But I'm even against the public giveaway groups. It just doesn't make sense to have to join them to have access to some giveaways.
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That's why I say that the only group should be the whole SteamGifts community and forget about exclusiveness. Groups are great to share thoughts and make friends about a specific topic, I'm only against 'giveaway only' groups.
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That's the great thing about this site. People want to give things to friends and not have to give them to the entire steamgifts world. There are still PLENTY of opportunities out of group giveaways though.
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I think it encourages people to give away better games and gives better chances to those who contribute. I know that not everyone can give away games but giving more chances to win to those who contribute seems fair to me.
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No it's not.
Giving chances to win games to the people I like seems fair to me, doing that in base of their money spent does not.
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+1. Or even a non-AAA game. Or even a bundled game.
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It's an optional feature, you can create your giveaways with CV or not. And, "people you like"? what is it based on? In a few chat/forum words and a couple profiles? Do you think you know them well enough? Do they really deserve to have more chances to win, leaving out all the rest?
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As yyd518 said. People I like is people I like, based on whatever requeriments I like to set.
I don't have to give any explanation whatsoever. And yes, they do. As my RL friends deserve more chances to get a present from me or whatever.
Your whole idea of only CV giveaways remember me of this more money equals better than
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...well if you're gifting specifically for cv it actually discourages that(quality aaa games) if you know how it works.
don't gift bioshock infinite, it'll devalue(cv is tied to steam's price and keeps recalculating), in a year your cv will be 30.
spend that $60 to gift 12 copies of badrats, that price is stable and you'll still be at 60 from it next year.
better 60 copies of crazy machines for a stable 1200 cv.
(better yet buy 60 copies of humble bundle weekly thq and get 2820 cv for the same money)
(or if you're only shooting for a lower amount(just starting out and looking to get over the .01, 5, 25 or 30 humps)(or to pad your existing cv a little(as long as its already over 20% of the value)) regift free keys like faiery solitaire that were intended to go to people who actually wanted them. or basically stolen free keys from some polish website)
(or maybe find 2 friends looking to buy anyway (or willing to say you gifted) some game like bioshock infinite, make a private givaway with their 2 entries. get your 60 cv and the name of a aaa title on your list(of course it'd also show your only 2 entries). or form a group of 4 chipping in to buy a 4pack, make a givaway with 3 entries 3 copies ect)
so you only really gift aaa games if you don't actually care overmuch about your cv. cv doesn't encourage it.
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People who have given what? Shadow Harvest? Crazy Machines? Darksiders? RF:A? Zeno Clash? Bad Rats? Toki Tori? Ignite? Bundle keys? Free keys they swiped in an online giveaway that should have been left for people who actually wanted the game? All the system has done is foster abuse and rancor amongst the community.
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Even though some of the cases are kinda abusive, they still give out valid games (most of the time). At that point the question becomes quite philosophical. Is it wrong to do good things (give games those who want them) with negative intentions (greed)?
Truth to be told, I am not that certain, as so many others are, would the removal of contribution system actually help the site.
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Maybe we might experience a decreasement on the amount of giveaways (Well I'm quite certain that that will happen) but most of the problems associated with exploting, contribution boosting fake feedback on giveaways and so on and so forth would be eliminated.
Having said that I guess we would have to see if the advantages are enough to compensate for the loss of giveaways and, certainly too, users.
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Personally I am doubtful that drama would cease to exists. It might decrease but most likely it would merely shift focus. Rule violations are a problem but as MrCastiglia stated, it is about balancing between advantages and disadvantages.
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You'd remove the drama and assholiness from Steamgifts? You, sir, are in danger of becoming the No Fun Police.
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That's better than nothing. And those are not free or bad games, only very cheap ones. If you don't want them you don't enter, that's all. They won too much CV for them? Sure, and the system can probably be improved, but nothing is perfect andthe thing is that trying to avoid those people you are denying access to much more people who would probably deserve entering your giveaways.
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some of them are. "Free keys they swiped in an online giveaway that should have been left for people who actually wanted the game?"
faire solitare had the developers on their website giving away 10k free codes to new users who wanted to play. some of those keys went to random people grabbed them to regift here instead. thats why there was a ton of them on Easter, and there were people in the forum trying to grab one to actually use after they ran out earlier than they should have(sg regifting was a couple hundred looking at the chart).
another example that poor polish website kept getting games stolen from them to gift here(well in that space before steamgifts labeled the keys exploited and clamped down each time) every so often until they finally learned and switched to cd printed keys attached to their physical copies of their magazine
that pointed out i agree that if somebody wanted it wheres the harm in it being gifted. why turn up your nose at badrats or crazymachines when clearly thousands want a chance at them, i'm not gonna complain about a free game or that it happened to be on sale when the gifter bought it and look a gift in the teeth ect.
but entirely separate from that is that they are cheating the system and devaluing the gifts others made in comparison as far as cv givaways and thats wrong too.
