Your going to have to do a reroll, contact support.
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I thought this is what happened. But I wouldn't know.
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The rule on this kind of thing is "it's up to the creator of the giveaway." You can limit entries to only those without certain parts (or even all) of the bundle, but that should be made clear in the description. Once the giveaway is over, it's too late to cry "foul."
[CORRECTION: Actually, you can cry "foul" after the fact. The option to enter despite partially owning the bundle is decided by the creator of the giveaway. The creator can request a re-roll if the winner owns any part of the bundle. What Support will say about it is up to Support.]
Most people who own part of a bundle will mention it in their entry comment, just to make sure it's OK for them to enter. You should respond to such comments by clarifiying what is acceptable to you.
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It's up to you. You can choose to give it to the winner or to ask for a re-roll. It's better to mention it in the description beforehand, but support will usually accept to re-roll a giveaway if the winner has part of the pack already.
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Careful with the bogus advice... :) The giveaway was for all the games in the bundle. The winner owns one of the games. From the Steamgifts FAQ (which people should definitely read at some point) comes this bit of information:
If the winner is oblivious or a big greedy jerk and tries to win things they already own, the giveaway creator can request a re-roll for that reason.
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You are both correct.
Users are allowed to enter giveaways for bundles even if they already own one (or some) of the games in the bundle; they will not get in trouble for it.
However, the giveaway creator can request a reroll if the winner owns any of the games in the pack; this means that it's their choice.
Both because of that and as a matter of common courtesy, it is normal to ask in a giveaway's comment section whether the gifter wants to allow people who already own some of the games in the pack to enter. Obviously some common sense should apply -- if a pack containing 20 games contains one 99-cent thing that happens to have been given away for free or in a bundle in the past, most gifters would probably not care if you own it, whereas entering a giveaway for a $50 game you already own in order to get the $2 DLC that the pack includes is obviously ridiculous.
But ultimately it's up to the gifter to decide where they draw the line, so you should ask them before entering if you own any part of the bundle, and should make it clear in the giveaway description if you're gifting something and have a strong opinion one way or the other. (Especially if it's a pack that contains both a popular never-bundled game and a game that was in a major bundle -- someone is going to ask eventually anyway, so you can save time by just saying yes or no in the giveaway description.)
In this case, where they've already won (and presumably didn't ask in advance), it's entirely your call; Support will give you a reroll if you ask, but in a situation like this you are not required to ask for one.
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Not completely accurate. Support will not approve a reroll if the winner has under 50% of the pack. If the pack given away has say 3 games in it and the winner only has 1 of them, any reroll request outside of a private rule approved by support specifically about this matter for group/private gas would not be given. The gifter has more discretion if the pack is just a single game + all dlc, in which case they can request a reroll if the winner owns only the base game.
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Even one game is enough for a reroll if the gifter requests one.
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I think it says somewhere you're only allowed 1 gift-copy this way; if you own Portal 1 and redeem the Portal bundle you will get a Portal 1 gift copy - if you then redeem another Valve bundle you will not receive another Portal 1 copy.
In any case, it will say when you redeem a gift copy if you own any of the games already and if you'll get gift copies of those games.
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Already owning a game is actually part of the rules. If a winner already own at least one game from a pack, a re-roll request will be approved. It'd not a special rule so it does apply to public giveaways too.
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this same exact thing happened to me. he owned castle crashers but i gave it to him anyway to avoid the hassle.
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Support-person Jade on the topic some 6 months ago: "That's up to the gifter. They always have the final say on this, even in public giveaways. If they feel the winner owns too much of a particular collection, they're allowed to ask for a reroll. Ask them. If they don't respond, feel free to enter anyway, just prepare yourself for possible disappointment even if you do win."
Support-person Kaitlyn in the chat some 18 months ago: "If you own any part of a giveaway, we'll reroll if the giveaway creator requests it."
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