choosing what mech class you prefer. After about 25 matches, your cadet bonus wears off and the rate you get C-bills plummets. You'll end up with about 9 million C-bills by the time it ends, so you'll be able to afford an assault mech or multiple anything else. After that, it gets pretty grindy though, sadly. They might change the economy up later if we're lucky though.
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Yea, I figured that it would end up being that way. I'd hate to spend all of those C-bills and then realize that I hate what I chose, so I'll just wait a while until I get used to the game and then make a decision.
I think they're supposed to be changing up the trial mechs every once in a while, so trying out a lot of them should help give me a good idea on what I'll want.
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I think they change them every other patch, so they swap rotation every month or so. These ones are also all hero mechs, which is unusual, so enjoy it while it lasts. :D It's thought they wanted to show off what a good mech can do, because most trial mechs are absolutely awful loadouts. Bad weapon choices, poor placement, stripped of armour... a lot of people are unhappy with the launch. Things could have gone better for this game.
You should have a good idea what you're comfortable with within about a week, I'd say.
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IGN: Dooder39
Mechs: Not played for a long time, cant remeber what they where XD. Will look at it when I'm home again.
Class: My favorite is Assault, they endure alot of damage and also deal alot when played propperly. Yet I think the only Assault class mech I have was a trail.
Timzone: GMT+2
Will edit my post when I'm back home in a few days. Last time I played MWO was just before Open Beta.
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I'm sure you people will make fun of me, but all I've played is the MechAssault spinoffs on the XBox. I've also played some of the Armored Core games on consoles.
Always intended to give the series a try one day, but backlog.
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I know the earlier games on the PS2 as well as the original for PS1 have legacy console controls, but the later games have dual stick controls. Makes things pretty easy, at least control wise. Enemies still manage to destroy me. :P
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Don't worry about it. I heard those were at least good. Everyone has their favourites anyway. I recall despising what little I played of MechWarrior 4 back in the day, preferring 2 over anything else, but that seems to be an uncommon opinion.
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Wow, it's been months since I've played. I don't consider myself good enough for clan status but I had a pretty good Centurion CN9-D scout build. I was mainly grinding with premades though, mostly to get a Jagermech so I could do this with it but... the grinding is so tedious. Do you guys have any tips? I do want to get back into it.
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Yeesh. If I saw anyone firing that quickly in a match, I'd probably think they were using a hack.
Well, depending on how long it's been, they've removed repair and rearm. They've added a few more maps to the mix, though opinions vary on if they're good or not (I think Tourmaline Desert could use more cover but I enjoy both maps). Ghost heat is very much a thing now too.
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I miss repair and rearm too, but are you kidding me? We got far more C-bills back in those days. The C-bills have been nerfed way too much if you don't fork out for premium time or a Hero mech. I wish my JR7-D(S) had come with a c-bill bonus rather than an XP one.
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If you used ballistics or especially missiles the rearm bill was a killer if you were honest and actually did a full rearm. Getting an XL popped if you had one of those was none too pleasing either. If repair & rearm were still in the game during that first grind-fest of a tournament then I would have lost way too many c-bills throughout the entire thing.
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Ah, okay. I used Jenners with med lasers only back then (and maybe some SRMs, it's been a while). I had an XL 300 but it still left me with a huge net gain.
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Added. Finally mastered the JR7-D(S). Going to save up for a new mech now. Not sure if I should work up into medium or just jump straight into an assault. I have enough for an Awesome AWS-8Q...
Edit: Went for a Blackjack BJ-1.
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I just tested the stock mech in a match. Holy shit, this is awesome. Once I put in endosteel, free up some space, I think I'll swap out the AC/2s for AC/5s and dump a couple of the medium lasers to free up more armour, ammo and heatsink space.
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Sounds good to me. Always liked the series, even got to play the big arcade game with a cockpit many years ago in Chicago.
Reserved my usual in game name way back when that was new, but haven't touched the game yet to know what mech I'd be using.
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I presume that's TreadLife? Sent an invite. Also, I jelly of you getting to play that arcade.
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Somehow my response days ago didn't stick so here is try #2:
Maybe it is nostalgia vision, but I thought it looked a little better when I played it. Either way, hell of a learning curve.
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42,000 colours man! On 32 megabytes! Oh, shit, I'll never run this!
