So wait, what are you guys doing? Just removing all the giveaways in the bundles?
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That seems like the best idea so far. Let's go with that.
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for full list of bundle games:
Even Killing Floor was a bundle game i wonder how u guys are gonna handle this huge list of games.. I also gave away some games before they were in any bundle like amnesia..
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What about asking in the Create Giveaway page if the game is a tradable gift or a key, and do an additional check to see if the game was on a bundle. Then... I don't know, reject the giveaway if it's a key and warn the user to submit the full bundle.
This can also be checked by doing an inventory check... just like tf2 raffles site does, there's no way to fake a giveaway, it takes the item from your inventory. Though I don't know if Steam API let's you do that.
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Recently i made a public contributor giveaway with somewhat high contribution requirement and few people entered. I think there were perhaps 7 of them in the end and ofcourse the winner was some Russian who contributed a lot with Zombie Shooter keys and such. It kinda dissapointed me that i have to give a game to a jerk (considering that other 6 participants were with legit non-exploited giveaways) but i let him have it cause there wasnt much i could do.
/manly tear has been shed
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Here's the screenshot. No, it's not strange to have one, I'm using it in description when creating contributors only giveaways.
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Is not it a bit unfair and confusing? Then what's the point giving value to the account of the bundler? Why not just charge the necessary points to people who want to enter the giveaway (ex: '9p to enter this bundle') but to not add value to the account of the sender? marking it as a 1 giveaway sent but $0 value
I know that this is impossible to do for the giveaways that just send a single game of the bundle, but you guys could start with the bundles such as IndieGala and HIB
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I support what you are doing completely, but another idea might be to warn people that the game they are submitting has been found to have been in a giveaway and will only count for $0.01 contributor value.
That would seemingly be the best idea, as people who really want to give something away will, and those who only want to giveaway for contributor won't.
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cant you just ban them, everyone will catch on quick enough if the bans start to happen, some ppl only submit bundles to up the contrbution money, so there are fewer entries in the higher contributor giveaways and more chance to win off 1 dollar bundles
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Trouble is people will simply hold onto the keys until the restriction is lifted. Unless you mean permanently, but that might not work either.
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I saw plenty of humble bundles, indie gala, indie royale..
Not talking about "the ship" where the developer offered 2 + 2 extra copies for each copy purchased !
I think it is mostly unfair for those who play it "by the book" with bundles: one bundle is "worth" 4~6$, while individual games are usually worth > 50$.
The idea to change the value of "bundled games" to a few cents seems good..
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I have a question for you gentlemen. When these 'Bundlers' have served their suspension, does their bundle games get deducted from their total contribution. If it doesn't, it would be a bit unfair to others.
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No, when you have served your time your contribution stays that way
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Finarry!!!! I've been wraiting for someting rike dis. I can't wrait to shee it impremented! :>
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for the new people; what is a bundle giveaway and why is it bad?
I bought a 4pack to do my giveaways; was that bad?
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havent seen one of those yet.
kinda new to the whole pc gaming thing.
so I take it people would buy the 6 games for $1 and then gift them individually at their full steam retail price to get more contributor points?
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Bundlers can't read. They can't read FAQ, they can't read this.
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I read them... so I don't stand out as the community asshole on SteamGifts
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Hmm I have so many questions, I'm sure whatever is planned to be implemented will help fend off ppl exploiting but this WILL hurt legit ppl as well..guess we'll see
& so basically were not to buy anything from steam now that's ever been in a bundle? Myself and many others do get steam tradables and even flash them in chats and put up inventory pics too
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Thumbs up for improving the enormous workload all those bundle key giveaways are causing. Why can't people simply read the rules when joining this community!? Well, gonna wait and see what you're up to, but seems to be something with the points for bundle games...
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You should make a new section of sg where everyone can create giveaways for bundle games, but they won't get contribution value and everyone can enter them for free / for 1 point.
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They wouldn't be able to cheat the system anymore if a dedicated section existed and you can't compare posting keys in the forum with a giveaway.
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Are you absolutely sure about that? I mean, yeah, some do that, but most of these guys just plain don't read the rules and FAQ, and they try to give away what they have. Most of them don't even read the forum.
Just think about it, what exactly would be the reason to cheat this system? To get in some contributor giveaways, that only grant you better odds at winning stuff? It's not like being a contributor means you get free stuff for granted and those odds are not really all that better than the public giveaways. The only people who are cheating the system are doing this for that one stupid reason, and they are the ones who have massive (couple of hundred dollars of value) amount of bundle games given away.
That being said, in my opinion if you set all values for all these games to $0 (which seems to be the case), you only sort out those few, and the rest will happily give away their bundle keys because they either don't care about the contributor system or they don't know what it means. But then again, I hope I'll be proven wrong.
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"To get in some contributor giveaways, that only grant you better odds at winning stuff?"
That seems like a pretty good enough reason.
I've said it before and I will say it again: don't underestimate greed. When the contributor feature was introduced, bundle games spread like a plague badly. I guarantee you that if it weren't for contributor status, then we wouldn't see so many Ironclads, Making History's and Razors.
I agree that they should all be set to 0$. The ones that genuinely want to give out and nothing more, will not mind having their contributor status set back a few bucks.
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You have now earned my wrath!
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Why not doing this: Until the moment the game was released in a bundle, it will have one type of entry, named "Bastion". After its released on a bundle people can't create giveaways for "Bastion".... Only for "Bastion [m]", and [m] or something like that would be to signalize the game was in a bundle and you will receive only $1 contribution or less...
This way people who created before will still have same contribution, and people who create after the game was in a bundle will get less ;)
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^ This. Also people aren't honest enough to choose the entry that gives them the smaller contribution.
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Greetings community,
I want to discuss for a moment about bundle giveaways. You see, they've been a plague on SG. No one hates them more than Loko. I sometimes remove at least 50 a day for the last few weeks, but they just keep on submitting. People have been reporting them like crazy, which is great, but I usually end up with hundreds in my reported queue, which isn't so great. So, we fielded the community for what would be fair and thought about it long and hard. We've decided on a new way to handle bundles and I really hope majority of the community is satisfied with our response.
What we were worried about the most is hurting past "legitimate" giveaways, as we have no way of filtering if you submitted Bastion before the date it was thrown in a bundle. So, consider this a heads up and we apologize for the inconvenience in advance. Fortunately, Skyrim isn't in any of the bundles, so it should only affect the people that have massively submitted bundle titles. We also have been actively suspending bundle abusers (I call them bundlers) instead of seeking out and removing hundreds of giveaways.
The admin will update with something more official soon.
This has already been a really wicked summer and I hope everyone has been enjoying SteamGifts and the latest crazy deals.
-best regards
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