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I believe it's a minority and as we know there's no perfect system. I think the damage made by private and group giveaways is much bigger than those who got high contributor value with not very legit ways.
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This. So much this. Contributor system just encourages finding shit no one wants for as low as possible, not giving away nice games. I think contributor system would work better if you could also set minimum worth of one giveaway of entrants, such as at least 31$ dollars total including at least one game worth 20$ - that would keep amount of inflation down, IMHO.
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Anything you wrote would I write also. However, you hit that nail square on the head!
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It's not that others don't deserve to enter these contests, it is to give people in these groups a better chance of winning. A normal giveaway has at least 1000 entries, group giveaways sometimes have as few as 3 depending on group size. Even the large groups will often have giveaways with only a few hundred entries. Obey their rule, give yourself a greater chance of winning a game. Seems like a fair trade to me.
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If all the group giveaways were public, we would have hundreds of them to enter and the number of entries would be reduced because we wouldn't have enough points to enter all of them. You can also restrict entries with contributor value.
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Read what wbarton just wrote. The CV system is highly abusive. Cg creates alot of 3000+ CV giveaways, those are nice because not many have that much, but when it's up to 1000 alot of people still have that because they abused the system by buying bundles and simlar.
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You get points based on the value of public giveaways created, not counting your own. If those giveaways were public instead, it would just generate that many more points for people to enter, and they would all enter those giveaways preferentially. Nothing would change.
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I didn't know that. So, if I have understood it correctly, when we enter private or group giveaways, we enter using points that have been generated with public giveaways? (Now I doubt even if points are needed to enter private and group giveaways)
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Whenever someone makes a public giveaway, everyone else on the site receives 5% (1/20th) of the value listed in the Steam store in $US as points, accurate to .01 points, if I recall correctly.
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"Every time anyone submits a game, every member of the site, excluding the giveaway creator, receives 5 percent of that gifts value (in USD) in points".
It doesn't say anything about public or private/group so I assume those points are created with all giveaways. Am I right?
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It is hidden in "How can I increase my odds of winning or acquire more points faster?"
"There are no ways to increase your odds of winning, you have the same chances of winning as everyone else. Points, as explained in the "points" portion of the FAQ, only increase when a public giveaway is submitted. Group and private giveaways currently do not distribute points."
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Thanks. So if I understand it correctly those who only create private and group giveaways are the leeches because they are using points generated by others. They are giving nothing to the public community.
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Public and community are almost mutually exclusive. The 'public' here on the site consists of tens of thousands of active members, and there is no overarching community amongst them. The leeches are anyone who has ever entered any giveaway, because they have been given the opportunity to receive something for nothing.
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No, because the purpose of the giveaway is precisely that: to give it away to anyone. And if you don't want just anyone to enter you giveaway, you have the contributor value (which I constantly use).
What about the fact that those who make private/group giveaways don't generate points but make use of them? I can't believe it! It's worse than I thought.
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People using points does not affect your points at all.
You could be a good dramatic actor BTW. And here
No, because the purpose of the giveaway is precisely that: to give it away to anyone. And if you don't want just anyone to enter you giveaway, you have the group/private option (which I constantly use).
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And exactly why is the ability of the people submitting the giveaways to define exclusivity based on their own criteria a bad thing? Why shouldn't they be allowed to do what they like with the things they're giving away? I have yet to see you explain this.
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they don't generate points, but they're spending points they do get on givaways you can't access so aren't diluting your odds ect.
and another way of looking at the fact that private gifts don't generate points is this: it prevents an apocalyptic future where gifts only exist in groups because at least some must be public or they couldn't get points to enter anything. so really the max you could do private would be like 5% or something.
besides cv is broken. so scrapping groups by force and using cv filters potentiality rewards and encourages the abusers more than real gifters depending on the number you pick(i mean as abuse becomes more common filters move higher trying to dodge them but eventually reach a point out of reach to most real gifters who didn't abuse.
once you get to a certain high number(populated by only a few hardcore gifters, and those cheaters who spent a tenth of that and if were legitimate should have been in a much lower bracket(so somewhat more punishing the cheater's peers who spent the same much lower number for not cheating the system in addition to rewarding those who contributed a ton) so rather than reward gifters with better odds you punish them for not cheating to get even better odds) I suppose you'll go through the other side of that band and hit another high number thats mostly only hardcore gifters because even with abuse it'd take some real $ to reach. but by then its so exclusive its more so than a small group and likely better and easier to just make a group and invite those who met or exceed lower number legitimately) anyway..)
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If they were public I would get more points, that's a way to dilute my odds, apart from the obvious fact that we can't enter those giveaways. And they are using the points that we have generated to enter their giveaways.
