If people can afford to buy the base game, shouldn't be entering the GOTY for dlcs.
But if people won the base game, would prefer they try save up and get the DLC if they enjoy the game.
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Just because you can afford the base game doesnt mean you can afford the DLC+ Base game which more times then not costs more then the base game or at least the same. I mean look at any of the CODS, or New Vegas, or Borderlands or.. hehe.. Railworks XD.
And yes I know COD doesnt have a GOTY edition.
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also, what if the person won or was gifted the base game in the first place (i.e. cannot affors the base game in the first place, nor the dlcs)? You are basing your reasoning not he assumption that everyone who has the base game must have bought it, which is certainly not the case.
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I am perfectly fine with people entering the GOTY edition of games
Its up to the person who puts in the points to do what they want.
Cthulhu 2012.
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I don't like when people who have the game and some of the DLCs enter the giveaways for the complete pack. It's okay if, let's say, he owns Guild Wars, but enters a giveaway for the Trilogy, that means he would get 2 games. But if he has Magicka and say, 2 dlcs, and enters the collection, he would get the DLCs that don't really change the base game, then I don't like it. I never enter if I have the majority of the games from the bundle/collection.
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I agree with your point on people entering for dlc's that do not add anything significant to the base game (like costumes (killing floor), robes (Magicka), etc).
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I'm completely indifferent. I say allow the giveaway maker to decide still.
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libertarian viewpoint would be less restrictions, less interference, more personal choice.
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Well the dlc's are sold separately for some reason, so i would say NO, sounds unfair specially when some dlcs are too way much more cheap than base game.
Well i would make some changes too, like for example increasing the entry points of any game and also make only visible the games that are listed on user wishlist, this way would make people sent a entry ONLY to the games they want instead join every entry they can.
I saw once someone trying trade the serious sam: second encounter that got for free in this giveaway website, that piss me off a lot...
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well the topic about a "winner" trying trade the serious sam: second encounter was removed on forum from http://www.steamtrades.com/ a few minutes after i read it
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In cases like Borderlands I would say it's Ok considering the cost of the DLCs exceed the cost of the game itself. But for Brink and Killing Floor complete packs I would say it's not really fair considering how the DLCs are just $1 skins.
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Then let's say Fallout 3.
Fallout 3: $20
Fallout 3 GOTY: $30
Each DLC (x5): $5
So, if someone only has the base game, it would still cost $25 for them to get all the DLC. On top of that, the DLC adds a ton of content and raises the level cap, so I'd say it's completely justified for an owner of Fallout 3 with no DLC to enter for Fallout 3 GOTY.
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Borderlands base game - normal price: 19,99€ http://store.steampowered.com/app/8980/
Borderlands DLC Pack - normal price: 23,99€ http://store.steampowered.com/sub/6638/
Borlderlands GOTY - normal price: 29,99€ http://store.steampowered.com/app/901566/
I just did showed you that a DLC pack doesn't cost much as GOTY...
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Here Borderlands base game is $30, the GOTY version is $30 and the DLC pack is also $30 (however they are all on sale so at the moment they are all $15 but that's besides the point).
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I think it depends on the game but for the most part you do pay the full 'cost' to get a shot to win so it seems fair to me since your odds to win are low indeed.
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It should be allowed. I'm too tired to write 70 paragraphs explaining why I think so, so here's the short version. As long as someone might win something they didn't previously own, it only makes sense, to allow them to enter. The amount of the game lost doesn't matter. It actually makes more sense to only allow users with the base game to enter GOTY giveaways, because they know they'll enjoy the content, while others can only guess they'll enjoy it and could potentially be disappointed and not play it as much. Also the amount of fun someone can get from a game/DLC is relative, so someone could play the DLC for 90 hours while others wont bother finishing the base game.
BTW, who the hell would enter something like Magicka Complete for the nippon DLC anyway? People know better. They understand it's not worth it.
BTW 2.0, actually, the gifter should be able to control everything. It's his game.
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Using that logic, someone can enter Valve Complete pack if they're missing Ricochet.
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I thought this topic was about entering for goty editions (those with dlc packs) and not game bundles... are you trying to derail this topic? Monolight addressed the topic putting forth his arguments. If you have something to counter what he has said please provide us with it, but do not use bundle packs, which are currently beyond the point, to make a fallacious analogy.
If this were a discussion on bundle packs and whether people should enter for them despite having some of the games, I would agree with you that a person should not enter if they had just 1 game missing form the pack. My general rule for this is if someone has 40% or less than he can enter (for large bundles)
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Read again. His logic is flawed.
Again, I could easily point out your logic is flawed, because you can't only disprove someone using the exact same situation, meaning to disprove would, according to you, be off topic
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Yes, I know, that's why I said that people know better. I think it should be allowed, the thing is, no one will enter Valve Complete pack for Ricochet. Someone who has every game but Ricochet either :
1) Doesn't want Ricochet and won't enter the giveaway;
2) Will feel too guilty to enter for Ricochet knowing other games will just disappear;
3) Will understand that wasting a hundred points for a 0.01% chance of winning Ricochet isn't worth it and will spend them on other giveaways.
If someone does enter the giveaway (which would mean he REALLY wants it), chances are he wont win. And if he does win? If the gifter and the winner are both fine with it (everyone else's opinion is irrelevant), what's the problem?
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Greetings community,
There has yet to be an official policy on entering a GotY edition game when you already own the base game, but there is still plenty of DLC to be had from the pack. Typically we would leave it up to the gifters at their discretion if they noticed the winner already has the base game and if they'd still like to continue the gifting.
After several tickets and PMs today, I wanted to ask you guys how you felt about either allowing people to enter these giveaways or add it in with the "Don't enter games you already own" policy.
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