Freezer: Lots of frozen veggies, puff pastry (for making phat pies!), some ground turkey, ice packs, and two loaves of bread (bread in the freezer = PRO MOVE). Oh and that open ziploc bag has some hershey kisses in it, holla.
Fridge: Standard fare inside the door, some condiments (minced garlic, yeast stuff, olives, ketchup/mustard, parmesan, thousand island, soy sauce, SRIRACHA, vinaigrette), almond milk, and the white disk thing has some coconut oil salve in it which is not for eating xP.
-Top shelf is obviously home to the booze, just some beer and wine right now. Grapefruit juice and orange juice for mixed drinks (tequila not pictured), aloe vera, kickass coffee creamer (I know, I can't drink it black anymore :/), gf loves her hot sauce, peanut butter, wtf a HUGE container of mayonnaise, some Kahlua sex cake thing, rice, guacamole hummus dip, and there's some leftover broth sitting on top of a bigass tupperware that contains our bread starter (we try to bake at least one loaf a week).
-Second shelf holds two cartons of eggs (NOM), a large bucket of spinach leaves, some homemade ambrosia, and I can't remember what's behind it but I think it's a batch of garbanzo beans. Bottom shelf contains some leftover Friday-night-guilty-pleasure-fried-chicken, a ridiculously large jar of coconut oil (pure!), yogurt (protein HOLLA), maraschino cherries (gross, but the lady loves them), a thing of COOL WHIP (:0 what!?), and some leftover frijoles. Behind that is a few cartons of extra almond milk. The two crispers are stuffed with fresh veggies (really wish I had opened them for this pic now), a lot of green bell peppers, asparagus, zucchini squash, green beans, broccoli, and some organic cheese!
What is in yours?
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"Giveaways end in two weeks-ish (plenty of time to get that CV up!)"
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I'll get back to you on that when I find my camera. So probably about a month from now.
Sooner than I thought
From top to bottom:
Some spreads, an apple, a primordial jar of pickles
Orange juice, water bottles, steamed meat buns, grapefruit
Leftovers: vegetables, noodles, cut grapefruit and pineapple, jar of tomato paste
Jars of juices, bowl of grapes, corn
A variety of assorted fruits
Defrosting meat
Cabinets for raw materials
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Haha, are those labels on the bowls or is that a "BACK OFF THIS IS MINE!" message? Big ups for having so many leftovers
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My camera is stuck to my 2008 N95 8GB, so excuse the picture quality - mah fridgy fridge
my brief description: I HAVE AN EFFING CAKE IN MY FRIDGE !!!1
edit: less funny description: let's start with the fridge door shall we? there is an egg on the far right, and then another next to it, just a tad bit to the left of the eggs is some margarine/butter (whatever) which happens to be under some yeast (what's it doing there? I don't know.)
In the hidden compartment under the eggs and the margarine/butter and the yeast I hide my guns... err I mean there is some mayo, and some plastic parts of some sort (I swear I actually got up, walked over to the fridge and checked what the hell was in there).
under that is a whole lot of ketchup, mayo, grill sauce, mustard and some sort of Mexican sauce and pie crust (not the American pie you know and love, we do it differently over here in the ex-Yugoslavia region).
Bottom door shelf MILK!
Let's move on to the first shelf... shelF we?! ahahaha... aaaah. It's the famous cake I've mentioned, and it's not a lie.
second shelf: Pepsi max (if you don't like it shut up!!!), tomatoes, some bacon and sausages behind the scenes and some homemade pickled peppers.
under that we have a pack of eggs, sour cream, green peppers, and behind that a few different types of cheese which I know nothing about except that I enjoy eating all of them.
and finally the bottom shelf some ajvar (bet you have no clue what that is), 2x packs of Whipped Cream, and some good old fashioned fat when I feel like fighting a Turkish wrestler.