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I do not think they are running it into the ground so much as over promised for their capabilities within the time frame expected of them. That being said it has been a rough patch for the game, there have been plenty of horrendous updates, at times with not so quick fixes. There is no real community yet but they honestly have not mucked it up beyond repair yet... they just simply have yet to deliver on what was promised.
If you have not played the game and wish to start, you are in for a bumpy ride. There is a steep learning curve involved, but if you stick with it then you should end up with a very enjoyable competitive multi-player experience. Once you get the basics of piloting learned then the fun of finding out what exact mech build is right for you.
P.S. Thou shalt not suffer a Jenner to live!
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"P.S. Thou shalt not suffer a Spider to live!"
Honestly, I don't know. I took a few months break and I've never been active on the forums. I just don't like what I'm seeing. I really want it to succeed but I don't know if these devs are the ones to do that.
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I felt like that before... but I just kinda quit following what they intend to release. If I see something that I should comment on I will jump on the forums, otherwise I just try to enjoy the game as it is. I have been a fan of the Battletech/Mechwarrior franchise for well over 20 years now so I kinda take what I can get.
P.S. The itsy bitsy spider... went SQUISH!
P.P.S. Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore.'
Didn't want you to feel left out in my discrimination against light mechs... never did have anything to say about commandos other then "Oh cute, it's little baby mech!" My Jenner hatred carried over from earlier closed beta days. It helps that my cousin chose Jenner as her favorite chassis for personal amusement value. =)
Edit To format post properly.
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Yeah, Commandos are tiny bastards. I hated them until the Spider came along and it's speed infuriated me more than the Commando's titchiness.
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I do not remember what I was using at the time but I have had a commando stand so close to me while I was in one mech that even though they were directly in front of me I could not hit them with anything. I really really missed knockdown at that particular moment.
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MWO invite sent.
Also, I sucked hard yesterday until very late in the day (2-4AM my time). Tell me I didn't make an idiot out of myself.
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If you died first, it wasn't one of my bad matches. I lost 12 in a row, first or second death. My piloting skills were just... gone. Completely.
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For shame, atroxic. :P I average 250 in a Jenner!
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Yea, I've been getting around the same amount in one of those. I think I got around 400 in a recent match with one. That was pretty nice, I thought.
I've got about 10 mil C-bills saved up so far. Going to start thinking pretty hard about what type of main Mech I want to go with over the next few days or so.
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I would have been up for it if this was posted six months ago, however I have been extremely disappointed with the devs management of the game and sheer ignorance of the community's concerns, that I refuse to play until I see the devs at the least, to be blunt about it, pull their fingers out of their ears or wherever else they are lodged.
On a side note, I picked up war thunder over the weekend. All I can say is wow. I have not had this much fun since battlefield 2. If anyone wants to crush the Germans alongside me, shoot me a request on steam.
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Fair enough. I hope they do sometime soon. The more the merrier.
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Had setup an account at some point but never got so far as downloading. I'll have to check it out again.
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edit Comms are a go boys. directions on how to get in with us are in the steam group discussions. i'd say we're at a good 75-80% win rate atm.
Jade has the idea. This game is exponentially better when played with people you enjoy.
Yes. Jade has one of my copies of MW2. MW is and always has been one of my favorite IP's. My damn childhood, shall we say. He seems to enjoy and proliferate it, so i threw him a bone. Plus he seems like a cool guy around these forums. Dealing with the hobos and not giving any fucks.
Here's what I propose. I like Jade's idea but I want to up the ante.
Not only will i personally instruct anyone who desires it in the basic gameplay mechanics of Mechwarrior, i'll drop with you and we can get your C-Bills rolling quickly so you can get your mechs quicker.
I will also dedicate my personal voice comms server for this particular purpose. I have a 25 slot mumble server i use on a daily basis to play LoL, MWO, and more on. Anyone looking for people to play with should be able to find at least 3-4 willing participants to drop with at most hours there.
Anyway, if you feel you're interested in some simulated robostomping, contact myself (as well as/or Jade, obviously) and i can get you details on comms, builds, gameplay info, etc.