But that's not the point, the point is that we would all benefit from keeping all the giveaways public.
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No, some would. Some not.
Don't make stupid generalisations. And I haven't seen so many logical fallacies in a post for a while.
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Hmm. You're quite right ... but I think the existence of the group is to create bigger chance for the members to win.
And oh, seen you on Steamtrades :D Been looking for someone to help me buy that bundle too. Damn Gamefly and their region restrictions.
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I think groups promote the need to contribute. If you search for Darksiders on steamgifts, look how many pages there are of Darksiders giveaways. I bet you every single one of those bought that game off the Humble weekly sale for one dollar. Now they are giving it away here to abuse this to get CV and enter high CV giveaways and leach even more! Private groups which are not very private (many of them recruit off these forums quite randomly) promote the need to giveaway good games. I do not want AAA games everywhere, I would like people to buy a game, give it away, because they actually like that game. Not because they can get shitloads of CV from it! Just my 2 cents on this one.
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I have to say, I did have a good laugh whilst reading your "post".
What people do with their giveaways is up to them, not you or me. How dare anyone tell them who to share their giveaways with. What you've basically said is, "Everyone should share with everyone." I am completely against that. Just like in day to day life, there are people who deserve things and people who don't. Contribution value means nothing when there are bundle games floating around and massive sales that result in hundreds of spammed games. The more I think about what you said, the more it sounds like communism, and we all know how that turned out.
Private/group giveaways do not affect you in any way. So the only reason I can conclude is that you're upset you're not getting into better giveaways....
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Communisim, as if we consider Marxism as true communism has never been put into practice.
And one could argue that what failed was the practical application of some deviations from Marxism such as Leninsm, Maoism, Stalinsm and so on. And actually the USSR didn't do that bad while under communist rulers.
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The wheel is everywhere on all our cars, trains, planes, machines, wagons, and most factory and farm equipment. What could we move without wheels? But as important as the wheel is as an invention, we don't know who exactly made the first wheel.
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The so called cenurosis is an illness caused by the larvae forms of several species of Taenia which grow in the sheeps brains causing them to loose will and stop eating which will eventually lead them to their death.
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That added nothing to the conversation as a whole, and yet, when I walk away, this is probably the only comment I will remember. Bravo, sir.
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Stalin almost destroyed the USSR (quite possibly the entire world), thanks to Communism. No economic boom would be worth it if that happened. Industry is just one aspect of what makes a country stand on it's own two feet.
Now I was referring to equality in communism, which can be found in all variations of communism. I'm not sharing my games with people I don't want to share them with.
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I never said you had to.
And Stalin is not Communism. Having said that Russia nearly went from the medieval ages to compete with the US in the Space Race, among other things.
Anyways I'm not saying that Communism was flawless and great. Lot of bad things have been done in its name, speciall by Stalin, Pot and other dictators of their kind.
Anyways, if I was the one to be asked and humanity fully understood the concept of freedom I'd advocate for an anarchist system. Sadly, that's never gonna happen.
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1) It's a campaign where I express my point of view and tell you what in my opinion would be a better way to share our giveawys. A way that would benefit us all in my opinion.
2) I'm not upset, I only think we could all get into better giveaways.
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I'm already in good giveaways. Do you know how I got into good giveaways? By giving a lot of things away.
Now explain to me why you would give the privilege of entering better giveaways, to people who give absolutely nothing away? It's simply not fair. Why give to those who don't deserve it?
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You don't need to, you can restrict with contributor value.
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You don't need to, you can restrict with group giveaways. See? It's the same.
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That way you are taking from public but giving nothing back. And you are leaving out a lot of people that probably deserve it as much as those in your group. And you are not generating points to enter giveaways.
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I think I do. What I don't understand is your commentary. I said they take from public (enter public giveaways) but they don't give anything back (create public giveaways).
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That something is done by most users doesn't mean it's the "right" thing to do or the best for all.
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Best for all? There are people here who try to bleed this site dry, entering thousands of giveaways over just a few months with absolutely no intention of giving anything back. If you want to help out those assholes, go ahead, but don't expect me to "share" my hard earned cash with people like that.
You really enjoy going in circles. I've never been part of such a ridiculous argument in all my time here.
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Then let's close the circle again: you can use contributor value to restrict your giveaways and avoid those who don't give anything back (if you want).
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I'm VERY surprised after all this arguing, that you still don't know how un-reliable the contributor system is. You know what really keeps those leeches out?
I'm well and truly done wasting my time. Best of luck to you in life my friend.
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I never said such a thing. In fact my campaign encourages public giveaways, which would benefit most users.
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"[ . . . ] they take from public (enter public giveaways) but they don't give anything back (create public giveaways)."
"[ . . . ] no different from most users."
"That something is done by most users doesn't mean it's the "right" thing to do or the best for all."