That would be it mr doctorofjournalism, hope my edit is good enough (seriously though, English is not my first language, and listing food items that aren't that popular in English speaking countries is kind of hard).
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See first reply for a correct example of a "brief description"
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lawlz, some sort of description is still necessary :P perhaps explain all the food you skimped out on and what games you bought instead?
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That's the point! No reason to tidy up, we're all lazy shmucks. My fridge is cluttered to hell
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Here we go >_< clicky
Top shelf: Here we can see some sauces, a carton of wine used for cooking, mushroom to get high/grow in size (heyyyy mama mia) stawboobberries, the pink thing is a chocolate thing I'll probably eat stealing it from my sister (teehee.
Second one: forgotten flavor jam, yogurts, cheesy cheese in particular ricotta cheese next to them dildoes in various sizes.
Third shelf: Empty box that usually contains ham and similar meat products and 2 kinds of mozzarella, yay
Fourth shelf: gay veggies and carrots
Bottom: Booze and potatoes and a bottle of fakecola (lol)
Door: lemon and onion, some kind of cream for the skin from prehistoric age, some cheese flavoring that suckballs and we never use, milk, tortellini and some bbq sauces from burger king, yay D:
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I uh, don't really think there's much to explain. There's beer, energy drinks and breakfast milks. oh, and bacon. I don't really eat at home ever.
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But there is actually a lot going on here that I shall explain.
As you can see at the top, I have not one but two different types of beer! Heineken and Export Gold, which is a cheap (by comparison) kiwi beer.
Then, on the next shelf I have 2 V's, they're energy drinks, also kiwi, and amazing. Far better than redbull imho. Then there's the Up and Go, one strawberry original and two chocolate Energise ones. I usually buy chocolate, but New World was completely out of original flavour chocolate last time I went.
There's also a pack of bacon, because bacon is delicious and I don't understand why I should explain that any further.
I would probably have more, but I live up a hill (note: everything here in Wellington is somehow up a hill) and I don't have a car, soooo lugging large amounts of groceries home doesn't really appeal.
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Suddenly the picture of my fridge I took six years ago comes in handy.
Edit: Oh, the inside. I'm not showing you inside of my fridge, that would be more intrusive than Facebook! ;)
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Weird request, but i'm game!
this is my fridge! :D
Door: in the bottom i keep alot of Sauces (all the bottles you see) and 1 carton of milk! :D above that there are some spices for easy cooking when my wife is too lazy! XD
Bottom: Currently only Tomatoes occupy this area. normally i keep everything that is rather small here (or a collection of beer bottles)
1st shelf: Some drinks, some lemons and leftover dinner from yesterday (Chicken! :D)
2nd shelf: instant cheeseburgers for when i am hungry when getting home from work. also this is the BACON section (most important!)
3rd shelf: Mozarella cheese, butter and general bread wares. in the middle is a bottle of single malt Whisky / Baileys mix thing, i'm not sure how to describe it. tastes great though! put it there because it needs to be drunk cold and is too big for the bottom :)
Top shelf: More bread wares on the left side, more sauces on the right and cooking wine! :)
i quickly described what everything is in there. generally because i or my wife tend to change it around alot. one day we might have alot of leftovers in there, the next there will be all new food or spices or w/e. :D All the meat and other foods generally tends to stay in the freezer, but that's a completely seperate thing in a different location :P
so, how did i do on that description thingy? ;D
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See everybody? that's not so hard :P just follow the SAUCE BOSS's lead ^
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I only have a beer and a joghurt right now but no camera. i guess i will either stand with the laptop in front of the fridge or pass this. :D
EDIT: I made the best picture i could with my laptop camera.
The upper shelf is mine. Two dozen of eggs and a yoghurt can be seen on the right while there are boxes on the left. The boxes contain salad, pork and cake separately. the third box is on the mid shelf.
EDIT 2: I have found a site that gives no watermark when i use the camera software on their site.
