EA trying to make themselves look good? "origin loves charity"... EA like f'ing us in the a, this doesn't make up for it
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I can't afford it ;_;. I don't have a credit-card or such. PITY ON ME!
Took me like 5 tries to post this!
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Shove your +'s and maybe form a constructive sentence. EA are right up there next to activision, its a fact that they are a terrible company
Oh whats that? EA voted worst company in America... Again
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yeah this is akin to saddam hussein donating the to iraqi version of the rspca cause he loves animals, but still being the bat crap lunatic he was, those that think EA are ok will still think that and cynics like me will use this to get cheap games, i mean most of the games ea makes are dserivative but when they find a formula ala fifa or battlefield they do a good job using it to make money and i guess their popularity has to mean some people like those series im no among em though
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yeah I know, just thought I would get the word out even further :)
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That was my plan, then I noticed there isn't even a slider for EA
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Such a great move by EA and people still persist to be asses about it. And just for your information, there's no option to donate to EA it's only either humble or charities . . .
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Its because the game is like a f2p full of micro-transactions (in a full retail game, thats EA for you)
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqNuS03k6gI Watch, its relevant
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People who'll play Battlefield 3 and Dead Space 3 will care.
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Bulletstorm, Dead Space2, etc http://i.imgur.com/dHgtwGC.png
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I didn't find it any worse then most games that go in this direction.
Games like Postal, Duke, etc...
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Why are the charity only american and not international?
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Richest country, you say? Is that why we're nearly 17 Trillion in debt mostly to China?
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If you want to play Dead Space 3, Sims 3 and BF3 then yea..otherwise don't bother making one :P
BTW their key activation system is currently down cause of the huge load :P
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well not quite tho they say theyve changed their EULA but i will never trust EA http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/08/24/eas-origin-eula-proves-even-more-sinister/
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I don't know if this these things have been mentioned but:
Burnout Paradise
Crysis 2
Medal of Honor
These games, when redeemed on Steam, can yield a second Origin key by going to your library page, finding the specified games and clicking on "View CD Key"
And secondly, Dead Space 2, Medal of Honor Airborne, Bulletstorm, and Red Alert 3 w/ Uprising expansion were all updated in Steam DB at the same time as the games in the bundle, so most likely those will be the one-week-in bonuses
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Wow, good point. Pretty sure you can also request Origin keys from EA support for any games that don't show the key in your Steam library.
EDIT: Well, DS2 would be nice. Don't particularly care about MoH:A at this point in time, Bulletstorm would be cool, and would be nice to try RA3.
Looking good.
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And what so crappy about Origin? All this mindless stupid blind hate really annoys me.
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That's pretty much the gaming "community" in a nutshell. If you're not one of the people constantly complaining and spitting bile it's a rather unpleasant thing to be part of. I try and avoid comments sections and so on nowadays because the endless negativity just gets tiring.
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Maybe that I spent one day and a half trying to release the keys when I did it in a minute or so in Steam? That I had to release the Sims 3 key in a separate website because I couldn't do it in the Origin client? That I had to choose in which language I want to add the game to my library (why the not all)?
I can go on if you want. There are the people that complains nonsensically about everything, and the people that wants to state their moral superiority by lecturing them.
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Yeah, let's just freaking forget that there's thousands of people trying to redeem their keys now, are you really that dumb or just do it for hating? And just for the sake of the argument, key redemption in Origin is MUCH faster than in Steam. It's a retail copy, and if you freaking not aware of it, there's different versions of retail copies, and if you point it out as a point to why the game client sucks, it shows alot about the validity of your opinion.
And yeah go on, with the points you showed till now I really wonder what other "reasons" you can come out with.
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So? People are not redeeming the keys in Steam too, right? Oh!, maybe the three more keys for Origin only are the overwhelming difference. I see your point now.
And it's funny because of the three points I mentioned you only choosed one, using pretty weak reasoning BTW. Keep trying harder.
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Wtf? you really have some serious problems if you completely missed half of my post . . . And I ignored the Sims thing because it was so obviously dumb reasoning, or you really think that 1 (in all the game catalog of Origin) game that makes you register it outside Origin makes the Origin client so bad? Wow, just wow. And lol, so you trying to say that the majority of people don't own the steam games in the bundle? And that's aside the fact that alot of people bought it just for the Origin only games (battlefield 3, dead space 3). And pretty weak reasoning? Yeah, the fact that key redemption is Origin is much faster than Steam is pretty weak reasoning? facepalm
Also you still haven't provided additional reasoning. But yeah, try harder, because all the reasoning you provided till now are complete fail of reasoning.