You described the behavior of the vast majority of users on the site, who never make giveaways at all, then described it as morally wrong and detrimental to the site and community. You may not have outright said they should be removed, but it's hard to argue that it isn't what you said taken to its logical conclusion.
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We have to clarify in each case if we are talking about all those who are in groups (and create for the group) or all those who only enter giveaways without creating ever any.
When you asked "So you want to get rid of all the users who don't make giveaways now?" I understood you were talking about all those users who never create giveaways. My sentences that you quoted were about those who are in groups and don't create public giveaways.
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Except that it's equally applicable to both. People who make group giveaways are no different with respect to you or any of the other users than the people who don't make any giveaways. And you described them the same way as you described the giveaways you're trying to get rid of. Either you have to admit there's no reason to penalize people for doing giveaways the way they want to, or else admit that you want to get rid of everyone who doesn't make public giveaways.
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I don't want to get rid of anybody, never said anything even close to that. And yes, they are different because they are taking advantage of public giveaways with CV provided by group giveaways that the rest of us can't access.
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You are leaving a lot of people who probably deserve it if you do them only for contributors too
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The issue I have with private groups and contributor value, is that they are inaccessible to the majority of the SG community, but still get the same CV as if they made a public giveaway. It's another way to game the system. Small group where giveaways just go round and round, and you win frequently, while getting your CV up at the same time.
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You're too focused on 'value' exploits. These kinds of giveaways were there at the start, for all intents and purposes, and they're not going anywhere. They existed before value could even grant access to more exclusive giveaways. Please explain how the number of entrants in a giveaway affects whether or not someone was given a free game, and why someone shouldn't be credited for giving that game unless there are X thousand entries for it.
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Well I think the idea is that small giveaway groups can have a really high giveaway to win ratio. Sure you're still giving away games for free but due to the rules of the group you're going to be winning back a nearly equal amount of games. It's really more like randomized trading than giving games away for free.
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There's usually a lot of disparity both in the amount of giveaways made from one user to the next, and between one's created and won giveaways in groups. The only times there aren't is when there are rules to try and force those situations, and those groups tend not to last very long, as those tend to be unsustainable models.
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And you're too focused on what was, instead of looking at the status quo.
Look, I don't doubt that you guys are trying a good thing here. But put yourself into the shoes of the average person that just arrived at this site. They probably came here because some site or some friend told them 'look, you can win free games there'. Because that's what people want. They want free shit. So they get here, and the first thing they see is a huge banner saying "Win free steam gifts". Good stuff. Exactly what they want.
They enter a few giveaways and nothing happens. So they wonder if you can actually win stuff here. They come to these excellent, highly searchable forums and ask if anyone has ever won something. They get replies like 'learn some math' and 'enter more giveaways'. Usually coming from people who have won a fair whack of stuff. So they look for ways to improve their odds of winning something.
Somewhere along the way they figure out things about contributor value, and see that having a higher CV buys them their way into private groups and exclusive giveaways. So they look for ways to raise their CV - on the cheap, obviously. They buy a few bundles, put them up for GA, and start wondering why their CV doesn't go past 30. They start asking questions, and get replies ranging from 'giving away bundle games is baaaaaad' to 'doing giveaways for CV is missing the spirit' - usually coming from people who have a high CV (legit or not), have won a fair whack of exclusive and group GAs, and call people, with low CV leechers.
It doesn't matter if CV was there after group GAs or not. It doesn't change the status quo. And the status quo in a nutshell is: people want to win free shit, that's why they come here. Having a high CV improves your winning Odds, so people want to boost their CV. The fact that it's mixed signals and double standards all the way certainly doesn't help.
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We all want. Are you special or something? Do you deserve more chances for any reason?
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Then why people who have given more deserve better chances?
Are they special or something? Are they better? Having more disposable money makes you better?
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In that case the reason is that they have contributed more and as a "prize" they have more chances to win some giveaways.
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But then you are saying that they are special, right?
Why are they special and the only benchmark to be special is the amount of games being given away? Can't we use other requirements? Should people only judged based on their money?
Why should generosity be rewarded and not other virtues such as kindness or helpfulness?
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You can reward all those thing too, sending a personal gift to that kind or helpful person.
kulapic said "But I want to have more chances to win... :(" as an answer to my post. So it's clear that it's an answer to the idea of not having private/group giveaways, not about the idea of contributor value, which already exists. And my answer was for that.
And, as we know, creating CV restricted giveawys is optional.
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I saw someone who had gained $500 contrib value off Darksiders and Red Faction giveaways alone. A little later, I saw someone with less contrib value that had given away Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider. Who contributed more?
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Why? This is only about the way to make them, not if we should make them or not.
