DRM-Free Time Machine Sale! Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a fascinating ride to the early days of PC gaming and back again, with 30 excellent titles selected from the years 1983-2013, available up to 90% off (that is for as little as $0.59!). You'll find amazing games in amazing prices featured one by one on GOG.com main page, and before the sale is done you'll be able to complete your very own display of gaming history on a budget below $65 (because this would be the cost to get every single game in the sale). Are you ready?

  • 1983 Zork Anthology $1.79 -70% (Over)
  • 1984 Ultima 1+2+3 $1.49 -75% (Over)
  • 1985 King's Quest 1+2+3 $2.99 -70% (Over)
  • 1986 Might & Magic 6-pack: Limited Edition $2.49 -75% (Over)
  • 1987 Space Quest 1+2+3 $2.99 -70% (Over)
  • 1988 Police Quest 1+2+3+4, $2.99/70% (Over)
  • 1989 SimCity 2000 Special Edition, $1.49/75% (Over)
  • 1990 Wizardry 6 + 7, $1.49/75% (Over)
  • 1991 Wing Commander 1+2, $1.49/75% (Over)
  • 1992 Star Control 1+2, $1.49/75% (Over)
  • 1993 Cannon Fodder $1.49/75% (Over)
  • 1994 Jagged Alliance $1.19/80% (Current deal)

Smallest run time - 0:33
Longest run time - 3:39


You can add or subtract 1 second from the current deal, if you so desire :)

11 years ago*

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Aw... I missed King's Quest. I wish they had some sort of wishlist sale notification.

11 years ago

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I missed it, too. Bummer as I would have snapped it up in a heartbeat.

11 years ago

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Damn... I bet I'll miss the good deals while I'm asleep... Ah well. How long do the sales last (ignoring the +/- 1 second you can do)

11 years ago

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Around 90 mins I think, but don't underestimate the power of the second, Might & Magic went over 2 hours, and current deal fell to about 1 hour lol

11 years ago

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I would have bought two of the Might & Magic for the 90% off they promised me in the email. Or even if it was 75% off a $5.99 price.

But for more than the Groupees or Humble Bundle, why bother? Especially since the devs are long gone, and get no money. At least with the indie bundles the developer can buy a slice of cheese or something with the pittance they get from me. :o

11 years ago

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Over the past 30 years, I have regularly seen/heard phrases such as "the devs don't get a penny from this" and "the devs are long gone." Statements like those are used to rationalize software piracy and don't hold up under scrutiny or research. While I support your freedom of choice as to how and where you spend your money, I feel you do yourself a disservice by repeating propaganda.

11 years ago

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I didn't say I was going to pirate it. I just said I won't buy it. While I can agree the "devs don't get the money" line is pretty cliché, I think my statement was reasonably accurate.
Since New World went out of business over 10 years ago, do you think anyone involved in the development or publishing of this particular set of games sees any royalties from a sale on GOG? I don't. Second, does each sale of games in a Groupees or Humble (assuming default sliders) generate revenue for the publisher and/or developer? I think it does.
That's all. Maybe I came across self-entitled in my post. If so, um, I dunno, I don't think I need to apologize or anything. I just feel like it's a weird disconnect when it's on sale for $2.50, and Hitman: Absolution is on sale for the same $2.50, or BioShock Infinite for five bucks.

11 years ago

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You don't come off as self-entitled. I don't understand why this guy is so butthurt at you not wanting to spend so much on a game.

11 years ago

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Fair enough. The part of your original statement that I would say that is inaccurate though and I would take issue with is that they (GOG) promised you 90% off on a particular game(s). The promo e-mail I got them says up to 90% off but it doesn't say specifically on what the 90% off will be offered on.

11 years ago

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I didn't actually believe every game would be 90% off. It was just general griping about using 90% as their headline, then not having any 90% off games. And even now, 15 years later, they still haven't put anything 90% off.

11 years ago

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Because gog actually guarantees that the games will run on your system.

11 years ago

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No they dont. Many games don't work in Win7 or Win8

11 years ago

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This is what blotorden means I think :p

11 years ago

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These GOG guys are certainly creative!

I just feel like adding 1 second to all sales, for no reason, just so I feel I participated somehow with MY SPECIAL ONE SECOND...

(Yep, my one second is certainly more important than yours'.)

Edit: these seem to last only about 90 minutes each... plus or minus many seconds... plus MY second.

11 years ago

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GOG keeps making me stay up late for sales. And I love it. Plus atleast now there's football to keep me awake

11 years ago

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That is by far the most beautiful trailer I have ever seen for any sale.

11 years ago

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That trailer is actually inspiring. Especially to a 30 yearold gamer like myself

11 years ago

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Now I've missed King's Quest 1-3 AND Space Quest 1-3. I wish I could just stare at the homepage all day so I didn't miss any.

11 years ago

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tbh, im surprised they're trying to sell these games at the sale price, let alone the original price.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Because they're 20-30 years old. There's really no excuse to charge the same for these games as for a new indie title. My personal opinion is all, I know most wont agree

11 years ago

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While it's true that for some games the improvement is only making them run in dosbox by default you have to take into account that for many others they actually optimize the game to run on win xp/vista/7/8, make the game actually be playable on high resolution not to mention that they go to the trouble of getting all the original extra stuff like copies of the manuals, maps, wallapapers, etc which for quite a few of their releases are really hard to find. Not to mention that they also give you the soundtracks for all your games.

I would agree with your complaint when it comes to the steam releases for some old titles(which consists only of making them run in dosbox from what i'v seen) but for GOG i disagree. But you are of course entitled to your opinion.

11 years ago

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as opposed to paying for whatever call of battlefield has the charts dominated, at least most of the gog titles ill enjoy playing for more than a couple of hours

11 years ago

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I don't disagree, but these games don't need to be sold at high prices and I believe that if they were to sell them at $3 rather than 10, they would make more money in the long run as $3 is an amount you can just throw away. I don't consider $10 to be the same.

11 years ago

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Thats one way to think of it :p

Do you feel the same way about other forms of entertainment though? Would you not pay the same amount for a 'A streetcar named desire' or a 'Gone with the wind' as you did for 'Abraham lincoln: Vampire hunter'? For a 'Stairway to heaven' priced same as a 'This is why I'm hot'?

Not to discredit your opinion, just to understand ;)

11 years ago

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Yes, I feel the same way. I'd never spend £10 on a blu-ray/dvd of an old movie, I may pay that for a brand new release however.

11 years ago

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1989 Sim City 2000 SE $1.49 -75%...
Umm... 1989 for Sim City, sure, but 2K came out in 1994...
for the OP's list, 1988 was Police Quest 1-4 (don't remember the price/percent off)

11 years ago

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Yea Simcity 2000 was 1994 or 1995 depending on the OS/platform

11 years ago

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For a second there my brain really thought they were selling a time machine :D

11 years ago

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What was the deal for 1990?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thanks for the link!

11 years ago

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Oh, missed Tomb Raider.

11 years ago

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I missed '95 and '96 while I slept anyone know what they were?

11 years ago

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95 was Crusader: No Remorse.
96 was Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3 which I also missed.

11 years ago

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Thanks, I would have probably picked up Crusader: No Remorse too. So far the two I don't have on gog or steam that I would have gotten so far have been Zork Anthology and now Crusader: No Remorse. Well at least I have the original cd for Zork Anthology. Hopefully one of the upcoming deals will be something I'm wanting and don't yet have.

11 years ago

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But if I don't buy them for Steam nobody can see how big my e-peen is

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Shanti.