In game name : Koryitsu
Steam name : Koryitsu
For anyone interested in basic operation of our comms server (i realize some of you guys are bashful) ill provide a link to my youtube channel where you can find a few videos of my group playing MWO together, and get a sense that we're not raging 13 year olds, nor derptastic herps. Footage is all from closed beta, YMMV)
Youtube link : http://www.youtube.com/user/ryannahn/videos
(again, this footage is from a WHILE and a whole computer ago, not the greatest footage, and the game looks and runs considerably better now. this is an example of our humor, personalities, comms style, etc, not an epeen showing contest. im not high ELO by any means)
Filling in required questions for post continuity:
Timeframe : US-Central. i play all kinds of hours though.
Preferred mechs : Heavies. I love em. Doesnt matter which, let me be heavier than a medium, and faster than an assault and im happy. Currently favoring Cataphract - 1X, Jagermech - S, Orion - VA, and Catapult - C4.
Also found in : Cicadas, Spiders, Highlanders, Commandos, and soon Jenners.
Come get some, Freebirth.
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Want a good MechWarrior that doesn't require microtransactions or have third person cameras and has a genuinely interested community?
MechWarrior: Living Legends. It's completely free! Play the game that inspired the team at Piranha!
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It's partly that it does give a tactical advantage of seeing around corners, but also that the devs broke at least two major promises regarding it.
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^^^ pretty much this.
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anyone's opinions on the state of the game nor the developers decisions. I've got my own enough, thank you.
Yes living legends was awesome too. Kudos there.
Regardless, the game itself is quite good as it stands, and only stands to get better if you let a few details slide. People unfamiliar with canon Battletech lore wont notice at all, more likely than not.
I'm not here to lambaste PGI, but promote what i can of the game i have to play rather than the game we all know we want. (Which, this game has the chance of being damn close eventually. Ill grant much later. We'll see)
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Bit of a late reply but that statement about requiring Crysis is completely false. You do not need to buy Crysis to play MWLL. You can download the whole thing completely free from their site as a standalone. It has been a standalone for over a year and a half now.
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I'm gettint my MWO to patch right now, but Ha-Ha, I'll need to remember my ingame name and even user ._.
I've played in the beta as founder, played a lot of it but somewere I just stoped and forget to play again >.< (Hope I can still start the premiun thing time, as I guess I never played since beta)
Name: Kamikazi Zero
Tonnage: Don't have any mech right not, but used to play light/assault in beta
Timezone: UTC/GMT -3
Anyone who want be at will to add me on steam and call when gonna play, I'm patching the game and gonna check the user to log again ^^
PS: Was reding the post about the "problems" (Or I would say damn blood mess) happening, I should confess sound really sad, things are really that bad? >.<
PPS: Damn Crusaders.... Only if Wolf had been harder on you guys... heh XD
Edit: Patch done =D
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I dont care about the rage there, I bought the Founders and the Phoenix package and will keep them. Those who complain all the time clearly have NEVER PLAYED the original game. Because in the tabletop game you could not aim at weak spots, you had to roll a dice where you made your damage. And now in the game some wannabe smart kids shoot my center torso with mass AC and then cry when the developers try to balance this?
Favorite Mech will be Thunderbolt ..
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I know nothing about EVE, to be honest. What has CCP done to screw things up?
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Oh, any number of changes have earned the ire of the playerbase over the years. But CCP often start by acting as if there's no problem, then by censoring/forumbanning, then by coming out with some apology-that-isn't, and only after days or more often weeks of trying to skirt the issue do they (only sometimes) come out and admit they made a mistake.
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Funny. you may notice from my avatar i play eve too. Gotta say, ive found CCP to be one of the most communicative dev teams out there. Yes POS's have sat by the wayside for years. Yes some hammers have come too hard on certain ships, yes there was the whole "leaked documents" thing, but really? (and THEN to compare them to PGI and their clusterfuck of communication?)
EVE has been around for over a decade for a reason...
TL;DR, i think you're way off base.
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Yup total noob.
For reference, as you noted.
You sound really angry, btw. Come shoot mechs. Blow off steam.
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While steam powered mechs could be awesome, theyre generally not as awesome as fusion powered ones that explode.
for steam powered mechs check out http://www.sarna.net/ for Dark Age industrial mechs.
Not quite, but pretty damn close. Imagine a mech running off a honda civic motor. Dark Age was an interesting time for mechwarrior.
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I'm twenty articles in with another forty to go. I just wanted to expand on my self-acknowledged poor understanding of the Inner Sphere (I'm Marik in MWO just because they have a falcon for the flag)! Now I'm learning about what the First Hidden War is and who the hell the Word of Blake are! DAMN YOU.
