Well, I had similar problem a year ago or so but not a single fuck was given about where my credit card was issued, Amazon's support was as cool as always for me. Maybe recent change of policy, maybe I was lucky or you just had a bad luck. Anyway, interesting cause and I'm looking forward to know more about other stories like this.
I always kept my Amazon keys in another text file just to feel safer ;).
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Source and proof about being removed from Steam, I call BS on that one.
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Probably some misunderstanding on his end. I believe River of Time has been removed from Steam for awhile now (or only available for purchase in selected areas) and its not that theyre removing game from anyones account
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Applies to you as well then: "But I also read that some guy's purchases wre removed from Steam. So please share what you know about this topic."
I also seriously doubt this one to be in any way connected to purchasing games from Amazon from outside the US.
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I actually heard this mentioned as happening in an older topic by someone based in Europe who had been purchasing on Amazon.
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I have read about it as well in a few places before, but so far no one had any original source where someone described it happening to them. Might as well be just one of these Internet myths that aren't actually true but people keep talking about it.
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Amazon has the best customer service ever. Even though you blatantly disregarded their rules ( not blaming you for that, though. :p ) they still made an exception and helped you. That's why I make almost all of my big purchases at Amazon.
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My only complaint is that when you have a kindle, you NEED to have one click ordering on. I can't tell you how many times my girlfriend has accidentally bought something on my account :P Still, even then, Amazon is very supportive, and you even have something like a 48 hour grace period to return even digital books bought on your Kindle.
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No regional specifics are really necessary. Banks automatically convert payments to whatever currency is required, and Amazon would be under no obligation to support local payment methods. So nothing on the site would change, apart from allowing non-US addresses.
What would be required is hiring someone to go through the laws of the various countries in the world and check for anything that restricts online purchases. Then they can refuse official support only in those cases.
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They're not talking about that - they're talking about region-restricted or banned outright games.
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I asked them why is not like that and they replied me:
"Please understand that, the content that we offer as Games and Software Downloads depend on our agreements with the content owners.
Due to restrictions placed on us by the content owners, at this time, we aren't able to make Amazon Games and Software downloads available to our customers outside the U.S.. I'm sorry"
So it's not Amazon that is limiting the countries that can buy digital contents from amazon.com
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I think from this situation, you get to know Amazon by ur mistake. Amazon didn't found out by themselves
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They locked my account even thou I bought items only using Amazon gift cards. They said it's an issue with my credit card...which they should not even be using in the first place cos I was using gift credit. I of course did not get my credit refunded (nor the items for that matter) and said good bye to the remaining credit left ($10 or so) in my account.
Furthermore, it's an account which I had been using for more than a year, included all my kindle and app purchases. So I say Amazon is bullcrap. And their support is like a brick wall.
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I got a couple of retarded reactions by their support in the past...in my experience you need to keep pushing your issue until you get a different support worker and hope he can actually help you. If it doesn't work at first, rinse and repeat.
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I once made a suggestion of adding product, first response was "can't help you since you didn't bought it". After thinking something between "wtf" and "duh" I wrote it's suggestion, not complain and some other India-sounding name actually said sorry about miscommunication and send it to right place.
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Amazon's support can easily be the best out there.
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Really? I have contacted the support about 5 times with stuff like refunds and they didn't tell me anything .
I also was once asked while I was asking for a refund for my living country and I said Israel and he did nothing he just gave me that refund (2 weeks ago).
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why Amazon don't care other people who aren't from America !!
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Heh. I'm from Germany and using a credit card from the UK. Bought the wrong version of a game also, contacted support, and they just refunded me the 4.99$ and deleted the keys from my amazon account so that I could buy the Steam version instead.
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And that's why I asked Amazon to close my account. I received the message that I can't buy games from there because I'm not an U.S. resident, after entering all my credit card information before paying for the Steam redeemable Bioshock bundle keys. Lying about the address/country is worse, so to avoid any more problems, I closed it.