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I read your post several times and I'm still not sure what point you're trying to get across except that you don't like private groups for giveaways... So I'll just ask about the part that got my attention the most:
"they have been overused and it's been detrimental to everyone"
Tell me, how -exactly- have private groups in any way affected you negatively(or at all) except for (I guess) forcing you to make this topic?
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It's a campaign to make people think about it and try to convince them that public giveaways is the best for everyone.
As someone from support says above, private and group giveaways don't generate points, so they are giving no points to the community. But they are entering public giveaways (of course!), so who is the leech? It also affects us negatively in the sense that we have no chance to enter those giveaways (obvious!).
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Ok... though I honestly still don't see any valid points to "convince" people anything.
But, never mind that. The way you say how it's affecting you negatively kiiiinda makes you sound like you're pissed that you're not in any of those groups(that is assuming you're not, with emphasis on "assuming"). Also by your logic (as already stated above by other), contributor giveaways also don't give some people a chance so they are affecting those people "negatively" too. You claim those are just fine. I think the word for that is hypocrite but I could be wrong.
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When you make a contributor giveaway everyone sees it and if someone can't enter will feel encouraged to contribute in order to enter those giveaways and have more chances to win (and we will all benefit from that). Private and group giveaways remain hidden and restricted.
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And what if they can't contribute? What if they live in a country where games are really expensive and they get low salaries that go for daily needs(cough East Europe cough)? So they will never be able to enter those giveaways and by your logic will still be "affected negatively" and you're still a hypocrite.
If you can't find/weren't told the link for a Private giveaway or don't see a Group giveaway, then I guess it wasn't intended for you, was it? :P
Oh, wait, by your logic for whatever reason it's horrible that someone decided to give a game just to some selected people. My bad!
PS: At this point you've pretty much lost me to the sarcasm virus. So much for convincing me anything, I'm having fun with this thread from now on! :D
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You don't need to restrict with contributor value. Period.
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Yet you do and you're "affecting negatively" the people who can't enter. You monster!
Wait, what? You're giving people the chance to experience a game they want and you're being called a monster for not letting everyone have a grab at it? Who could have suggested that it's a bad thing?! :P
(Before you answer those questions seriously, check up "Rhetorical question" and "Sarcasm" in your local online dictionary. :D )
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Everyone can have access to public giveaways. Nobody has access to most group giveaways.
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Then tell me somebody who has access to most group giveaways.
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Nice that we clarified it. Sometimes my way to express or say something may not be the most appropriate one because English is not my first language. Sorry if I didn't say it the best possible way. Now that it's clear you can reply my original message if you wish.
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I think the same as you. Everyone should be given a chance regardless if they've abused the contributor system. I mostly give giveaway for people who are active on the forums, but I do see where you're coming from. Group giveaways are mainly for giving away games equally to friends or people who share a common interest.
I think of groups as giving away something to a friend, but with equal chances. Let's say you have a cake for only 8 people, you have 10 friends though. How can you give the game equally amongst them? How can you be sure the one you've given the cake to even wanted a cake? Similarly how can you be sure that the game you're giving to someone would actually be played by that person?
I'll be honest, when I first joined the site I spammed and joined tons of giveaway. Even for games I didn't even want. I can assure you that the games that I have won, I probably haven't even touched them because I'm not even interested in them at all. You can think of someone who takes the time to join a group to actually want to play a game that is won, whereas if you give randomly on this site they'll win the game, but who knows if they'll actually play it?
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Good luck with your campaign, I do have my new group running and I think my requirements are not that silly. I just want to reward those old/new forumers who I see active here in SG.
To me CV value is dead/useless (Humble weekly was the last straw to me)
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I do understand what your saying however... without giveaway groups I probably wouldn't have even won a giveaway yet, as my first win was group exclusive. Sure it can be annoying seeing people in bottom left "Received Valve Complete Pack - Private Giveaway". But in all honestly there is no real reason I'll ever see to remove them, as I feel groups also give a sense of community as in a certain group I'm in, I'll talk with the Admin, and other people so when you do win a giveaway its not the simple case of.. Giveaway Person - "Here you won." Winner - "Thanks". and be done with it. With a group however.. "ERR MAA GAWDD I WON!! :D THANK YOU SOO MUCH DUDE/DUDETTE NEVER THOUGHT I WIN ONE OF YOUR GIVEAWAY xD!! <-- Don't know if that's a good example but.. whatever. :)
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I felt the same when i first joined Steamgifts but I prefer to give away in groups now because the people who i'm in groups with tend to give back, talk in chat and generally create a good community. I know most people in the groups I am in will only enter if they want to play the game they win and they will actually say thank you for a game even if it's just a bundle game.
I understand where you're coming from but even with contribution value there are still people who can exploit things such as the humble weekly bundle and most groups won't allow members like that in.
I wish you luck with your campaign though!
