The only choice for the Double Fine Bundle on the giveaway list currently is the old version of the bundle that only included Psychonauts, Stacking and Costume Quest. The new 45p bundle that is in the Steam store has NOT been added to the giveaway list. Therefore, listing the new Humble Bundle under this option is not a misrepresentation.

Old Bundle leads to

New Bundle is
Note the subid difference and also the fact that the previous bundle was 30p and the new one is 45p.

Forgot to delete this line last night --I think the fact that support hasn't been deleting the giveaways is proof enough :P--

11 years ago*

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That does not really matter. The only Double Fine Bundle which is currently on Steam does contain all four games and thus the current bundles have to contain all four games as well when gifting.

Even though the price has not been updated the bundle is kept up to date.

11 years ago

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That's not true at all. You are allowed to give away versions of King Arthur Collection, Magicka Bundle, Killing Floor Bundle, etc that do not match the Steam versions exactly. As long as you say what your bundle does or does not contain, support has said it was okay (in those cases).

11 years ago

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You have to bear in mind that these games receives frequent DLC additions. Killing Floor receives all the skin DLC's, Magicka all the map packs etc. etc.

The Double Fine Bundle, on the other hand, is a whole other thing. It is, as a matter of fact, a bundle which only contains the main games and it does not receive frequent DLC additions. Bear in mind that a bundle which receives frequent DLC's are likely to become out of date. This is not the case with the Double Fine Bundle.

Even though SteamGifts have not updated the price point of the bundle as of yet, the Brutal Legend addition of the bundle is fairly "old" by now.

11 years ago

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What about King Arthur Collection? I believe there were 4 different versions. The first only included King Arthur + DLCs. The 2nd included King Arthur + DLCs + Fallen Champions. The third had all of the previous + King Arthur 2 and the last had everything + Kint Arthur 2 DLC.

The price point has not been updated because the bundles are entirely different. Please once again note the Steam IDs. I updated the post to show that the one currently listed on SG really only includes the first 3 games

11 years ago

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Yes, that was the problem with the Indie Gala Bundle era.

The full pack, containing all of the DLC's as well as the game, came out cheap on Indiegala around the time when the collection was on sale for 7,5 euroes (or something like that) which created confusion since the packs on etc. Gamersgate missed a DLC or two.

But since the Double Fine Bundle is not widely gifted away like the King Arthur Collection back then, it does not create confusion.

11 years ago

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What? So you're saying that total number of gifts on sg determines what you can list your bundles under? Somehow, I don't think that's the case...

11 years ago

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That is not what I mean, no.

But down to the point. There is currently only one Double Fine Bundle on Steam and it contains all four games. It does not matter whether the Steamgift mods. have forgotten to correct the pricing of the bundle. The Double Fine Boundle received Brutal Legend a long time ago now, and I am fairly sure that most, if not every, of the newly gifted Double Fine Bundles are from Humble Bundle.

But putting that aside they are still bundles from Humble Bundle which are in their own categories. So, as a matter of fact, these bundles are both incomplete and fake giveaways. Incomplete in the sense that they do not contain all four of the games, and fake in the sense that they are from Humble Bundle and are not categorized, as of yet, under the Humble Bundle Bundle giveaway function.

11 years ago

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1) Once again, CG has just not added the new bundle to the list. This is the old bundle and has nothing to do with the new one, as I've stated repeatedly. I am not sure why you are avoiding the fact that the listing links to the old bundle.

2) It is not fake because the winner will get what was advertised. The source of the keys does not matter. I can create my own own Serious Sam Franchise Pack, for example, by combining bundle keys and gifts on Steam. Support has also stated that this is okay. To be more precise, "building" your own bundle is okay.

11 years ago

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pst its cg not CG, and he's not touching bundle list AFAIK. One dude that likes sweet potatoes and have big s at the begining of his nick is taking care of bundle list :P

11 years ago

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I know it's cg, but I like capitalizing his username.
CG is not in charge of the bundle list. Shobo is, but I never mentioned the bundle list. I said that CG hasn't added the bundle to the giveaway list yet. He is, in fact, the only one that can add games to that list.

11 years ago

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No punishment is not a proof for not doing anything wrong.
Maybe they're just slow. I can't see why ppl just can't wait making giveaways until the bundle is added.

11 years ago

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They believe they can slip under the radar, that's why.

11 years ago

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There's no reason to "slip under the radar." All of the Double Fine Bundles have been added to the bundle list already, so there's not really any benefit.

