my arma 2 combined operations (row) is also gone, i wait for support since 2 days. dissapeared................
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how can payment fail...yet you still get the game? that doesnt make sense.... thats like if i went ot the store and gave the guy at the register invisible money and he said have a nice day an bagged my stuff, then later having them call me and say they didnt get any money from me...
how can you get the key even tho the payment failed?
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People can use for example Paypal, get the game, then request a refund within a few days (<30 days). Paypal 99% of the time will then honor that refund request, leaving the pay to bounce or be withdrawn back. Same can happpen with a stolen credit card and the original owner requests a refund. People can even request a refund through steam itself. Steam will then resolve this by simply removing your game or closing the steam account (if detected as stolen). However, if they have already traded on the game to someone else, then it's that someone else which the game disappears from. Steam doesn't care or consider stolen trades. The scammed victim still loses.
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They coulda reclaimed it maybe or something similar to that.
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Purchase with stolen credit card, that's just one possibility, there are more. I remember like a year ago whole truck with UbiSoft's games stolen... Was it Holland?
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My apologies, my mistake.
The person above asked how could you steal game keys so I recalled event from the past when someone stole whole truck with physical copies (therefore with activation keys). Rather unheard of but could happen. Just like other kinds of thievery (like employee taking games from storehouse etc).
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Only in that case it where special editions, and if I remember correctly, all those keys were being revoked. Worked at a customer support for an online retailer back then, some customers just couldn't understand there order was canceled, simple because there just was no collectors edition anymore. As all had been stolen.
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Sometimes I take a used cd key, switch the letters and numbers around until i get one that works. its really not that hard, i've gottena few games that way.
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Just one of many examples: Company stores keys in a txt file on a server. Hacker gets access to those keys and sells them. Later, the keys get sent out by the company (with hardcopies, online stores, whatever). Legit buyers will try to activate those keys now but it's not possible because keys already got activated by people who bought from the hacker. Legit buyers send in proof that they bought the game to Steam and will get the key activated for their account. Person who bought earlier from hacker will get game removed, if not even account banned.
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i got once flagged like this because i had "stolen" game. had to agree that game will be removed and next time I get ban...funny thing is, no game was removed...idk if valve was drunk or something
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When you got the vicim of a trader who sells stolen keys you get casually a notification from steam that the publisher has banned your key due to forbidden activities or stuff.
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Interesting. About a year ago, Dead Island (a game I traded for) was removed from my account. I never complained, and ended up buying the game anyway.
Sounds like it might be worth a try for the OP.
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Haha! How bizarre...
Funnily enough, even when it was removed from my library, I could still play it from the exe file in the Dead Island directory...
I just felt uneasy about not owning it legitimately, so stumped up for another copy next time it was on sale...
OP, have you tried running Bioshock from the .exe file?
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Hmm I just checked my Dead Island game. I got a key from a trader as well. And now it's gone. Oh well I didn't like that game much anyway. But I gave a legit game to that guy so it's pretty annoying.
EDIT: I just went to the Dead Island store page, it said I already own it (even though it wasn't showing up in my library), so I hit the "play now" button and it is now installing it again! Maybe you can try that with your game?
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Or force install through Steam protocol. steam://install/8870 or whatever B:I steam id is
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Samething happened to me, got an exploited key without knowing it was not legit from a group chat giveaway, activated the key, 3 weeks later got a notification saying the key i used wasn't legit, so they removed the game from my account.
Year and half or so later i noticed that i had dead island on my library again after buying a copy on sale last christmas, funny thing it was a GOTY version too. I don't know what the hell happened, i tried to activate my bought copy and it said i couldn't activate a game i already own (which is when i noticed that i already had the game).
Weird stuff isn't it? So i ended up trading it away on steamtrades... Oh well.
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I am in the same boat. :( Got my CIM2 removed too that I received from him via trading.
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Yeah it happen to me as well. I trade it for Spore complete pack and steam didn't even take the effort to inform me that the CIM 2 was exploited or stolen or something, just removed it from library. I think they could at least let you know that, it happens. And they don't do anything to get the traded game back. It is very disappointing.
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I traded on SteamTrades for my key, fortunately the guy set it up so i got my key straight from the GFX card company giving them away, so i guess i'm pretty safe.
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Make sure you have your library set to show all games rather than just Installed or Favorites.
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the key was stolen, or obtained with stolen funds. steam took it back to give to the true owner(or if bought with stolen money just took it back).
you didn't get to keep it for the same reason you don't get to keep anything else you buy that happens to have been stolen by somebody else.
At least you got to play though
report the guy who traded it to you
(if he didn't steal it maybe he traded with somebody who may have been shady, or at least will report whoever sent it to him and that guy either deserves it or knows the next link in the chain ect)
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There is no DLC out yet, just placeholders for achievements, that happened a few months back.
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long time ago i activated a key of Bioshock Infinite i got from a trader.
i played it, finished it and it stayed there more then a month fo sure.
but now i cant find it in my steam library again. i didnt get any notification it has been diactivated or something.
i alerted steam support already but they didnt answer yet. what should i do??
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