9 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by pb1
160 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by bob12857
45 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by gonsi
125 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ewoda
1,214 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CasualGamerMe
111 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Bohemius
16,702 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by mjy
354 Comments - Last post 16 seconds ago by gus09
1 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Codric
27 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by PapaSmok
34 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by kodonokami
8 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by andremarques971
30 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by lycankai
897 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Kingsajz
Thanks to everyone who participated!
I have created a special giveaway as a thank you to everyone who gifted here. I kept it secret because I wanted people to participate and give out of their own generosity, and not just so they could enter the special giveaway. I will start working on getting everyone invited. Sorry, but anyone who only gave a key that was available for free (Civ V, Anomaly, Huntsman, etc) will not be receiving an invite.
Halloween is coming up! Kids love the candy, teens love the mischief and haunted houses, adults love the booze-filled parties with slutty costumes. Great time of year!
I got my avatar and profile ready for halloween, you should too! Show off your Halloween Profiles!
And of course, how about a little Halloween giveaway event? These will end at noon GMT on Halloween. If you'd like to join in, use this link to set your giveaway end time. Halloween/scary themes are awesome, but anything is welcome!
I will update the main post with giveaways as they come in and I'm available!
Alien Spidy from bobofatt
Crazy Machines 2: Halloween from bobofatt
Brutal Legend from bobofatt
LIMBO from bobofatt
Saints Row: The Third - Tricks and Treats Pack from bobofatt
They Bleed Pixels from bobofatt - NEW
Dark Fall: Lost Souls from SleepyCat
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl from SleepyCat
Metro: Last Light from SleepyCat
Tomb Raider Collection from lapiopoop
UnderRail from HitScan
Iron Sky: Invasion from DeltaBladeX
Forge - Starter Pack from TheMightyCreep
Receiver from Myzery
Damned from CombatWars
Trine 2: Complete Story from EthylMethylEther
Clive Barker's Jericho from Dazeofwar
Amnesia: The Dark Descent from Dazeofwar
Overlord Complete Pack from Dazeofwar
Dead Space from Dazeofwar
Unholy Heights from ki11fr3ak
F.E.A.R. from dupetank
Outlast from BotheredMe
4 Elements from Khune
Huntsman: The Orphanage from Necroblight
Penumbra Collectors Pack from Misskpavd
Sid Meier's Civilization IV from Jokke88
Frozen Synapse from Vyn
Postal 2 Complete from Vyn
Fairy Bloom Freesia from Vyn
Karateka from Vyn
Little Inferno from Vyn
Thomas Was Alone from Vyn
Awesomenauts from Vyn
Dear Esther from Vyn
Under the Ocean from Vyn
Closure from Pauloondra
Overload from zelghadis
Two Worlds II Castle Defense from Cha0sSt0rm
MX vs ATV Reflex from Cha0sSt0rm
Serious Sam 2 from Cha0sSt0rm
Damned from Toaster
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers from madnessnewb
Scratches - Director's Cut from spydrebyte
Sam & Max: The Devils Playhouse from spydrebyte
Adventures of Shuggy from spydrebyte
Dead Space from spydrebyte
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition from spydrebyte
Cold Fear from Foxpile
Space Pirates and Zombies from Zharwyn
Killing Floor from Collin
Half-Life Complete from lak3108
The Path from Erik108
Manhunt from Jelly00
Zombie Shooter from TheDopefish
Zombie Shooter 2 from TheDopefish
Knock-knock from Fet
Fortix from pish4
System Shock 2 from kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS
1953 - KGB Unleashed from P4INKILL3R
Septerra Core from P4INKILL3R
Faerie Solitaire from catchthebear
Space Pirates and Zombies from Thomen
BEEP from ErrEff
NightSky from JayJaytheAnt
Space Pirates and Zombies from Sxcnn
Greed: Black Border from SeanBahamut
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer from SeanBahamut
LIMBO from NB264
Dead Space 2 from KillingArts (missed earlier!)
