Stream game marathon is a priority. What you meant to says is more important goals.
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That was me correcting you. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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That was never my intention to imply nugacity of your endeavour. On the contrary, I consider those arbitrary proclaimed "more important goals in life" balderdash and chicanery.
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English isn't my first language and I understood it all...maybe you too should change your priorities a bit and, for example, start reading more books? Jengonthanda had a perfectly viable, though rather linguistic, point that you have used word "priorities" when you meant "important goals".
Other thing is that your original argument shows that you know nothing about how people think and what they may perceive as important. I assume that you are some corporate zombie cog that thinks earning few more grand a year is something more important than OP doing gaming marathons and something that will make you more happy and a better human in the end. This assumption of mine may of course be wrong and certainly is abusive and accusing, but so was your original statement so I feel it's ok for me to say it to you.
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Finished 2 years ago? So you should have a job by now...?
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You do realize these streamers that "make money" either have full-time jobs and do the stream as a hobby, or rely on donations to the point that they seem more like beggars, right?
Beyond that, these streams are transitory. Unless you change games as popularity changes, which becomes a major money sink, your stream will quickly become irrelevant, and as such unprofitable.
As for your statements about resting for a day before and after each stream day, not only is it unhealthy, if you do 3 days a week and rest before and after, that's a 9 day week right there. 2 days a week would be 6 days, meaning you'd only have 1 day a week for work. Add on the fact that that much "rest" can be unhealthy in terms of metabolism and mental health and in some cultures is referred to as "laziness".
Seriously, if you want to stream, do it for a couple hours a day, a couple days a week. Use the rest of the time to find a real, full-time job, maybe take some more classes to better yourself, or go hunt a rare animal, like the elusive "significant other".
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I don't want a real, full-time job. What classifies a job as real anyways? Some sort of standard for normality? I am asexual I yearn for no significant other. Also the 2~3 days a week is a reason for that. Say I rest the day before and after a stream. that means it takes 3 days to do a stream right?. if i do 2 streams a week i will have 1 extra day per week. that 1 extra day will build up over 3 weeks meaning I would have 1 week per month that would have 3 streams even with a day of rest before and after.
Also you clearly don't know enough about streamers to know their salary. Also, I have no need for excess money. I work part-time and on average have more money than I need. I don't care for buying fancy things.
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As said in another post, streaming industry/pay is NOT EQUAL TO Youtube pay which is advertising and long-term based.
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In order to be seen as a viable and successful human being you need 1) a real job, 2) a healthy social life, and 3) a girlfriend/wife.
Dammit, don't you know how to conform to society's standards? :-P
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A "real" job has stability, be it walking the street, flipping burgers, whatever. A "real" job is one where, when bills come around, a pay check is guaranteed to follow. Streamers do NOT make a salary unless they are under contract by a company to stream their games. Average streamers receive ad revenue if people click through ads in their stream, donations, and (if their lucky) occasional limited sponsorship. Ad revenue is often expressed as $1/10,000 clicks, donations are about as unstable as an average CoD player's temper, and sponsorships normally translate to more ads at marginally higher per-click payout.
Are you planning on finding an agent to get your name out there and handle sponsorships? Have you trademarked your screen name to deter imitators of your amazing success? Are you going to join a MLG or similar league? Pay an advertising firm to sell your name as if you were more than one more streamer among the thousands out there? Buy banner space or promotion time on and youtube and pay for heavy seeding?
I obviously know nothing about streaming. I couldn't possibly have researched it when writing a sociology paper on "the positive and negative effects of internet celebrity". I couldn't have possibly continued researching it on the thought of streaming myself. A 19 year old that left parental supervision when 15 years old definitely knows everything there is to know about turning a stream into a sustainable venture.
Your thread title asked if it's a good idea, but you're ignoring every opinion that is against your own. You're not looking for advice or opinion, you're looking for supporters. Next time, title your thread as such. Enjoy your huge success.
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You have to realize that some people value happiness more than stability. Especially young people. I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing - you should just let him try to pursue his dreams, even if it means he will fail and eventually he will get a "real" job. So the first half of your post is really good because it points out real problems that wannabe streamers face but the second half is pure nay-saying and you should spare him that.
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It's good that you want to tell him what are the downsides of treating streaming as your main job. But concluding it all by saying "DON'T DO IT!" is wrong, I feel he has to figure it out himself. In the end, how do you know he won't end up as one of those that actually make a good living out of streaming, despite the microscopic probability of it?
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Well, I'm sorry for over interpreting it then, possibly I haven't read it carefully enough.
But, nonetheless, that's the overall vibe that I got from it. Anyways, I feel that it's pretty clear now what you wanted to relay so I can finish here, thanks for a civilized discussion ;)
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On a side note, you are viewing life to linear. If I mess up now? Who cares? Life is long in the majority of situations, I can make mistakes and fix them later. As a great person once said "Take chances, make mistakes" - Ms. Frizzle
Edit: You said I'm ignoring every opinion yet I clearly agreed with miniTotet
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And you moved out 4 years ago? 15? Reaching all corners of the globe means varying the time you play every day. If you get popular and stream 2-3 1-2 hour sessions a day people will watch that. I would argue that if you do 24 hours people will watch about 1-3 hours on average of your stream then stop watching. For example: if a major sporting event or show (say MAS*H back in the day because it was so highly watched or the show 24, which is shot and therefore, could easily be played in real time but instead isn't) aired three times a day with donation or input calling centers open during the air time, you see people build their schedule around it, and because there are multiple times it plays, this is very possible. However, if they just ran a marathon event more people wouldn't watch, in fact less hours would be watched as a whole because people loose interest after a certain amount of time.