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I'm arguing in favour of not having any kind of giveaway groups, of making all the giveaways public. I think I make it very clear.
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You should pay more attention to what you said. Please read your original post. You said, "Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that the possibility of creating private or group giveaways shouldn't exist, but I feel they have been overused and it's been detrimental to everyone."
Edit: In case you're having trouble understanding yourself, let me clarify something: "I'm not saying that the possibility of creating private or group giveaways shouldn't exist" is the opposite of "I'm arguing in favour of not having any kind of giveaway groups, of making all the giveaways public."
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I made it very clear: to have the possibility of creating private or group giveaways is fine but I encourage people not to create group giveaways.
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Decreasing options available to contributors does not encourage people to make more giveaways. Even if contributor system would work perfectly (and everyone would be happy), all those private and group giveaways would not magically transfer to public ones. Even now people have the option to make giveaways for everyone or for their friends. For their personal reasons, they choose the latter. If that option is not available, that giveaway would not be made.
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Everyone has a choice about what kind of giveaway to create. There are plenty of public/contributor/group giveaways to enter, so nobody is left out.
I personally went through a stage of only entering giveaways and not commenting. After winning my first game I started checking the forum a little more, to moved on making giveaways, and then to making/joining contributor and a few group giveaways. I find the puzzle giveaways are the most satisfying to give or win, as someone has made an effort to get the game.
There's no right or wrong way to do it but after spending a little time in the forums I thought I'd like to give back to the people who chat and comment on things and contribute a little, not just those who go online once a day and just click on every giveaway. I was once one of those people, but once you start making giveaways you realize that it feels better to give a game to someone who you see in the forums and is appreciative than those who might not want to play the game or even thank you for it. Of course that doesn't describe everyone who enter open giveaways, but making contributor and group giveaways reduces the chance of those people getting the game.
People may see small flaws in the system, but everyone has a choice and a chance to win a free game.
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Not all giveaway groups are about rules and just simpling giving games. Exclusive groups serve many purposes.
Every group has its own vibe; while it is true there are too many groups in general, only the good ones tend to survive.
In regards to CV giveaways, the CV system has always been "broken" but there is no easy alternative that doesn't require manual manipulation of data.
Good luck with your campaign but from my experience, when group starts getting too large, it becomes harder for it to thrive.
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Let me reply your 4 points:
1) Tell me how do you decide who is in the group unless you are the admin.
2) We have a great forum here.
3) You don't need giveaway groups for that.
4) Having more frequent giveaways is not necessarily a good thing, above all when you are forced to make a giveaway every month like in many groups.
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let me answer your 4 questions:
You are in group with people you like, you don't like ppl in your group you leave it and find yourself another one. Also in small private groups with limited members, if group is active everyone knows everyone. It's much easier to solve your problems in small community - and you know admin from chats/forums/gaming-together, so if someone is being unfair you can easily talk-it-through with him. Good luck doing the same with community of 200k+ sers.
No we don't - it's full of spam, whining, begging etc. Sure - it's moderated - but you will never get any of this in any good group.
Yeah, sure, becase it's sooo easy to know and befriend 200k+ community.
If you don't like certain group rules - nobody's forcing you to join it. There are a lot of different setting - monthly GAs is just one of them. You also get play-together groups, reviewing groups, puzzle-groups, ratio-based groups etc.
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didn't we already had discussion like this while ago by someone who didn't like private groups cause he couldn't get in any?
i read something from beginning and something from end, but i still don't get what you, OP, trying to achieve here?
and how can i throw a giveaway for friends basing it only on contributor value? if i was choosing friends by contribution value, i didn't have any. groups, at least private ones, are not only for better odds, while it's part of it, but it's about community, friends, interests etc.
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Proposal: what if private and group giveaways didn't count for contributor value?
Look at it this way: they don't need it as they are in giveaway groups and it's unfair with those who make public givaways with CV because they didn't have the chance to enter those group giveaways where that CV was won.
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I really want to know why you've got so much against non public giveaways. How does taking away contributor value from private/group giveaways change anything for you? You're not involved with them, so why would you want to do that to them?
Contributor value needs to be taken away from all giveaways, but public giveaways is where it gets abused the most....
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There's several arguments why private giveaways shouldn't contribute to CV.
First, though, it's important to talk about why we should have CV at all (since you seem to be arguing it should be taken away, or at least that giveaways with CV limits should be taken away. I've seen people saying that before, so it bears answering.) Optional contributor value limits for giveaways is useful because it encourages people to buy games that are on sale and give them away in order to increase it. There is absolutely no question that there would be far fewer public giveaways total if CV weren't around to encourage it. (There are really relatively few giveaways with a high requirement, too -- so it seems very likely that we're getting more giveaways from the incentive of CV than typical users are losing by being unable to enter them.)