FTL: Faster Than Light from waskaxo
MacGuffin's Curse from waskaxo
Thomas Was Alone from abysanik
Cryostasis from dys
Trapped Dead from dys
The Void from dys
Painkiller: Black Edition from dys
Hydrophobia: Prophecy from psk
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission from TheMightyCreep
Dead Space from anktejp
zombahs from cxoing93
3SwitcheD from josgba2002
Sacraboar from oBusy
Alan Wake Collector's Edition from Nonos
Alan Wake's American Nightmare from Nonos
Audiosurf 2 from AnalFries
Agarest: Generations of War from AnalFries (new)
Football Manager 2013 from mike2kevin
Bastion from DavidSarif
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me from Ardal
NightSky from Suits
X-COM: Complete Pack from CombatWars
LIMBO from Fight4Lifex
Critter Crunch from SuperFluffyKitty
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy from SuperFluffyKitty
Rush from SuperFluffyKitty
Supreme Commander 2 from SuperFluffyKitty
Who's That Flying?! from SuperFluffyKitty
No Time to Explain from SuperFluffyKitty
Sid Meier's Civilization V from diabLo2k5
LIMBO from diabLo2k5
Escape Goat from diabLo2k5
Teleglitch: Die More Edition from Waciach
Oil Rush Bundle from PitIcarus
Mark of the Ninja from sttr7
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army from Darkemis
Two Worlds II from zeus9860
Crusader Kings II from zeus9860
The Walking Dead from BrutoDetestsSB
The Walking Dead: 400 Days from godprobe
Prime World: Defenders from deolic
Shadowgrounds Survivor from 1PaC
Dead Space from tragikos
The Walking Dead from tragikos
Awesomenauts from SHA33
Hotline Miami from SHA33
Mark of the Ninja from SHA33
Brutal Legend from SHA33
FTL: Faster Than Light from SHA33
Limbo from SHA33
Bastion from SHA33
Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game from Desidiosus
Trine 2: Complete Story from Desidiosus
Iron Sky: Invasion from josgba2002
Crysis 2: Maximum Edition from Mortado
Train Simulator 2014: Steam Edition from Mortado
NightSky from AloXX
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP from AloXX
Cannon Fodder 3 from Rimski
F.E.A.R. 3 from motorkar
4 Elements from ladeeda
Dark Void Zero from ladeeda
Bionic Commando from ladeeda
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin from qwertz12
Hydrophobia: Prophecy from Jaklong11
F.E.A.R. from Dhoomdealer
Trine Complete Collection from kerepekman
Terraria from zhur
Fortix from arr0whead
Metro 2033 from DefieO
Teleglitch: Die More Edition from elikso
Bionic Commando: Rearmed from elikso
Dead Space from BlezZeR
World of Goo from Aserith
LIMBO from Gubudugu
World of Goo from SilentBugler
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet from lapiopoop
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - GOTY from buri
Hydrophobia: Prophecy from buri
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me from lapiopoop
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack from lapiopoop
Resident Evil 6 from punisher121
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate from pelish
Don't Starve from Kappei
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky from Andrea
Sid Meier's Civilization V from Doober
Governor of Poker 2 from beep23
Men of War: Red Tide from Pincheti
Zombie Shooter from Pincheti
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 from Cubi2k
Bioshock 2 from OsManiaC
Huntsman: The Orphanage from Veteranu21
Space Pirates and Zombies from Veteranu21
Dark Sector from Veteranu21
Guncraft from Wheatley5981
Paranautical Activity from Wheatley5981
Rome: Total War from Mari1
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes from Mari1
LIMBO from MtiC
Ticket to Ride from MtiC
Day One : Garry's Incident from dru95
Aliens: Colonial Marines SemiJames
Incredipede from biodelic
The Journey Down: Chapter One from dalek69
Fortix from dalek69
SpaceChem from dalek69
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition from crizyz
Clutch from crizyz
Dead Space from crizyz
Ghost Master from crizyz
NecroVisioN from crizyz
NecroVisioN: Lost Company from crizyz
The Void from crizyz
The Void from crizyz
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama from crizyz
Zombie Shooter from crizyz
Zombie Shooter 2 from crizyz
Borderlands 2: Creature Slaughterdome from ArmadX
Fortix from Serenity87hun
Deadlight from Nfreak
Anodyne from matiasm15
Greed Corp from matiasm15
Worms Reloaded from matiasm15
Dead Space from dooder39
Aliens: Colonial Marines from DzejmsBont007
Aliens vs. Predator from Vermillion
Tomb Raider: Underworld from Tetony
Half-Life 2 from lazytev
Half-Life Complete from punisher121
Dear Ester from Dravem
The 39 Steps from Dravem
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition from Jexel
Tower Wars from FranzZon
Dark Sector from antoniossomatos
Fairy Bloom Freesia from TartFlavor
Iron Sky: Invasion from Vodeni
Dead Space from UselessB
Iron Sky: Invasion from Asperyules
Serious Sam 2 from SpeeDManiac