11 years ago

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well I guess they are poopy heads then, so there :P

11 years ago

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I always think it's funny when people do that and then complain. :p

11 years ago

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Why are we using the term 'punishment' here, just curious.

This is Steamgifts where people are gifting away games. Sure, you may say that some only want the CV points in return, but there are also many others who just want to help out the HumbleBundle Charity while gifting away games for others to enjoy.

Support will fix the points or delete giveaways as necessary, but it just doesn't sound right going up in arms, calling to punish them and such.

11 years ago

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It seemed an appropriate way of describing it. Call it intervention if you need.

11 years ago

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Support aren't able to monitor 24/7, so give it time.

11 years ago

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^ this

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Double fine bundle is marked as bundled so it really doesn't matter if they are being deleted or not

11 years ago

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why would it not matter? you get full value for bundled games as long as u give lots of non bundled away... so it should matter

11 years ago

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I may have gotten the math wrong, but you'd need to donate 150 dollars of non-bundles just to get the full value from one DFB, no?

11 years ago

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Did that bundle just come up today/recently?

I still can't believe how soon they put Brutual Legend in a bundle. They shoulda waited imo.

11 years ago

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+1, that's why i bought the game when it went in promotion in the last week (played yesterday and the game is super awesome).

11 years ago

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It was a quick cash grab port of a nearly 4 year old console game. Sales on steam probably dived shortly after launch. Already been half off at least once, maybe even more than once. Still a nice pre-order bonus if you drop the $35 to get broken age XD

11 years ago

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They coulda at least been strategic and waited another few months.(Maybe before their new game actually launched.)

I mean it only came out 2 months ago. :p

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure it's been there for awhile (the steam one).

11 years ago

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I don't think so, rather than putting it on 75$ sale, this is much better. And they get an additional advertising for their upcoming game and ... merchandise

11 years ago

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Just seems like bad bushiness to me.

I mean wasn't it just last week or the week before where it was already half off?

11 years ago

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They just prolly need the extra cash to fund their new upcoming game. Brutal Legends didn't sold well since people thought it was a port anyways so they didn't bought em.

20,000 units is pretty low in my opinion

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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Not sure what you mean? The new bundle just hasnt been added to the giveaway list yet, and the old ones are already on the bundle list (as they should be).

11 years ago

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Don't all the below average bundles give 1P? Why should this one give 30P?

I understand the logic of "the bundle has been updated and this is the same as the old bundle", but I thought that only applied to outdated gifts.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That would be the ideal... that is, assuming people followed the rules and stuff. They'd just continue to keep making DFB GA's on accident (or more likely "accident"), plus people giving away the actual DFB steam gift would get harassed by call outs.

Or maybe I'm just a cynic, I dunno.

11 years ago

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They could remove it like they did Metro 2033.

It kinda seems like another case of there not being a firm set of guidelines to follow and support having to solve the problem while keeping issues at a minimum.

11 years ago

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Definitely the first thing that came to my mind.

11 years ago

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You are allowed to "build your own bundle" so to speak. The origin of the games in the bundle don't matter.

11 years ago

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I think we need clarification on this since I don't believe you could create a giveaway for Company of Heroes Complete using the THQ Bundle and just "throw in some extras".

(Company of Heroes Complete should probably be on the bundle list due to the THQ Bundle, but that's another discussion!)

11 years ago

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Adding extra games for CV abuse is "misrepresenting," but in the Double Fine case, the winner will be getting exactly what the giveaway maker promised, no more, no less.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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I'm just going to avoid starting a giveaway until everything gets sorted up.

11 years ago

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Ah, ok... well, I really screwed up with the assumption and logic then. One time I'll try to make my own conclusion and it'd turn up wrong. Such fail. :(

11 years ago

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I happen to have the old bundle in my inventory and I currently have a giveaway for it (here). It's quite confusing that the name is the same, but I think that both should be on the list, and say which games are included.

11 years ago

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We're already deliberating on the matter.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Couldn't a lot of these issues be fixed by changing the bundle flag, which right now I'm assuming is a boolean to a datetime type instead? Meaning, Game X became part of a bundle on Date Y. If you gave the game before Date Y it is treated as nonbundle, if you gave the game after Date Y it is treated as a bundle game.

11 years ago

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I'm not sure what the server variables are, but the bundle games system already works like that. As soon as the game is marked as a bundle game, all giveaways made after the date the bundle is released have their values retroactively changed to bundle value, while those made before release remain untouched. This can be seen at work pretty clearly with the recent Crazy Machines fiasco, as all CM giveaways made after the bundle date (basically all of them :P) had their values changed, and not just new CM giveaways.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by jatan11t.