But in that respect, CV is really only useful to encourage people to give games to the community. If you're in a private group, you don't need it -- it already has its own rules; that's the whole idea behind private groups. This is probably why you're saying it's unnecessary. For you, it is, because you're in groups that provide other incentives for people to give away gifts (via rules or just by having a close-knit community.) But for other people, it's useful.
Second, with that use in mind, very small groups dilute the meaning of CV. A handful of friends who buy games for each other and make a group to do it is not at all the same thing as someone who buys games and gives them to random strangers. Again, I can see why this isn't convincing to you, because you're not using CV -- you rely on groups that provide other, more solid incentives for giveaways.
I don't seriously expect it to change, and it's not like I think it would really make much of a difference either way. (Sure, the numbers are a bit meaningless due to sales and ambiguity over what qualifies as a bundle game.) But even if someone gives away a public dozen copies of a game on 90% sale and gets ten times the money they spent in CV, they're still giving something to the community; that's behavior that should be rewarded and encouraged in some form (even if the system is inevitably imperfect.)
Trading games with your friends via SG in a semi-random fashion -- that is, in a group where you know they're going to give you about as many games back as you're giving them, statistically, because the group's rules require reciprocal giveaways -- that's not the same thing at all. I would say that from the perspective of what SG as a whole wants to encourage? Giving away one bundle key should add more value than giving ten copies of Bioshock Infinite to your friends in a private group.
It's not that there's anything wrong with giving copies of Bioshock Infinite to your friends in a private group! You shouldn't be penalized for it, no. It's totally cool and generous of you. But your reward for doing that is giving it to your friends -- your reward is in the fact that you know them. Steamgifts doesn't need to incentivize you to give gifts to your friends -- that's silly.
(Obviously I know that there's really a range of groups; it's not all five friends trading games. So it's really a bit more complicated than that. But ultimately CV is just about recognizing and rewarding certain kinds of behavior -- and there's no particular need to recognize or reward giveaways in smaller private groups, at least, since those have their own incentives.)
It's not a matter of deserving this or that, or fairness, or rewards, really. It's about incentivizing certain kinds of behavior. CV is a total failure at fairness, and honestly you don't really get much reward for it until you get into the thousands level, but it's shown itself to be excellent at encouraging people to give away games, which is the real purpose for it.
Anyway, the simpler explanation of why Midnighter cares: Obviously, changing the incentive structure like that would encourage people to give away more public games and fewer private games. (It would particularly draw giveaways out of large impersonal groups with no rules or incentive structures of their own -- groups like the ones you're in would still do fine, since, I mean, nobody is going to win 100+ giveaways in public groups either way.)
Whether that's a good or a bad thing is really up to you. Having said all that, I don't think the impact would be particularly large, so I don't care too much either way. I don't agree with the OP; I do think private groups are fine things, and SG totally should have them... it's more that I see no particular reason for SG's underlying structure to incentivize people giving gifts away in them.
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Because you're trying to pick a fight! :D
This guy wants to get owned in the discussion, not out on the street lol.
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I haven't read anything reasonable or convincing against my proposal yet.
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I haven't read anything reasonable or convincing in favour of your proposal yet.
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I'm not going to get into CV because I've had that discussion a thousand times before and I'm well aware of everything there is to know about it.
A giveaway is a giveaway. You are taking something that belongs to you and giving it to someone else. I see no reason why people who know each other should be treated differently than people who don't know each other. We're all spending money, who that money gets spent on is not anyone else's business. If it bothers you that much, a quick visit to the profile can show how many group/private/public giveaways have been made.
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It doesn't bother me, particularly. As I said, I don't think it would make a huge difference, mostly because the incentives for smaller, tight-knit groups are always going to be far beyond giving things to strangers -- which is simply natural; who wouldn't prefer to give gifts to their best buds? I don't have anything against that.
But I feel that the only really meaningful function of CV is to encourage particular types of behavior. (And I think that if you look at the patterns behind public giveaways, it does seem to be working at that, at least to a certain extent.) In that respect, of course who the money is spent on makes a massive difference -- if you give twenty games to your sister or your best friend, that's cool and all, but there's no reason to try to incentivize that, since, you know, they're your sister and your best friend; you already have an incentive to give gifts to her.
In terms of what I want to be able to incentivize... I want a way to say "yeah, this giveaway is a reward for generous gifters -- people who have been giving things away to strangers." I believe that that's something I want to encourage! I don't want that giveaway to go to someone who gave hundreds of dollars of games to his sister and his best friend, because, you know, that's not really what I'm trying to incentivize at all.
(CV is totally flawed, sure -- I mean, well, I know you don't want to talk about it, but it's all my post was about, so if you didn't want to talk about it, you shouldn't have replied! But anyway, despite all those flaws, it still works to a certain extent.)