Here it is. Description is the same. There is just one more yoghurt this time.
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Haha, please try a picture without a watermark. even if it is just a cheap site xP
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My fridge is very low filled this moment, will take pic and post it. Can i post a picture with my pantry? i have more stuff there :D
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Plenty to describe here: what drinks and why do you have them/prefer them? why the grapes? what's in the net? can you fit a baby in your crisper?
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Plenty to describe here: what drinks...?
Okay, top row, left to right: Baccardi white rum, Hennesy OS GEMEOS Edition, Cointreau (triple sec), Kahlua (coffee liqueur), stray bottle of Schweppes Ginger Ale.
Middle row: Olmeca Reposado Tequila, Bombay Sapphire Gin, Martini Rosso, Cherry Brandy, Schweppes Tonic chilling in the background.
Top row: jar of maraschino cherries, can of Crumpton Oaks cider, grapes, some soda water.
and why do you have them/prefer them?
Everybody has a hobby, mine is mild alcoholism :) JK.) As of the preferences: these are either ingridients of my favourite cocktails or just generally drinks I enjoy. Except of Crumpton Oaks, I only ever tried cider like two times before so I bought it just out of curiosity.
what's in the net?
It's guava. I keep it in the net so it won't attack any innocent bystanders.
why the grapes?
I like grapes. Everybody likes grapes!)
can you fit a baby in your crisper?
I think about 1,5 babies can fit in there.
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My fridge on a good day. Went shopping a few days ago, otherwise would've been bare. My fridge. My husband loves his eggs and lots of butter, even though the top butter bowl contains watermelon that I scooped out and a nice bowl of strawberries beside it. Various pizzas for the family in the freezer and a nice big lasagna. Not shown is the crisper drawers, where we keep our beer and alcoholic beverages.
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Holy shit that is a lot of butter! What's under the foil?
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It's BBQ time clicky
That's all that is needed to say, cause there's lots of sausage, steak and more.
There are also selfmade sauces, yoghurt and spread....and most importantly beer (there was no room for more ^^)
In the lower drawers are mostly vegetables like cucumber, salad, tomatoes, zucchini, radishes,...
Door: milk, water, ketchup, mustard, curry sauce, mayonnaise, butter and eggs.
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wowza! what are we looking at, here? (aka, where's the description doc? :P)
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Sometimes I dream about cheese
But seriously I have too much milk products in my fridge and also a sausage.
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See first reply for a correct example of a "brief description"
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Well than for a more accurate description:
On the top left corner that is some butter and I have no idea if it is still good since I bought it a month ago. Next to that we have some ''Medve'' (Bear) cheese and on the right thats some kind of yoghurt but I never tried it so who knows if its any good. Below these on the left is come camembert and some mozzarella cheese. Beside those in the middle that should be some kind of onion thingy but I dont even know and next to that are some sausages. On the bottom that is a bit hard to see is a bottle of yoghurt some milk and ketchup.
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Corn starch, cereals, and oatmeals at the top.
Sparkling mineral water, pickles, and rainbow carrots below that.
A drawer with Vitamin D3, ginger, and some condiments.
Beets, white rice, ketchup, butter, chocolate syrup, minced garlic, and more ketchup.
2 drawers with red kale, red apples, lemons, and limes.
The door is filled with condiments (2 bottles of ketchup, mustard, relish, caramel syrup, teriyaki sauce, grape jelly, low sugar strawberry jelly, worcester sauce, various salad dressings, and spice packets-including the old ones from lil ceasers, not the zap/crap packs-as well), there's oatmeal at the bottom, and there's butter sticks in the enclosure of the door.
Freezer wouldn't fit in the pic, not enough space to go back that far, but there's veggie (carrot, beet, spinach) mixed noodles, ice, Merlot slushes, and cheesy chicken quesadillas.