Mimic the industry. TV has been around long enough to figure out how to get the most viewers, and streaming is an internet interactive version of TV. Ask if you want my marketing opinion on youtube.
Also. For health you need 8 hours a sleep a night, 6 is alright, and 4-3 is the minimum you can have repeatedly (some opinion in there). per week 8 would be 56 hours, 6 would be 42 and minimum would be 21. Now there are detrimental effects of not having a regular sleep schedule, and of not having sleep spaced more evenly but those have been spammed already. Saying you get 12 hours the day before, and 8 hours the one extra day that's 44 hours a week. So I say doable but unhealthy. Plus that only leaves 52 hours in the week that isn't gaming/sleep devoted compared to the normal 140 hour awake-time, and if you played 5 hours a day, 105 hours of normal non-PCgame behavior.
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Yes I moved out at 15 cause a lot of bullshit drama, which technically came from the internet but that's another story for another time, this is the kind of post I was looking for though full of actual useful information. I see the points you are trying to make, and what exactly would you recommend as a whole for a schedule, as I would like to reach all audiences 2 hrs or so a day. Reaching multiple timezones/work schedules
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I think people aren't aware that popular gaming streams actually have sponsors and advertisements that bring in money. A friend of a friend of mine does something similar with League of Legends I believe, and maybe I don't remember it correctly but he may be making more than I do at my full-time job (and I make a decent buck).
That said, I don't think it's something to bank your future on. Or your health for that matter. It's probably a one-in-a-million shot that your videos will "catch on".
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According to numerous emails and random ad pop-ups you actually can. :)
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Independent people don't make playing the lottery their job.
If you can make enough money to live comfortably off of it, the more power to you.
If you're hemorrhaging money into your apartment, your groceries, your utilities, your internet and your PC... and adversely affecting your health... all for little to no income. Well, that's harder to recommend.
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I really like your streams, but:
social life
I think it's not worth it ;)
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I'd rather get a 2nd job if I were you, but since your not sociable, you'd rather sit in front of your computer 3x a day 24 hours each without pay.
Do you think you will get anything beneficial by doing 24 hour streams?
no offense but I assume your still living on your parents since you are able to sacrifice that amount of time just to stream.
Please don't waste your youth and invest on your future instead
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I said 2~3 times. Two being more of the average. I currently pay rent for my own apartment, I moved out of my parents 4 years ago. I think the most beneficial thing I can get out of it is viewers from all sides of the globe since I can reach their available time no matter what it is. This isn't really wasting my youth, I would really like to become a popular streamer. I like streaming and playing games, it's how I choose to spend it, (sorry if I don't fit your stereotypical let's go party and socialize teenager.) Also, it's not a sacrifice if it's something I enjoy doing.
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IMO, streams become successful because they are available everyday but not 24 hours a day, also streamers become successful due to connections(Co-casters/streamers) so you still need to be sociable. And some of these popular streamers know each other in real life
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However you aren't leaving time to make these connections.
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Don't listen to the naysayers bro, if it is your dream then, by all means, go for it!
That's about the streaming part.
About the marathons part - Nay :P 3 times a week may be too much for your health so, healthwise, I would recommend doing it twice a week. But even more importantly - if you're going to do those marathons so often they will become not-so-special to your audience and you're work will be wasted - IMHO do them once a week so they stay "special".
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I'd think it would be better if you did shorter streams more often. 24 hours seems a bit extreme and I remember trying to stay up with you but I couldn't and passed out. 12 hour streams are plenty long as it is and aren't quite as damaging to your health. It seems like you're already pretty committed to doing 48 hours+ of gaming a week, split that up into 6 or 12 hour blocks, and vary up the times when you stream so that everybody gets a chance to watch.
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And Repetitive Strain Injury. And Deep Vein Thrombosis.
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A interesting read I found on sleep, was this It actually takes well over 24 hours for you to experience sleep deprivation side effects (especially if you have had extra sleep prior to the incident). However you body will try to catch up on sleep. So in other words I should be able to do it fine if I rest the day before and after. If people can link me to other informational post about sleep deprivation and other matters it would be awesome. I am trying to gather as much knowledge as possible before deciding on anything. I read most the wikipedia post about sleep deprivation and sleep debt
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I've tried it, I wasn't able to follow such a pattern.
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It should give you a performance boost as sleeping makes you carve the kowledge deeper, but I felt asleep over and over. I lack the power of will.
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My 24 hr stream had a lot of positive feedback so I was thinking of just moving my stream towards two or three 24 hour streams a week. This would make me have a much more consistent schedule and allow people from all time zones or schedules to watch when they can.
So what is everyone's opinions on this Yay or Nay?
Other idea's people would like me to adapt
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