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter from JackFrost
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter from eltorso
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter from eltorso
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes from 1PaC
Metro: Last Light - RPK from crizyz
Alien Shooter from crizyz
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded from crizyz
Alien Hallway from crizyz
LIMBO from crizyz
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes from Caymss
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare from Caymss
Resident Evil 6 from Caymss
Alien Hallway from Caymss
Alien Shooter from Caymss
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded from Caymss
Zombie Shooter from Caymss
Zombie Shooter 2 from Caymss
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 from Caymss
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - GOTY from Caymss
LIMBO from Caymss
Bastion from Caymss
Rome: Total War from dinksmallwood
Mafia II from foxepl
NecrovisioN from DeltaBladeX
NecrovisioN: Lost Company from DeltaBladeX
Shadowgrounds from benx92
Painkiller Redemption from LookAtMyNewDog
Painkiller: Recurring Evil from LookAtMyNewDog
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition from LookAtMyNewDog
Call of Juarez: The Cartel from Defias
Dungeon Siege III from Seppel
KnightShift from le4slie
3SwitcheD from le4slie
Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition (10 Copies) from Nomed
Hotline Miami from andreadandrea
Sid Meier's Civilization V from Banzaaai
How to Survive from Steamlover
Costume Quest from Steamlover
Fortix from doubledragon666
Fortix from Daskshadow
Paranautical Activity from Memoria
Sid Meier's Civilization V from admir34
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing from himohillo
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition from dotazured
XCOM: Enemy Unknown from Steamlover
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 from Foxpile
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 from ThePonz
Humble THQ Bundle (Below Average) from Grimlock
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Game of the Year from Wolf07
Europa Universalis III Complete from Makam
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 from Jonex
Fortix from UrbanThief
The Showdown Effect from Dhoomdealer
Painkiller: Recurring Evil from kasztoix
The 39 Steps from Estbarul
Terraria from Zebeker
Sang Froid - Tales of Werewolves from LAW666
Little Inferno from Pauloondra
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Game of the Year Edition (3 Copies) from Pauloondra
NightSky (2 Copies) from Pauloondra
Dead Space from Pauloondra
Medal of Honor from Pauloondra
Alan Wake Franchise from Pauloondra
Fortix from einfachGaer
Sanctum 2 from FaithNoMore82
Alan Wake's American Nightmare from reasaurus
Don't Starve from reasaurus
Anna from chour
Devil May Cry 3 and 4 Bundle from chour
Dead Island Riptide from Nabzer
Anna - Extended Edition from StaticButcher
Starvoid from StaticButcher
R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War from StaticButcher
LIMBO from Kogepan
Mark of the Ninja from Kogepan
Trine 2: Complete Story from Kogepan
FTL: Faster Than Light from Kogepan
FEZ from Kogepan
Thomas Was Alone from Kogepan
McPixel from Kogepan
Dead Island Riptide from Washburnnm
Sid Meier's Civilization V (2 Copies) from nonamejuju
Crusader Kings II from PTG
Death to Spies: Gold from UraniumFalconPunch
Men of War: Red Tide from UraniumFalconPunch
Reign: Conflict of Nations from UraniumFalconPunch
XIII Century Gold Edition from UraniumFalconPunch
Jack Orlando: Director's Cut from likwitsnake
Alan Wake's American Nightmare from kataztrophik
Alien Spidey from kataztrophik
Huntsman: The Orphanage from kataztrophik
Impire from kataztrophik
Incredipede from kataztrophik
UnEpic from kataztrophik
Stronghold HD from Heleanorae
The Walking Dead: 400 Days (2 Copies) from NODAK
The Void from Darthmoor
Alan Wake's American Nightmare from Freak1nger
Demigod from KaiserTroll
Fairy Bloom Freesia from vaiozbreak
Ether Vapor Remaster from BuldogPLay
Alan Wake Franchise from Krimhera
Bioshock 2 from verksies
Fortix from ThePsYkOKinG
XIII Century Gold Edition from NoobKyp
Serious Sam 3: BFE from Jamoke
Divekick from fiftykyu
Death Rally from q00u
Death Rally from acer7
LIMBO from bibboorton
Space Pirates and Zombies from Alshadur
Dead Space from IrionDaRonin
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers from GamerPlava
Escape Goat from Tribok
Hydrophobia: Prophecy from Tribok
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl from Rinarin
Booster Trooper from Rinarin
Titan Quest Gold from Rinarin
Poker Night at the Inventory from Rinarin
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade from Rinarin
DOOM 3 Resurrection of Evil from Dgek90PL
Dead Space from epaz
LIMBO from NucularS
Bioshock from IgotElbows
Dead Space from GeorgeMC
Takedown: Red Sabre from PsyKo
