Oh? Hope there will be some discount or legendary upgrade. :P
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Assuming that I want to repurchase the base game (or that I purchased it to begin with o_O), it probably would be. Alas, twas not meant to be.
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Let's just think about this logically for a moment.
The highest discount so far has been 50% off bringing it to $30 for the game and $22.50 for the DLC. Now that the game is $40, it'd drop down to $20 on sale, add the DLC and we're at $42.50.
With that said, the price of Skyrim: Legendary will be the same as the current price of the game and DLC with a 50% discount. Unless Skyrim has a 75% off sale before this is released, I highly doubt this will be discounted. If Skyrim does have a 75% off sale, the most we'd see is 50% on Skyrim Legendary as it'd be the same price. The only other possibility I can think of is that they're saving the higher discount for the release of this and will do a 75% off Skyrim and 50% off GOTY when this is released.
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Blah blah dead island all over again. Still sucks. -.-
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I am being greedy because I'm not willing to pay "X" for a game "Y"? I've given away over 200 games on this site in 7 months. Yes, I'm very, very greedy. So greedy I'm giving away games every week.
My greed knows no boundries.
On a serious note, I don't think this game along with DLC's should cost this much, period. You don't have to agree with me. But don't call anyone greedy just because someone is not willing to pay X dollars for Y game. Not everyone is rich.
And if anyone is greedy here, it's Bethesda. Just think about it.
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Perhaps your greed for contribution value outweighs the wanting low prices! Just kidding, I can't say I check the number of giveaways before replying so it was bad wording on my part.
I don't own the game, so it's not my place to say whether it's worth the price and that was not what I was trying to prove. Maybe you're right and Bethesda is the greedy one, but their opinion is the only one that matters on what it's worth.
My post is more of my opinion on whether or not Bethesda will discount it, not whether I think it should be or not. I would think anyone who looks at how Skyrim has been discounted and considering the recent price drops, would come to a similar conclusion which is why I called it "common sense". I was not trying to imply that you lacked common sense or something like that.
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Your "logical" opinion seems to be that the new price is a good deal because it's cheaper than the previous price. Unfortunately there are some of us who think the previous price was way too expensive, and thus 50% of the old price is still really expensive. Not everyone shares "your logic" and "your budget".
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He doesn't think its worth 40, thats kinda his opinion, I sorta agree, if its anything like Bethesda's last couple games most of the content I actually like is user created mods, in other words I would not pay 40 bucks for something I need to spend hours modding to get to my liking, I will probably end up buying this when it hits 10-15 personally.
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Of course it does. It's the stuff of legends to see Bethesda get an Elder Scroll game out with so little DLC.
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I'm just surprised at the tiny amount of DLC they did put out for Skyrim. Also, what about the "Redguard" DLC that's been rumoured about for months? Is it just not going to happen?
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When did I say I love DLCs? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict that DLCs aren't going to go away soon, and is the reason why I wait for GOTY editions to buy games.
I like how you assume I'm pro-DLC from that comment. Be less grumpy next time, okay?
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So what? Just because I want Skyrim to feel more like a complete game all of a sudden I'm pro DLC? As I said before DLC aren't going away anytime soon. I wish games went back to having no DLCs, but I'm not going to start debates with people online whom have no control in whether a game has DLC or not.
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On that topic, do you think cows like getting milked?
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19.99 this time next year. 29.99 or lower near the end of this year's summer sale.
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It won't drop that fast...
And you say that like it's a bad thing - it's one of the things I appreciate about Bethesda - they drop the prices of their games down to great prices unlike EA who keep theirs basically as high as possible for unreasonable amounts of time
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thing i DONT appreciate about bethesda is the outrageous prices they slap onto their dlc. 20 bucks for the last 2 bits of dlc? (25 in my region). its nuts.
also, again with the EA bashing. there are plenty of EA games that come down quite nicely in price. if you were trying to make a serious comparison, you would have picked activision, especially their COD titles.
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One could argue that EA actually NEEDS the money lately, to give them a chance to stay afloat for the next five years after all these horrible missteps.
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I heard about this, now I can finally take a more serious look at getting the game and possibly upgrade my rig so it can handle something like skyrim a bit better than it might currently
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Has been listed at http://cdon.fi/pelit/elder_scrolls_v%3a_skyrim_-_game_of_the_year_edition-23497512, too.
Due to 1€=1$ pricing, it would be around 35$.
Still was cheaper for me to buy DLCs (not Hearthfire) from Nuveem thanks to gamersgate-glitch :)
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139 zloty = 44.25 USD (169 zloty = 53.86)
We'll find out when it's officially announced.
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You guys are dumb. They release a game with far more then 100 hours gametime. And when they start to create "dlcs" which you can purchase to prolong your game you cry like little virgins. Does it matter if you pay 30 euro for smthing they call "addon" which brings you 20 hours playtime, or just pay 2x 15 euro for something that brings you 2x 10 hour playtime.
And once they release a dlc to bring some new content which they are developing while the main game is already released forbidds them to charge money for it? I dont get it. Just because they offer new content which you need to buy to claim it makes the game incomplete and stuff...DOnt get it. And I wonder why I even discuss always the same stories with those kids who pirate anyway all sort of stuff.
Just get out of here..
PS: If the marketing concept called "Downloadable Content" wouldnt work, guess they stopped doing this already.
Sometimes I have to smile aswell when I see that publisher release a game and already announce the new DLC, coz I feel like getting milked in that case.
Just watch REsident Evil 6 for example, PREORDER NOW TO GET THE 4 MULTIPLAYER DLCs FOR FREE, HOLY SH IT.
But you need to understand the difference between releasing a game with already finished dlcs to throw out in a planned time perioud.
Or content which is still getting developed and brings a surprisingly good quality and fresh feelings into a game.
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Wait wait wait! Does this mean that like all the other GOTY games on steam, the single DLCs will be pulled from the store and I wouldn't be able to purchase the last DLC, Dragonborn, unless I pay $44.99 for it or get it from another retailer?! That sucks! -_-
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I don't know I already has skyrim on my xbox however sounds like a great deal for people unfamiliar with the game , which is purely awesome. should give it a shot.... but wait does it mean they'll stop releasing DLC's for skyrim if so... Does that mean they are working on TESVI ??
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Skyrim: Legendary Edition has started showing up on various retailers websites with a release date of June 4th, 2013. The expected price will be $59.99 for the PC version which is cheaper than the $75 it'd cost to purchase the game and all DLC.
The sub was created on Steam yesterday which confirms it's coming, although I'm unsure whether the date and price is correct.
Thanks goes to YaoJensen for posting about it in another thread which made me want to look into it.
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