Of course they sent an e-mail "Are you sure, if you close your account you won't be able to..." followed with a long list of useless features and stuff, but that place is a mess, without proper information and warnings, so I'm really happy that I did that (:P)
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Are you telling me that everyone (from Europe) here buys cheaper games from amazon's American site? How does this work? Please someone explain this to me!! Can I actually, for example, buy a Steam key from amazon for $9.99 (€7.73) instead of buying directly from steam for €24.99 ($32.29)??
HOW DOES THIS WORK??? WHAT MUST I DO?? Teach me your ways, please!! :o
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So I just have to press the "Buy and download" button? And I get the key? Is that it? I just put my card details and any random american address?
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Set up an Amzon account with a US address then just add your regular decit/credit card.
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Rather than stealing someones address you could sign up for free "fake PO box" services that are meant for buying outside US.
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As far as i know Amazon doesn't even have the means to remove games from somebody's steam library.
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Well this is why i didnt contact them when i fucked up and bought STALKER Call of Pripyat and after that i found it's some kind of non STEAM code/download that needs the first or second game to be installed... i raged a bit, but oh well it was only 2$ and i didnt want them to find out that i'm from Europe. The sad thing for me is that i couldnt even play the game without buying the first one for 14$ (Clear Sky wasnt listed at all at that time).
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Wait.. STALKER Call of Pripyat does not require any other game installed. Something is not right at all with what ever you bought. It is a standalone game, not an expansion.
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This is what i bought. Atleast i learned my lesson: Never buy anything without reading the description. :D
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From the above link Amazon S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat [Download] page :
"Additional Info: Requires a previously installed S.T.A.L.K.E.R. title for activation and gameplay."
THAT requirement … is kinda weird!
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what I read from their answer, is that they don't really care that you buy games from outside US, they just don't want that to become official and don't want to handle the extra support requests (as they are probably sized to support the US market, they don't have the extra manpower they need to support the whole world).
so it's more like "hey, we can't make it official that we gladly accept purchases from outside US, so buy and be quiet"
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Probably because they are two different games?
Drakensang: The River of Time
Just a wild guess though!
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People don't seem to understand that the reason for their not officially supporting worldwide purchases is because then they'd be subject to regulations and restrictions of various countries. It's not that they're a big bad store that hates non-Americans and wants to delete everyone's accounts. As long as you purchase digital goods (particularly 3rd party key copies to steam/origin/etc.) then you can get what you want and keep them out of trouble, because you signed up using fraudulent information knowing why they cannot officially service you legally as it is now. That's all there is to it.
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Thought I'd share this with you (yeah you guys who pretend to be Americans and buy steam games on the Amazon website. Guys like me ;) ).
My own mistake they found out btw.
I bought Drakensang River of Time on Amazon yesterday. Found out I was stupid to buy the "download" and not the "steam" version. Since prices were the same (2.99) I thought I'd contact Amazon to ask if they could alter my order.
Got a reply within an hour:
This is ***** from Amazon software support, I am sorry about the accidental order of " Drakensang: The River of Time" the no drm version.
After going through the details on your account, I have found that you are not a U.S customer. Please note, that Amazon Games & Software Downloads can only be purchased by customers connecting to the Internet from a location in the United States (specifically the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands).
Also, a U.S. credit card with a U.S. billing address must be used to purchase Game/Software Downloads. Your payment method for the order that you placed shows as a Netherland issued card.
For this instance only, I am making a onetime exception and refunding your purchase in the amount of $2.99. However, in future we will not be able to assist you, since you are outside of our immediate area of support.
The way I read it they only deny me any support in the future. I think I can still buy my games on Amazon but I cant check right now because I have to re-enter my creditcard info after a purchase, wehich I dont have atm. (Í had to do this 2 times befor so I'm not worried it won't work anymore).
So for now I don't think Amazon is actively deleting non-US residents, I'm pretty sure they are "off the record" pretty happy with the non-US costumers.
But I also read that some guy's purchases wre removed from Steam. So please share what you know about this topic.
EDIT may 23rd: I'm still able to purchase games on Amazon so nothing changed.
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