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boom! that's a stuffed fridge! Out of curiosity, why do you store your cereals in the fridge? (I keep mine in the cupboard)
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My mom puts them in there cause she's afraid of mice getting into them. We've been mouse free for years tho as far as I can tell thanks to our pets. She just seems a bit too paranoid, she's that way with a lot of things unfortunately. We don't keep all the cereal in there like we used to though, hopefully that behavior can be phased out completely in time.
Also the cupboards are even more filled, other than the fridge they're mostly just kept out in the open.
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So.. my humble fridge: fridge
It goes without saying that i live alone :-SS
Fridge: starting from top..some sangria and some good country wine.Then some lipton mojito tea and milk box.Coke and pepsi.Water and a cookeh.
On the right i have some garlic sauce, mustard and remoulade.
Last from bottom starting from left side..some Caribbean Twist pina colada, more milk, more sangria, wine, pina colada, wine.
Freezer is even emptier: freezer
Just some frozen berries.
P.S- Don,t judge a man by it's fridge :P
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Here we go!
Top shelf on the left: Mustard, barbecue sauce, cream, butter and hard cheese. Mostly add-ons to make food taste better.
Second shelf on the left: Polish dumplings called "pierogi", tripe (not yet cooked obviously), more butter and more hard cheese. It's like an additional shelf which stores similar stuff to the first one.
Third shelf on the left: Pickled champignons in a jar, a lot of ham and pate in those white "papers", milk sweets (I like 'em hard and cold, that's why I always keep all my sweets in the fridge), once again some more hard cheese and in the back there's also a chocolate bar.
Fourth shelf on the left, the glass one: Mostly pies and also a package of sirloins plus some pickles in a jar.
The box on the bottom: Mostly vegetables, curdled milk and buttermilk. Also, some eggs.
Everything on the right: Pate, tomato concentrate, horseradish, canned fish, ketchup, sauces (barbecue and mexican), cream soup, oil and The Famous Grouse whiskey.
I couldn't do the freezer cause it was impossible to get a good shot of everything in one photo and you wouldn't see anything anyway because drawers in there are tinted. But it contains mostly ice cream, frozen meat, fries and that's it I guess.
Well, that was fun.
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Holla! Tasty looking fridge :D
I also like to keep my sweets cold, it's the PRO MOVE if you ask me
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Well, as you can see, my refrigerator is broken :(
And it gave me a headache.
I had some milk, orange juice, some nice red tomato and few "quick-meals". Good enough to get some energy for day full of hard work, right?
In case you wonder, I gave him pizza and hug from my friend.
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Haha, make your friend discern if there are indeed any new life forms growing in the mysterious containers in the back :P
double or nothing for taking a bite?
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Starting from top:
1st shelf- Have ketchup bottle, 2 milk box(don't appear in photo, is behind), and fried tomato in crystal bottles. And little fresh cheese.
2nd shelf- Basically yogurts, and some Margarina.
3rd- cherrys, eggs and some mashed potatoe (i think).
4th- Cheease, 4 burgers, york, and more cheese.
5th- Meat and soup with other things.
6th- Cheease, eggs and more meat.
7th- vegetals and fruit.
Cheease and butter, 2 eggs and cheease, various things and my meds, last watter bottles and beers.
PD. I have no idea how introduce newlane here :/
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Let's start from the top.
Freezer: 2 frozen pizzas, chicken nuggets, ice cream, bags of frozen vegetables, frozen cherries for when I bake something tasty
1st shelf: Pizza (this one's homemade, not frozen) I've made yesterday, cream, cookies (I don't even know), yogurts, some 5 peppers mix
2nd shelf: A mushroom, Caesar dressing, butter, unidentified jars of something, mushroom soup I've made yesterday
3rd shelf: Pickles, tomatoes, milk, dog food, big ass jar of some jam my grandma made (antique), a big bowl of Caesar salad I made yesterday, water, lemons.