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I ignored the "it's a retail copy" part because I found it so absurd that my mind may have skipped it automatically in order to prevent brain damage. About the key redeeming part, if you're willing not to see the problem here sure, you can have this conversation. You base your reasoning on asumptions and not facts, like saying that most people have those games for Steam and they are only redeeming BF3 and DS3 keys.
And I'm not bothering presenting you more FACTS because you would try to argue some more weak reasons to try to disprove them. I have better things to do, really.
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And what's so absurd the "it's a retail copy"? And you really believe that it's something that makes Origin so bad? The "fact" part I was talking about the fact that key redemption is faster on Origin than Steam on normal days. Even if not most of people have it on Steam, you think the number of people that have it on Origin is even remotely close to the number of people of having it on Steam. Even so, you really think the reasoning of "once in a lifetime when key redemption is completely strained due to an huge Origin bundle" is a reasoning as to why the Origin client sucks? And if you really want to persist on key redemption reasoning, then how about the fact that Origin don't freaking automatically use up your key when you only enter it? or you think it's a petty reasoning like the ones you gave? Of course I could look for more petty reasoning like you but I don't have the energy to neat-pick the smallest details.
You're not bothering to present more facts? yup typically thing to say when you have nothing else to say, and I do agree about that you have better things to do, because anything is better than trying to make dumb reasoning for hating something.
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Also, what's crappy Is Steam Clint, really, it's by far the crappiest client I have ever seen, it offers no special features, and does what other does but much slower and buggy.
To note, I'm talking about client, not the service.
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that's a crazy good deal even if you hate EA with your guts.
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If u buy above average do u unlock Sims 3 on steam or only on origin ?
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Hoping for Dead Space 2 and Crysis as bonuses... hopefully Mass Effect as well. ;)
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Really? Holy crap, we might get Bulletstorm also? Best bundle ever.
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EA didn't even want their share mostly because they knew everyone would give all to charity and not to them :)
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Charity? I gave all to the humble bundle because all of the charities listed (except watsi) are USA only. USA, with their frikkin' big economy, isn't a country that needs charity as much as almost any other country.
I generally give almost everything to developers and then a little to HB, but for this bundle, since there was no way to give to developers, I gave all to HB.
[Incoming flaming missiles expected]
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Just spreading the word!
From humblebundle.com:
The Humble Origin Bundle
8 triumphant games. Pay what you want and get the terrifying sci-fi horror third person shooter Dead Space 3; the original bone-chilling horror shooter Dead Space; the intense action-packed supersoldier shooter Crysis 2 Maximum Edition; the high speed open-world crash happy racer Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box; the authentic modern warfare sim Medal of Honor; and the first person parkour thrill ride Mirror's Edge. Pay over the average and receive the beloved life sim The Sims 3 (along with two expansion packs in The Sims 3 Starter Pack) and the unrivaled military shooter Battlefield 3.
Fire it up on Origin. Buying the Humble Origin Bundle gets you the games to play on Windows through Origin (system requirements here), with The Sims 3 also available on Mac! Electronic Arts has also provided Steam keys for some of the games (full list here)!
Pay what you want. On their own, all these mind-blowing titles would cost about $215, but we're letting you name your price! Pay any price to get soundtracks for The Sims 3 and Battlefield 3. A purchase of $1 or more gets you Origin keys for all the games, and you can also get Steam keys for Dead Space, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Medal of Honor, and Mirror's Edge! Beat the average to also get The Sims 3, two expansion packs in The Sims 3 Starter Pack, and Battlefield 3.
Note: This bundle provides Origin keys for all the games on Windows, with The Sims 3 also available on Mac. Select games also come with Steam keys.
Origin loves charity. Origin and Electronic Arts Inc. are donating their share of the proceeds from this bundle to the following 5 great charities: the Human Rights Campaign; Watsi; the San Francisco AIDS Foundation; the American Red Cross; or the American Cancer Society. And if you're enjoying this promotion, a tip to Humble Bundle is greatly appreciated!
Humble Origin Bundle now available, 8 games, pay more than $1 to get Dead Space, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Medal of Honor, Mirror's Edge + Dead Space 3. Pay more than the average, about $5 and get Battlefield 3 + The Sims 3 Starter Pack. You get origin keys for all games and steam games for some. All money is going to charity, EA takes nothing. Also included is the Sims 3 + Battlefield 3 soundtrack for any price.
There has been speculation about the absense of Dead Space 2 however Humble Bundle have previously added games to bundles when there are 7 days left so we can probably expect DS 2 to be a bonus game.
Click here to go to humblebundle.com!
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