Well done :)
How much of his/her time did you manage to waste?
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Two hours, would've been more but I had to go to class.
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You are a Steamgifts hero. You should be knighted or something. That was awesome.
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That was awesome. Thank you for managing to simultaneously provide us with entertainment, and troll a person who desperately needed to be trolled.
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This may be incredibly racist, but I hate everybody equally so I don't consider it such, but,
I have never met a russian that hasn't tried to scam me, rip me off, or otherwise kick my face in. It's natural for me to just completely distrust anyone from russia because of everything that's happened in the past.
Hell, if SG had an option to disallow specific regions, I'd use it.
That said, on topic now, that was an awesome bloody waste of time, OP. If a lot more people do this, these scammers /might/ get it through their heads that we're smarter than they are.
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whenever someone says "I hate everybody equally" I want to kick their face in.
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I think you misunderstood it, he didn't win anything. He was pretending to be the winner, attempting to scam the giver out of the game.
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You got it on the nose. I checked the guy's name history and it showed 4 other winners from the same day, just hours apart. He also said he got Alpha Protocol and I would assume he faked someone for that.
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Detectiv Payne! lmao
this was fun to read, thanks for sharing :D
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Wow!! Mr Paybe gonna get his asss!! "FAKER: in general you're a fool. in general as long as I have nothing to talk to you. All the same game you did not understand how to send. and wanted to play" - and I think me brain just shrunk after reading through his english -.-
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I had a nice chat with a faker today. I already sent it in to inbox@steamgifts.com, but thought I should share the log with you guys. I changed the name of the faker to FAKER . The convo lasted about 2 hours and is quite long.
JooJooFace: hello
FAKER: u give game from steam gift
JooJooFace: yes
JooJooFace: I sent it to your email
FAKER: this?
JooJooFace: no, I sent it to the email provided by SG
FAKER is now Away.
FAKER is now Online.
FAKER: noo
JooJooFace: whats wrong?
FAKER: I had to give via Steam or bargaining
JooJooFace: what do you mean?
FAKER: i dont have e mail
FAKER: i want game for steam =(
JooJooFace: the game is for steam
FAKER: I forgot my password Email newsletters
JooJooFace: did you press forgot password
FAKER: give me game for steam plz
FAKER: gift for steam
JooJooFace: i sent it
FAKER: i write. i dont gave email
FAKER: have*
JooJooFace: you told me your email earlier
FAKER: pther mail i dont have
FAKER: give gift me plz
JooJooFace: how do you want the gift?
FAKER: sent in steam
FAKER: game
JooJooFace: i sent it
JooJooFace: did you get it
FAKER: sent in steam. NO EMAIL
JooJooFace: i sent it thru steam
FAKER: hmm
FAKER: no game...
FAKER: i dont gave new game
JooJooFace: ima send trout steam again
JooJooFace: through*
FAKER: now?
JooJooFace: did you get it?
FAKER: sent game for my account
FAKER: for my nickname
JooJooFace: Check your library
FAKER: I checked and there is nothing
JooJooFace: it would be under SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics
FAKER: I say send the same on my nickname
FAKER: nope
JooJooFace: the games are freaking awesome!
JooJooFace: have you played them before?
FAKER: check out my game. I do not have this game
FAKER: no no
JooJooFace: missen out man, good thing i sent it again
FAKER: You were sent to FAKER nickname?
JooJooFace: it doesnt let me
JooJooFace: it says its redeemed
FAKER: ? sent ME game SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics
FAKER: for my account
JooJooFace: yes, it says it was redeemed
JooJooFace: wanna play the game with me?
JooJooFace: i cant get passed stage 3 in Streets of Rage 2
JooJooFace: freaking ninjas man
JooJooFace: keep killen me
FAKER: I can help
JooJooFace: thats awesome, join my game
FAKER: I just do not yet have this game
JooJooFace: it says you just began playing the game
JooJooFace: by the way, have you won anything else on SG?
FAKER: I dont have SG
FAKER: i want SG
JooJooFace: steamgifts i mean
FAKER: aaa
FAKER: yes i win Alpha Protokol
JooJooFace: thats cool, how is it?
FAKER: u give me sega pack?
JooJooFace: yea, im waiting for you to join my game
FAKER: i dont have u game! i want his
FAKER: SEGA Mega Drive Classics Collection
FAKER: buy for me
JooJooFace: i sent it, it says you redeemed it.
JooJooFace: maybe its locked
JooJooFace: this hasn't happened to me before
JooJooFace: maybe its because im playing the games
JooJooFace: i sent it again
JooJooFace: join me
JooJooFace: I'll play as Axel, he's such a bad ass
JooJooFace: no
JooJooFace: i'll play as Skate!
JooJooFace: did it work?
FAKER: i russian. bad speack for english
FAKER: Do not know where you've sent the game but I have not. and I can not play with you until you tell me it does not
JooJooFace: i have trouble with english too. I speak american
FAKER: tsamankova@yandex.ru or for this account
FAKER: buy for me?
JooJooFace: i did
JooJooFace: who is that in yoour icon btw?
FAKER: plz
FAKER: just a beautiful girl
JooJooFace: thats cool
JooJooFace: how long have you used steam gifts?