Maybe you feel that giving a gift to your sister is just as generous as giving a gift to a random stranger! That's fine, we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think that there's a massive difference, though, between being nice to your "tribe" with a certain expectation of a return, or because you simply like them as a tribe, and being nice to total strangers.
Well... I suppose, if CV works as an incentive, it means there's an expectation of a return. But in that respect it encourages a degree of communality among SG as a whole, despite all its flaws, and the same general principle applies.
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"But I feel that the only purpose of CV is to encourage particular types of behavior."
You couldn't be more wrong. The administrator put it in place to reward the people who already made giveaways, not to encourage people who otherwise wouldn't. If he had foreseen the exploitation and abuse, the underhandedness and rule violations, the rifts in the community that have all been a by-product of the system, it would never have been implemented in the first place.
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But the same logic applies, doesn't it?
Was it intended to reward people who creates a tiny group and give a bunch of gifts to their best friends? Is it intended to reward people who use Steamgift for pseudorandom trading, in groups set up to ensure that you always get roughly the same amount back that you put in? I don't have a problem with either of those things, but I don't see the purpose of rewarding people for them, either -- if CV is intended to reward people, I don't see what's reward-worthy about using SG to trade games on a roughly one-for-one basis.
When I create a giveaway intended to reward the most generous people on the site, I don't usually mean the guy who gave a bunch of gifts to his sister or the guy who gave away 10 games with the firm confidence that he'd get another 10 in return -- those are fundamentally different than just giving away games to random strangers.
I mean, I guess that's one of the underlying issues with CV and why it's caused so many rifts (it's easy to say you want to reward generosity, but people will have different definitions of what that means.) And as I said, I don't really think it's a big deal -- I think most of the complaints people have about CV are overstated and that it basically works; the only really meaningful rewards are at $1000 and above, which is high enough that even the people most dedicated to exploiting it are unlikely to get there without being fairly generous anyway.
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You can easily get to $1000 CV with ~$20 nowadays nowadays sigh
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The point is not what the admin put the CV for, but how it actually works. And if it didn't work the way he expected, why didn't he remove that feature? It works, it encourages people to make non-bundle game giveaways, and it would work much better for the community if CV was removed from the private and group giveaways.
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In a community of thousands? I don't think so. The prove is front of our eyes, look at how many giveaways are being created with the humble weekly sale. Why? Because of the contributor value they provide. I am seeing more Killing Floor giveaways than bundle games when one of those bundles comes out.
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I think you missed the point. Of course I know how it works and I'm saying that we can see so many Killing Floor and Red Orchestra giveaways because they provide CV and are not considered as bundle games.
It's the opposite: I'm not sick, I'm glad at seeing all those giveaways.
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I think you mean group giveaways, not private? 99% of my private giveaways are open to the public.
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^ this. Thanks Aquillion for explaining it so well, it's nice to see at least someone got the point.
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If only one person agrees with your idea ... your logic may not be as sound as you think. Take the moral victory and close the thread.
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I see no reason why there would be less non-bundle giveaways. I think there would be far more as instead of in groups, people would prefer to make them public to gain CV.
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I don't agree, but even if that was the case, I don't see how or why the number non-bundle public giveaways would be reduced.
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It won't be reduced. But it will probably increase or change, why should people bother giving AAA games when they can just give bundle stuff for full value? Some people are kind enough to give an AAA game just because, but then you have a lot of people who actually want profit. What better way to make profit than buying a game for $1 $5 and getting the full amount (around $10 $20) more than 3-4 times.
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Title says it all but let me explain a little bit...
Even though I'm quite new at SteamGifts I think I have figured out how this works and I don't see the point of creating all those private groups for giveaways. They are presented as exclusive groups with a member number limitation where silly rules are applied, such as the need to make a giveaway every month. Anyone can create a group like that to fulfill the sense of belonging to an exclusive group.
Some might say that they do it to avoid leeches and encourage people to give away non-bundle games, but we have the contributor value for that. You may say or think that some people have exploited the CV system with some bundles. Shame on them! That's all I have to say. Anyway, they had to spend some money and that's better than nothing.
If you want to create a giveaway for people in your friend's list, then it's as easy as to create a status on your activity so that only your friends will have access to the private giveaway link.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that the possibility of creating private or group giveaways shouldn't exist, but I feel they have been overused and it's been detrimental to everyone.
I mean, I feel that we are all losing the opportunity to enter a great variety of awesome giveaways only because they are divided in hundreds of private groups, as if all the other people didn't deserve to enter those giveaways.
As for me, I'll keep making public giveaways with contributor value for everyone, at least for everyone who makes giveaways too. The only giveaway group should be the whole SteamGifts community, so that we all have the chance to win everybody else's giveaways.
I know this campaign is condemned to fail, but I just wanted to share some thoughts... what do you think?
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