Scoops has a private giveaway, but there isn't a link anywhere I know of. This is a problem, its been up three days and nothing. D:

Edit - CG gave us an update, he is just waiting on confirmation from the devs now.

Still active - Dsc (King of Fortix, who refused to let me outdo him) - 26 more copies for 4 weeks, here and here

Devs will soon giveaway 162 keys to match us. Looking forward to it.

Most recent update on dev giveaway

Edit - Daylight Savings Time broke the giveaway times on older giveaways, but the ones posted after it still have some time left. Get in now!

Edit - Check this out, the Fortix devs will match us when this ends. Get gifting guys!

Right, for anyone who hasn't already heard, I've been wanting to make the ultimate Fortix giveaway, even purchasing 25 copies for users to enter for. However, after a previous Fortix giveaway topic where other users posted some more copies, I decided that why should this stop at 25 copies? Instead, I'm hoping to see many people post Fortix giveaways in this topic, even having them all end at the same time, thanks to a countdown clock that will be posted below.

At this point, I'm creating the topic early so many people can get their Fortix giveaways up and ready before mine starts. I have mine to run for exactly a week, and would prefer others to follow that. I'm also posting below this topic, piggyback your giveaways there and they will be easy for everyone to find and enter. Not that you can't create a few hidden links here and there on other posts, but this topic is so many people win Fortix.

Anyway, for those who wish to take part, here is where you will find the countdown showing the end time and date.

And now, the first Fortix giveaway, with 25 copies.

Other open giveaways
Timmaeh - 10 copies
Jelly00 - 1 copy and 4 copies
Damien1p - 15 copies
Marumisu - 1 copy
Ishmaeel - 2 copies
Eaglebart - 1 copy
Broax - 1 copy
file986 - 1 copy
Cheeseburgermafia - 1 copy
Vector7 - 1 copy
Oxol - 2 copies
Caerbannog - 1 copy
misterhaan - 1 copy
Dsc - 10 copies
Angel9RakouCobra - 1 copy
paranoid4ndroid - 1 copy
Cha0sSt0rm - 1 copy
SietseB - 1 copy
Enclear - 5 copies
Zharwyn - 1 copy
CoolieMcAwesome - 1 copy
MrCastiglia - 3 copies
tallpaul02 - 1 copy
dys - 1 copy
TheMiMicKitteH - 1 copy
Detnom - 3 copies
zakw - 1 copy
kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS - 1 copy
Probrotector - 1 copy
iffy - 5 copies and 4 copies
Aserith - 1 copy
GambleGuy - 1 copy in the SteamGifts public group
NCKKO - 1 copy
DzejPi - 1 copy
Silverma - 5 copy
AzureFang - 1 copy
CryonSeris - 1 copy
Fleegon - 1 copy
CriplledLamp - 1 copy
pinkball - 1 copy

122 copies listed here, plus the ones below.

Ended earlier

ladynadiad - 1 copy
vector7 - 1 copy
CallsignX - 1 copy
flip972 - 1 copy
wotgamer - 5 copies
DzejPi - 1 copy
pinkball - 1 copy

Hidden giveaways that have ended

Vector7 - 1 copy
mep - 1 copy
pinkball - 1 copy

162 Fortix copies in total that I know of for this topic.

For anyone doing a giveaway, be sure to check they didn't already win other copies of Fortix.

Winners who might be lucky enough to have that happen, don't break the rules and try to claim both, let others also get a copy.

Lastly, don't forget to look for some more. You might find some hidden in a fruit bowl or something.

And thanks to dys, FORTIX 2.

Also, darn DLS, making the giveaways end before the clock. :P

12 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 11 years ago by DeltaBladeX.