FAKER: 2 week
JooJooFace: i'm new to it too
FAKER: give me sega pack plz
JooJooFace: ok, lemme check steam gifts again
FAKER: We play together
JooJooFace: it says you recieved gift
FAKER: Buy a gift and pick me
JooJooFace: lets play
JooJooFace: u know the controls
JooJooFace: ?
JooJooFace: select streers of rage 2
FAKER: i dont game !!!
JooJooFace: press enter
JooJooFace: arrows are to move
JooJooFace: D - jump
JooJooFace: S - punch
JooJooFace: A - Kick ass
FAKER: I know how to use the incentive. and no longer a novice. I just do not got game
FAKER: buy it again and select the recipient's me
JooJooFace: i like to make combos like DS then A when there's a croud
FAKER: my nickname and avatar
JooJooFace: crowd dude
JooJooFace: then i kick ass
JooJooFace: but those frikken ninjas! jeez
JooJooFace: ninjas on a pirate ship? it just doesnt make any sense
JooJooFace: what do you think they do up on those nets
FAKER: give me the game too and we play together
JooJooFace: i think they look for icebergs
FAKER: u give me SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics ?
FAKER: buy game and sent ME !
JooJooFace: i did, you joined my game
JooJooFace: lets kick ass
JooJooFace: you get the jerks with the mohawks
JooJooFace: the yellow jackets
JooJooFace: just be careful, they sweep
FAKER: I am not playing. you crazy?
JooJooFace: im playing
JooJooFace: with you
JooJooFace: hold on.
FAKER: FAKER: I am not playing. you crazy?
JooJooFace: why did you click gift recieved if you didnt get it
FAKER: How can I play if I do not have Sega pack
JooJooFace: i must have been playing with an imposter
JooJooFace: his name was FAKER and had the same picture
JooJooFace: i've been bamboosled!
JooJooFace: forgot i closed the game
JooJooFace: FAKER you there?
FAKER: yes
FAKER: =*(
JooJooFace: i think someone is faking your account
FAKER: yes...
JooJooFace: do you know what i should do?
FAKER: and you can send the game to me now?
JooJooFace: do i call the police?
JooJooFace: i'm calling the police
JooJooFace: im on hold
FAKER: why?
JooJooFace: i've been robbed
JooJooFace: someone stole your game
JooJooFace: they transferred me
JooJooFace: to major crimes unit
JooJooFace: I'm scared
FAKER: lol?
JooJooFace: do you think they could steal more games?
JooJooFace: I head about this guy that lost all of his games
JooJooFace: they dropped them from windows
JooJooFace: his computer broke too
JooJooFace: I just spoke with Detective Payne, he told me they'll catch the jerk
JooJooFace: He told me not to do anymore giveaways until the culprit is captured. He said the imposter could be anyone
JooJooFace: scary stuff
JooJooFace: are you still there?
JooJooFace: i g2g
JooJooFace: i'll play the game later when you have it. OK?
JooJooFace: we'll have fun beating up thugs
FAKER is now Offline.
FAKER is now Online.
JooJooFace: you're back
JooJooFace: i was worried
JooJooFace: are you there?
FAKER: 1 sec
JooJooFace: ok
JooJooFace: i thought the imposter got to you
JooJooFace: 1 sec passed
JooJooFace: are you ok?
FAKER: yes.
FAKER: u realy phone in policia
JooJooFace: thats good, i was about to call doctor
JooJooFace: yes
JooJooFace: they put me on hold, played elevator music
FAKER: I want to tell you that you should be careful. I won the game for you. and who then did the same username and picture and wrote to you and you give the game
FAKER: just tested it before posting
JooJooFace: what do you mean?
FAKER: now send me a game if you is not difficult
FAKER: I mean is that someone introduced me and took my game
FAKER: Now you can send me a game
JooJooFace: Det. Payne told me not to give anymore games
JooJooFace: while the investigation is ongoing
FAKER: a sense to wait? I told you the whole secret
FAKER: Now that you can easily give the game to me
JooJooFace: i cant, the police said they'll fine me if i dont listen
JooJooFace: i told him i was a nice guy and wanted to make givaways
JooJooFace: he said NO
JooJooFace: maybe i sent it to the wrong account
FAKER: in general you're a fool. in general as long as I have nothing to talk to you. All the same game you did not
understand how to send. and wanted to play
JooJooFace: do you have another?
FAKER: may be.
FAKER: i have 1 account
FAKER: this only
JooJooFace: maybe the game went to the person who invited you
FAKER: bye
JooJooFace: why?
JooJooFace: we're getting along
JooJooFace: we're pals now
FAKER: i want game only.
JooJooFace: you used me
JooJooFace: just want me for my games
FAKER: You are giving me a game that was supposed to give
JooJooFace: i have a confession to make
JooJooFace: its not you
JooJooFace: its me
JooJooFace: I'm calling Det. Payne
JooJooFace: on hold
FAKER: you strange man
FAKER: We in Russia are no such
JooJooFace: i told him everything
JooJooFace: i told him i had a givaway
JooJooFace: that there was a winner
JooJooFace: and i sent the game
FAKER: You tired me
JooJooFace: then i told him that i knew who the imposter was
FAKER: Say you'll give me a gift to the game or not?
JooJooFace: no, imposter
JooJooFace: so long and thanks for all the trout
JooJooFace: really, this was fun.
FAKER is now Offline.
It was fun.
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