Ride to Hell: Retribution from leomoty
Prime World: Defenders from Bendy
LIMBO from Chiasm
Megabyte Punch from buri
Painkiller Redemption from 1000mgGinseng
Painkiller: Recurring Evil from 1000mgGinseng
Incredipede from 1000mgGinseng
Satazius from psk
Narco Terror from psk
Broken Sword: Director's Cut from francyboy
Amnesia: Dark Descent from SpeeDManiac
Dungeons - The Dark Lord from randall
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter from ZenNirvana
World of Goo from Thabto
Trine 2: Complete Story from KNIkari
Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge (10 Copies) from Janslike
Eschalon: Book II from scr33v0r
Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge from Infernotoni
Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection by Gainja
Brutal Legend from Cristi075
DiRT Showdown from chiragnawal
Max Payne 3 from EinAnderer
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box from EinAnderer
LIMBO from EinAnderer
Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge (7 Copies) from Aserith
Ravaged Zombie Apocalypse from kilarbourbon
MacGuffin's Curse from kilarbourbon
Waking Mars from NastyHero
Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can from randall
Organ Trail: Director's Cut from Crazee
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch from Timmaeh
Brutal Legend from Timmaeh
Adventures of Shuggy from thejadefalcon
Hydrophobia: Prophecy from AbleToBurn
Project Aftermath from AbleToBurn
Retrovirus from AbleToBurn
Zack Zero from AbleToBurn
System Shock 2 from SilentBugler
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime from Dig
Serious Sam 3 BFE Gold from Washburnnm
Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII Double Pack from Lamberp
Home from dreyer1337
Sleeping Dogs from Haborym562
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit from huerguita
The Walking Dead: 400 Days from huerguita
Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare in North Point from huerguita
LIMBO from Rabbidking
The Whispered World from Fet
Condemned: Criminal Origins from Fet
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine from andrepcg
Penumbra Collectors Pack (2 Copies) from Incog
Miasmata from Uroboros
Serious Sam Complete Pack from Demojkeee
Natural Selection 2 from nv
Metro: Last Light from nv
Haunted House from UraniumFalconPunch
Scratches - Director's Cut from CloudySkyez
Master Reboot from CloudySkyez
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 from Ev11
Alan Wake Collector's Edition from gangnamstyle
Alan Wake's American Nightmare from gangnamstyle
Painkiller: Resurrection from SoularoS
Skulls of the Shogun from Seppel
Serious Sam Complete Pack from prus666
Darksiders II from BloodyGarfild
Darksiders II - Season Pass from BloodyGarfild
Contagion from Foxpile
Huntsman: The Orphanage from Mallorn
Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold Edition from Alvetor
Painkiller Redemption from Rzehooj
Death Rally from GamerSick
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream from Olddan
The Typing of The Dead: Overkill from Olddan
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising from DyeHardZ
Sid Meier's Pirates! from Jxrdan
Men of War: Condemned Heroes from ChrisCamu
Lucious from makromate
Penumbra Collectors Pack from Hidas
Medal of Honor from lilfenrir
Home from Painik
Clive Barker's Jericho from Painik
Oil Rush from darkreality
Dead Pixels from skalondon
Borderlands: Game of the Year from VolCM
Death to Spies: Gold from Mocart
Resident Evil 5 from killergp123
Just Cause from killergp123
Poker Night at the Inventory from killergp123
Greed Corp from whitdemon
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor from sviat93
Anomaly: Warzone Earth from sviat93
The Walking Dead: 400 Days from LookAtMyNewDog
Gorky 17 from ZerbaDerb
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer from ZerbaDerb
Resident Evil 5 from Spammathon
Ninja Blade from Fet
Dungeon Defenders Halloween Costume Pack from gallert
Dungeon Defenders Halloween Mission Pack from gallert
Alien Shooter from gabito1677
Organ Trail: Director's Cut from Dunther
eXceed 2nd - Vampire REX from Dunther
Alien Zombie Megadeath from Dunther
Legendary from Adamantius
Terraria from JubsV1
Waking Mars from AloXX
Crayon Physics Deluxe from AloXX
Dungeons - The Dark Lord from AloXX
Primordia from Fet
Closure from Nyhbi
Alan Wake Collector's Edition Extras from redzrex
Just Cause from Azro
LIMBO from emty
Home from Nuyasan
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition from playingcards
Mark of the Ninja from Tsok
Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge from Baschtard93
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama from Luller
Post-event giveaways:
Saira from MrLucke
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game from Raynys
All Zombies Must Die!: Scorepocalypse from jatan11t
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