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I'm torn now. Just finished up on the Houses (finally). Now I don't know if I want to pledge loyalty to House Marik, Davion, Liao or the FRR. They all have very, very good ideals that I appreciate, tempered by some poor ones.
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Made a list of pros and cons. This was what I came up with for the FRR.
Pro: Space Skyrim
Con: Still racist against yellow people
I think I'm going to go for House Liao until convinced otherwise. They give me a Starship Troopers vibe with their system, one that's very fair to its people and doesn't cross any particular lines in my moral code.
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Ingame name: Wakashi
Tonnage: Usually medium, i have an on-going project with a Cicada 2A if i'm not mistaken (6 medium lasers-325XL engine-ferro fibrous armor, quite expensive), i am a bit of a newbie, and i'm still trying to get used to the heavy and assault classes which seem quite fun, but credits come slow (really slow), so a lot of ideas are hindered by that for the moment. I'm considering doing a small donation and get myself a hero mech or something along those lines, but i should play some more just to make sure.
Timezone: UTC/GMT -3 hours
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You have no idea how happy and nostalgic you made me. I had no idea this game actually launched. Oh, the memories. I used to play the old ones so much as a kid. Hell, I remember I actually saved up and bought a joystick just for the game. I always liked heavy mechs back then, but I'm downloading the game now and i guess I'll have to try and remember everything, see what suits me best now. Ingame name will be IsusTzK, that's all I can tell you right now. Thank you again. :D
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Stopped playing long time ago. Thought about supporting the game but I have an instinctive dislike for "Play For Free Games". Guess I was right to quit playing a long time ago. I'll try the game again sometime "later".
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Ingame name : Bauttar
Atlas, support and/or close combat depending on the exact chassis, all elite
no timezone, i travel a lot and have crazy hours
I am already a member of the Skye Rangers thought, but i will gladly play with you all guys and join a steam group.
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Sent an invite. So far, I've seen 3 people online at different times. I'll probably set up a Steam group later, arrange events.
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can i get invited or something, idunno if ill be playing right now since im in advanced exams but once is done ill give it a try.
guess ill delay planetside 2 for a while
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That's fine. Newbies are everywhere. There's no skill requirement for fun.
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The SteamGifts MechWarrior Online group is now all systems nominal. No skill needed, just the ability to have fun.
Original post:
Yeah, yeah, I know that PGI are busy running it into the bloody ground but there's still some life in it and it's just "launched" so I figure why not now? I know there's a few fellow BT/MW fans on these forums (shout out to Koryitsu who even mailed me a copy of MechWarrior 2 last year <3).
Anyone up for a little Steamgifts grouping? Just post your ingame name (thejadefalcon for me, naturally. Did you freebirths expect anything else?), preferred tonnage class (light) and your timezone (UTC/GMT for me).
If you're a newbie, don't worry, we'll set you right up with tips on how to play, good mech loadouts, all the things. If you already have a few mechs set up, why don't you post a couple of your favourites, let us see what you pilot, get a feel for your playstyle.
Jenner JR7-D(S): No real change to the stock mech. Pretty effective as is. Dumped some SSRM ammo for jumpjets, making me more mobile.
Jenner JR7-K: Been playing with the missles on this. Had LRM-5s instead, but when they were useful, they were REALLY useful. When they weren't, there were an absolute waste and made me focus too much on my heat to avoid an ammo explosion. Swapped them out for SRMs, promptly did 100 points more damage on average, took out a Cataphract with a single close-range volley and won the next five matches.
Jenner JR7-F: About the same as the D(S) but without the missiles, replacing them with an anti-missile system. Makes dodging LRMs a breeze and gives cover to any assaults I happen to be sitting by.
Blackjack BJ-1: Just bought this, so still playing around with it. Swapped out the AC/2s for AC/5s and 120 rounds, dropping the jets and the arm lasers.
Yep. I'm the guy nipping at your heels and pissing you off all the time. My bad. <3 I was planning on getting an Atlas soon, make a real brawler, but it's pretty expensive to grind to it, especially without premium time, so I might just buy a Catapult-A1 soon, model it after the Catapult-A1(C).
So, any interest in a SG MWO group/clan? It'll be at least a little fun, I guarantee it.
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