Misc stuff 1 and 2: potatoes, oranges, onions, sauce jars, eggs, medicine, wine (you know... for cooking purposes), salsa, marzipan, garlic, berry syrups. And before you ask that weird green thing is a face mask to look beautiful
As a bonus, have this.
PS Some crazy ladies collect cats, I collect magnets
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I certainly didn't expect the outside of the fridge to be more impressive than the inside! sick pics!
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Thank you!
Those muffins were so good (chocolate+banana with choc chip) I ate them all in one night and didn't share with no one. I usually make around 30-40 and take them to work or lectures to share so that night was really special (for me)
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On the door side, bunch of cold water because our water dispenser runs hot when plugged in. We just use it for filtering. Also, Coke Zero because I can't live without soda and my parents are diabetic. Milk milk, milk. Eggs and small chocolate bars on top off-frame. On to the main attraction, fruits and vegetables on the bottom drawer. Tons of leftovers. Pretty sure there's pochero and galunggong there. Bread near its best-before date and juice. More chocolate on the top drawer off-frame.
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Awesome! Do tell, what is pochero and galunggong? I'm intrigued!
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Galunggong is a very common type of fish that is usually fried. I personally don't like the taste and texture (it's so dry!), but it's cheap, and it's fish. And I can drown it in catsup if needed. lol Pochero is a really awesome dish which has meat, leafy greens, potatoes, chickpeas, banana and other delicious add-ons stewed in tomato sauce. Just the thought of it makes my mouth water. :o
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My fridge/freezer.
Description: In the fridge there are many expired items. The eggs, sour cream, apple juice, lemon juice and batteries are expired. The brocoli is moldy. There is a lone lemon in the crisper. Various condiments and cooking ingredients line the door and top shelf. I cool a pitcher of water in there. The cheese is still good, I think. As is the bacon in the meat drawer.
The Freezer contains some frozen vegetables, fruit and homemade raspberry sorbet. There are also a few frozen meat items, some elk steaks, pork chops, chicken breasts. Also some margerine. My other 2 freezers contain stacks of various wild meats; elk, white tail and mule deer, antelope, moose, and buffalo. As well as frozen pizzas, a couple turkeys, various pork, beef, chicken and fish products. There are home grown beans frozen in one as well.
If you require pictures of the other 2 freezers please let me know and I shall supply them.
Today I go grocery shopping tho.
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Haha, your name/avatar combined with the amount of meat you have is fitting :D
I must ask though, why batteries in the fridge? For your robot roommate? xP
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guess I subscribe to a myth that batteries last longer when you keep them in the fridge. I use them for various things, flashlights, headlamps, my camera, calculator, alarm clock, etc
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I have heard that before, but never tried it myself. Do you feel your batteries do indeed last longer? Supes curious now >__<
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well, as I said, they are expired. But there are no leaks yet, and they seem to hold decent amount of power when putting them into a device. I dont know if they get more use, but they store for longer.
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It's time for something a little different.
Each of the following giveaways have a special rule attached with full support approval, so read carefully:
"Winners will be re-rolled if they have not posted at least one picture of their fridge interior and a brief description HERE. Pictures and descriptions must be posted before the giveaway ends. If a winner's picture is blatantly fake (i.e. various watermarks, sheer ridiculousness) said winner will be re-rolled."
Now before you're all, "OMG WAT DOC MAN HOW DEW I DOOO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!??" Simply read the first reply in this thread to view my own submission (HOLY SHIT HE LEADS BY EXAMPLE) :D
And with a flourish, here are the giveaways!
All giveaways have varying CV restrictions less than $100
Giveaways end in two weeks-ish (plenty of time to get that CV up!)
Posting an image is as simple as uploading it somewhere (i.e. imgur), copying the image source, and typing it into the thread like so: [text]no space here(image link)
So, what's in yours?
*Edit: Thank you all for participating! BONUS GIVEAWAY IS LIVE! (same rules apply, all previous submissions are valid)
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